
Defines functions pq_plot pp_candle pp_step pp_line pp_base p_addti_indicator p_addti_overlay fun_filter_overlays p_lm pp_dtlm p_orders p_markline p_theme pp_xstart pp_title pp_dtpre

Documented in pq_plot

pp_dtpre = function(dt, x='date', y='close', 
                    addti = NULL, 
                    orders = NULL, order_y = 'prices', order_type = 'side_bs', order_term = 'side_term', ...) {
    symbol = name = markline_value = NULL
    dt = setorderv(copy(dt), c('symbol', x)) 
    if ('name' %in% names(dt)) dt = dt[, name := NULL]
    if (!is.null(addti)) {
        dt = suppressWarnings(do.call('pq_addti', args = c(list(dt=dt), addti)))
        dt = rbindlist(dt)
        rmcols = intersect(c('bbands_pctb', 'adx_dx', 'atr_tr', 'atr_truehigh', 'atr_truelow', 'aroon_oscillator'), names(dt))
        # if (names(addti[i]) == 'bbands') dtti = dtti[,(c('bbands_dn', 'bbands_mavg', 'bbands_up')) := NULL]
        if (length(rmcols) > 0) dt = dt[, (rmcols) := NULL]
    # if (isTRUE(markline)) dt = dt[, markline_value := get(y)[.N], by = 'symbol']

    if (inherits(orders, 'data.frame') && nrow(orders) > 0) {
        dtodr_cols = intersect(c('symbol', 'date'), names(orders))
        dt = merge(
                  sprintf('%s ~ %s + %s', paste0(dtodr_cols,collapse='+'), order_type, order_term), 
                  value.var = order_y), 
            by = dtodr_cols, all.x = TRUE
pp_title = function(dt, title=NULL, sybnam_N=TRUE, ...) {
    # symbol = name = NULL 
    if (is.null(title) & length(unique(dt$symbol))==1) {
        cols_sn = intersect(c('symbol','name'), names(dt))
        if (sybnam_N == TRUE) {
            title = setDT(dt)[.N, cols_sn, with=FALSE]
        } else title = setDT(dt)[1, cols_sn, with=FALSE]
        title = paste0(unlist(title), collapse = ' ')
pp_xstart = function(dt, x = 'date', date_range = 'max') {
    to0 = max(dt[[x]])
    from0 = min(dt[[x]])
    from = check_from(date_range, from = NULL, to = to0)
    if (date_range == 'max') {
        xstart = 0
    } else {
        xstart = as.numeric(from - from0)/as.numeric(to0 - from0) * 100

p_theme = function(e, xstart = 0, xend = 100, yaxis_log = FALSE, 
                   title = 'none', theme = 'default') {
    if (isTRUE(yaxis_log)) yaxis_type = 'log' else yaxis_type = 'value'
    e |>  
        e_title(title, left='30') |> 
        e_tooltip(trigger='axis', axisPointer = list(type = 'cross', show = TRUE)) |> 
        e_datazoom(x_index = 0, start = xstart, end = xend) |> 
            type = yaxis_type, position = 'right', axisLabel = list(rotate = 90) ) |> 
        e_toolbox(right='30') |> 
        e_toolbox_feature(c("restore", "dataZoom", "saveAsImage")) |> 
        e_legend(type = "plain", orient = "vertical", left='30', top='30') |> 
        e_grid(show=TRUE, left='30', right = '30', top='30') |>
p_markline = function(e, markline_yvals, markline = TRUE) {
    markline_value = NULL 
    if (isFALSE(markline)) return(e)
    for (yv in markline_yvals) {
        e = e |>
            e_mark_line(data = list(yAxis = yv), symbol = 'none',
                        lineStyle = list(type = 'dashed', color = 'grey'))
# orders
p_orders = function(e, orders, color_up = "#CF002F", color_down = "#000000", orders_ml=FALSE, ...) {
    side_term = side_bs = NULL

