## packages used
## rjags
## R2jags
## runjags
## MCMCpack
## rstan
## rstanarm
## brms
## data files used:
## jags_logit.rds
## jags_probit.rds
## runjags-logit.rds
## LINE from package = "rjags"
# Test mcmcRocPrc constructor and default method --------------------------
test_that("constructor and default method work", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
# pull out a predicted probability matrix and yvec, for simple testing
object <- jags_logit
mdl_data <- object$model$data()
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(X0 = 1L, as.data.frame(mdl_data[c("X1", "X2")])))
yvec <- mdl_data[["Y"]]
pardraws <- as.matrix(coda::as.mcmc(object))
betadraws <- pardraws[, c(sprintf("b[%s]", 1:ncol(xdata - 1)))]
pred_prob <- plogis(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
# testing
expect_error(new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob, yvec, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE),
# since pred_prob is a matrix, it should dispatch to the .default method,
# which is setup to use a matrix of predicted probabilities as input
expect_error(mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob, FALSE, FALSE, yvec = yvec), NA)
test_that("constructor rejects invalid input", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
# pull out a predicted probability matrix and yvec, for simple testing
object <- jags_logit
mdl_data <- object$model$data()
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(X0 = 1L, as.data.frame(mdl_data[c("X1", "X2")])))
yvec <- mdl_data[["Y"]]
pardraws <- as.matrix(coda::as.mcmc(object))
betadraws <- pardraws[, c(sprintf("b[%s]", 1:ncol(xdata - 1)))]
pred_prob <- plogis(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
# testing
# matrix rows and yvec length differ
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob[-1, ], yvec, FALSE, FALSE),
"number of predictions and observed outcomes do not match"
# yvec is not all 0 or 1
tmp <- yvec
tmp[1] <- 0.1
new_mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob, tmp, FALSE, FALSE),
"yvec must be 0 or 1"
# pred_prob is not all withint [0, 1]
tmp <- pred_prob
tmp[1, 1] <- 1.1
new_mcmcRocPrc(tmp, yvec, FALSE, FALSE),
"must be in the interval"
test_that(".default method rejects invalid input", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
# pull out a predicted probability matrix and yvec, for simple testing
object <- jags_logit
mdl_data <- object$model$data()
xdata <- as.matrix(cbind(X0 = 1L, as.data.frame(mdl_data[c("X1", "X2")])))
yvec <- mdl_data[["Y"]]
pardraws <- as.matrix(coda::as.mcmc(object))
betadraws <- pardraws[, c(sprintf("b[%s]", 1:ncol(xdata - 1)))]
pred_prob <- plogis(xdata %*% t(betadraws))
# testing
# object is not a matrix
mcmcRocPrc(pred_prob[, 1], FALSE, FALSE, yvec),
"requires 'matrix'"
test_that("Simple model runs with mcmcRocPrc Full", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
## using mcmcRocPrc with full draws
full_with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = TRUE)
## testing
value_area_under_roc <- as.numeric(full_with_curves$area_under_roc[986])
check_against_full_roc <- c(0.626)
expect_equal(value_area_under_roc, check_against_full_roc, tolerance = 1e-2)
value_area_under_prc <- as.numeric(full_with_curves$area_under_prc[965])
check_against_full_prc <- c(0.61994)
expect_equal(value_area_under_prc, check_against_full_prc, tolerance = 1e-2)
# JAGS-like input (rjags, R2jags, runjags) --------------------------------
test_that("class 'jags' input works", {
# both the "runjags" and "rjags" classes produced by jags(), run.jags(),
# from packages R2jags and runjags include "jags" classes that are model
# definitions without posterior samples (see rjags::jags.model()). Both
# include underlying "jags" classes in them
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
jags_object <- jags_logit$model
posterior_samples <- as.mcmc(jags_logit)
out <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_object, curves = FALSE, fullsims = FALSE,
yname = "Y", xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
posterior_samples = posterior_samples),
test_that("JAGS logit input works", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
## using mcmcRocPrc
with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = FALSE),
## testing
value <- with_curves$prc_dat[[1]][156, 2]
check_against <- c(0.658)
expect_equal(value, check_against, tolerance = 1e-2)
value_roc <- as.numeric(with_curves$area_under_roc)
check_against_roc <- c(0.627)
expect_equal(value_roc, check_against_roc, tolerance = 1e-2)
value_prc <- as.numeric(with_curves$area_under_prc)
check_against_prc <- c(0.621)
expect_equal(value_prc, check_against_prc, tolerance = 1e-2)
test_that("JAGS probit input works", {
jags_probit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_probit.rds")
with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_probit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = FALSE),
test_that("Non-logit/probit JAGS does not work", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
fake_jags <- structure(
model = structure(
list(model = function() "incompatible model"),
class = "jags"
BUGSoutput = jags_logit$BUGSoutput),
class = "rjags"
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2")),
"Could not identify model link function")
test_that("runjags input works", {
runjags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/runjags-logit.rds")
out <- mcmcRocPrc(runjags_logit, FALSE, FALSE, yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2")),
