#' Insert a GitHub (Classroom) assignment or challenge in the document
#' Insert a block of class `assign`, `assign2`, `challenge` or `challenge2` with
#' data related to a GitHub (Classroom) assignment.
#' @param name The name of the assignment or the challenge (usually the same as
#' the name as the GitHub Classroom assignment).
#' @param url The URL of the assignment or challenge (could be a named list for
#' different courses).
#' @param alturl An alternate URL to propose to external users not registered in
#' a course. If not provided, it is the same as `url=`.
#' @param course.ids Named vector with the Classroom identifiers for the
#' assignments for each course and also possibly, for each group.
#' @param course.urls Named vector with the Classroom URLS for each course, and
#' also possibly for groups.
#' Names are the course identifiers in Moodle, or the groups defined for the
#' users. If `NULL`, no course-specific sections are added.
#' @param course.starts Named vector (same logic as for `course.urls=`) with
#' starting dates (characters like "YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS"). A corresponding entry
#' in `course.urls=` is required, or the dates will be ignored.
#' @param course.ends Named vector (same logic as for `course.urls=`) with
#' ending dates (characters like "YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS"). A corresponding entry
#' in `course.urls=` is required, or the dates will be ignored.
#' @param part If the assignment presents several parts in the `README.md` file
#' (because the same assignment is used at different places), indicate the part
#' here. Otherwise, leave the default value `NULL` if there are no parts.
#' @param course.names A named character vector with the name of the course.
#' Names used must be the same as for `course.urls`, but there may be more here,
#' and not necessarily in the same order.
#' @param toc The exercise table of content (ex-toc) label. If `toc = ""`
#' (default), a generic label is calculated using `toc.def` from `texts`. To not
#' display the exercise in the table of content, use `toc = NULL`.
#' @param clone Should the exercise be listed for cloning the repositories
#' (`TRUE` by default)? If `TRUE`, an entry is added in the list of assignments
#' whose repositories should be cloned.
#' @param level The difficulty level (1 = easiest, 2 = more difficult, ...)
#' @param n The number of students per project (by default, n = 1 for individual
#' assignments and 2 for group assignments).
#' @param type The type of exercise. By default, it is `"ind. github"` or
#' `"ind. challenge"` if n = 1, or `"group github"`/`"group challenge"`
#' otherwise.
#' @param acad_year The academic year (e.g., 2021-2022).
#' @param term The term (e.g., Q1, Q2, Q3).
#' @param texts Various sentences used to construct the assignment bloc. You
#' can make a call to `assignment_en()` or `assignment_fr()` as a basis
#' and modify only the sentences you want.
#' @param assign.img The relative path to the image to use before the label in
#' the ex-toc.
#' @param assign.link The link to the assignment help page (when the user clicks on
#' the image in the ex-toc).
#' @param block The class of the div, or the LaTeX environment to use for the
#' assignment block.
#' @param template The template file to use for the URL redirection page
#' (currently only assignment_en.html or assignment_fr.html).
#' @param baseurl The base URL for the web site.
#' @param title The title of the block.
#' @param part.name The word to use for "part".
#' @param alt The text to display for alternate access to the repository (for
#' non-registered users). Use a string following the [glue()] syntax to replace
#' variables.
#' @param sub The text that appears at the bottom of the assignment block.
#' @param course The text for items corresponding to courses.
#' @param toc.def The default ex-toc label (using [glue()] syntax).
#' @return Markdown code that generates the GitHub Classroom assignment block.
#' It is most conveniently used inside an R chunk in your R Markdown document.
#' If you do not want to break your code chunks inside RStudio, you may use
#' something like `if (exists("assignment")) assignment(...)`.
#' @export
#' @details
#' If the URL contains several entries, names are used to create show/hide divs
#' according to the `icourse` user information.