    if (is.null(orders)) return(e)
    lvls = orders[order(-side_term)][,unique(side_term)]
    sybs = rep_len(c('triangle', 'arrow', 'diamond'), length(lvls))
    cols = orders[, unique(paste(side_bs, side_term, sep = '_'))]
    for (i in seq_along(lvls) ) {
        sybi = sybs[i]
        sybsize = 12 - (i*i-1)
        # long
        col1 = sprintf('buy_%s', lvls[i])
        if (col1 %in% cols) e = e_scatter_(e, col1, symbol = sybi, symbolSize = sybsize, color = color_up, legend = FALSE)
        col2 = sprintf('sell_%s', lvls[i])
        if (col2 %in% cols) e = e_scatter_(e, col2, symbol = sybi, symbolSize = sybsize, symbolRotate=180, color = color_down, legend = FALSE) 
        # short
        col3 = sprintf('buy_short_%s', lvls[i])
        if (col3 %in% cols) e = e_scatter_(e, col3, symbol = sybi, symbolSize = sybsize, color = color_up, legend = FALSE)
        col4 = sprintf('sell_short_%s', lvls[i])
        if (col4 %in% cols) e = e_scatter_(e, col4, symbol = sybi, symbolSize = sybsize, symbolRotate=180, color = color_down, legend = FALSE) 

    if (isFALSE(orders_ml)) return(e)
    for (o in split(orders,by='side_bs')) {
        for (i in o[,.I]) {
            e = e |>
                    data = list(xAxis = o[i,date]), 
                    symbol = 'none', 
                    label = list(show=FALSE), 
                    lineStyle = list(type = 'dotted', color = 'grey')
# lm
pp_dtlm = function(dt, x, y, yaxis_log = FALSE, nsd_lm = NULL) {
    rid = NULL 
    ylm = function(x, y, yaxis_log, num_sd) {
        if (!yaxis_log) {
            y_sd = dt[, sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)]
            predict(lm(y ~ x)) + num_sd * y_sd
        } else {
            y_sd = dt[, sd(log10(y), na.rm = TRUE)]
            10^(predict(lm(log10(y) ~ x)) + num_sd * y_sd)
    if (is.null(nsd_lm)) {
    } else {
        dt = copy(setorderv( dt, c('symbol', x) ))[, rid := seq_len(.N), by = 'symbol']
        for (i in seq_along(nsd_lm)) {
            nsd = nsd_lm[i]
            dt = dt[, (paste0('lmy',i)) := ylm(get(x), get(y), yaxis_log = yaxis_log, num_sd = nsd), by = 'symbol']
p_lm = function(e, x='date', y='close', nsd_lm = NULL) {
    if (is.null(nsd_lm)) {
    } else {
        for (lmyi in paste0('lmy',seq_along(nsd_lm))) {
            e = e |>
                e_line_(lmyi, legend=FALSE, symbol='none', 
                        lineStyle = list(type = 'dashed', width = 1))
# addti
fun_filter_overlays = function(addti) {
    names(addti) <- tolower(names(addti))
    ti_not_topbottom = names(addti)[sapply(addti, function(x) !any(x[['position']] %in% c('top','bottom')))]
    ti_overlay = names(addti)[sapply(addti, function(x) any(x[['position']] %in% c('overlay')))]
    ti_overlays = c(intersect( ti_not_topbottom, tolower(pq_addti_funs()[['overlays']]) ), ti_overlay) 

p_addti_overlay = function(e, dtcols, addti = NULL) {
    if (is.null(addti)) return(e)
    # overlay: mm, sma, ema, smma, bb, sar
    # overlay technical indicators
    ti_overlay = fun_filter_overlays(addti)
    for (ti in ti_overlay) {
        serie_type = 'line'
        serie_symbol = 'none'
        if (ti %in% c('runmax', 'runmin')) {
            serie_type = 'step'
        } else if (ti == 'sar') {
            serie_type = 'scatter'
            serie_symbol = 'circle'

        ti_cols = dtcols[grep(sprintf('^%s', ti), dtcols)]
        for (ticol in ti_cols) {
            if (ticol %in% c('bbands_dn', 'bbands_up', 'pbands_dn', 'pbands_up')) next
            # tiname = sprintf('%s(%s)', gsub('[0-9._]+', '', ticol), gsub('_', ',', gsub('[a-z]+_', '', ticol)))
            e = do.call(
                sprintf('e_%s_', serie_type), 
                args = list(
                    e = e, serie = ticol, symbol = serie_symbol, 
                    lineStyle = list(width = 1)
        if (ti == 'bbands') {
            e = e |>
                e_band2_('bbands_dn', 'bbands_up', color = 'lightgrey', itemStyle=list(borderWidth=0), legend = FALSE)
        } else if (ti == 'pbands') {
            e = e |>
                e_band2_('pbands_dn', 'pbands_up', color = 'lightgrey', itemStyle=list(borderWidth=0), legend = FALSE)
    # oscillator: macd, ppo, roc, rsi, cci