# STAN-like input (rstan, rstanarm, brms) ---------------------------------
# rstan input
# The next couple of tests build up to checking if rstan input works
# based on the ?stan_model example and code at
# https://github.com/stan-dev/rstan/blob/develop/rstan/rstan/R/AllClass.R
# !!!
# stan_model requires compiling; figure out a way to do this for tests
# !!!
# stancode <- 'data {real y_mean;} parameters {real y;} model {y ~ normal(y_mean,1);}'
# mod <- stan_model(model_code = stancode, verbose = TRUE)
# nonbinary_model <- new("stanfit",
# model_name = "foo", model_pars = character(0),
# par_dims = list(NULL), mode = 1L, sim = list(0),
# inits = list(0), stan_args = list(0),
# stanmodel = mod,
# date = "2020-06-17", .MISC = emptyenv())
test_that("binary/non-binary stanfit models are correctly IDd", {
# It would be good to also have a negative test for a non-binary model.
# Unfortunately stanfit is a S4 class, so it's not super straightforward
# to create dummy examples for testing, like I do with the S3 classes
# elsewhere here. See the commented out code above.
rstan_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/rstan-logit.rds")
expect_equal(identify_link_function(rstan_logit), "logit")
test_that("RStan input works", {
rstan_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/rstan-logit.rds")
df <- carData::Cowles
df$female <- (as.numeric(df$sex) - 2) * (-1)
df$volunteer <- as.numeric(df$volunteer) - 1
df$extraversion <- (df$extraversion - mean(df$extraversion)) / (2 * sd(df$extraversion))
df$neuroticism <- (df$neuroticism - mean(df$neuroticism)) / (2 * sd(df$neuroticism))
dl <- as.list(df[, c("volunteer", "female", "neuroticism", "extraversion")])
dl$N <- nrow(df)
out <- mcmcRocPrc(rstan_logit, FALSE, FALSE, data = dl, yname = "volunteer",
xnames = c("female", "neuroticism", "extraversion")),
# rstanarm input
test_that("rstanarm input works", {
rstanarm_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/rstanarm-logit.rds")
out <- mcmcRocPrc(rstanarm_logit, FALSE, FALSE),
# non-binomial models are rejected
dummy_model <- structure(
list(family = gaussian()),
class = "stanreg"
"does not seem to be a binary choice model"
# brms input
test_that("brms input works", {
brms_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/brms-logit.rds")
out <- mcmcRocPrc(brms_logit, FALSE, FALSE),
# non-binomial models are rejected
dummy_model <- brms_logit
dummy_model$formula$family <- gaussian()
"does not seem to be a binary choice model"
# Other types of input (MCMpack, BUGS) ------------------------------------
test_that("BUGS input works", {
testthat::skip_if_not_installed(c("rjags", "R2WinBUGS"))
## Generate an example BUGS fitted model object
data(LINE, package = "rjags")
## fitting the model with jags
bugs_model <- rjags::coda.samples(LINE, c("alpha", "beta", "sigma"),
n.iter = 1000)
bugs_logit <- R2WinBUGS::as.bugs.array(sims.array = as.array(bugs_model))
## loading sim data
sim_data <- readRDS("../testdata/sim_data.rds")
# testing
out <- mcmcRocPrc(object = bugs_logit,
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = FALSE,
data = sim_data,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
type = "logit"))
test_that("MCMCpack input works", {
mcmcpack_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/mcmcpack-logit.rds")
df <- carData::Cowles
df$female <- (as.numeric(df$sex) - 2) * (-1)
df$volunteer <- as.numeric(df$volunteer) - 1
df$extraversion <- (df$extraversion - mean(df$extraversion)) / (2 * sd(df$extraversion))
df$neuroticism <- (df$neuroticism - mean(df$neuroticism)) / (2 * sd(df$neuroticism))
out <- mcmcRocPrc(mcmcpack_logit, FALSE, FALSE, data = df, yname = "volunteer",
xnames = c("female", "neuroticism", "extraversion"),
type = "logit"),
# a mcmc object without call attribute should cause an error
mock <- structure(
class = "mcmc"
mcmcRocPrc(mock, FALSE, FALSE, data = df, yname = "volunteer",
xnames = c("female", "neuroticism", "extraversion"),
type = "logit"),
"object does not have a 'call' attribute"
# a mcmc object whose call attribute does not indicate MCMClogit or MCMCprobit
# was used should also cause an error
if (require("MCMCpack", quietly = TRUE)) {
## fitting the model with MCMCpack
mcmcpack_linear <- MCMCpack::MCMCregress(Y ~ X, b0 = 0, B0 = 0.001,
sigma.mu = 5, sigma.var = 10,
data = list(X = rnorm(100),
Y = rnorm(100, 5, 5)),
seed = 1)
## testing
mcmcRocPrc(mcmcpack_linear, FALSE, FALSE, data = df, yname = "volunteer",
xnames = c("female", "neuroticism", "extraversion"),
type = "logit"),
"object does not appear to have been fitted using"
# but we can force computation anyways using force;
# simulate an instance in which this would be desirable by stripping the call
# attribute from mcmcpack_logit
attr(mcmcpack_logit, "call") <- NULL