assignment <- function(name, url, alturl = url, course.ids = NULL,
course.urls = NULL, course.starts = NULL, course.ends = NULL, part = NULL,
course.names = c(course1 = "Data Science"), toc = "", clone = TRUE, level = 3,
n = 1, type = if (n == 1) "ind. github" else "group github",
acad_year = "", term = "",
texts = assignment_en(), assign.img = "images/list-assign.png",
assign.link = "github_assignment", block = "assign",
template = "assignment_en.html", baseurl = "/") {
# Make sure n is a valid number
n <- as.integer(n[1])
if (!length(n) || n < 1)
n <- 1
# Manage parts
if (is.null(part)) {
anchor <- name
part2 <- NA
part <- ""
} else {
# Anchor is a combination of name and part to separate different parts
anchor <- paste0(name, part)
part2 <- part
part <- paste(",", texts$part.name, part)
# Create an HTML page that redirects the URLs given the context
# (logged user at the right course, and in the right time range)
# Also populate a CSV table with data about the assignment
output_dir <- .get_output_dir()
ex_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "ex")
dir.create(ex_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
file_basename <- paste0("assignment_", URLencode(anchor, reserved = TRUE))
file_url <- paste0("ex/", file_basename, ".html")
file_html <- file.path(ex_dir, paste0(file_basename, ".html"))
file_csv <- file.path(ex_dir, paste0(file_basename, ".csv"))
# Populate a data frame with assignments data
ids <- if (is.null(course.ids)) c(' ' = NA) else course.ids
urls <- if (is.null(course.urls)) NA else course.urls
starts <- if (is.null(course.starts)) NA else course.starts
ends <- if (is.null(course.ends)) NA else course.ends
ex_data <- data.frame(
app = name,
type = type,
icourse = names(urls),
course = substring(name, 1, 1),
acad_year = acad_year,
term = term,
module = substring(name, 1, 3),
assignment = as.character(ids),
template = url,
url = as.character(urls[names(ids)]),
alt_url = alturl,
start = as.character(starts[names(ids)]),
end = as.character(ends[names(ids)]),
part = part2,
toc = !is.null(toc),
clone = as.logical(clone),
n = n,
level = level)
# Write this file in ex_dir
write.csv(ex_data, file_csv, row.names = FALSE)
# Copy the GitHub Classroom image there
ghc_image <- file.path(ex_dir, "github_classroom.jpg")
if (!file.exists(ghc_image))
file.copy(system.file("assignments", "github_classroom.jpg",
package = "learnitdown"), ghc_image)
# Read the HTML template
temp <- readLines(system.file("assignments", template,
package = "learnitdown"), encoding = "UTF-8")
temp <- paste(temp, collapse = "\n")
# Compute course_params
course_params <- ""
if (nrow(ex_data)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(ex_data)) {
ex <- ex_data[i, ]
ex_course <- ex$icourse
ex_url <- ex$url
ex_start <- ex$start
if (is.na(ex_start)) {
ex_start <- "null"
} else {
ex_start <- paste0('new Date("', .format_js_time(ex_start), '")')
ex_end <- ex$end
if (is.na(ex_end)) {
ex_end <- "null"
} else {
ex_end <- paste0('new Date("', .format_js_time(ex_end), '")')
par <- glue(" '{ex_course}': {{
'url': \"{ex_url}\",
'start': {ex_start},
'end': {ex_end}
if (course_params == "") {
course_params <- par
} else {
course_params <- paste0(course_params, ",\n", par)
# Interpolate fields using glue
temp <- glue(temp, .open = "{{", .close = "}}")
# Write file in ex_dir
writeLines(temp, file_html)
# Create a toc entry
if (!is.null(toc)) {
# Add an entry in the ex_toc
ex_toc <- getOption("learnitdown_ex_toc", "")
if (toc == "") {
# Use default text
toc <- glue::glue(texts$toc.def)
ex_toc <- paste0(ex_toc, "\n",
glue::glue("- [![git]({assign.img})]({assign.link}) [{toc}](#{anchor})"))
options(learnitdown_ex_toc = ex_toc)
# Compute the Markdown block for this assignment
# Use course-specific sections to indicate normal starting and
# ending dates for the assignment
if (is.null(course.urls) || !length(course.urls)) {
course_text <- ""
} else {# for each course, create one entry
course_ids <- names(course.urls)
course_names <- course.names[course_ids]
course_text <- ""
for (i in 1:length(course_ids)) {
course_id <- course_ids[i]
course_url <- course.urls[course_id]
course_name <- course_names[i]
course_end <- course.ends[course_id]
if (is.null(course_end) || is.na(course_end) || course_end == "" ||
is.na(course_name)) {# No final date, or not a course (= student group)
course_desc <- ""
} else {
course_desc <- glue::glue(texts$course)
course_text <- paste0(course_text, "\n",
glue::glue("\n::: {{ .{course_id} }}
# We don't use the template url in the box, but point to our
# assignment_<name>.html page
url <- file_url
alt_text <- glue::glue(texts$alt)
glue::glue("\n\\BeginKnitrBlock{{{block}}}<div class=\"{block}\">
{texts$title} **[{name}]{{#{anchor} }}{part}**.
