# Functions needed for internal use because of option(collapse_mask = "fast-stat-fun")
bsum <- base::sum
bprod <- base::prod
bmin <- base::min
bmax <- base::max
# Row-operations (documented under data transformations...) ...
"%rr%" <- function(X, v) if(is.atomic(X) || is.atomic(v) || inherits(X, "data.frame")) TRA(X, v, "replace_fill") else # outer(rep.int(1L, dim(X)[2L]), v)
duplAttributes(.mapply(function(x, y) TRA(x, y, "replace_fill"), list(unattrib(X), unattrib(v)), NULL), X)
"%r+%" <- function(X, v) if(is.atomic(X) || is.atomic(v) || inherits(X, "data.frame")) TRA(X, v, "+") else
duplAttributes(.mapply(function(x, y) TRA(x, y, "+"), list(unattrib(X), unattrib(v)), NULL), X)
"%r-%" <- function(X, v) if(is.atomic(X) || is.atomic(v) || inherits(X, "data.frame")) TRA(X, v, "-") else
duplAttributes(.mapply(function(x, y) TRA(x, y, "-"), list(unattrib(X), unattrib(v)), NULL), X)
"%r*%" <- function(X, v) if(is.atomic(X) || is.atomic(v) || inherits(X, "data.frame")) TRA(X, v, "*") else
duplAttributes(.mapply(function(x, y) TRA(x, y, "*"), list(unattrib(X), unattrib(v)), NULL), X)
"%r/%" <- function(X, v) if(is.atomic(X) || is.atomic(v) || inherits(X, "data.frame")) TRA(X, v, "/") else
duplAttributes(.mapply(function(x, y) TRA(x, y, "/"), list(unattrib(X), unattrib(v)), NULL), X)
"%cr%" <- function(X, V) if(is.atomic(X)) return(duplAttributes(rep(V, NCOL(X)), X)) else # outer(rep.int(1L, dim(X)[2L]), V)
if(is.atomic(V)) return(duplAttributes(lapply(vector("list", length(unclass(X))), function(z) V), X)) else
copyAttrib(V, X) # copyAttrib first makes a shallow copy of V
"%c+%" <- function(X, V) if(is.atomic(X)) return(X + V) else
duplAttributes(if(is.atomic(V)) lapply(unattrib(X), `+`, V) else
.mapply(`+`, list(unattrib(X), unattrib(V)), NULL), X)
"%c-%" <- function(X, V) if(is.atomic(X)) return(X - V) else
duplAttributes(if(is.atomic(V)) lapply(unattrib(X), `-`, V) else
.mapply(`-`, list(unattrib(X), unattrib(V)), NULL), X)
"%c*%" <- function(X, V) if(is.atomic(X)) return(X * V) else
duplAttributes(if(is.atomic(V)) lapply(unattrib(X), `*`, V) else
.mapply(`*`, list(unattrib(X), unattrib(V)), NULL), X)
"%c/%" <- function(X, V) if(is.atomic(X)) return(X / V) else # or * 1L/V ??
duplAttributes(if(is.atomic(V)) lapply(unattrib(X), `/`, V) else
.mapply(`/`, list(unattrib(X), unattrib(V)), NULL), X)
# Multiple-assignment
"%=%" <- function(nam, values) invisible(.Call(C_multiassign, nam, values, parent.frame()))
massign <- function(nam, values, envir = parent.frame()) invisible(.Call(C_multiassign, nam, values, envir))
# R implementation:
# "%=%" <- function(lhs, rhs) {
# if(!is.character(lhs)) stop("lhs needs to be character")
# if(!is.list(rhs)) rhs <- as.vector(rhs, "list")
# if(length(lhs) != length(rhs)) stop("length(lhs) not equal to length(rhs)")
# list2env(`names<-`(rhs, lhs), envir = parent.frame(),
# parent = NULL, hash = FALSE, size = 0L)
# invisible()
# }
getenvFUN <- function(nam, efmt1 = "For this method need to install.packages('%s'), then unload [detach('package:collapse', unload = TRUE)] and reload [library(collapse)].")
