# This file contains the mcmcRocPrc() S3 generic, which constructs objects
# of class "mcmcRocPrc". For methods for this class, see mcmcRocPrc-methods.R
# S3 methods for the mcmcRocPrc() generic handle different types of input
# e.g. "rjags" input produced by R2jags.
#' ROC and Precision-Recall Curves using Bayesian MCMC estimates
#' Generate ROC and Precision-Recall curves after fitting a Bayesian logit or
#' probit regression using [rstan::stan()], [rstanarm::stan_glm()],
#' [R2jags::jags()], [R2WinBUGS::bugs()], [MCMCpack::MCMClogit()], or other
#' functions that provide samples from a posterior density.
#' @param object A fitted binary choice model, e.g. "rjags" object
#' (see [R2jags::jags()]), or a `[N, iter]` matrix of predicted probabilites.
#' @param curves logical indicator of whether or not to return values to plot
#' the ROC or Precision-Recall curves. If set to `FALSE` (default),
#' results are returned as a list without the extra values.
#' @param fullsims logical indicator of whether full object (based on all MCMC
#' draws rather than their average) will be returned. Default is `FALSE`.
#' Note: If `TRUE` is chosen, the function takes notably longer to execute.
#' @param yvec A `numeric(N)` vector of observed outcomes.
#' @param yname (`character(1)`)\cr
#' The name of the dependent variable, should match the variable name in the
#' JAGS data object.
#' @param xnames ([base::character()])\cr
#' A character vector of the independent variable names, should match the
#' corresponding names in the JAGS data object.
#' @param posterior_samples a "mcmc" object with the posterior samples
#' @param ... Used by methods
#' @param x a `mcmcRocPrc()` object
#' @details If only the average AUC-ROC and PR are of interest, setting
#' `curves = FALSE` and `fullsims = FALSE` can greatly speed up calculation
#' time. The curve data (`curves = TRUE`) is needed for plotting. The plot
#' method will always plot both the ROC and PR curves, but the underlying
#' data can easily be extracted from the output for your own plotting;
#' see the documentation of the value returned below.
#' The default method works with a matrix of predicted probabilities and the
#' vector of observed incomes as input. Other methods accommodate some of the
#' common Bayesian modeling packages like rstan (which returns class "stanfit"),
#' rstanarm ("stanreg"), R2jags ("jags"), R2WinBUGS ("bugs"), and
#' MCMCpack ("mcmc"). Even if a package-specific method is not implemented,
#' the default method can always be used as a fallback by manually calculating
#' the matrix of predicted probabilities for each posterior sample.
#' Note that MCMCpack returns generic "mcmc" output that is annotated with
#' some additional information as attributes, including the original function
#' call. There is no inherent way to distinguish any other kind of "mcmc"
#' object from one generated by a proper MCMCpack modeling function, but as a
#' basic precaution, `mcmcRocPrc()` will check the saved call and return an
#' error if the function called was not `MCMClogit()` or `MCMCprobit()`.
#' This behavior can be suppressed by setting `force = TRUE`.
#' @references Beger, Andreas. 2016. “Precision-Recall Curves.” Available at
#' \doi{10.2139/ssrn.2765419}
#' @return Returns a list with length 2 or 4, depending on the on the "curves"
#' and "fullsims" argument values:
#' - "area_under_roc": `numeric()`; either length 1 if `fullsims = FALSE`, or
#' one value for each posterior sample otherwise
#' - "area_under_prc": `numeric()`; either length 1 if `fullsims = FALSE`, or
#' one value for each posterior sample otherwise
#' - "prc_dat": only if `curves = TRUE`; a list with length 1 if
#' `fullsims = FALSE`, longer otherwise
#' - "roc_dat": only if `curves = TRUE`; a list with length 1 if
#' `fullsims = FALSE`, longer otherwise
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # load simulated data and fitted model (see ?sim_data and ?jags_logit)
#' data("jags_logit")
#' # using mcmcRocPrc
#' fit_sum <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
#' yname = "Y",
#' xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
#' curves = TRUE,
#' fullsims = FALSE)
#' fit_sum
#' plot(fit_sum)
#' # Equivalently, we can calculate the matrix of predicted probabilities
#' # ourselves; using the example from ?jags_logit:
#' library(R2jags)
#' data("sim_data")
#' yvec <- sim_data$Y
#' xmat <- sim_data[, c("X1", "X2")]
#' # add intercept to the X data
#' xmat <- as.matrix(cbind(Intercept = 1L, xmat))
#' beta <- as.matrix(as.mcmc(jags_logit))[, c("b[1]", "b[2]", "b[3]")]
#' pred_mat <- plogis(xmat %*% t(beta))
#' # the matrix of predictions has rows matching the number of rows in the data;
#' # the column are the predictions for each of the 2,000 posterior samples
#' nrow(sim_data)
#' dim(pred_mat)
#' # now we can call mcmcRocPrc; the default method works with the matrix
#' # of predictions and vector of outcomes as input
#' mcmcRocPrc(object = pred_mat, curves = TRUE, fullsims = FALSE, yvec = yvec)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @md
mcmcRocPrc <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, ...) {
UseMethod("mcmcRocPrc", object)
#' Constructor for mcmcRocPrc objects
#' This function actually does the heavy lifting once we have a matrix of
#' predicted probabilities from a model, plus the vector of observed outcomes.