mcmcRocPrc(mcmcpack_logit, FALSE, FALSE, data = df, yname = "volunteer",
xnames = c("female", "neuroticism", "extraversion"),
type = "logit"),
"object does not have a 'call' attribute"
mcmcRocPrc(mcmcpack_logit, FALSE, FALSE, data = df, yname = "volunteer",
xnames = c("female", "neuroticism", "extraversion"),
type = "logit",
force = TRUE),
# Test methods for print, plot, etc. --------------------------------------
# Now that it's established that basic creation works, set up examples of all
# four possible return value types that can be used for the rest of the tests
# below
test_that("mcmcRocPrc returns the same output structure, sans NULL elements", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = FALSE)
no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = FALSE)
full_no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = TRUE)
full_with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = TRUE)
test_that("print method works", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = FALSE)
no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = FALSE)
full_no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = TRUE)
full_with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = TRUE)
"mcmcRocPrc object\ncurves: TRUE; fullsims: FALSE\nAUC-ROC: 0.627\nAUC-PR: 0.621"
"mcmcRocPrc object\ncurves: FALSE; fullsims: FALSE\nAUC-ROC: 0.627\nAUC-PR: 0.621"
"mcmcRocPrc object\ncurves: TRUE; fullsims: TRUE\nAUC-ROC: 0.624 [80%: 0.619 - 0.627]\nAUC-PR: 0.618 [80%: 0.613 - 0.620]"
"mcmcRocPrc object\ncurves: FALSE; fullsims: TRUE\nAUC-ROC: 0.624 [80%: 0.619 - 0.627]\nAUC-PR: 0.618 [80%: 0.613 - 0.620]"
test_that("plot method gives informative errors", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = FALSE)
no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = FALSE)
full_no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = TRUE)
full_with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = TRUE)
expect_error(plot(no_curves), "to generate data for plots")
expect_error(plot(with_curves, n = 0), "n must be")
expect_error(plot(with_curves, alpha = 5), "alpha must be")
test_that("plot method works", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = FALSE)
no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = FALSE)
full_no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = TRUE)
full_with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = TRUE)
expect_error(plot(with_curves), NA)
expect_error(plot(full_with_curves), NA)
expect_error(plot(no_curves), "to generate data for plots")
expect_error(plot(full_no_curves), "to generate data for plots")
# the plots from above will be sent to a Rplots.pdf file; clean that up
test_that("data frame conversion works with all 4 output sets", {
jags_logit <- readRDS("../testdata/jags_logit.rds")
with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = FALSE)
no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = FALSE)
full_no_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = FALSE,
fullsims = TRUE)
full_with_curves <- mcmcRocPrc(jags_logit,
yname = "Y",
xnames = c("X1", "X2"),
curves = TRUE,
fullsims = TRUE)
# all 4 output types have AUC, so this should work across the board
# (auc is the default what argument)
expect_equal(nrow(as.data.frame(no_curves)), 1L)
expect_equal(nrow(as.data.frame(with_curves)), 1L)
expect_equal(nrow(as.data.frame(full_no_curves)), 2000L)
expect_equal(nrow(as.data.frame(full_with_curves)), 2000L)
# when called without curves, there will be no data for what = "roc"/"prc"
expect_error(as.data.frame(no_curves, what = "roc"), "No curve data")
expect_error(as.data.frame(no_curves, what = "prc"), "No curve data")
expect_error(as.data.frame(full_no_curves, what = "roc"), "No curve data")
expect_error(as.data.frame(full_no_curves, what = "roc"), "No curve data")
# Otherwise, roc/prc data will either be average across sims, or a curve
# for each sim. To ensure consistency in output, always return coordinate
# data with an identifying "sim" column
expect_error(out <- as.data.frame(with_curves, what = "roc"), NA)
expect_s3_class(out, "data.frame")
expect_equal(colnames(out), c("sim", "x", "y"))
expect_equal(unique(out$sim), 1L)
expect_equal(nrow(out), 501L)
# fullsims
expect_error(out <- as.data.frame(full_with_curves, what = "roc"), NA)
expect_s3_class(out, "data.frame")
expect_equal(colnames(out), c("sim", "x", "y"))
expect_equal(length(unique(out$sim)), 2000L)
expect_equal(nrow(out), 501L*2000L)
test_that("auc_roc and pr work", {
expect_equal(auc_roc(c(0, 0, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1)), 1)
expect_equal(auc_pr(c(0, 0, 1, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1)), NaN)
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