#' Barplot with ggplot2
#' Barplot with ggplot2
#' @param data.mn Matrix of numerics: values to be barplotted
#' @param row_levels.vc Vector of characters: levels of rownames (default: NA: alphabetical order will be used)
#' @param col_levels.vc Vector of characters: levels of colnames (default: NA: alphabetical order will be used)
#' @param title.c Character: plot title
#' @param xlab.c Character: x label
#' @param ylab.c Character: y label
#' @param palette.vc Character: either the name of an RColorBrewer palette
#' (default: 'Set1'; 'Paired' can be useful for parallel plotting) or a vector
#' manually defining the colors
#' @param cex_axis.i Integer: size of axis text (default: 18)
#' @param cex_bar.i Integer: size of bar value text (default: 10)
#' @param cex_title.i Integer: size of title text (default: 28)
#' @param bar_just.n Numeric: adjustment of bar value text (default : 0.9)
#' @param figure.c Character: either 'interactive' for interactive display,
#' 'my_barplot.pdf' for figure saving (only the extension matters), or 'none' to prevent plotting
#' @return invisible ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' prometis.mset <- phenomis::reading(system.file("extdata/prometis", package = "phenomis"))
#' dims.mn <- sapply(names(prometis.mset), function(set.c) { Biobase::dims(prometis.mset[[set.c]])})
#' dims.mn <- t(dims.mn)
#' colnames(dims.mn) <- c("Features", "Samples")
#' gg_barplot(dims.mn, title.c = "ProMetIS data")
#' prometis_dims.ls <- Biobase::dims(prometis.mset)
gg_barplot <- function(data.mn,
row_levels.vc = NA,
col_levels.vc = NA,
title.c = "",
xlab.c = "",
ylab.c = "",
palette.vc = "Set1",
cex_axis.i = 18,
cex_bar.i = 10,
cex_title.i = 28,
bar_just.n = 0.9,
figure.c = c("interactive",
"none")[1]) {
data.df <- as.data.frame(data.mn)
data.df[, "rownames"] <- rownames(data.df)
longer.tib <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data.df, colnames(data.df)[colnames(data.df) != "rownames"])
if (length(row_levels.vc) > 1)
longer.tib$rownames <- factor(longer.tib$rownames, levels = row_levels.vc)
if (length(col_levels.vc) > 1)
longer.tib$name <- factor(longer.tib$name, levels = col_levels.vc)
p <- .gg_barplot(longer.tib,
x.c = "rownames",
y.c = "value",
color.c = "name",
title.c = title.c,
xlab.c = xlab.c,
ylab.c = ylab.c,
palette.vc = palette.vc,
geom_text.ls = list(axis.i = cex_axis.i, bar.i = cex_bar.i,
bar_just.n = bar_just.n, title.i = cex_title.i),
figure.c = figure.c)
.gg_barplot <- function(data.tb,
x.c = "",
y.c = "",
color.c = "",
title.c = "",
xlab.c = "",
ylab.c = "",
palette.vc = "Set1",
legend_position.c = c("none", "top")[2],
geom_text.ls = list(axis.i = 18, bar.i = 10,
bar_just.n = 1.5, title.i = 28),
flip.l = TRUE,
position_dodge.l = TRUE,
figure.c = c("interactive",
"none")[1]) {
# http://www.sthda.com/french/wiki/ggplot2-barplots-guide-de-demarrage-rapide-logiciel-r-et-visualisation-de-donnees
if (!tibble::is_tibble(data.tb))
data.tb <- tibble::as_tibble(data.tb)
geom_text_default.vn <- c(axis.i = 18, bar.i = 10,
bar_just.n = 1.5, title.i = 28)
for (geom_text.c in names(geom_text_default.vn)) {
if (!(geom_text.c %in% names(geom_text.ls)))
geom_text.ls[[geom_text.c]] <- geom_text_default.vn[geom_text.c]
filename_ext.c <- utils::tail(unlist(strsplit(basename(figure.c),
".", fixed = TRUE)), 1)
if (!is.factor(data.tb[[x.c]]))
data.tb[[x.c]] <- factor(data.tb[[x.c]], levels = unique(data.tb[[x.c]]))
if (color.c != "" && !is.factor(data.tb[[color.c]]))
data.tb[[color.c]] <- factor(data.tb[[color.c]],
levels = unique(data.tb[[color.c]]))
if (flip.l) {
data.tb[[x.c]] <- factor(data.tb[[x.c]],
levels = rev(levels(data.tb[[x.c]])))
if (color.c != "")
data.tb[[color.c]] <- factor(data.tb[[color.c]],