if(is.null(FUN <- .collapse_env[[nam]])) {
v <- strsplit(nam, "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
.collapse_env[[nam]] <- FUN <- if(requireNamespace(v[1L], quietly = TRUE))
get0(v[2L], envir = getNamespace(v[1L])) else NULL
if(is.null(FUN)) stop(sprintf(efmt1, v[1L]))
# qM2 <- function(x) if(is.list(x)) do.call(cbind, x) else x
null2NA <- function(x) if(is.null(x)) NA_character_ else x
# flapply <- function(x, FUN, ...) lapply(unattrib(x), FUN, ...) # not really needed ...
vlabels <- function(X, attrn = "label", use.names = TRUE) .Call(C_vlabels, X, attrn, use.names) # {
# if(is.atomic(X)) return(null2NA(attr(X, attrn)))
# res <- lapply(X, attr, attrn) # unattrib(X): no names
# res[vapply(res, is.null, TRUE)] <- NA_character_
# unlist(res)
# }
"vlabels<-" <- function(X, attrn = "label", value) {
if(is.atomic(X)) return(`attr<-`(X, attrn, value))
.Call(C_setvlabels, X, attrn, value, NULL)
# "vlabels<-" <- function(X, attrn = "label", value) {
# names(value) <- NULL
# if(is.atomic(X)) return(`attr<-`(X, attrn, value))
# clx <- oldClass(X)
# oldClass(X) <- NULL
# if(is.null(value)) {
# for (i in seq_along(X)) attr(X[[i]], attrn) <- NULL
# } else {
# if(length(X) != length(value)) stop("length(X) must match length(value)")
# for (i in seq_along(value)) attr(X[[i]], attrn) <- value[[i]]
# }
# if(any(clx == "data.table")) return(alc(`oldClass<-`(X, clx)))
# `oldClass<-`(X, clx)
# }
# Note: Shallow copy does not work as it only copies the list, but the attribute is a feature of the atomic elements inside...
setLabels <- function(X, value = NULL, attrn = "label", cols = NULL) { # , sc = TRUE
if(is.atomic(X)) return(`attr<-`(X, attrn, value))
.Call(C_setvlabels, X, attrn, value, as.integer(cols))
# Also slower on WDI !!
# "vlabels2<-" <- function(X, attrn = "label", value) {
# names(value) <- NULL
# if(is.atomic(X)) return(`attr<-`(X, attrn, value))
# duplAttributes(mapply(function(x, y) `attr<-`(x, attrn, y), `attributes<-`(X, NULL), as.vector(value, "list"),
# }
.c <- function(...) as.character(substitute(c(...))[-1L])
strclp <- function(x) if(length(x) > 1L) paste(x, collapse = " ") else x
pasteclass <- function(x) if(length(cx <- class(x)) > 1L) paste(cx, collapse = " ") else cx
vclasses <- function(X, use.names = TRUE) {
if(is.atomic(X)) return(pasteclass(X))
vapply(X, pasteclass, "", USE.NAMES = use.names) # unattrib(X): no names
# https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/4a409a1a244d842a3098d2783c5b63c9661fc6be/src/main/util.c
R_types <- c("NULL", # NILSXP
"symbol", # SYMSXP
"pairlist", # LISTSXP
"closure", # CLOSXP
"environment", # ENVSXP
"promise", # PROMSXP
"language", # LANGSXP
"special", # SPECIALSXP
"builtin", # BUILTINSXP
"char", # CHARSXP
"logical", # LGLSXP
"integer", # INTSXP
"double", # REALSXP
"complex", # CPLXSXP
"character", # STRSXP
"...", # DOTSXP
"any", # ANYSXP
"list", # VECSXP
"expression", # EXPRSXP
"bytecode", # BCODESXP
"externalptr", # EXTPTRSXP
"weakref", # WEAKREFSXP
"raw", # RAWSXP
"S4") # S4SXP
# /* aliases : */
# { "numeric", REALSXP },
# { "name", SYMSXP },
vtypes <- function(X, use.names = TRUE) {
if(is.atomic(X)) return(typeof(X))
res <- R_types[.Call(C_vtypes, X, 0L)]
if(use.names) names(res) <- attr(X, "names")
# vapply(X, typeof, "") # unattrib(X): no names
vlengths <- function(X, use.names = TRUE) .Call(C_vlengths, X, use.names)
namlab <- function(X, class = FALSE, attrn = "label", N = FALSE, Ndistinct = FALSE) {
if(!is.list(X)) stop("namlab only works with lists")
res <- list(Variable = attr(X, "names"))
attributes(X) <- NULL
if(class) res$Class <- vapply(X, pasteclass, "", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
if(N) res$N <- fnobs.data.frame(X)
if(Ndistinct) res$Ndist <- fndistinct.data.frame(X, na.rm = TRUE)
res$Label <- vlabels(X, attrn, FALSE)
attr(res, "row.names") <- c(NA_integer_, -length(X))
oldClass(res) <- "data.frame"
add_stub <- function(X, stub, pre = TRUE, cols = NULL) {
if(!is.character(stub)) return(X)
if(is.atomic(X) && is.array(X)) {
if(length(dim(X)) > 2L) stop("Can't stub higher dimensional arrays!")
