#' Get (KEGG) biological pathways from end point
#' @description
#' getpaths_frmEnds returns a list of (KEGG) pathways from an input gene end-point.
#' @details
#' This function requires the input of a single gene (in Entrez ID format) from this it will
#' search the KEGG database for any pathways which include the gene. This is done by converting the
#' Entrez ID into a KEGG human gene ID (E.g. 1234 becomes hsa:1234).
#' The pathways in which the gene is present are then filtered to only include those where the gene
#' is an "end-point" for the pathway: I.e. it has one or more inward-facing edges and no outward-facing
#' edges.
#' These pathways are those which are passed to return()
#' If no pathways are found or the gene is present in pathways but is not an end-point, the function
#' will inform the user and will return nothing.
#' @param gene character or numeric (Entrez ID)
#' @examples
#' ## Search for pathways in KEGG which have IL18 as an end-point.
#' getpaths_frmEnds(3606)
#' @import KEGGREST KEGGgraph KEGGlincs splitstackshape igraph
#' @export
getpaths_frmEnds = function(gene_entrez,
kgmlDir = getwd(),
saveKGML = TRUE){
cat(paste0("Obtaining pathways for: ", gene_entrez, ".\n"))
cat("It's only a wafer-thin mint, sir...\n\n")
geneKEGG = paste0("hsa:", gene_entrez)
if (length(gene_entrez) == 0) {
heading(paste0("Gene ", gene_entrez, " not present in KEGG: ", geneKEGG))
gene_name = unique(hsapien_mart$external_gene_name[hsapien_mart$entrezgene_id %in% gene_entrez])
if (length(gene_name) > 1){
warning("genepath_ListR WARN1: Multiple instances of gene name found in BiomaRt.")
pathfind = as.list(KEGGREST::keggLink("pathway", geneKEGG))
keeps = list()
if (length(pathfind) > 0){
for (endPI in 1:length(pathfind)){
pathway_check = pathfind[[endPI]]
cat(paste0("Lookup KEGG pathway for ", gene_entrez," + ", pathway_check, ".\n\n"))
pathway_check = gsub("path:", "", pathway_check)
path_save_file = paste0(kgmlDir, pathway_check, "_kegg_file.kgml")
tmp_fl = tempfile() ### Necessary for retrieveKGML
pathway_kgml = try(KEGGgraph::retrieveKGML(pathway_check, ### Search for given pathway
organism = "hsa", ### Organism
destfile = tmp_fl, ### This is necessary for some reason
method = "wget", ### Utilises wget method
quiet = TRUE))
if (file.exists(paste0(path_save_file))){
cat(paste0("KGML file for pathway exists here: ", path_save_file, "\n\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0("Downloading KGML file for pathway here: ", path_save_file, "\n\n"))
system(paste0("wget ", pathway_kgml, " -O ", path_save_file))
pathway_info = KEGGgraph::parseKGML2Graph(path_save_file, ### pathway kgml file
expandGenes = TRUE, ### expand paralogue nodes
genesOnly = FALSE) ### include connections to things which aren't genes
pathway_table = igraph::as_long_data_frame(igraph::igraph.from.graphNEL(pathway_info))
path_indegrees = nrow(pathway_table[pathway_table$to_name == geneKEGG,])
path_outdegrees = nrow(pathway_table[pathway_table$from_name == geneKEGG,])
if (!(path_outdegrees == 0)){
cat(paste0("Gene ", gene_entrez, " NOT end-point for pathway: ", pathway_check, "."))
} else {
cat(paste0("Gene ", gene_entrez, " end-point for pathway: ", pathway_check, ".\n"))
if (path_indegrees == 0){
cat(paste0("With ", path_indegrees, " in-edges. Not kept."))
} else if (path_indegrees > 0){
cat(paste0("With ", path_indegrees, " in-edges."))
cat("Looking up KEGGlincs.\n\n")
kgml_file = try(KEGGlincs::get_KGML(pathway_check))
if (!(class(kgml_file) == "KEGGPathway")){
warning(paste0("getpaths_frmEnds WARN2: No KEGGlincs download error for: ", pathway_check, " with end-point: ",gene_entrez))
if (all(is.na(kgml_file@nodes))){
warning(paste0("getpaths_frmEnds WARN1: No KEGGlincs KGML nodes or edges for pathway: ", pathway_check))
kgml_mappings = KEGGlincs::expand_KEGG_mappings(kgml_file, FALSE)
complex_frame = kgml_mappings[grepl(gene_entrez, kgml_mappings$entrySYMBOL),]
complex_status = any(grepl("Complex", complex_frame$LABEL))
if (complex_status == FALSE){
cat(paste0("Not a complex. VALID END POINT. Kept.\n\n============\n\n"))
keeps = c(keeps, pathway_check)
} else {
complex_genes = complex_frame$LABEL[grepl("Complex", complex_frame$LABEL)][[1]]
cat(paste0("End-point found as ", complex_genes, ". Confirming validity.\n\n"))
complex_genes = unlist(strsplit(gsub(" Complex", "", complex_genes), ":"))
complex_entrez_ids = unique(hsapien_mart$entrezgene_id[hsapien_mart$external_gene_name %in% complex_genes])
complex_check = c()
for (num_complex in 1:length(complex_entrez_ids)){
currKEGG = paste0("hsa:", complex_entrez_ids[num_complex])
path_outdegrees = nrow(pathway_table[pathway_table$from_name == currKEGG,])
if (path_outdegrees > 0){
complex_check = c(complex_check, TRUE)
} else {
complex_check = c(complex_check, FALSE)
if (any(complex_check)){
cat(paste0("Complex has external edges. NOT VALID END POINT.\n\n============\n\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0("Complex genes have no external edges. VALID END POINT. Kept\n\n============\n\n"))
keeps = c(keeps, pathway_check)
if (saveKGML == FALSE){
system(paste0("rm ", path_save_file))
keeps = unlist(keeps)
if (length(keeps) > 0){
keeps = data.frame(pathway = keeps)
row.names(keeps) = c()
heading("getpaths_frmEnds complete. List of pathways created.")
} else {
heading("getpaths_frmEnds complete.")
cat(paste0("Gene ", gene_entrez, " is not an end-point for any KEGG pathways."))
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