p_addti_indicator = function(e, dt, addti = NULL, x = 'date', theme = 'default') {
    if (is.null(addti)) return(e)
    ti_indicators = setdiff(tolower(names(addti)), fun_filter_overlays(addti))
    len_ti = length(ti_indicators)
    if (len_ti == 0) return(e)
    elst = lapply(
        function(ti) {
            ti_cols = names(dt)[grep(sprintf('^%s', ti), names(dt))]
            if (ti == 'portfolio') {
                ti_cols = sort(factor(ti_cols, levels = c("portfolio_balance", "portfolio_equity", "portfolio_fund"))) 
            e = dt |> 
                e_charts_(x, height = 150, dispose = FALSE) 
            for (ticol in ti_cols) {
                efun = 'e_line_'
                ticol_args = list(e=e, serie=ticol, symbol='none', lineStyle = list(width = 1))
                if (ticol %in% paste0('portfolio_', c('fund','equity'))) {
                    efun = 'e_area_'
                    ticol_args$lineStyle = list(width = 0)
                    ticol_args$stack = 'gp1'
                    if (ticol == 'portfolio_fund') ticol_args$color = 'lightgrey'   
                } else if (grepl('^cumreturns_', ticol)) {
                    ticol_args$color = 'grey'
                 e = do.call(efun, args = ticol_args) |> 
                     e_y_axis(min='dataMin', position = 'right', axisLabel = list(rotate = 90, hideOverlap=TRUE)) |> 
                     e_legend(type = "plain", orient = "vertical", left='30', top='10') |> 
                     e_datazoom(show=FALSE) |>
                     e_toolbox(show=FALSE) |>
                     e_grid(show = TRUE, top = 10, bottom=20, 
                            left='30', right = '30') |>
                     e_tooltip(trigger='axis', axisPointer = list(type = 'cross', show = TRUE)) |> 
                     e_group('ind') |>
    elst[[len_ti]] = elst[[len_ti]]  |> 
    elst = c(list(e_group(e, 'ind')), elst)
    do.call('e_arrange', args = c(elst, list(cols=1)))

pp_base = function(dt, x = 'date', h='100%', yb=NULL) {
    symbol = name = syb_nam = NULL 
    if (dt[,length(unique(symbol))] > 1) {
        e = dt[, syb_nam := paste(symbol, name)] |> 
            group_by(syb_nam) |> 
    } else {
        e = dt |> 
    if (!is.null(yb)) e = e_line_(e, serie = yb, legend=TRUE, symbol='none', color = 'grey')

pp_line = function(
    dt, x = 'date', y = 'close', yb = NULL, date_range = 'max', yaxis_log = FALSE, title = NULL, 
    color_up = "#CF002F", color_down = "#000000", theme = 'default', 
    markline = TRUE, nsd_lm = NULL, addti = NULL, 
    orders = NULL, order_y = 'prices', order_type = 'side_bs', ...
) {
    title  = pp_title(dt, title, ...)
    dt = dt[, intersect(names(dt), c('symbol', x, y, yb)), with=FALSE]
    dt = pp_dtpre(dt, x, y, addti, orders, order_y, order_type) |>
        pp_dtlm(x, y, yaxis_log, nsd_lm)
    xstart = pp_xstart(dt, x, date_range)
    markline_yvals = dt[, .SD[.N], by='symbol'][, unique(get(y))]
    dtcols = names(dt)
    e = pp_base(dt, x, yb=yb) |> 
        e_line_(serie = y, legend=TRUE, symbol='none') |>
        p_orders(orders, color_up, color_down, ...) |>
        p_markline(markline_yvals = markline_yvals, markline = markline) |> 
        p_lm(x=x, y=y, nsd_lm=nsd_lm) |>
        p_addti_overlay(dtcols = dtcols, addti = addti) |>
        p_theme(xstart = xstart, xend = 100, yaxis_log = yaxis_log, 
                title = title, theme = theme) |> 
        p_addti_indicator(dt = dt, addti = addti, x = x, theme = theme)