levels = rev(levels(data.tb[[color.c]])))
aes.c <- paste0("ggplot2::ggplot(data.tb, ggplot2::aes(x = ",
x.c, ", y = ", y.c, ", fill = ", color.c, "))")
p <- eval(parse(text = aes.c))
# color palette
if (length(palette.vc) == 1 &&
palette.vc %in% rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)) {
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette.vc)
} else
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = palette.vc)
# parallel bars in case of paired statistics
if (position_dodge.l) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity",
position = ggplot2::position_dodge())
} else
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity")
# numbers super-imposed on the bars
p <- p +
eval(parse(text = paste0("ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = ",
"), ",
ifelse(flip.l, "h", "v"),
"just = ", geom_text.ls[['bar_just.n']], ", fontface = 'bold',
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(0.9),
size = ", geom_text.ls[['bar.i']], ")")))
p <- p +
ggplot2::labs(title = title.c, x = xlab.c, y = ylab.c) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = legend_position.c,
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = geom_text.ls[['axis.i']],
face = "bold"),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = geom_text.ls[['axis.i']],
face = "bold"),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = geom_text.ls[['title.i']],
face = "bold"))
if (flip.l) {
p <- p + ggplot2::coord_flip()
if (color.c != "")
p <- p + ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
if (filename_ext.c != "none") {
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
#' Boxplot with ggplot2
#' Boxplot with ggplot2
#' @param data.tb Data frame (or tibble) containing the information
#' @param x.c Character: name of the column with qualitative levels
#' @param y.c Character: name of the column with quantitative values
#' @param color.c Character: optional name of the column for color information
#' @param title.c Character: plot title
#' @param xlab.c Character: x label
#' @param ylab.c Character: y label
#' @param label.vc Character (vector): either the name of a character column
#' from the data or a character vector of the same length as the rown number of
#' the data, containing the feature labeling for outlier display
#' @param palette.vc Character: either the name of an RColorBrewer palette
#' (default: 'Set1'; 'Paired' can be useful for parallel plotting) or a vector
#' manually defining the colors
#' @param size.ls List of sizes for dots (default is 0.7), labels (default is 16),
#' ticks (14) and title (20)
#' @param figure.c Character: either 'interactive' for interactive display or
#' 'my_barplot.pdf' for figure saving (only the extension matters)
#' @return character vector of outlier labels (same dimension as the number of rows from data.tb)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::reading(system.file("extdata/W4M00001_Sacurine-statistics", package = "phenomis"))
#' sacurine_pda.df <- Biobase::pData(sacurine.eset)
#' sacurine_pda.df <- sacurine_pda.df[!grepl("QC", rownames(sacurine_pda.df)), ]
#' phenomis::gg_boxplot(sacurine_pda.df, y.c = "age")
#' phenomis::gg_boxplot(sacurine_pda.df, x.c = "gender", y.c = "bmi", color.c = "gender")
#' phenomis::gg_boxplot(sacurine_pda.df, x.c = "gender", y.c = "bmi", color.c = "gender", label.vc = rownames(sacurine_pda.df))
gg_boxplot <- function(data.tb,
x.c = "",
y.c = "",
color.c = "",
title.c = NA,
xlab.c = NA,
ylab.c = "",
label.vc = "",
palette.vc = "Set1",
size.ls = list(dot.n = 0.7,
lab.i = 20,
tick.i = 20,
title.i = 20),
figure.c = c("interactive",
"my_boxplot.pdf")[1]) {