dn <- dimnames(X)
cn <- dn[[2L]]
if(length(cn)) {
if(length(cols)) cn[cols] <- if(pre) paste0(stub, cn[cols]) else paste0(cn[cols], stub)
else cn <- if(pre) paste0(stub, cn) else paste0(cn, stub)
dimnames(X) <- list(dn[[1L]], cn)
} else {
nam <- attr(X, "names")
if(length(nam)) {
if(length(cols)) attr(X, "names")[cols] <- if(pre) paste0(stub, nam[cols]) else paste0(nam[cols], stub)
else attr(X, "names") <- if(pre) paste0(stub, nam) else paste0(nam, stub)
if(inherits(X, "data.table")) X <- alc(X)
rm_stub <- function(X, stub, pre = TRUE, regex = FALSE, cols = NULL, ...) {
if(!is.character(stub)) return(X)
rmstubFUN <- function(x) {
gsub(stub, "", x, ...)
} else if(pre)
rmstubFUN <- function(x) { # much faster than using sub!
v <- startsWith(x, stub)
x[v] <- substr(x[v], nchar(stub)+1L, 1000000L)
} else
rmstubFUN <- function(x) { # much faster than using sub!
v <- endsWith(x, stub)
xv <- x[v] # faster ..
x[v] <- substr(xv, 0L, nchar(xv)-nchar(stub))
if(is.atomic(X)) {
d <- dim(X)
if(is.null(d)) if(is.character(X)) return(if(length(cols)) replace(X, cols, rmstubFUN(X[cols])) else rmstubFUN(X)) else stop("Cannot modify a vector that is not character")
if(length(d) > 2L) stop("Can't remove stub from higher dimensional arrays!")
dn <- dimnames(X)
cn <- dn[[2L]]
dimnames(X) <- list(dn[[1L]], if(length(cols)) replace(cn, cols, rmstubFUN(cn[cols])) else rmstubFUN(cn))
} else {
nam <- attr(X, "names")
attr(X, "names") <- if(length(cols)) replace(nam, cols, rmstubFUN(nam[cols])) else rmstubFUN(nam)
if(inherits(X, "data.table")) X <- alc(X)
setRownames <- function(object, nm = if(is.atomic(object)) seq_row(object) else NULL) {
if(is.list(object)) {
l <- .Call(C_fnrow, object)
if(is.null(nm)) nm <- .set_row_names(l) else if(length(nm) != l) stop("supplied row-names must match list extent")
attr(object, "row.names") <- nm
if(inherits(object, "data.table")) return(alc(object))
if(!is.array(object)) stop("Setting row-names only supported on arrays and lists")
dn <- dimnames(object)
`dimnames<-`(object, c(list(nm), dn[-1L]))
setColnames <- function(object, nm) {
if(is.atomic(object) && is.array(object))
dimnames(object)[[2L]] <- nm else {
attr(object, "names") <- nm
if(inherits(object, "data.table")) return(alc(object))
setDimnames <- function(object, dn, which = NULL) {
if(is.null(which)) return(`dimnames<-`(object, dn))
if(is.atomic(dn)) dimnames(object)[[which]] <- dn else
dimnames(object)[which] <- dn
all_identical <- function(...) {
if(...length() == 1L && is.list(...)) return(all(vapply(unattrib(...)[-1L], identical, TRUE, .subset2(..., 1L))))
l <- list(...)
all(vapply(l[-1L], identical, TRUE, l[[1L]]))
all_obj_equal <- function(...) {
if(...length() == 1L && is.list(...))
r <- unlist(lapply(unattrib(...)[-1L], all.equal, .subset2(..., 1L)), use.names = FALSE) else {
l <- list(...)
r <- unlist(lapply(l[-1L], all.equal, l[[1L]]), use.names = FALSE)
all_funs <- function(expr) .Call(C_all_funs, expr)
cinv <- function(x) chol2inv(chol(x))
vec <- function(X) {
if(is.atomic(X)) return(`attributes<-`(X, NULL))
.Call(C_pivot_long, X, NULL, FALSE)
interact_names <- function(l) {
oldClass(l) <- NULL
if(length(l) == 2L) return(`dim<-`(outer(l[[1L]], l[[2L]], paste, sep = "."), NULL))
do.call(paste, c(expand.grid(l, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), list(sep = ".")))