pp_step = function(
    dt, x = 'date', y = 'close', yb = NULL, date_range = 'max', yaxis_log = FALSE, title = NULL, 
    color_up = "#CF002F", color_down = "#000000", theme = 'default', 
    markline = TRUE, nsd_lm = NULL, addti = NULL, 
    orders = NULL, order_y = 'prices', order_type = 'side_bs', ...
) {
    title  = pp_title(dt, title, ...)
    dt = dt[, intersect(names(dt), c('symbol', x, y, yb)), with=FALSE]
    dt = pp_dtpre(dt, x, y, addti, orders, order_y, order_type) |>
        pp_dtlm(x, y, yaxis_log, nsd_lm)
    xstart = pp_xstart(dt, x, date_range)
    markline_yvals = dt[, .SD[.N], by='symbol'][, unique(get(y))]
    dtcols = names(dt)
    e = pp_base(dt, x, yb=yb) |> 
        e_step_(serie = y, symbol='none') |> 
        p_orders(orders, color_up, color_down, ...) |> 
        p_markline(markline_yvals = markline_yvals, markline = markline) |> 
        p_lm(x=x, y=y, nsd_lm=nsd_lm) |>
        p_addti_overlay(dtcols = dtcols, addti = addti) |>
        p_theme(xstart = xstart, xend = 100, yaxis_log = yaxis_log, 
                title = title, theme = theme) |>
        p_addti_indicator(dt = dt, addti = addti, x = x, theme = theme)

pp_candle = function(
    dt, x = 'date', y = 'close', yb = NULL, date_range = 'max', yaxis_log = FALSE, title = NULL, 
    color_up = "#CF002F", color_down = "#000000", theme = 'default', 
    markline = TRUE, nsd_lm = NULL, addti = NULL, 
    orders = NULL, order_y = 'prices', order_type = 'side_bs', ...
) {
    title  = pp_title(dt, title, ...)
    dt = dt[, intersect(names(dt), c('symbol', x, y, yb, 'close', 'open', 'low', 'high')), with=FALSE]
    dt = pp_dtpre(dt, x, y, addti, orders, order_y, order_type) |>
        pp_dtlm(x, y, yaxis_log, nsd_lm)
    xstart = pp_xstart(dt, x, date_range)
    markline_yvals = dt[, .SD[.N], by='symbol'][, unique(get(y))]
    dtcols = names(dt)
    dt = copy(dt)[, date := as.factor(date)]
    e = pp_base(dt, x, yb=yb) |> 
        e_candle_('close', 'open', 'low', 'high', name = title,
                  itemStyle = list(color = color_up, borderColor = color_up,
                                   color0 = color_down, borderColor0 = color_down)) |> 
        p_orders(orders, color_up, color_down, ...)  |> 
        p_markline(markline_yvals = markline_yvals, markline = markline) |> 
        p_lm(x=x, y=y, nsd_lm=nsd_lm) |>
        p_addti_overlay(dtcols = dtcols, addti = addti) |>
        p_theme(xstart = xstart, xend = 100, yaxis_log = yaxis_log, 
                title = title, theme = theme) |> 
        p_addti_indicator(dt = dt, addti = addti, x = x, theme = theme)

