#'This function generates ROC and precision-recall curves
#'after fitting a Bayesian logit or probit model.
#'@title ROC and Precision-Recall Curves using Bayesian MCMC estimates generalized
#'@description This function generates ROC and Precision-Recall curves
#'after fitting a Bayesian logit or probit regression. For fast calculation for
#'from an "rjags" object use \code{\link{mcmcRocPrc}}
#'@param modelmatrix model matrix, including intercept (if the intercept is among the
#'parameters estimated in the model). Create with model.matrix(formula, data).
#'Note: the order of columns in the model matrix must correspond to the order of columns
#'in the matrix of posterior draws in the \code{mcmcout} argument. See the \code{mcmcout}
#'argument for more and Beger (2016) for background.
#'@param mcmcout posterior distributions of all logit coefficients,
#'in matrix form. This can be created from rstan, MCMCpack, R2jags, etc. and transformed
#'into a matrix using the function as.mcmc() from the coda package for \code{jags} class
#'objects, as.matrix() from base R for \code{mcmc}, \code{mcmc.list}, \code{stanreg}, and
#'\code{stanfit} class objects, and \code{object$sims.matrix} for \code{bugs} class objects.
#'Note: the order of columns in this matrix must correspond to the order of columns
#'in the model matrix. One can do this by examining the posterior distribution matrix and sorting the
#'variables in the order of this matrix when creating the model matrix. A useful function for sorting
#'column names containing both characters and numbers as
#'you create the matrix of posterior distributions is \code{mixedsort()} from the gtools package.
#'@param modelframe model frame in matrix form. Can be created using
#'as.matrix(model.frame(formula, data))
#'@param curves logical indicator of whether or not to return values to plot the ROC or Precision-Recall
#'curves. If set to \code{FALSE} (default), results are returned as a list without the extra
#'@param link type of generalized linear model; a character vector set to \code{"logit"} (default) or \code{"probit"}.
#'@param fullsims logical indicator of whether full object (based on all MCMC draws
#'rather than their average) will be returned. Default is \code{FALSE}. Note: If \code{TRUE}
#'is chosen, the function takes notably longer to execute.
#'@references Beger, Andreas. 2016. “Precision-Recall Curves.” Available at SSRN:
#'https://ssrn.com/Abstract=2765419. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2765419.
#'@return This function returns a list with 4 elements:
#'\item area_under_roc: area under ROC curve (scalar)
#'\item area_under_prc: area under precision-recall curve (scalar)
#'\item prc_dat: data to plot precision-recall curve (data frame)
#'\item roc_dat: data to plot ROC curve (data frame)
#' \dontshow{.old_wd <- setwd(tempdir())}
#' \donttest{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # simulating data
#' set.seed(123456)
#' b0 <- 0.2 # true value for the intercept
#' b1 <- 0.5 # true value for first beta
#' b2 <- 0.7 # true value for second beta
#' n <- 500 # sample size
#' X1 <- runif(n, -1, 1)
#' X2 <- runif(n, -1, 1)
#' Z <- b0 + b1 * X1 + b2 * X2
#' pr <- 1 / (1 + exp(-Z)) # inv logit function
#' Y <- rbinom(n, 1, pr)
#' df <- data.frame(cbind(X1, X2, Y))
#' # formatting the data for jags
#' datjags <- as.list(df)
#' datjags$N <- length(datjags$Y)
#' # creating jags model
#' model <- function() {
#' for(i in 1:N){
#' Y[i] ~ dbern(p[i]) ## Bernoulli distribution of y_i
#' logit(p[i]) <- mu[i] ## Logit link function
#' mu[i] <- b[1] +
#' b[2] * X1[i] +
#' b[3] * X2[i]
#' }
#' for(j in 1:3){
#' b[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) ## Use a coefficient vector for simplicity
#' }
#' }
#' params <- c("b")
#' inits1 <- list("b" = rep(0, 3))
#' inits2 <- list("b" = rep(0, 3))
#' inits <- list(inits1, inits2)
#' ## fitting the model with R2jags
#' set.seed(123)
#' fit <- R2jags::jags(data = datjags, inits = inits,
#' parameters.to.save = params, n.chains = 2, n.iter = 2000,
#' n.burnin = 1000, model.file = model)
#' # processing the data
#' mm <- model.matrix(Y ~ X1 + X2, data = df)
#' xframe <- as.matrix(model.frame(Y ~ X1 + X2, data = df))
#' mcmc <- coda::as.mcmc(fit)
#' mcmc_mat <- as.matrix(mcmc)[, 1:ncol(xframe)]
#' # using mcmcRocPrcGen
#' fit_sum <- mcmcRocPrcGen(modelmatrix = mm,
#' modelframe = xframe,