# set over-allocation for data.table's
alc <- function(x) .Call(C_alloccol, x)
condalc <- function(x, DT) if(DT) .Call(C_alloccol, x) else x
alcSA <- function(x, a) .Call(C_alloccol, .Call(C_setAttributes, x, a))
condalcSA <- function(x, a, DT) if(DT) .Call(C_alloccol, .Call(C_setAttributes, x, a)) else .Call(C_setAttributes, x, a)
unattrib <- function(object) `attributes<-`(object, NULL)
# Both equally efficient and therefore redundant !
# setAttr <- function(object, a, v) .Call(C_setAttr, object, a, v)
# setAttrR <- function(object, a, v) `attr<-`(object, a, v)
setAttrib <- function(object, a) .Call(C_setAttrib, object, a)
setattrib <- function(object, a) {
.Call(C_setattributes, object, a)
# setAttribR <- function(object, a) `attributes<-`(object, x)
copyAttrib <- function(to, from) .Call(C_copyAttrib, to, from)
# copyAttribR <- function(to, from) `attributes<-`(to, attributes(from))
copyMostAttrib <- function(to, from) .Call(C_copyMostAttrib, to, from)
# copyMostAttribR <- function(to, from) `mostattributes<-`(to, attributes(from))
addAttributes <- function(x, a) .Call(C_setAttributes, x, c(attributes(x), a))
is_categorical <- function(x) !is.numeric(x)
is.categorical <- function(x) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'is.categorical' was renamed to 'is_categorical'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
is_date <- function(x) inherits(x, c("Date","POSIXlt","POSIXct"))
is.Date <- function(x) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'is.Date' was renamed to 'is_date'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
inherits(x, c("Date","POSIXlt","POSIXct"))
# more consistent with base than na_rm
# na.rm <- function(x) { # cpp version available, but not faster !
# if(length(attr(x, "names"))) { # gives corruped time-series !
# ax <- attributes(x)
# r <- x[!is.na(x)]
# ax[["names"]] <- names(r)
# setAttributes(r, ax)
# } else duplAttributes(x[!is.na(x)], x)
# }
whichv <- function(x, value, invert = FALSE) .Call(C_whichv, x, value, invert)
"%==%" <- function(x, value) .Call(C_whichv, x, value, FALSE)
"%!=%" <- function(x, value) .Call(C_whichv, x, value, TRUE)
whichNA <- function(x, invert = FALSE) .Call(C_whichv, x, NA, invert)
frange <- function(x, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], finite = FALSE) .Call(C_frange, x, na.rm, finite)
.range <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = FALSE) .Call(C_frange, x, na.rm, finite)
alloc <- function(value, n, simplify = TRUE) .Call(C_alloc, value, n, simplify)
vgcd <- function(x) .Call(C_vecgcd, x)
fdist <- function(x, v = NULL, ..., method = "euclidean", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]]) .Call(C_fdist, if(is.atomic(x)) x else qM(x), v, method, nthreads)
allNA <- function(x) .Call(C_allNA, x, TRUE) # True means give error for unsupported vector types, not FALSE.
anyv <- function(x, value) .Call(C_anyallv, x, value, FALSE)
allv <- function(x, value) .Call(C_anyallv, x, value, TRUE)
copyv <- function(X, v, R, ..., invert = FALSE, vind1 = FALSE, xlist = FALSE) {
if(is.list(X, ...) && !xlist) { # Making sure some error is produced if dots are used
if(is.list(R)) {
res <- .mapply(function(x, r) .Call(C_setcopyv, x, v, r, invert, FALSE, vind1),
list(unattrib(X), unattrib(R)), NULL)
} else {
res <- lapply(unattrib(X), function(x) .Call(C_setcopyv, x, v, R, invert, FALSE, vind1))
return(condalc(duplAttributes(res, X), inherits(X, "data.table")))
.Call(C_setcopyv, X, v, R, invert, FALSE, vind1)
setv <- function(X, v, R, ..., invert = FALSE, vind1 = FALSE, xlist = FALSE) {
if(is.list(X, ...) && !xlist) { # Making sure some error is produced if dots are used
if(is.list(R)) {
.mapply(function(x, r) .Call(C_setcopyv, x, v, r, invert, TRUE, vind1),
list(unattrib(X), unattrib(R)), NULL)
} else {
lapply(unattrib(X), function(x) .Call(C_setcopyv, x, v, R, invert, TRUE, vind1))
invisible(.Call(C_setcopyv, X, v, R, invert, TRUE, vind1))
setop <- function(X, op, V, ..., rowwise = FALSE) # Making sure some error is produced if dots are used
invisible(.Call(C_setop, X, V, switch(op, "+" = 1L, "-" = 2L, "*" = 3L, "/" = 4L, stop("Unsupported operation:", op)), rowwise), ...)
