dapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., MARGIN = 2, parallel = FALSE,
mc.cores = 1L, return = c("same", "matrix", "data.frame"), drop = TRUE) {
rowwl <- switch(MARGIN, `1` = TRUE, `2` = FALSE, stop("MARGIN only supports 2 - columns or 1 - rows"))
aplyfun <- if(parallel) function(...) mclapply(..., mc.cores = mc.cores) else lapply
if(is.atomic(X)) {
dX <- dim(X)
if(length(dX) != 2L) stop("dapply cannot handle vectors or higher-dimensional arrays")
res <- if(rowwl) aplyfun(.Call(Cpp_mrtl, X, FALSE, 0L), FUN, ...) else aplyfun(.Call(Cpp_mctl, X, FALSE, 0L), FUN, ...)
lx1 <- .Call(C_fnrow, res)
if(lx1 == 1L && drop) return(`names<-`(unlist(res, use.names = FALSE), dimnames(X)[[if(rowwl) 1L else 2L]]))
switch(return[1L], same = {
ax <- attributes(X)
retmatl <- TRUE
}, matrix = {
ax <- list(dim = dX, dimnames = dimnames(X))
retmatl <- TRUE
}, data.frame = {
dn <- dimnames(X)
ax <- list(names = dn[[2L]],
row.names = if(is.null(dn[[1L]])) .set_row_names(dX[1L]) else dn[[1L]],
class = "data.frame")
retmatl <- FALSE
}, stop("Unknown return option!"))
} else {
ax <- attributes(X)
attributes(X) <- NULL
res <- if(rowwl) aplyfun(.Call(Cpp_mrtl, do.call(cbind, X), FALSE, 0L), FUN, ...) else aplyfun(X, FUN, ...)
lx1 <- .Call(C_fnrow, res)
if(lx1 == 1L && drop) return(`names<-`(unlist(res, use.names = FALSE), if(rowwl) charorNULL(ax[["row.names"]]) else ax[["names"]]))
dX <- c(.Call(C_fnrow, X), length(X))
switch(return[1L], same = retmatl <- FALSE, matrix = {
ax <- list(dim = dX, dimnames = list(charorNULL(ax[["row.names"]]), ax[["names"]]))
retmatl <- TRUE
}, data.frame = {
ax <- list(names = ax[["names"]],
row.names = if(is.null(ax[["row.names"]])) .set_row_names(dX[1L]) else ax[["row.names"]],
class = "data.frame")
retmatl <- FALSE
}, stop("Unknown return option!"))
if(retmatl) {
if(rowwl) {
if(lx1 != dX[2L]) {
ax[["dim"]][2L] <- lx1
ax[["dimnames"]] <- list(ax[["dimnames"]][[1L]], if(length(nx1 <- names(res[[1L]]))) nx1 else if(lx1 == 1L)
deparse(substitute(FUN)) else paste0(deparse(substitute(FUN)), seq_len(lx1)))
res <- matrix(unlist(res, use.names = FALSE), ncol = lx1, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
if(lx1 != dX[1L]) {
ax[["dim"]][1L] <- lx1
ax[["dimnames"]] <- list(if(length(nx1 <- names(res[[1L]]))) nx1 else if(lx1 == 1L)
deparse(substitute(FUN)) else paste0(deparse(substitute(FUN)), seq_len(lx1)), ax[["dimnames"]][[2L]])
res <- do.call(cbind, res)
} else {
if(rowwl) {
if(lx1 != dX[2L]) ax[["names"]] <- if(length(nx1 <- names(res[[1L]]))) nx1 else if(lx1 == 1L)
deparse(substitute(FUN)) else paste0(deparse(substitute(FUN)), seq_len(lx1))
res <- .Call(Cpp_mctl, matrix(unlist(res, use.names = FALSE), ncol = lx1, byrow = TRUE), FALSE, 0L) # definitely faster than do.call(rbind, X)
} else if(lx1 != dX[1L])
ax[["row.names"]] <- if(length(nx1 <- names(res[[1L]]))) nx1 else .set_row_names(lx1) # could also make deparse(substitute(FUN)), but that is not so typical for data.frames !
if(any(ax[["class"]] == "data.table")) return(alcSA(res, ax))
setAttributes(res, ax)
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