# http://www.sthda.com/french/wiki/ggplot2-box-plot-guide-de-demarrage-rapide-logiciel-r-et-visualisation-de-donnees
size_default.vi <- c(class.i = 5, dot.n = 0.7, lab.i = 16, point.i = 3,
tick.i = 14, title.i = 20)
for (size.c in names(size_default.vi)) {
if (!(size.c %in% names(size.ls)))
size.ls[[size.c]] <- size_default.vi[size.c]
filename_ext.c <- utils::tail(unlist(strsplit(basename(figure.c), ".", fixed = TRUE)), 1)
if (is.na(xlab.c))
xlab.c <- ifelse(x.c == "", y.c, "")
if (is.na(title.c))
title.c <- ifelse(x.c == "", "", y.c)
# labels (for outliers)
if (length(label.vc) == 1) {
if (label.vc != "") {
stopifnot(label.vc %in% colnames(data.tb))
label.vc <- as.character(data.tb[[label.vc]])
} else
label.vc <- as.character(data.tb[[y.c]])
} else {
stopifnot(length(label.vc) == nrow(data.tb))
# color palette
if (color.c != "")
aes.c <- paste0("ggplot2::ggplot(data.tb, ggplot2::aes(x = ",
ifelse(x.c == "", "''", x.c), ", y = ", y.c, ", color = ", color.c, "))")
aes.c <- paste0("ggplot2::ggplot(data.tb, ggplot2::aes(x = ",
ifelse(x.c == "", "''", x.c), ", y = ", y.c, "))")
p <- eval(parse(text = aes.c))
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(lwd = 2)
is_outlier <- function(values.vn, index.vc) {
out.vl <- values.vn < quantile(values.vn, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE) - 1.5 * IQR(values.vn, na.rm = TRUE) |
values.vn > quantile(values.vn, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE) + 1.5 * IQR(values.vn, na.rm = TRUE)
out.vi <- as.numeric(index.vc[out.vl])
if (x.c == "") {
outlier.vi <- is_outlier(data.tb[[y.c]], as.character(1:nrow(data.tb)))
} else {
outlier.vi <- integer()
x.vc <- as.character(data.tb[[x.c]])
x.vuc <- unique(x.vc)
for (x.uc in x.vuc) {
index.vi <- which(x.vc == x.uc)
outlier.vi <- c(outlier.vi, is_outlier(data.tb[[y.c]][index.vi], as.character(index.vi)))
outlier.vc <- character(nrow(data.tb))
outlier.vc[outlier.vi] <- label.vc[outlier.vi]
p <- p + eval(parse(text = paste0("ggrepel::geom_text_repel(ggplot2::aes(x = ",
ifelse(x.c == "", "''", x.c), ", y = ", y.c, ", label = outlier.vc))")))
if (length(palette.vc) == 1 &&
palette.vc %in% rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info))
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette = palette.vc)
else {
if (is.factor(data.tb[[color.c]]))
names(palette.vc) <- levels(data.tb[[color.c]])
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = palette.vc)
p <- p +
ggplot2::labs(title = title.c,
x = xlab.c, y = ylab.c) +
ggplot2::geom_dotplot(binaxis = "y", stackdir = "center",
dotsize = size.ls[["dot.n"]]) +
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["title.i"]], face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["lab.i"]], face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["lab.i"]], face = "bold"),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["tick.i"]]),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "none")
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
#' Pie with ggplot2
#' Pie with ggplot2
#' @param data.tb Tibble (or data frame) containing the information
#' @param y.c Character: name of the column with the factor to be displayed; alternatively,
#' name of the column with the counts (in this case set the name of the column with
#' the names of the factor levels with the 'color.c' argument)
#' @param color.c Character: optional name of the column with the names of the factor levels
#' @param title.c Character: plot title
#' @param palette.vc Character: either the name of an RColorBrewer palette
#' (default: 'Set1'; 'Paired' can be useful for parallel plotting) or a vector
#' manually defining the colors
#' @param label.c Character: (relative) counts to be displayed on the pie; either
#' 'none' (default), 'value' or 'percent'