"%+=%" <- function(X, V) invisible(.Call(C_setop, X, V, 1L, FALSE))
"%-=%" <- function(X, V) invisible(.Call(C_setop, X, V, 2L, FALSE))
"%*=%" <- function(X, V) invisible(.Call(C_setop, X, V, 3L, FALSE))
"%/=%" <- function(X, V) invisible(.Call(C_setop, X, V, 4L, FALSE))
# Internal functions
missDF <- function(x, cols = seq_along(unclass(x))) .Call(C_dt_na, x, cols, 0, FALSE)
frowSums <- function(x) {
nr <- dim(x)[1L]
.rowSums(x, nr, length(x)/nr)
fcolSums <- function(x) {
nr <- dim(x)[1L]
.colSums(x, nr, length(x)/nr)
missing_cases <- function(X, cols = NULL, prop = 0, count = FALSE) {
if(is.list(X)) return(.Call(C_dt_na, X, if(is.null(cols)) seq_along(unclass(X)) else cols2int(cols, X, attr(X, "names")), prop, count))
if(is.matrix(X)) {
if(length(cols)) X <- X[, cols]
if(is.matrix(X)) return(if(count) as.integer(frowSums(is.na(X))) else if(prop > 0) # as.integer() needed to establish consistency (integer output)
frowSums(is.na(X)) >= bmax(as.integer(prop * NCOL(X)), 1L) else !complete.cases(X))
if(count) as.integer(is.na(X)) else is.na(X) # Note: as.integer() here is inefficient, but storage.mode() <- "integer" is also. Would have to export a R wrapper to C function SET_TYPEOF()... but this is probably never invoked anyway.
na_rm <- function(x) .Call(C_na_rm, x) # x[!is.na(x)]
# Also takes names along, whereas na_rm does not preserve names of list
null_rm <- function(l) if(!all(ind <- vlengths(l, FALSE) > 0L)) .subset(l, ind) else l
all_eq <- function(x) .Call(C_anyallv, x, x[1L], TRUE)
na_omit <- function(X, cols = NULL, na.attr = FALSE, prop = 0, ...) {
if(is.list(X)) {
iX <- seq_along(unclass(X))
rl <- .Call(C_dt_na, X, if(is.null(cols)) iX else cols2int(cols, X, attr(X, "names")), prop, FALSE)
rkeep <- whichv(rl, FALSE)
if(length(rkeep) == fnrow(X)) return(condalc(X, inherits(X, "data.table")))
res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, X, rkeep, iX, FALSE) # This allocates data.tables...
rn <- attr(X, "row.names")
if(!(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1")) attr(res, "row.names") <- Csv(rn, rkeep)
if(na.attr) {
attr(res, "na.action") <- `oldClass<-`(which(rl), "omit")
if(inherits(res, "data.table") && !inherits(X, "pdata.frame")) return(alc(res))
if(inherits(X, "pdata.frame")) {
index <- findex(X)
index_omit <- droplevels_index(.Call(C_subsetDT, index, rkeep, seq_along(unclass(index)), FALSE), ...)
if(inherits(X, "indexed_frame")) return(reindex(res, index_omit)) # data.table handled here
attr(res, "index") <- index_omit
} else {
Xcols <- if(is.null(cols)) X else X[, cols]
rl <- if(prop > 0 && is.matrix(Xcols)) frowSums(is.na(Xcols)) < bmax(as.integer(prop * ncol(Xcols)), 1L) else complete.cases(Xcols)
rkeep <- which(rl)
if(length(rkeep) == NROW(X)) return(X)
res <- if(is.matrix(X)) X[rkeep, , drop = FALSE, ...] else X[rkeep, ...]
if(na.attr) attr(res, "na.action") <- `oldClass<-`(whichv(rl, FALSE), "omit")
na_insert <- function(X, prop = 0.1, value = NA) {
if(is.list(X)) {
n <- fnrow(X)
nmiss <- floor(n * prop)
res <- duplAttributes(lapply(unattrib(X), function(y) `[<-`(y, sample.int(n, nmiss), value = value)), X)
return(if(inherits(X, "data.table")) alc(res) else res)
if(!is.atomic(X)) stop("X must be an atomic vector, array or data.frame")
l <- length(X)
X[sample.int(l, floor(l * prop))] <- value
fdapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) duplAttributes(lapply(`attributes<-`(X, NULL), FUN, ...), X)
fnlevels <- function(x) length(attr(x, "levels"))
# flevels <- function(x) attr(x, "levels")
fnrow <- function(X) .Call(C_fnrow, X) # if(is.list(X)) length(.subset2(X, 1L)) else dim(X)[1L]
fncol <- function(X) if(is.list(X)) length(unclass(X)) else dim(X)[2L]
fNCOL <- function(X) if(is.list(X)) length(unclass(X)) else NCOL(X)
fdim <- function(X) {
if(is.atomic(X)) return(dim(X)) # or if !is.list ?
