
Defines functions .identi_check search_code

Documented in search_code

#' Phenomics data analysis and integration
#' Package description
#' @name phenomis-package
#' @aliases phenomis phenomis-package
#' @docType package
#' @author E. A. Thevenot (CEA, LIST, MetaboHUB)
#' Maintainer: Etienne Thevenot <etienne.thevenot@@cea.fr>
#' @keywords package
#' @examples
#' # See the package vignette

#' Searching patterns in code
#' This function is useful for code inspection, development, and debugging
#' @param pattern.c Character: pattern to be searched in the files
#' @param dir.c Character: parent directory of the files
#' @param fixed.l Logical: should the pattern be searched 'as is'
#' @param filename_pattern.c Character: optional filter of file names to be searched
#' @return nothing is returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' phenomis::search_code("aes", filename_pattern.c = ".R")
#' }
search_code <- function(pattern.c,
                        dir.c = getwd(),
                        fixed.l = TRUE,
                        filename_pattern.c = NULL) {
  warn_option.n <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  if (is.na(file.info(dir.c)[["isdir"]]))
    stop(dir.c, " is not a readable directory")
  file.vc <- list.files(dir.c,
                        full.names = TRUE,
                        pattern = filename_pattern.c,
                        recursive = TRUE)
  found.l <- FALSE
  for (file.c in file.vc) {
    lines.vc <- readLines(file.c)
    pattern.vi <- grep(pattern.c,
                       x = lines.vc,
                       fixed = fixed.l)
    if (length(pattern.vi) > 0) {
      message("\nPattern found in '",
              gsub(dir.c, "", file.c, fixed = TRUE),
              "' in the following lines:")
        for (pattern.i in pattern.vi)
          message("line ", pattern.i, ": ", lines.vc[pattern.i])
      found.l <- TRUE
  if (!found.l) {
    message("The pattern was not found in any of the searched files:")
    message(paste(file.vc, collapse = "\n"))
  options(warn = warn_option.n)

.identi_check <- function(x, y) {
  colors.vc <- c("TRUE" = 32, "FALSE" = 31)
  .check <- function(test.c) {
    test_result.c <- as.character(eval(parse(text = test.c)))
               test.c, ": ", test_result.c,
  .check("identical(x, y)")
  .check("identical(unname(x), unname(y))")
  .check("identical(length(x), length(y))")
  .check("identical(class(x), class(y))")
  .check("identical(mode(x), mode(y))")
  .check("identical(sort(x), sort(y))")
  bind.m <- cbind(sort(x), sort(y))
  ident.vl <- apply(bind.m, 1,
                    function(bind.v) {
                      identical(unname(bind.v[1]), unname(bind.v[2]))
  diff.vi <- union(which(is.na(ident.vl)), which(!ident.vl))
    print(bind.m[diff.vi, , drop = FALSE])
SciDoPhenIA/phenomis documentation built on June 9, 2022, 11:54 p.m.