#' Create pathway gene-lists for all GTEx tissues
#' @description
#' genepath_ListR returns a data frame of genes for a given pathway in each tissue available in GTEx TPMs.
#' @details
#' This is a higher order function consisting of a run-through the creation of a gene-list for any given pathway
#' in KEGG. The function searches in the provided directory (genelistDir) for a file with the name in the format
#' <ENDPOINT>_<PATHWAY>_genelist.txt. If it finds one, it reads it in. If it does not find one it will create
#' one and then save it to the specified directory.
#' This defaults to create a gene-list for every tissue in GTEx (including a "Complete" gene-list which
#' incorporates every gene in the pathway with no filtering based on TPMs) for the chosen end-point + pathway
#' combination.
#' This function requires several inputs. It requires the GTEx TPM files (downloaded from https://storage.googleapis.com/gtex_analysis_v8/rna_seq_data/GTEx_Analysis_2017-06-05_v8_RNASeQCv1.1.9_gene_tpm.gct.gz),
#' and it requires a BioMart file (from https://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/ or using package biomaRt)
#' which includes the following columns: entrezgene_id, external_gene_name.
#' @param gene character or numeric (Entrez ID)
#' @param pathway character. KEGG pathway ID (path:hsa5200).
#' @param tissue character. Name of specific tissue for creating gene-list (must be as in GTEx TPMs file). Default is NULL which works for all tissues.
#' @param genelistDir directory. Directory to search for and save created data frames. Default is current working directory.
#' @param hsapien_mart data frame. Data frame of gene names including at least entrezgene_id, external_gene_name.
#' @param transcriptFile data frame. GTEx TPMs file read as data frame.
#' @param kgmlDir directory. Directory to search for and save KEGG KGML files. Default is current working directory.
#' @param delete_tmps logical. Optionally delete KGMLs after creating gene list.
#' @param cut_paths numeric. Cut-off for length of simple paths (default is -1 for all_smple_paths). Add threshold to reduce computing time.
#' @import data.table
#' @export
genepath_ListR = function(gene, pathway, tissue = NULL,
write = TRUE,
genelistDir = getwd(),
kgmlDir = getwd(),
delete_tmps = FALSE,
cut_paths = -1,
keep_routes = TRUE
) {
readmart = fread(hsapien_mart,
data.table = FALSE)
geneName = unique(readmart$external_gene_name[readmart$entrezgene_id %in% gene])
pathName = gsub("path:", "", pathway)
if (length(geneName) > 1){
warning(paste0("genepath_ListR WARN1: Multiple instances of gene name (", geneName, ") found in BiomaRt. Attempting to prune by HGNC symbol."))
cat(paste0("\n\nNames for gene found:\n\n"))
refinedMart = readmart[readmart$entrezgene_id %in% gene,]
refinedMart = refinedMart[!(refinedMart$hgnc_symbol == ""),]
geneName = unique(refinedMart$external_gene_name[refinedMart$entrezgene_id %in% gene])
if(length(geneName) == 1){
cat(paste0("\n\nGene name selected: ", geneName,"\n==========\n\n"))
} else{
stop(paste0("genepath_ListR Error1: Multiple instances of gene name found in BiomaRt. Unable to prune by HGNC. Please check: ", geneName, "\n-----\n\n"))
if (file.exists(paste0(genelistDir, geneName, "_", pathName, "_genelist.txt")) == FALSE){
### If no existing combination file is found, then it will create one:
heading(paste0("No existing gene list/s for pathway + gene combo (", pathName, " + ", geneName, "). Making you one now."))