c(.Call(C_fnrow, X), length(unclass(X)))
seq_row <- function(X) seq_len(.Call(C_fnrow, X))
seq_col <- function(X) if(is.list(X)) seq_along(unclass(X)) else seq_len(dim(X)[2L])
# na.last = TRUE, same default as order():
forder.int <- function(x, na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE) .Call(C_radixsort, na.last, decreasing, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, pairlist(x)) # if(is.unsorted(x)) .Call(C_forder, x, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, 1L, TRUE) else seq_along(x) # since forder gives integer(0) if sorted !
fsetdiff <- function(x, y) x[match(x, y, 0L) == 0L] # not unique !
ffka <- function(x, f) {
ax <- attributes(x)
ax[names(ax) %!in% c("levels", "class")])
as_numeric_factor <- function(X, keep.attr = TRUE) {
if(is.atomic(X)) if(keep.attr) return(ffka(X, as.numeric)) else
return(as.numeric(attr(X, "levels"))[X])
res <- duplAttributes(lapply(unattrib(X),
if(keep.attr) (function(y) if(is.factor(y)) ffka(y, as.numeric) else y) else
(function(y) if(is.factor(y)) as.numeric(attr(y, "levels"))[y] else y)), X)
if(inherits(X, "data.table")) return(alc(res))
as_integer_factor <- function(X, keep.attr = TRUE) {
if(is.atomic(X)) if(keep.attr) return(ffka(X, as.integer)) else
return(as.integer(attr(X, "levels"))[X])
res <- duplAttributes(lapply(unattrib(X),
if(keep.attr) (function(y) if(is.factor(y)) ffka(y, as.integer) else y) else
(function(y) if(is.factor(y)) as.integer(attr(y, "levels"))[y] else y)), X)
if(inherits(X, "data.table")) return(alc(res))
as_character_factor <- function(X, keep.attr = TRUE) {
if(is.atomic(X)) if(keep.attr) return(ffka(X, tochar)) else
res <- duplAttributes(lapply(unattrib(X),
if(keep.attr) (function(y) if(is.factor(y)) ffka(y, tochar) else y) else
(function(y) if(is.factor(y)) as.character.factor(y) else y)), X)
if(inherits(X, "data.table")) return(alc(res))
as.numeric_factor <- function(X, keep.attr = TRUE) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'as.numeric_factor' was renamed to 'as_numeric_factor'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
as_numeric_factor(X, keep.attr)
as.character_factor <- function(X, keep.attr = TRUE) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'as.character_factor' was renamed to 'as_character_factor'. It will be removed end of 2023, see help('collapse-renamed').")
as_character_factor(X, keep.attr)
setRnDF <- function(df, nm) `attr<-`(df, "row.names", nm)
# TtI <- function(x)
# switch(x, replace_fill = 1L, replace = 2L, `-` = 3L, `-+` = 4L, `/` = 5L, `%` = 6L, `+` = 7L, `*` = 8L, `%%` = 9L, `-%%` = 10L,
# stop("Unknown transformation!"))
condsetn <- function(x, value, cond) {
if(cond) attr(x, "names") <- value
setnck <- function(x, value) {
if(is.null(value)) return(x)
ren <- nzchar(value)
if(all(ren)) names(x) <- value else names(x)[ren] <- value[ren]
do_stub <- function(stub, nam, default) {
if(is.character(stub)) return(paste0(stub, nam))
if(isTRUE(stub)) paste0(default, nam) else nam
# give_nam <- function(x, gn, stub) {
# if(!gn) return(x)
# attr(x, "names") <- paste0(stub, attr(x, "names"))
# x
# }
fmatch <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, count = FALSE, overid = 1L) .Call(C_fmatch, x, table, nomatch, count, overid)
ckmatch <- function(x, table, e = "Unknown columns:", ...) if(anyNA(m <- fmatch(x, table, NA_integer_, ...))) stop(paste(e, if(is.list(x)) paste(c("\n", capture.output(ss(x, is.na(m)))), collapse = "\n") else paste(x[is.na(m)], collapse = ", "))) else m
"%fin%" <- function(x, table) as.logical(fmatch(x, table, 0L, overid = 2L)) # export through set_collapse(mask = "%in%")
"%!in%" <- function(x, table) is.na(fmatch(x, table, overid = 2L))
"%!iin%" <- function(x, table) whichNA(fmatch(x, table, overid = 2L))
"%iin%" <- function(x, table) whichNA(fmatch(x, table, overid = 2L), invert = TRUE)
# anyNAerror <- function(x, e) if(anyNA(x)) stop(e) else x
cols2int <- function(cols, x, nam, topos = TRUE) {
if(is.numeric(cols)) {
if(length(cols) == 0L) return(integer(0L))
l <- length(unclass(x)) # length(nam) ?
if(cols[1L] < 0L) { # This is sufficient to check negative indices: No R function allows subsetting mixing positive and negative indices.
if(-bmin(cols) > l) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))")
if(topos) return(seq_len(l)[cols])
# cols <- seq_len(l)[cols]
# if(!length(cols) || anyNA(cols)) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))") -> used to put earlier check after if(topos) and use this one instead. But turns out that doesn't always work well.