#' @param geom_text.ls List of sizes for lab.i (default 7), legend_title.i (16),
#' legend_text.i (14), and title.i (16)
#' @param figure.c Character: either 'interactive' for interactive display,
#' 'my_pie.pdf' for figure saving (only the extension matters), or 'none' to prevent plotting
#' @return invisible ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::reading(system.file("extdata/W4M00001_Sacurine-statistics", package = "phenomis"))
#' sacurine_pda.df <- Biobase::pData(sacurine.eset)
#' sacurine_pda.df <- sacurine_pda.df[!grepl("QC", rownames(sacurine_pda.df)), ]
#' gg_pie(sacurine_pda.df, y.c = "gender", label.c = "value")
gg_pie <- function(data.tb,
y.c = "",
color.c = "",
title.c = "",
palette.vc = "Set1",
label.c = c("none", "value", "percent")[1],
geom_text.ls = list(lab.i = 7, legend_title.i = 16, legend_text.i = 14, title.i = 16),
figure.c = c("interactive",
"none")[1]) {
if (!tibble::is_tibble(data.tb))
data.tb <- tibble::as_tibble(data.tb)
geom_text_default.vn <- c(lab.i = 7, legend_title.i = 16, legend_text.i = 14, title.i = 16)
for (geom_text.c in names(geom_text_default.vn)) {
if (!(geom_text.c %in% names(geom_text.ls)))
geom_text.ls[[geom_text.c]] <- geom_text_default.vn[geom_text.c]
filename_ext.c <- utils::tail(unlist(strsplit(basename(figure.c),
".", fixed = TRUE)), 1)
if (color.c == "") {
if (y.c == "")
stop("When color.c is '', y.c must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
y.fc <- data.tb[[y.c]]
if (!is.factor(y.fc)) {
if (is.character(y.fc)) {
y.fc <- factor(y.fc)
} else
stop("When color.c is '', the y.c column of data.frame must be a factor or character vector.",
call. = FALSE)
data.tb <- eval(parse(text = paste0("dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(data.tb, ",
y.c, "), n = dplyr::n())")))
color.c <- y.c
y.c <- "n"
aes.c <- paste0("ggplot2::ggplot(data.tb, ggplot2::aes(x = '', y = ", y.c, ", fill = ", color.c, "))")
p <- eval(parse(text = aes.c)) + ggplot2::geom_bar(width = 1, stat = "identity")
# color palette
if (length(palette.vc) == 1 &&
palette.vc %in% rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)) {
palette_col.i <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[palette.vc, "maxcolors"]
if (y.c == "") {
data_col.i <- nlevels(data.tb[[color.c]])
} else
data_col.i <- nrow(data.tb)
if (data_col.i <= palette_col.i) {
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette.vc)
} else {
fill_values.vc <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(palette_col.i, palette.vc))(data_col.i)
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = fill_values.vc)
} else
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = palette.vc)
p <- p + ggplot2::coord_polar("y", start = 0, direction = -1) +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = geom_text.ls[["title.i"]], face = "bold"),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = geom_text.ls[["legend_title.i"]]),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = geom_text.ls[["legend_text.i"]])
) +
ggplot2::labs(title = title.c)
if (label.c != "none") {
if (label.c == "value") {
p <- p + eval(parse(text = paste0("ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = ",
y.c, "), position = ggplot2::position_stack(0.5), size = ",
geom_text.ls[["lab.i"]], ")")))
# p <- p + eval(parse(text = paste0("ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(y = ",
# y.c, "/3 + c(0, cumsum(",
# y.c, ")[-length(", y.c, ")]), label = ",
# y.c, "), position = ggplot2::position_stack(0.5), size = ",
# geom_text.ls[["lab.i"]], ")")))
} else if (label.c == "percent") {
p <- p + eval(parse(text = paste0("ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = scales::percent(",