#' The reason to have it here in a single function is that we don't replicate
#' it in each function that accomodates a JAGS, BUGS, RStan, etc. object.
#' @param pred_prob a `\[N, iter\]` matrix of predicted probabilities
#' @param yvec a `numeric(N)` vector of observed outcomes
#' @param curves include curve data in output?
#' @param fullsims collapse posterior samples into single summary?
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
new_mcmcRocPrc <- function(pred_prob, yvec, curves, fullsims) {
"number of predictions and observed outcomes do not match" = nrow(pred_prob)==length(yvec),
"yvec must be 0 or 1" = all(yvec %in% c(0L, 1L)),
"pred_prob must be in the interval [0, 1]" = all(pred_prob >= 0 & pred_prob <= 1)
# pred_prob is a [N, iter] matrix, i.e. each column are preds from one
# set of posterior samples
# if not using fullsims, summarize across columns
if (isFALSE(fullsims)) {
pred_prob <- as.matrix(apply(pred_prob, MARGIN = 1, median))
pred_prob <- as.data.frame(pred_prob)
curve_data <- lapply(pred_prob, yy = yvec, FUN = function(x, yy) {
prc_data <- compute_pr(yvec = yy, pvec = x)
roc_data <- compute_roc(yvec = yy, pvec = x)
prc_dat = prc_data,
roc_dat = roc_data
prc_dat <- lapply(curve_data, `[[`, "prc_dat")
roc_dat <- lapply(curve_data, `[[`, "roc_dat")
# Compute AUC-ROC values
v_auc_roc <- sapply(roc_dat, function(xy) {
caTools::trapz(xy$x, xy$y)
v_auc_pr <- sapply(prc_dat, function(xy) {
xy <- subset(xy, !is.nan(xy$y))
caTools::trapz(xy$x, xy$y)
# Recreate original output formats
if (curves & fullsims) {
out <- list(
area_under_roc = v_auc_roc,
area_under_prc = v_auc_pr,
prc_dat = prc_dat,
roc_dat = roc_dat
if (curves & !fullsims) {
out <- list(
area_under_roc = v_auc_roc,
area_under_prc = v_auc_pr,
prc_dat = prc_dat[1],
roc_dat = roc_dat[1]
if (!curves & !fullsims) {
out <- list(
area_under_roc = v_auc_roc[[1]],
area_under_prc = v_auc_pr[[1]]
if (!curves & fullsims) {
out <- data.frame(
area_under_roc = v_auc_roc,
area_under_prc = v_auc_pr
y_pos_rate = mean(yvec),
class = "mcmcRocPrc"
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @md
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.default <- function(object, curves, fullsims, yvec, ...) {
pred_prob <- object
"mcmcRocPrc.default requires 'matrix' like input" = inherits(pred_prob, "matrix")
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob, yvec, curves, fullsims)
# Under the hood ROC/PRC calculations -------------------------------------
#' Compute ROC and PR curve points
#' Faster replacements for calculating ROC and PR curve data than with
#' [ROCR::prediction()] and [ROCR::performance()]
#' @details Replacements to use instead of a combination of [ROCR::prediction()]
#' and [ROCR::performance()] to calculate ROC and PR curves. These functions are
#' about 10 to 20 times faster when using [mcmcRocPrc()] with `curves = TRUE`
#' and/or `fullsims = TRUE`.
#' See this [issue on GH (ShanaScogin/BayesPostEst#25)](https://github.com/ShanaScogin/BayesPostEst/issues/25) for more general details.
#' And [here is a note](https://github.com/andybega/BayesPostEst/blob/f1da23b9db86461d4f9c671d9393265dd10578c5/tests/profile-mcmcRocPrc.md) with specific performance benchmarks, compared to the
#' old approach relying on ROCR.