# return(cols)
} else if(bmax(cols) > l) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))")
# if(bmax(abs(cols)) > length(unclass(x))) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))") # Before collapse 1.4.0 !
return(as.integer(cols)) # as.integer is necessary (for C_subsetCols), and at very little cost..
if(is.character(cols)) return(ckmatch(cols, nam))
if(is.function(cols)) return(which(vapply(unattrib(x), cols, TRUE)))
if(is.logical(cols)) {
if(length(cols) != length(unclass(x))) stop("Logical subsetting vector must match columns!") # length(nam) ?
stop("cols must be a function, character vector, numeric indices or logical vector!")
# Needed for fmutate
cols2char <- function(cols, x, nam) {
if(is.character(cols)) return(cols)
if(!length(cols)) return("") # Needed if NULL is passed
if(is.numeric(cols)) {
l <- length(nam)
if(cols[1L] < 0L) {
if(-bmin(cols) > l) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))")
} else if(bmax(cols) > l) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))")
if(is.function(cols)) return(nam[vapply(unattrib(x), cols, TRUE)])
if(is.logical(cols)) {
if(length(cols) != length(nam)) stop("Logical subsetting vector must match columns!")
stop("cols must be a function, character vector, numeric indices or logical vector!")
# Not needed anymore !!
# cols2log <- function(cols, x, nam) {
# lx <- length(unclass(x))
# if(is.logical(cols)) if(length(cols) == lx) return(cols) else stop("Logical subsetting vector must match columns!")
# if(is.function(cols)) return(vapply(unattrib(x), cols, TRUE))
# r <- logical(lx)
# if(is.character(cols)) {
# r[ckmatch(cols, nam)] <- TRUE
# } else if(is.numeric(cols)) {
# if(bmax(abs(cols)) > lx) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))")
# r[cols] <- TRUE
# } else stop("cols must be a function, character vector, numeric indices or logical vector!")
# r
# }
# Helper for operator functions...
cols2intrmgn <- function(gn, cols, x) {
if(is.function(cols)) {
cols <- if(identical(cols, is.numeric)) .Call(C_vtypes, x, 1L) else vapply(unattrib(x), cols, TRUE)
cols[gn] <- FALSE
if(is.null(cols)) return(seq_along(unclass(x))[-gn])
if(is.numeric(cols) && length(cols) && cols[1L] < 0) {
res <- logical(length(unclass(x)))
res[cols] <- TRUE
res[gn] <- FALSE
cols2int(cols, x, attr(x, "names"), FALSE)
colsubset <- function(x, ind, checksf = FALSE) {
if(is.numeric(ind)) return(.Call(C_subsetCols, x, as.integer(ind), checksf))
if(is.logical(ind)) {
nc <- length(unclass(x))
if(length(ind) != nc) stop("Logical subsetting vector must match length(x)")
ind <- which(ind)
if(length(ind) == nc) return(x)
return(.Call(C_subsetCols, x, ind, checksf))
ind <- if(is.character(ind)) ckmatch(ind, attr(x, "names")) else which(vapply(`attributes<-`(x, NULL), ind, TRUE))
return(.Call(C_subsetCols, x, ind, checksf))
# Previously Fastest! even though it involves code duplication..
# colsubset <- function(x, ind) {
# ax <- attributes(x)
# if(is.numeric(ind)) {
# attributes(x) <- NULL # note: attributes(x) <- NULL is very slightly faster than class(x) <- NULL
# if(bmax(abs(ind)) > length(x)) stop("Index out of range abs(1:length(x))")
# ax[["names"]] <- ax[["names"]][ind]
# return(.Call(C_setAttributes, x[ind], ax))
# }
# if(is.logical(ind)) {
# attributes(x) <- NULL
# if(length(ind) != length(x)) stop("Logical subsetting vector must match length(x)")
# ax[["names"]] <- ax[["names"]][ind]
# return(.Call(C_setAttributes, x[ind], ax))
# }
# ind <- if(is.character(ind)) ckmatch(ind, ax[["names"]]) else vapply(`attributes<-`(x, NULL), ind, TRUE)
# ax[["names"]] <- ax[["names"]][ind]
# .Call(C_setAttributes, .subset(x, ind), ax)
# }
fcolsubset <- function(x, ind, checksf = FALSE) { # fastest !