y.c, "/100)), position = ggplot2::position_stack(0.5)size = ",
geom_text.ls[["lab.i"]], ")")))
} else
stop("'label.c' must be either 'none', 'value', or 'percent'", call. = FALSE)
if (filename_ext.c != "none") {
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
#' Volcano plot with ggplot2
#' Volcano plot with ggplot2
#' @param fold_change.vn Numeric vector: fold changes
#' @param adjusted_pvalue.vn Numeric vector: (adjusted) p-values
#' @param adjust_method.c Character: method for multiple testing correction
#' @param adjust_thresh.n Numeric: significance threshold
#' @param label.vc Character (vector): either the name of a character column
#' from the data or a character vector of the same length as the row number of
#' the data, containing the feature labeling
#' @param title.c Character: plot title
#' @param xlab.c Character: x label (default: "Fold Change")
#' @param signif_palette.vc Character vector: color palette (default 'green4' for
#' significant features and 'gray' otherwise
#' @param signif_shape.vi Integer vector: shapes for significant (respectively,
#' non significant) features; default is 16 (respectively, 1)
#' @param class_name.vc Character vector: names of the two compared class labels
#' @param class_color.vc Character vector: colors of the two compared class labels
#' @param size.ls List of sizes for classes (default: 5), xy labels (default: 16),
#' points (default: 3), ticks (default: 14) and title (default: 20)
#' @param figure.c Character: either 'interactive' (respectively,
#' 'interactive_plotly') for interactive display with ggplot2 (respectively,
#' with plotly::ggplotly [default]), or 'my_volcanoplot.pdf' (respectively
#' 'my_volcanoplot.html') for figure saving (only the extension matters) with
#' ggplot2 (respectively, with plotly::ggplotly)
#' @return invisible ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::reading(system.file("extdata/W4M00001_Sacurine-statistics", package = "phenomis"))
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::correcting(sacurine.eset, figure.c = "none")
#' sacurine.eset <- sacurine.eset[, Biobase::pData(sacurine.eset)[, "sampleType"] != "pool"]
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::transforming(sacurine.eset)
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::hypotesting(sacurine.eset, test.c = "wilcoxon",
#' factor_names.vc = "gender",
#' figure.c = "none", report.c = "none")
#' fold.vn <- Biobase::fData(sacurine.eset)[, "wilcoxon_gender_Female.Male_diff"]
#' fdr.vn <- Biobase::fData(sacurine.eset)[, "wilcoxon_gender_Female.Male_BH"]
#' feat.vc <- Biobase::featureNames(sacurine.eset)
#' phenomis::gg_volcanoplot(fold.vn,
#' fdr.vn,
#' label.vc = feat.vc,
#' adjust_method.c = "BH")
#' feat_signif.vc <- sapply(seq_along(feat.vc),
#' function(feat.i)
#' ifelse(fdr.vn[feat.i] <= 0.05, feat.vc[feat.i], ""))
#' phenomis::gg_volcanoplot(fold.vn,
#' fdr.vn,
#' label.vc = feat_signif.vc,
#' adjust_method.c = "BH",
#' figure.c = "interactive")
gg_volcanoplot <- function(fold_change.vn,
adjust_method.c = "",
adjust_thresh.n = 0.05,
label.vc = "",
title.c = "",
xlab.c = "Fold Change",
signif_palette.vc = c(yes = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greens")[8],
no = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Greys")[7]),
signif_shape.vi = c(yes = 16,
no = 1),
class_name.vc = "",
class_color.vc = "",
size.ls = list(class.i = 5,
lab.i = 16,
point.i = 3,
tick.i = 14,
title.i = 20),
figure.c = c("interactive",
"my_volcanoplot.html")[2]) {
size_default.vi <- c(class.i = 5, lab.i = 16, point.i = 3, tick.i = 14,
title.i = 20)
for (size.c in names(size_default.vi)) {
if (!(size.c %in% names(size.ls)))
size.ls[[size.c]] <- size_default.vi[size.c]