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
assignment2 <- function(name, url, alturl = url, course.ids = NULL,
course.urls = NULL, course.starts = NULL, course.ends = NULL, part = NULL,
course.names = c(course1 = "Data Science"), toc = "", clone = TRUE, level = 3,
n = 1, type = if (n == 1) "ind. github" else "group github",
acad_year = "", term = "",
texts = assignment2_en(), assign.img = "images/list-assign2.png",
assign.link = "github_assignment", block = "assign2",
template = "assignment_en.html", baseurl = "/")
assignment(name, url, course.ids = course.ids, course.urls = course.urls,
course.starts = course.starts, course.ends = course.ends, part = part,
course.names = course.names, toc = toc, clone = clone, level = level, n = n,
type = type, acad_year = acad_year, term = term, texts = texts,
assign.img = assign.img, assign.link = assign.link, block = block,
template = template, baseurl = baseurl)
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
challenge <- function(name, url, alturl = url, course.ids = NULL,
course.urls = NULL, course.starts = NULL, course.ends = NULL, part = NULL,
course.names = c(course1 = "Data Science"), toc = "", clone = TRUE, level = 3,
n = 1, type = if (n == 1) "ind. challenge" else "group challenge",
acad_year = "", term = "",
texts = challenge_en(), assign.img = "images/list-challenge.png",
assign.link = "github_challenge", block = "challenge",
template = "assignment_en.html", baseurl = "/")
assignment(name, url, course.ids = course.ids, course.urls = course.urls,
course.starts = course.starts, course.ends = course.ends, part = part,
course.names = course.names, toc = toc, clone = clone, level = level, n = n,
type = type, acad_year = acad_year, term = term, texts = texts,
assign.img = assign.img, assign.link = assign.link, block = block,
template = template, baseurl = baseurl)
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
challenge2 <- function(name, url, alturl = url, course.ids = NULL,
course.urls = NULL, course.starts = NULL, course.ends = NULL, part = NULL,
course.names = c(course1 = "Data Science"), toc = "", clone = TRUE, level = 3,
n = 1, type = if (n == 1) "ind. challenge" else "group challenge",
acad_year = "", term = "",
texts = challenge2_en(), assign.img = "images/list-challenge2.png",
assign.link = "github_challenge", block = "challenge2",
template = "assignment_en.html", baseurl = "/")
assignment(name, url, course.ids = course.ids, course.urls = course.urls,
course.starts = course.starts, course.ends = course.ends, part = part,
course.names = course.names, toc = toc, clone = clone, level = level, n = n,
type = type, acad_year = acad_year, term = term, texts = texts,
assign.img = assign.img, assign.link = assign.link, block = block,
template = template, baseurl = baseurl)
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
assignment_en <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "Complete this assignment:",
part.name = "part",
alt = "**[Start it in GitHub Classroom]({url}){{target=\"_blank\"}}**",
sub = "See the explanations in the `README.md`",
course = paste("Individual assignment for students enrolled in the course",
"{course_name} that must be completed before {course_end}."),
toc.def = "Individual assignment {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
assignment_fr <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "R\u00e9alisez le travail",
part.name = "partie",
alt = paste0("**[Initiez votre projet GitHub Classroom]",
sub = "Voyez les explications dans le fichier `README.md`",
course = paste("Travail individuel pour les \u00e9tudiants inscrits au",
"cours de {course_name} \u00e0 terminer avant le {course_end}."),
toc.def = "Travail individuel {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
assignment2_en <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "Complete this group assignment:",
part.name = "part",
alt = "**[Start it in GitHub Classroom]({url}){{target=\"_blank\"}}**",
sub = "See the explanations in the `README.md`",
course = paste("Assignment in group of {n} for the students",
"enrolled in the course {course_name} that must be completed before",
toc.def = "Group assignment {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
assignment2_fr <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "R\u00e9alisez en groupe le travail",
part.name = "partie",
alt = paste0("**[Initiez votre projet GitHub Classroom]",
sub = "Voyez les explications dans le fichier `README.md`",
course = paste("Travail en groupe de {n} pour les \u00e9tudiants",
"inscrits au cours de {course_name} \u00e0 terminer avant le {course_end}."),
toc.def = "Travail de groupe {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
challenge_en <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "Accept this challenge:",
part.name = "part",
alt = "**[Start it in GitHub Classroom]({url}){{target=\"_blank\"}}**",
sub = "See the explanations in the `README.md`",
course = paste("Individual challenge for the students enrolled in the",
"course {course_name} to be completed before {course_end}."),
toc.def = "Individual challenge {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
challenge_fr <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "Relevez le challenge",
part.name = "partie",
alt = paste0("**[Initiez le projet GitHub Classroom de ce challenge]",
sub = "Voyez les explications dans le fichier `README.md`",
course = paste("Challenge individuel pour les \u00e9tudiants",
"inscrits au cours de {course_name} \u00e0 terminer avant le {course_end}."),
toc.def = "Challenge individuel {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
challenge2_en <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "Accept this group challenge:",
part.name = "part",
alt = "**[Start it in GitHub Classroom]({url}){{target=\"_blank\"}}**",
sub = "See the explanations in the `README.md`",
course = paste("Challenge in group of (n) for the students enrolled",
"in the course {course_name} to be completed before {course_end}."),
toc.def = "Group challenge {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
#' @rdname assignment
#' @export
challenge2_fr <- function(title, part.name, alt, sub, course, toc.def) {
texts <- list(
title = "Relevez ce challenge par groupe:",
part.name = "partie",
alt = paste0("**[Initiez le projet GitHub Classroom de ce challenge]",
sub = "Voyez les explications dans le fichier `README.md`",
course = paste("Challenge en groupe de {n} pour les \u00e9tudiants",
"inscrits au cours de {course_name} \u00e0 terminer avant le {course_end}."),
toc.def = "Challenge en groupe {name}"
if (!missing(title)) texts$title <- title
if (!missing(part.name)) texts$part.name <- part.name
if (!missing(alt)) texts$alt <- alt
if (!missing(sub)) texts$sub <- sub
if (!missing(course)) texts$course <- course
if (!missing(toc.def)) texts$toc.def <- toc.def
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.