.Call(C_subsetCols, x, if(is.logical(ind)) which(ind) else as.integer(ind), checksf)
# Fastet! becore C version:
# ax <- attributes(x)
# ax[["names"]] <- ax[["names"]][ind]
# .Call(C_setAttributes, .subset(x, ind), ax)
# Sorted out 1.5.3 -> 1.6.0:
# Fastest because vapply runs faster on a list without any attributes !
# colsubsetFUN <- function(x, FUN) {
# .Call(C_subsetCols, x, which(vapply(`attributes<-`(x, NULL), FUN, TRUE)))
# # Fastet! becore C version:
# # ax <- attributes(x)
# # attributes(x) <- NULL
# # ind <- vapply(x, FUN, TRUE)
# # ax[["names"]] <- ax[["names"]][ind]
# # .Call(C_setAttributes, x[ind], ax)
# }
rgrep <- function(exp, nam, ..., sort = TRUE) if(length(exp) == 1L) grep(exp, nam, ...) else funique.default(unlist(lapply(exp, grep, nam, ...), use.names = FALSE), sort)
rgrepl <- function(exp, nam, ...) if(length(exp) == 1L) grepl(exp, nam, ...) else Reduce(`|`, lapply(exp, grepl, nam, ...))
fanyDuplicated <- function(x) if(length(x) < 100L) anyDuplicated.default(x) > 0L else .Call(C_fndistinct,x,NULL,FALSE,1L) != length(x)
# NROW2 <- function(x, d) if(length(d)) d[1L] else length(x)
# NCOL2 <- function(d, ilv) if(ilv) d[2L] else 1L
issorted <- function(x, strictly = FALSE) .Call(C_issorted, x, strictly)
charorNULL <- function(x) if(is.character(x)) x else NULL
tochar <- function(x) if(is.character(x)) x else as.character(x) # if(is.object(x)) as.character(x) else .Call(C_aschar, x)
# dotstostr <- function(...) {
# args <- deparse(substitute(c(...)))
# nc <- nchar(args)
# substr(args, 2, nc) # 3, nc-1 for no brackets !
# }
unused_arg_action <- function(call, ...) {
wo <- switch(getOption("collapse_unused_arg_action"), none = 0L, message = 1L, warning = 2L, error = 3L,
stop("Unused argument encountered. Please instruct collapse what to do about unused arguments by setting
options(collapse_unused_arg_action = 'warning'), or 'error', or 'message' or 'none'."))
if(wo != 0L) {
args <- deparse(substitute(c(...)))
nc <- nchar(args)
args <- substr(args, 2, nc) # 3, nc-1 for no brackets !
msg <- paste("Unused argument", args, "passed to", as.character(call[[1L]]))
switch(wo, message(msg), warning(msg), stop(msg))
is.nmfactor <- function(x) inherits(x, "factor") && (inherits(x, "na.included") || !anyNA(unclass(x)))
addNA2 <- function(x) {
if(!anyNA(unclass(x))) return(x)
clx <- oldClass(x)
oldClass(x) <- NULL
if(!anyNA(lev <- attr(x, "levels"))) {
attr(x, "levels") <- c(lev, NA_character_)
.Call(C_setcopyv, x, NA_integer_, length(lev) + 1L, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) # x[is.na(x)] <- length(lev) + 1L
} else .Call(C_setcopyv, x, NA_integer_, length(lev), FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) # x[is.na(x)] <- length(lev)
oldClass(x) <- clx
# addNA2 <- function(x) {
# clx <- c(class(x), "na.included")
# if(!anyNA(unclass(x))) return(`oldClass<-`(x, clx))
# ll <- attr(x, "levels")
# if(!anyNA(ll)) ll <- c(ll, NA)
# return(`oldClass<-`(factor(x, levels = ll, exclude = NULL), clx))
# }
l1orn <- function(x, nam) if(length(x) == 1L) x else nam
l1orlst <- function(x) if(length(x) == 1L) x else x[length(x)]
fsimplify2array <- function(l) {
res <- do.call(cbind, l) # lapply(l, `dimnames<-`, NULL) # also faster than unlist..
dim(res) <- c(dim(l[[1L]]), length(l))
dimnames(res) <- c(if(length(dn <- dimnames(l[[1L]]))) dn else list(NULL, NULL), list(names(l)))
# fss <- function(x, i, j) {
# rn <- attr(x, "row.names")
# if(is.numeric(rn) || is.null(rn) || rn[1L] == "1") return(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, i, j))
# return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, i, j), "row.names", rn[r]))
# }
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