filename_ext.c <- utils::tail(unlist(strsplit(basename(figure.c), ".", fixed = TRUE)), 1)
stopifnot(identical(length(fold_change.vn), length(adjusted_pvalue.vn)))
volcano.df <- data.frame(fold_change = fold_change.vn,
log_pval = -log10(adjusted_pvalue.vn))
if (length(label.vc) == 1) {
if (label.vc != "") {
stopifnot(label.vc %in% colnames(volcano.df))
label.vc <- as.character(volcano.df[[label.vc]])
} else
label.vc <- rep("", nrow(volcano.df))
} else {
stopifnot(length(label.vc) == nrow(volcano.df))
stopifnot(length(signif_palette.vc) == 2)
stopifnot(length(signif_shape.vi) == 2)
volcano.df[, "shape"] <- volcano.df[, "color"] <- ifelse(adjusted_pvalue.vn <= adjust_thresh.n,
"yes", "no")
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(volcano.df,
ggplot2::aes(x = fold_change,
y = log_pval,
color = color,
shape = shape,
text = label.vc))
if (figure.c == "interactive" || filename_ext.c == "pdf")
p <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(ggplot2::aes(x = fold_change,
y = log_pval,
label = label.vc))
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = signif_palette.vc)
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = signif_shape.vi)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept = -log10(adjust_thresh.n))) +
ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept = 0)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = size.ls[["point.i"]])
# title and axis labels
p <- p + ggplot2::labs(title = title.c,
x = xlab.c,
y = paste0("-log10(", ifelse(adjust_method.c != "",
adjust_method.c, "p-value"), ")")) +
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["title.i"]], face = "bold"),
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["lab.i"]], face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["lab.i"]], face = "bold"),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = size.ls[["tick.i"]]),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "none")
if (length(class_name.vc) == 2) {
if (length(class_color.vc) == 1 || any(class_color.vc == ""))
class_color.vc <- rep("black", 2)
p <- p + ggplot2::annotate(geom = "text",
x = 0.95 * min(volcano.df[, "fold_change"], na.rm = TRUE),
y = 0,
label = class_name.vc[1],
color = class_color.vc[1],
size = size.ls[["class.i"]]) +
ggplot2::annotate(geom = "text",
x = 0.95 * max(volcano.df[, "fold_change"], na.rm = TRUE),
y = 0,
label = class_name.vc[2],
color = class_color.vc[2],
size = size.ls[["class.i"]])
if (figure.c == "interactive_plotly" || filename_ext.c == "html") {
p <- plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")
p <- plotly::layout(p, hoverlabel = list(font = list(size = 20)))
if (filename_ext.c == "html") {
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(plotly::as_widget(p), figure.c)
} else {
} else {
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
if (filename_ext.c == "pdf")
#' Venn diagram with VennDiagram
#' Venn diagram with VennDiagram
#' @param input.ls Named list of vectors to be compared
#' @param palette.vc Character vector: Color palette
#' @param title.c Character: Plot title
#' @param sub.c Character: Plot subtitle
#' @param cat_pos.vi Integer vector giving the position (in degrees) of each
#' category name along the circle, with 0 at 12 o'clock; if NA, (-50, 50),
#' (-40, 40, 180), (-15, 15, 0, 0), and (0, 287.5, 215, 145, 70) values are used
#' @param label_col.c Character: Label color
#' @param lwd.i Integer: Width of the circle's circumference
#' @param inverted.l Logical: Should the Venn diagram be flipped along its
#' vertical axis (pairwise venn only)
#' @param figure.c Character: Filename for image output (with either .tiff, .png,
#' or .svg extensions); if 'none' (default) the grid object is displayed interactively
