Man pages for ShawHahnLab/chiimp
Computational, High-throughput Individual Identification through Microsatellite Profiling

align_allelesAlign allele sequences across loci
allele_matchCheck Sample Data for Potential Allele Matches
analyze_datasetAnalyze all samples in a dataset
analyze_sampleAnalyze sequence table and categorize sequences
analyze_seqsAnalyze a set of STR sequences
apply_configApply CHIIMP options globally
calc_genotype_distanceCalculate distance between two genotypes
categorize_genotype_resultsCategorize genotyping results
cfgGet/set CHIIMP global configuration options
CFG_DEFAULTSDefault Configuration
check_lengthCheck sequences for expected length
check_motifCheck sequences for STR repeats
CMPComplements of IUPAC nucleotide codes
find_artifactCheck for non-stutter PCR artifacts between sequences
find_closest_matchesFind closest matches in distance matrix
find_primer_matchesFind primer matches for reads
find_stutterCheck for PCR stutter between sequences
format_pandoc_argsCreate Pandoc Metadata Argument Strings
full_analysisPerform a full microsatellite analysis
get_px_widthGet plot unit width
handle_primersModify reads based on matched primers
histogramPlot histogram of STR sequences
load_allele_namesLoad table of known allele names
load_configLoad configuration file
load_config_csvLoad configuration file from CSV
load_config_yamlLoad configuration file from YAML
load_csvLoad and save tables from CSV
load_datasetLoad table of sample attributes
load_genotypesLoad table of genotypes
load_locus_attrsLoad table of locus attributes
load_seqsLoad vector of sequences from FASTA/FASTQ file
logmsgWrite Log Message
mainHandle full microsatellite analysis from command-line
make_allele_namesCreate Short Allele Names
make_dist_matMake distance matrix for set of samples
make_dist_mat_knownMake distance matrix for samples to known genotypes
make_entry_idCreate identifiers for STR Data
make_raw_ntMake matrix of raw bytes from nucleotide sequences
make_read_primer_tableMake data frame of primer info for reads
make_rownamesCreate Row Names for STR Data
match_known_genotypesAssociate known genotypes with samples
name_alleles_in_tableName allele sequences in genotype data frame
name_known_sequencesName known allele sequences
order_entriesDefine Ordering for STR Data
parse_configParse a configuration data frame into list
plot_alignmentPlot Sequence Alignments
plot_cts_per_locusPlot heatmap of read counts matching each locus primer
plot_dist_matPlot Distance Matrix
plot_heatmapRender heatmap of STR attribute across samples and loci
plot_heatmap_artifactsPlot heatmap of suspected PCR artifacts
plot_heatmap_homozygousPlot heatmap of homozygous samples
plot_heatmap_prominent_seqsPlot heatmap of samples with multiple prominent sequences
plot_heatmap_proportionsPlot heatmap of proportion of allele sequence counts
plot_heatmap_stutterPlot heatmap of suspected PCR stutter
prepare_datasetExtract Sample Attributes from Filenames
RAW_NTIUPAC DNA nucleotides as raw bytes
remove_shared_root_dirRemove shared path from file paths
render_reportRender Microsatellite Report Document
report_genotypesCreate genotype summary table
report_identsCreate identification summary table
revcmpReverse complement sequences
sample_analysis_funcsVersions of analyze_sample
sample_summary_funcsVersions of summarize_sample
save_alignment_imagesSave alignment visualizations to image files
save_alignmentsSave alignments to FASTA files
save_allele_seqsSave identified alleles to FASTA files
save_dataSave Microsatellite Analysis to Disk
save_datasetSave table of sample attributes
save_dist_matSave sample distance matrix to text file
save_histogramsSave sequence histogram visualizations to image files
save_results_summarySave dataset summary to text file
save_sample_dataSave per-sample processed data to text files
save_seqfile_dataSave per-file processed data to text files
setup_packageSet up CHIIMP package environment
sort_resultsSort entries in results data frames
str_hist_renderDraw prepared histogram data
str_hist_setupPrepare histogram data
str_hist_setup_legendSetup display attributes for STR histogram
summarize_attributeCreate Summary Attribute Table
summarize_datasetAdd further summaries to analyzed dataset
summarize_genotypesCreate Summary Genotype Table
summarize_genotypes_knownCreate Summary Genotype Table for Known Genotypes
summarize_sampleSummarize a processed STR sample
tabulate_allele_namesWide table of allele names vs loci
tally_cts_per_locusCreate Counts-per-Locus Table
test_dataHelper Data for Examples
tidy_analyzed_datasetTidy raw analyzed dataset results
version_compareCompare two version strings
ShawHahnLab/chiimp documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 1:41 a.m.