#' Get all simple paths from KEGG pathway
#' @description
#' smple_paths returns a list of all simple (one-route) pathways through a larger/more complex bioogical pathway to a chosen end point.
#' @details
#' This function takes a pathway (possibly defined by the getpaths_frmEnds function) from KEGG and then finds
#' all simple "routes" that lead towards a chosen end-point. Therefore it searches for every route through the pathway
#' and searches for every gene included in those routes that lead towards the end-point.
#' Therefore this outputs only the genes from the pathway which are associated with the end-point, and excludes genes which
#' theoretically have no influence over the end-point.
#' @param pathway character. KEGG pathway ID (e.g.: path:hsa05131).
#' @param gene_entrez character or numeric. Entrez gene ID.
#' @param keep_routes logical. Should the function output all simple pathways, or output a list of genes.
#' @param saveDir character. Directory for saving the KGML file downloaded from KEGG
#' @param delete_tmps logical. After running, delete the KGML downloaded or not.
#' @param hsapien_mart data frame. Data frame of gene names including at least entrezgene_id, external_gene_name.
#' @param cut_paths numeric. Cut-off for length of simple paths (default is -1 for all_smple_paths). Add threshold to reduce computing time.
#' @examples
#' ## Find all simple routes in pathway hsa05131 (Shigellosis) leading to end point 3606 (IL18).
#' ## Output only the genes involved in those routes (I.e. do not keep the routes themselves).
#' smple_paths(pathway = path:hsa05131, gene_entrez = 3606, keep_routes = FALSE)
#' @import KEGGgraph igraph
#' @export
smple_paths = function(pathway,
keep_routes = TRUE,
saveDir = "./",
delete_tmps = FALSE,
cut_paths = -1){
cat(paste0("Obtaining all simple paths list for: ", pathway, ".\n"))
cat("Come Sergei!\n\n")
path_check = pathway
geneKEGG = paste0("hsa:", gene_entrez)
geneNAME = unique(hsapien_mart$external_gene_name[hsapien_mart$entrezgene_id %in% gene_entrez])
path_save_name = gsub("path:", "", path_check)
path_save_file = paste0(saveDir, path_save_name, "_kegg_file.kgml")
tmp_fl = tempfile() ### Necessary for retrieveKGML
cat("Lookup KEGG.\n\n")
pathway_kgml = try(KEGGgraph::retrieveKGML(path_check, ### Search for given pathway
organism = "hsa", ### Organism
destfile = tmp_fl, ### This is necessary for some reason
method = "wget", ### Utilises wget method
quiet = TRUE))
if (file.exists(paste0(path_save_file))){
cat(paste0("KGML file for pathway exists here: ", path_save_file, "\n\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0("Downloading KGML file for pathway here: ", path_save_file, "\n\n"))
system(paste0("wget ", pathway_kgml, " -O ", saveDir, path_save_name, "_kegg_file.kgml"))
pathway_info = KEGGgraph::parseKGML2Graph(path_save_file, ### pathway kgml file
expandGenes = TRUE, ### expand paralogue nodes
genesOnly = FALSE) ### include connections to things which aren't genes
pathway_table = igraph::as_long_data_frame(igraph::igraph.from.graphNEL(pathway_info))
cat("Download and read successful.\n\n")
last_layer = pathway_table[pathway_table$to_name == geneKEGG,]
simplified_pathway_table = last_layer
connected_nodes = unique(last_layer$from_name)
gene_check = connected_nodes
repetitions = 0
repeat {
repetitions = repetitions + 1
workingNode = connected_nodes[repetitions]
new_layer = pathway_table[pathway_table$to_name == workingNode,]
simplified_pathway_table = unique(rbind(simplified_pathway_table, new_layer))
new_nodes = unique(new_layer$from_name)
connected_nodes = unique(c(connected_nodes, new_nodes))
if (length(connected_nodes) <= repetitions){
cat("Created pruned pathway gene-list.\n\n")
### Make simplified igraph object from simple table
### Convert names back to KEGG names
connected_nodes = c(connected_nodes, geneKEGG)
simplified_igraph = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(simplified_pathway_table,
directed = TRUE,
vertices = NULL)
vertice_match = unique(data.frame(node = c(simplified_pathway_table$from, simplified_pathway_table$to),
name = c(simplified_pathway_table$from_name, simplified_pathway_table$to_name)))
igraph::vertex_attr(simplified_igraph)$name = vertice_match$name[match(igraph::vertex_attr(simplified_igraph)$name, as.character(vertice_match$node))]
### Define "starting" genes by those which are never in the "to" column
start_genes = which(!(simplified_pathway_table$from %in% simplified_pathway_table$to))
if (length(start_genes) == 0){
warning("WARN smple_paths1: Pathway contains no 'starting' genes. Simplified pathway may be a loop.")
if (keep_routes == TRUE){
cat("Starting to extract simple paths.\n\n")
dir_paths = list() ### Empty list
### For every starter gene in pathway:
for (nstart in 1:length(start_genes)){
### Select start gene
nstart_gene = simplified_pathway_table$from_name[start_genes[nstart]]
### all_simple_paths function from igraph
### Finds/outputs all straight line connections from selected start gene
### To defined end point
smple_path_n = igraph::all_simple_paths(simplified_igraph,
to = which(igraph::vertex_attr(simplified_igraph)$name == geneKEGG), ### Select vertice of end point
cutoff = cut_paths)
### Creating list of all simple paths
if (length(smple_path_n) != 0){ ### If simple path does not exist from start point, skip back to start
dir_paths_part = list() ### Initialise part of list
for (nsmples in 1:length(smple_path_n)){
### For every item in the "part" list, split into individual IDs and make into a normal list
### Normal "part" list then added to overall list
curr_smple = igraph::as_ids(smple_path_n[[nsmples]])
dir_paths_part[[nsmples]] = curr_smple
### Combine into one list
dir_paths = unique(c(dir_paths, dir_paths_part))
dir_paths = unique(dir_paths)
} else {
dir_paths = unique(connected_nodes)
heading("smple_paths complete. All simple paths created. Simples.")
if (delete_tmps == TRUE){
cat("Deleting downloaded KGML file.\n\n")
system(paste0("rm ", path_save_file))
if (keep_routes == TRUE){
} else {
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