# Methods for class "mcmcRocPrc", generated by mcmcRocPrc()
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @export
print.mcmcRocPrc <- function(x, ...) {
auc_roc <- x$area_under_roc
auc_prc <- x$area_under_prc
has_curves <- !is.null(x$roc_dat)
has_sims <- length(auc_roc) > 1
if (!has_sims) {
roc_msg <- sprintf("%.3f", round(auc_roc, 3))
prc_msg <- sprintf("%.3f", round(auc_prc, 3))
} else {
roc_msg <- sprintf("%.3f [80%%: %.3f - %.3f]",
round(mean(auc_roc), 3),
round(quantile(auc_roc, 0.1), 3),
round(quantile(auc_roc, 0.9), 3))
prc_msg <- sprintf("%.3f [80%%: %.3f - %.3f]",
round(mean(auc_prc), 3),
round(quantile(auc_prc, 0.1), 3),
round(quantile(auc_prc, 0.9), 3))
cat("mcmcRocPrc object\n")
cat(sprintf("curves: %s; fullsims: %s\n", has_curves, has_sims))
cat(sprintf("AUC-ROC: %s\n", roc_msg))
cat(sprintf("AUC-PR: %s\n", prc_msg))
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @param n plot method: if `fullsims = TRUE`, how many sample curves to draw?
#' @param alpha plot method: alpha value for plotting sampled curves; between 0 and 1
#' @export
plot.mcmcRocPrc <- function(x, n = 40, alpha = .5, ...) {
"Use mcmcRocPrc(..., curves = TRUE) to generate data for plots" = (!is.null(x$roc_dat)),
"alpha must be between 0 and 1" = (alpha >= 0 & alpha <= 1),
"n must be > 0" = (n > 0)
obj<- x
fullsims <- length(obj$roc_dat) > 1
if (!fullsims) {
graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(obj$roc_dat[[1]], type = "s", xlab = "FPR", ylab = "TPR")
graphics::abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 3, col = "gray50")
prc_dat <- obj$prc_dat[[1]]
# use first non-NaN y-value for y[1]
prc_dat$y[1] <- prc_dat$y[2]
plot(prc_dat, type = "l", xlab = "TPR", ylab = "Precision",
ylim = c(0, 1))
graphics::abline(a = attr(x, "y_pos_rate"), b = 0, lty = 3, col = "gray50")
} else {
graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
roc_dat <- obj$roc_dat
x <- lapply(roc_dat, `[[`, 1)
x <- do.call(cbind, x)
colnames(x) <- paste0("sim", 1:ncol(x))
y <- lapply(roc_dat, `[[`, 2)
y <- do.call(cbind, y)
colnames(y) <- paste0("sim", 1:ncol(y))
xavg <- rowMeans(x)
yavg <- rowMeans(y)
plot(xavg, yavg, type = "n", xlab = "FPR", ylab = "TPR")
samples <- sample(1:ncol(x), n)
for (i in samples) {
x[, i], y[, i], type = "s",
col = grDevices::rgb(127, 127, 127, alpha = alpha*255, maxColorValue = 255)
graphics::lines(xavg, yavg, type = "s")
# The elements of prc_dat have different lengths, unlike roc_dat, so we
# have to do the central curve differently.
prc_dat <- obj$prc_dat
x <- lapply(prc_dat, `[[`, 1)
y <- lapply(prc_dat, `[[`, 2)
# Instead of combining the list of curve coordinates from each sample into
# two x and y matrices, we can first make a point cloud with all curve
# points from all samples, and then average the y values at all distinct
# x coordinates. The x-axis plots recall (TPR), which will only have as
# many distinct values as there are positives in the data, so this does
# not lose any information about the x coordinates.
point_cloud <- data.frame(
x = unlist(x),
y = unlist(y)
point_cloud <- stats::aggregate(point_cloud[, "y", drop = FALSE],
# factor implicitly encodes distinct values only,
# since they will get the same labels
by = list(x = as.factor(point_cloud$x)),
FUN = mean)
point_cloud$x <- as.numeric(as.character(point_cloud$x))
xavg <- point_cloud$x
yavg <- point_cloud$y
plot(xavg, yavg, type = "n", xlab = "TPR", ylab = "Precision", ylim = c(0, 1))
samples <- sample(1:length(prc_dat), n)
for (i in samples) {
x[[i]], y[[i]],
col = grDevices::rgb(127, 127, 127, alpha = alpha*255, maxColorValue = 255)
graphics::lines(xavg, yavg)
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @param row.names see [base::as.data.frame()]
#' @param optional see [base::as.data.frame()]
#' @param what which information to extract and convert to a data frame?
#' @export
as.data.frame.mcmcRocPrc <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE,
what = c("auc", "roc", "prc"), ...) {
what <- match.arg(what)
if (what=="auc") {
# all 4 output types have AUC, so this should work across the board
return(as.data.frame(x[c("area_under_roc", "area_under_prc")]))
} else if (what %in% c("roc", "prc")) {
if (what=="roc") element <- "roc_dat" else element <- "prc_dat"
# if curves was FALSE, there will be no curve data...
if (is.null(x[[element]])) {
stop("No curve data; use mcmcRocPrc(..., curves = TRUE)")
# Otherwise, there will be either one set of coordinates if mcmcmRegPrc()
# was called with fullsims = FALSE, or else N_sims curve data sets.
# If the latter, we can return a long data frame with an identifying
# "sim" column to delineate the sim sets. To ensure consistency in output,
# also add this column when fullsims = FALSE.
# averaged, single coordinate set
if (length(x[[element]])==1L) {
return(data.frame(sim = 1L, x[[element]][[1]]))
# full sims
# add a unique ID to each coordinate set
outlist <- x[[element]]
outlist <- Map(cbind, sim = (1:length(outlist)), outlist)
# combine into long data frame
outdf <- do.call(rbind, outlist)
stop("Developer error (I should not be here): please file an issue on GitHub") # nocov
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