#' @keywords internal
#' @md
compute_roc <- function(yvec, pvec) {
porder <- order(pvec, decreasing = TRUE)
yvecs <- yvec[porder]
pvecs <- pvec[porder]
p <- sum(yvecs)
n <- length(yvecs) - p
tp <- cumsum(yvecs)
tpr <- tp/p
fp <- 1:length(yvecs) - tp
fpr <- fp/n
dup_pred <- rev(duplicated(pvecs))
dup_stats <- duplicated(tpr) & duplicated(fpr)
dups <- dup_pred | dup_stats
fpr <- c(0, fpr[!dups])
tpr <- c(0, tpr[!dups])
roc_data <- data.frame(x = fpr,
y = tpr)
#' @rdname compute_roc
#' @aliases compute_pr
compute_pr <- function(yvec, pvec) {
porder <- order(pvec, decreasing = TRUE)
yvecs <- yvec[porder]
pvecs <- pvec[porder]
p <- sum(yvecs)
n <- length(yvecs) - p
tp <- cumsum(yvecs)
tpr <- tp/p
pp <- 1:length(yvecs)
prec <- tp/pp
dup_pred <- rev(duplicated(pvecs))
dup_stats <- duplicated(tpr) & duplicated(prec)
dups <- dup_pred | dup_stats
prec <- c(NaN, prec[!dups])
tpr <- c(0, tpr[!dups])
prc_data <- data.frame(x = tpr,
y = prec)
# auc_roc and auc_pr are not really used, but keep around just in case
auc_roc <- function(obs, pred) {
values <- compute_roc(obs, pred)
caTools::trapz(values$x, values$y)
auc_pr <- function(obs, pred) {
values <- compute_pr(obs, pred)
caTools::trapz(values$x, values$y)
# JAGS-like input (rjags, R2jags, runjags) --------------------------------
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.jags <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, yname,
xnames, posterior_samples, ...) {
inherits(posterior_samples, c("mcmc", "mcmc.list"))
link_logit <- any(grepl("logit", object$model()))
link_probit <- any(grepl("probit", object$model()))
if (isFALSE(link_logit | link_probit)) {
stop("Could not identify model link function")
mdl_data <- object$data()
stopifnot(all(xnames %in% names(mdl_data)))
stopifnot(all(yname %in% names(mdl_data)))
# add intercept by default, maybe revisit this
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(X0 = 1L, as.data.frame(mdl_data[xnames])))
yvec <- mdl_data[[yname]]
pardraws <- as.matrix(posterior_samples)
# this is not very robust, assumes pars are 'b[x]'
# for both this and the intercept addition above, maybe a more robust solution
# down the road would be to dig into the object$model$model() string
betadraws <- pardraws[, c(sprintf("b[%s]", 1:ncol(xdata - 1)))]
if(isTRUE(link_logit)) {
pred_prob <- plogis(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
} else if (isTRUE(link_probit)) {
pred_prob <- pnorm(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob = pred_prob, yvec = yvec, curves = curves,
fullsims = fullsims)
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.rjags <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, yname,
xnames, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("R2jags", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"R2jags\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE) # nocov
jags_object <- object$model
pardraws <- coda::as.mcmc(object)
# pass it on to the "jags" method
mcmcRocPrc(object = jags_object, curves = curves, fullsims = fullsims,
yname = yname, xnames = xnames, posterior_samples = pardraws, ...)
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.runjags <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, yname,
xnames, ...) {
jags_object <- runjags::as.jags(object, quiet = TRUE)
# as.mcmc.runjags will issue a warning when converting multiple chains
# because it combines them
pardraws <- suppressWarnings(coda::as.mcmc(object))
# pass it on to the "jags" method
mcmcRocPrc(object = jags_object, curves = curves, fullsims = fullsims,
yname = yname, xnames = xnames, posterior_samples = pardraws, ...)