### Obtain list of genes from KEGG for pathway
pathway_genes = kegg_geneglob(pathway, hsapien_mart)
### Obtain list of all simple pathways from KEGG pathway
all_simple_paths = smple_paths(pathway, gene,
hsapien_mart = readmart,
saveDir = kgmlDir,
delete_tmp = delete_tmps,
cut_paths = cut_paths,
keep_routes = keep_routes)
if (length(all_simple_paths) == 0){
heading("No simple paths to end-gene.")
all_smple_paths_genes = unique(unlist(all_simple_paths))
### Obtain genes specific to tissues within pathway
### Requires expression data (TPMs) from GTEx for each tissue
### tissue variable must be in GTEx format
### If variable is default null or "all" then run on all tissues
gtex_tpms = data.table::fread(transcriptFile,
data.table = FALSE)
### If a tissue was specified then only create data frame for that tissue
### However, do not save the file (only save overall combinations in a file)
if (is.null(tissue) || toupper(tissue) == "ALL"){
heading("All tissues specified, creating a list of all tissues + gene-lists.")
tissue_genes_list = get_tissuegenes(gtex_tpms, pathway_genes, all_simple_paths) ### tissue_genes_list outputs as a list of lists
if (length(tissue_genes_list) == 0){
heading("No genes-paths in any tissue. Only using Complete.")
tissue_genes_frame = data.frame(tissue = "Complete", gene = all_smple_paths_genes)
if (write == TRUE){
heading("Write called as true, saving as data frame.")
paste0(genelistDir, geneName, "_", pathName, "_genelist.txt"),
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else {
tissue_genes_frame = c()
### Loop to convert list into a data frame of two columns
for (ncomb in names(tissue_genes_list)){
tissue_genes_frame = rbind(tissue_genes_frame, cbind(ncomb, tissue_genes_list[[ncomb]]))
### Changes column names to tissue + gene (I.e. every gene + tissue combination)
colnames(tissue_genes_frame) = c("tissue", "gene")
### Add a set of genes for the complete pathway
comp_path_frame = data.frame(tissue = "Complete", gene = all_smple_paths_genes)
tissue_genes_frame = rbind(tissue_genes_frame, comp_path_frame)
### As this loop involves ALL combinations, it will save the data frame to a file
### EDIT: specifies directory
if (write == TRUE){
heading("Write called as true, saving as data frame.")
paste0(genelistDir, geneName, "_", pathName, "_genelist.txt"),
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else { ### If no file exists but a tissue is specified:
heading(paste0(tissue, " tissue specified, creating a gene list for it."))
### Creates tissue_gene list but only for specified tissue
tissue_genes_list = get_tissuegenes(gtex_tpms, pathway_genes, all_simple_paths, tissue)
if (length(tissue_genes_list) == 0){
heading("No genes in selected tissue.")
} else {
### Converts list into data frame
for (ncomb in names(tissue_genes_list)){
tissue_genes_frame = rbind(tissue_genes_frame, cbind(ncomb, tissue_genes_list[[ncomb]]))
### Changes column names to tissue + gene (I.e. every gene + tissue combination)
### Does NOT save
colnames(tissue_genes_frame) = c("tissue", "gene")
heading("Results not saved to disk.")
### If a file already exists for this particular pathway
} else if (file.exists(paste0(genelistDir, geneName, "_", pathName, "_genelist.txt")) == TRUE){
heading("Pathway + end-point gene list exists. Reading it now.")
### Instead of creating list - simply reads in data frame of combinations
all_tissue_genes = data.table::fread(paste0(genelistDir, geneName, "_", pathName, "_genelist.txt"),
data.table = FALSE)
### selects specific parts of the data frame based on whether a single tissue was specified
if (is.null(tissue) || toupper(tissue) == "ALL"){
heading("Creating gene lists for all tissues.")
tissue_genes_frame = all_tissue_genes
} else {
heading("Creating gene lists for selected tissue.")
tissue_genes_frame = all_tissue_genes[all_tissue_genes$tissue == tissue,]
### Making sure tissue_genes is in data.frame
if (!(exists("tissue_genes_frame"))){
heading("No possible gene lists for pathway + end-point combo.")
} else {
tissue_genes_frame = data.frame(tissue_genes_frame)
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