#' mcmcout = mcmc_mat,
#' curves = TRUE,
#' fullsims = FALSE)
#' }
#' }
#' \dontshow{setwd(.old_wd)}
mcmcRocPrcGen <- function(modelmatrix,
curves = FALSE,
link = "logit",
fullsims = FALSE){
if(link == "logit") {
pred_prob <- plogis(t(modelmatrix %*% t(mcmcout)))
} else if (link == "probit") {
pred_prob <- pnorm(t(modelmatrix %*% t(mcmcout)))
} else {
stop("Please enter a valid link argument")
if(missing(modelmatrix) | missing(mcmcout) | missing(modelframe)) {
"Please enter the required arguments"
if(fullsims == FALSE){
y_pred <- apply(X = pred_prob, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) median(x))
# Observed y and x
pred_obs <- data.frame(y_pred = y_pred, y_obs = modelframe[, 1])
auc_roc <- function(obs, pred) {
pred <- prediction(pred, obs)
auc <- performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]
auc_pr <- function(obs, pred) {
xx.df <- prediction(pred, obs)
perf <- performance(xx.df, "prec", "rec")
xy <- data.frame(recall = perf@x.values[[1]],
precision = perf@y.values[[1]])
# take out division by 0 for lowest threshold
xy <- subset(xy, !is.nan(xy$precision))
res <- caTools::trapz(xy$recall, xy$precision)
area_under_roc <- auc_roc(obs = pred_obs$y_obs, pred = pred_obs$y_pred)
area_under_prc <- auc_pr(obs = pred_obs$y_obs, pred = pred_obs$y_pred)
if(curves == FALSE){
# Results as a list
results <- list()
results$area_under_roc <- area_under_roc
results$area_under_prc <- area_under_prc
if(curves == TRUE){
prediction_obj <- prediction(predictions = pred_obs$y_pred,
labels = pred_obs$y_obs)
prc_performance_obj <- performance(prediction.obj = prediction_obj,
measure = "prec",
x.measure = "rec")
prc_dat <- data.frame(x = prc_performance_obj@x.values,
y = prc_performance_obj@y.values)
names(prc_dat) <- c("x", "y")
roc_performance_obj <- performance(prediction.obj = prediction_obj,
measure = "tpr",
x.measure = "fpr")
roc_dat <- data.frame(x = roc_performance_obj@x.values,
y = roc_performance_obj@y.values)
names(roc_dat) <- c("x", "y")
# Results as a list
results <- list()
results$area_under_roc <- area_under_roc
results$area_under_prc <- area_under_prc
results$prc_dat <- prc_dat
results$roc_dat <- roc_dat
if(fullsims == TRUE){
RocPrcOneDraw <- function(pred_prob_vector){
# run this function over each row (iteration) of the pred_prob matrix
# y_pred <- apply(X = pred_prob, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) median(x))
# Observed y and x
pred_obs <- data.frame(y_pred = pred_prob_vector, y_obs = modelframe[, 1])
auc_roc <- function(obs, pred) {
pred <- prediction(pred, obs)
auc <- performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]
auc_pr <- function(obs, pred) {
xx.df <- prediction(pred, obs)
perf <- performance(xx.df, "prec", "rec")
xy <- data.frame(recall = perf@x.values[[1]],
precision = perf@y.values[[1]])
# take out division by 0 for lowest threshold
xy <- subset(xy, !is.nan(xy$precision))
res <- caTools::trapz(xy$recall, xy$precision)
area_under_roc <- auc_roc(obs = pred_obs$y_obs, pred = pred_obs$y_pred)
area_under_prc <- auc_pr(obs = pred_obs$y_obs, pred = pred_obs$y_pred)
if(curves == FALSE){
# Results as a list
one_result <- c(area_under_roc, area_under_prc)
if(curves == TRUE){
prediction_obj <- prediction(predictions = pred_obs$y_pred,
labels = pred_obs$y_obs)
prc_performance_obj <- performance(prediction.obj = prediction_obj,
measure = "prec",
x.measure = "rec")
prc_dat <- data.frame(x = prc_performance_obj@x.values,
y = prc_performance_obj@y.values)
names(prc_dat) <- c("x", "y")
roc_performance_obj <- performance(prediction.obj = prediction_obj,
measure = "tpr",
x.measure = "fpr")
roc_dat <- data.frame(x = roc_performance_obj@x.values,
y = roc_performance_obj@y.values)
names(roc_dat) <- c("x", "y")
# Results as a list
one_result <- list()
one_result$area_under_roc <- area_under_roc
one_result$area_under_prc <- area_under_prc
one_result$prc_dat <- prc_dat
one_result$roc_dat <- roc_dat
if(curves == FALSE){
all_results <- matrix(nrow = nrow(pred_prob), ncol = 2)
for(i in 1:nrow(pred_prob)){
all_results[i, ] <- RocPrcOneDraw(pred_prob[i, ])
all_results <- as.data.frame(all_results)
names(all_results) <- c("area_under_roc", "area_under_prc")
if(curves == TRUE){
all_results <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(pred_prob)){
all_results[[i]] <- RocPrcOneDraw(pred_prob[i, ])
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