# STAN-like input (rstan, rstanarm, brms) ---------------------------------
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @param data the data that was used in the `stan(data = ?, ...)` call
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.stanfit <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, data,
xnames, yname, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("rstan", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"rstan\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE) # nocov
if (!is_binary_model(object)) {
stop("the input model does not seem to be a binary choice model; if this is a mistake please file an issue at https://github.com/ShanaScogin/BayesPostEst/issues/")
link_type <- identify_link_function(object)
if (is.na(link_type)) {
stop("could not identify model link function; please file an issue at https://github.com/ShanaScogin/BayesPostEst/issues/")
mdl_data <- data
stopifnot(all(xnames %in% names(mdl_data)))
stopifnot(all(yname %in% names(mdl_data)))
# add intercept by default, maybe revisit this
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(X0 = 1L, as.data.frame(mdl_data[xnames])))
yvec <- mdl_data[[yname]]
pardraws <- as.matrix(object)
# this is not very robust, assumes pars are 'b[x]'
betadraws <- pardraws[, c(sprintf("b[%s]", 1:ncol(xdata - 1)))]
if(link_type=="logit") {
pred_prob <- plogis(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
} else if (link_type=="probit") {
pred_prob <- pnorm(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob = pred_prob, yvec = yvec, curves = curves,
fullsims = fullsims)
#' Try to identify if a stanfit model is a binary choice model
#' @param obj stanfit object
#' @keywords internal
is_binary_model <- function(obj) {
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "stanfit"))
model_string <- rstan::get_stancode(obj)
grepl("bernoulli", model_string)
#' Try to identify link function
#' @param obj stanfit object
#' @return Either "logit" or "probit"; if neither can be identified the function
#' will return `NA_character_`.
#' @keywords internal
identify_link_function <- function(obj) {
stopifnot(inherits(obj, "stanfit"))
model_string <- rstan::get_stancode(obj)
if (grepl("logit", model_string)) return("logit")
if (grepl("Phi", model_string)) return("probit")
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.stanreg <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("rstanarm", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"rstanarm\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE) # nocov
if (!stats::family(object)$family=="binomial") {
stop("the input model does not seem to be a binary choice model; should be like 'obj <- stan_glm(family = binomial(), ...)'")
pred_prob <- rstanarm::posterior_linpred(object, transform = TRUE)
# posterior_linepred returns a matrix in which data cases are columns, and
# MCMC samples are row; we need to transpose this so that columns are samples
pred_prob <- t(pred_prob)
yvec <- unname(object$y)
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob = pred_prob, yvec = yvec, curves = curves,
fullsims = fullsims)
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.brmsfit <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("brms", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"brms\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE) # nocov
if (!stats::family(object)$family=="bernoulli") {
stop("the input model does not seem to be a binary choice model; should be like 'obj <- brm(family = bernoulli(), ...)'")
pred_prob <- brms::posterior_epred(object)
# posterior_epred returns a matrix in which data cases are columns, and
# MCMC samples are row; we need to transpose this so that columns are samples
pred_prob <- t(pred_prob)
yvec <- stats::model.response(stats::model.frame(object))
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob = pred_prob, yvec = yvec, curves = curves,
fullsims = fullsims)
# Other input types (MCMCpack, ...) ---------------------------------------
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.bugs <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, data,
xnames, yname, type = c("logit", "probit"), ...) {
link_type <- match.arg(type)
mdl_data <- data
all(xnames %in% names(mdl_data)),
all(yname %in% names(mdl_data))
# add intercept by default, maybe revisit this
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(X0 = 1L, as.data.frame(mdl_data[xnames])))
yvec <- mdl_data[[yname]]
sm <- object$sims.matrix
# Drop "deviance" column
betadraws <- sm[, !colnames(sm) %in% "deviance"]
if(link_type=="logit") {
pred_prob <- plogis(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
} else if (link_type=="probit") {
pred_prob <- pnorm(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob = pred_prob, yvec = yvec, curves = curves,
fullsims = fullsims)
#' @rdname mcmcRocPrc
#' @param type "logit" or "probit"
#' @param force for MCMCpack models, suppress warning if the model does not
#' appear to be a binary choice model?
#' @export
mcmcRocPrc.mcmc <- function(object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE, data,
xnames, yname, type = c("logit", "probit"),
force = FALSE, ...) {
if (!force) {
if (is.null(attr(object, "call"))) {
stop("object does not have a 'call' attribute; was it generated with a MCMCpack function?")
} else {
func <- as.character(attr(object, "call"))[1]
if (!func %in% c("MCMClogit", "MCMCprobit")) {
stop("object does not appear to have been fitted using MCMCpack::MCMClogit() or MCMCprobit(); mcmcRocPrc only properly works for those function. To be safe, consider manually calculating the matrix of predicted probabilities.")
link_type <- match.arg(type)
mdl_data <- data
all(xnames %in% names(mdl_data)),
all(yname %in% names(mdl_data))
# add intercept by default, maybe revisit this
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(X0 = 1L, as.data.frame(mdl_data[xnames])))
yvec <- mdl_data[[yname]]
betadraws <- as.matrix(object)
if(link_type=="logit") {
pred_prob <- plogis(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
} else if (link_type=="probit") {
pred_prob <- pnorm(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob = pred_prob, yvec = yvec, curves = curves,
fullsims = fullsims)
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