#' creating charts for time series
#' \code{pq_plot} provides an easy way to create interactive charts for time series dataset based on predefined formats.
#' @param dt a list/dataframe of time series dataset
#' @param chart_type chart type, including line, step, candle.
#' @param x column name for x axis 
#' @param y column name for y axis
#' @param yb column name for baseline
#' @param date_range date range of x axis to display. Available value includes '1m'-'11m', 'ytd', 'max' and '1y'-'ny'. Default is max.
#' @param yaxis_log whether to display y axis values in log. Default is FALSE.
#' @param title chart title. It will added to the front of chart title if it is specified.
#' @param addti list of technical indicators or numerical columns in dt. For technical indicator, it is calculated via \code{pq_addti}, which including overlays and indicators.
#' @param nsd_lm number of standard deviation from linear regression fitting values. 
#' @param markline whether to display markline. Default is TRUE. 
#' @param orders a data frame of trade orders, which including columns of symbol, date, side, prices, and quantity. 
#' @param arrange a list. Number of rows and columns charts to connect. Default is NULL.
#' @param theme name of echarts theme, see details in \code{\link{e_theme}}
#' @param ... ignored
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # single serie
#' library(data.table)
#' library(pedquant)
#' data(dt_ssec)
#' # line chart (default)
#' e1 = pq_plot(dt_ssec, chart_type = 'line') # line chart (default)
#' e1[[1]]
#' # add technical indicators
#' e2 = pq_plot(dt_ssec, addti = list(
#'         sma = list(n = 200), 
#'         sma = list(n = 50), 
#'         volume = list(),
#'         macd = list()
#' ))
#' e2[[1]]
#' # linear trend with yaxis in log
#' e3 = pq_plot(dt_ssec, nsd_lm = c(-0.8, 0, 0.8), markline=FALSE)
#' e3[[1]]
#' # multiple series
#' data(dt_banks)
#' setDT(dt_banks)
#' dt_banksadj = md_stock_adjust(dt_banks)
#' # linear trend
#' elist = pq_plot(dt_banksadj)
#' e4 = pq_plot(dt_banksadj, arrange = list(rows=1, cols=1))
#' e4[[1]]
#' # orders 
#' b2 = dt_banks[symbol %in% c('601988.SH', '601398.SH')]
#' b2orders = b2[sample(.N, 20), .(
#'     symbol, date, prices=close,
#'     side = sample(c(-1,  1), 20, replace=TRUE),
#'     term = sample(c(10, 20), 20, replace=TRUE)
#' )]
#' e5 = pq_plot(b2, orders=b2orders)
#' e5[[1]]
#' e6 = pq_plot(b2, orders=b2orders, arrange = list(rows=1, cols=1))
#' e6[[1]]
#' }
#' @import echarts4r 
#' @importFrom stats lm sd predict
#' @export
pq_plot = function(
    dt, chart_type = 'line', x = 'date', y = 'close', yb = NULL,
    date_range = 'max', yaxis_log = FALSE, title = NULL, 
    addti = NULL, nsd_lm = NULL, markline = TRUE, orders = NULL, 
    arrange = list(rows=NULL, cols=NULL), 
    theme = 'default', 
    ...) {
    # color_up = "#CF002F", color_down = "#000000", 
    # order_y = 'prices', order_type = 'type', 
    if (!interactive()) return(invisible())
    # arguments
    args = list(...)
    if (!is.null(args[['multi_series']])) {
        ms = args[['multi_series']]
        arrange = list(rows = ms$nrow, cols=ms$ncol)
    if (!is.null(args[['linear_trend']])) {
        nsd_lm = args[['linear_trend']]
    if (!(chart_type %in% c('line', 'step', 'candle'))) {
        chart_type = 'line'
        warning('The chart_type has set to line.')
    # y 
    if (length(y) > 1) {
        addtiy = lapply(as.list2(y[-1]), function(x) list(position='overlay'))
        addti = c(addti, addtiy)
        y = y[1]
    addti = arg_addti(addti, y)
    # arrange row col
    arrange_rowcol_allnull = all(sapply(arrange, is.null))
    arrange_rowcol_all1 = all(sapply(list('rows', 'cols'), function(x) any(arrange[[x]] == 1)))
    dt = check_dt(dt, symb_name = TRUE)
    if (!(y %in% names(dt))) {
        y = intersect('value', names(dt))
        if (length(y)==0) warning("Please specify the column name for y axis.") else warning("The y axis modified to 'value'.")
    orders = check_odr(orders)
    arglst = list(dt=dt, x=x, y=y, yb=yb, date_range=date_range, yaxis_log=yaxis_log, title=title, addti=addti, nsd_lm=nsd_lm, markline=markline, orders=orders, arrange=arrange, theme=theme, ...)
    if (arrange_rowcol_all1) {
        if (length(unique(dt$symbol))>1 & chart_type=='candle') {
            chart_type = 'line'
            warning('Multible candlestick series on one graphic is not supported yet. The chart_type has set to the default (line).')
        e = do.call(sprintf('pp_%s', chart_type), args = arglst)
    } else {
        e = lapply(split(dt, by = 'symbol'), function(dat) {
            arglst[['dt']] <- dat
            do.call(sprintf('pp_%s', chart_type), args = arglst)
        if (!arrange_rowcol_allnull) e = do.call('e_arrange', args = c(e, arrange))
    if (!inherits(e, 'list')) e = list(e)
ShichenXie/getpedr documentation built on May 20, 2024, 4:14 p.m.