#' @return invisible grid object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::reading(system.file("extdata/W4M00001_Sacurine-statistics", package = "phenomis"))
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::correcting(sacurine.eset, figure.c = 'none')
#' sacurine.eset <- sacurine.eset[, Biobase::pData(sacurine.eset)[, "sampleType"] != "pool"]
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::transforming(sacurine.eset)
#' sacurine.eset <- sacurine.eset[, Biobase::sampleNames(sacurine.eset) != "HU_neg_096_b2"]
#' # Student's T test
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::hypotesting(sacurine.eset, "ttest", "gender")
#' # Wilcoxon T test
#' sacurine.eset <- phenomis::hypotesting(sacurine.eset, "wilcoxon", "gender")
#' signif.ls <- list(ttest = which(Biobase::fData(sacurine.eset)[, "ttest_gender_Female.Male_signif"] > 0),
#' wilcoxon = which(Biobase::fData(sacurine.eset)[, "wilcoxon_gender_Female.Male_signif"] > 0))
#' vennplot(signif.ls, label_col.c = "black", title.c = "Signif. features\nwith Student or Wilcoxon tests")
vennplot <- function(input.ls,
palette.vc = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[1:5],
title.c = NA,
sub.c = "",
cat_pos.vi = NA,
label_col.c = "black",
lwd.i = 2,
inverted.l = FALSE,
figure.c = "none") {
if (is.na(title.c))
title.c <- gsub("MN", "",
gsub("Ls", "",
if (class(input.ls) != "list")
stop("'input.ls' must be a list for Venn plot", call. = FALSE)
if (length(input.ls) > 5)
stop("'input.ls' list must be of maximum length 5 for Venn plot", call. = FALSE)
cat.i <- length(input.ls)
if (length(palette.vc) < cat.i)
stop("'palette.vc' must contain at least 'length(input.ls)' colors", call. = FALSE)
if (figure.c == "none") {
filename.c <- NULL
} else {
filename.c <- figure.c
ext.c <- tail(unlist(strsplit(basename(filename.c), ".", fixed = TRUE)), 1)
if (!(ext.c %in% c("tiff", "png", "svg")))
stop("Filename extension must be either 'tiff', 'png', or 'svg'",
call. = FALSE)
name = "VennDiagramLogger")
if (any(is.na(cat_pos.vi)))
if (cat.i == 2) {
cat_pos.vi <- c(-40, 40)
# cat_pos.vi <- c(-50, 50)
} else if (cat.i == 3) {
cat_pos.vi <- c(-40, 40, 180)
} else if (cat.i == 4) {
cat_pos.vi <- c(-15, 15, 0, 0)
if (inverted.l) {
if (cat.i != 2)
stop("'inverted.l' option is only available for pairwise venn",
call. = FALSE)
cat_pos.vi <- -cat_pos.vi
if (cat.i <= 3) {
ven <- VennDiagram::venn.diagram(x = input.ls,
alpha = 0.8,
col = palette.vc[1:cat.i],
cat.cex = 1.7, ## 2.5
cat.col = palette.vc[1:cat.i],
## additional argument for cat.i <= 3
cat.dist = c(rep(ifelse(cat.i == 2,
0.03, 0.05), 2),
ifelse(cat.i == 3, 0.04, 0.05),
rep(0.04, 2))[1:cat.i],
cat.pos = cat_pos.vi,
cex = 1.7, ## 3
fill = palette.vc[1:cat.i],
label.col = label_col.c,
lwd = lwd.i, ## 4
main = title.c,
main.cex = 1.7,
main.pos = c(0.5, 1.05),
margin = 0.01,
filename = filename.c,
cat.fontfamily = "sans",
cat.fontface = "bold",
fontfamily = "sans",
fontface = "bold",
main.fontfamily = "sans",
main.fontface = "bold",
sub = sub.c,
sub.cex = 1,
sub.fontfamily = "sans",
sub.pos = c(0.5, 1.0),
inverted = inverted.l)
} else {
ven <- VennDiagram::venn.diagram(x = input.ls,
alpha = 0.8,
col = palette.vc[1:cat.i],
cat.cex = 1.7, ## 2.5
cat.col = palette.vc[1:cat.i],
cex = 1.7, ## 3
fill = palette.vc[1:cat.i],
label.col = label_col.c,
lwd = lwd.i, ## 4
main = title.c,
main.cex = 1.7,
main.pos = c(0.5, 1.05),
margin = 0.01,
filename = filename.c,
cat.fontfamily = "sans",
cat.fontface = "bold",
fontfamily = "sans",
fontface = "bold",
main.fontfamily = "sans",
main.fontface = "bold",
sub = sub.c,
sub.cex = 1,
sub.fontfamily = "sans",
sub.pos = c(0.5, 1.0))
if (is.null(filename.c)) {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.