
# stock info ------
md_stock1_info_163 = function(symbol1, rev_hist = FALSE, ...) {
    . = N = V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = V5 = V6 = X1 = X2 = X3 = X4 = revenue_by = mkt = report_date = rid = NULL
    # symbol1 = '600036'
    # skip index
    chk_syb = syb_add_cntags(symbol1)
    symbol1 = chk_syb$syb
    if (chk_syb[, mkt == 'index' ||]) return(NULL)
    # symbol1 = '000001'
    stk_price = md_stock_real(symbol1, only_syb_nam=TRUE)
    # columns
    rev_str_cols = c('revenue', 'cost', 'profit', 'gross_margin', 'profit_proportion')
    staff_str_cols = c('number', 'proportion')
    if (rev_hist) {
        revhist_preprocess = function(dat) {
            if (is.null(dat)) return(invisible())
            rev_str_cols = c('revenue', 'cost', 'profit', 'gross_margin', 'profit_proportion')
                        , rid := 0
                    ][V1 == dat[1,1] & V2 == dat[1,2], rid := 1
                    ][, rid := cumsum(rid)][], 
                    by = 'rid'
                function(x) {
                            x[, report_date := x[1,5]][-c(1:2)][, .(report_date, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6)], 
                            c('report_date', 'variable', rev_str_cols)
            ))[, (rev_str_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
                as.numeric(gsub(',|\\s|(--)|%', '', x))
            }), .SDcols = rev_str_cols][]
        rev_product = load_read_csv(
            sprintf('', symbol1), 
            encode = 'GBK', csv_header = FALSE
        rev_industry = load_read_csv(
            sprintf('', symbol1), 
            encode = 'GBK', csv_header = FALSE
        rev_location = load_read_csv(
            sprintf('', symbol1), 
            encode = 'GBK', csv_header = FALSE
        retdat = list(
            revenue = rbindlist(list(
                product = revhist_preprocess(rev_product), 
                industry = revhist_preprocess(rev_industry),
                location = revhist_preprocess(rev_location)
            ), idcol = 'revenue_by')[, report_date := as.Date(report_date)][]
    } else {
        # load all tables
        datweb = read_html(sprintf(
            sub("^.*?([0-9]+).*$",'\\1', symbol1)
        rdlist = 
                revstaff = c('product', 'industry', 'location', 'education', 'work_type'), 
                report_date = html_text(html_nodes(datweb, 'div.report_date span'))
            )[, report_date := substr(gsub(' *', '', report_date), 6, nchar(report_date)) ][]
        # sub('.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*', '\\1', rd) 
        tbls = rvest::html_table(datweb, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE)
        profile = 
                setDT(tbls[[4]])[1:9,   .(variable = X1, value = X2)], 
                setDT(tbls[[4]])[1:9,   .(variable = X3, value = X4)], 
                setDT(tbls[[4]])[10:12, .(variable = X1, value = X2)]
        ipo = setDT(tbls[[5]])[, .(variable = X1, value = X2)][]
        info = cbind(stk_price, rbindlist(list(profile=profile, ipo=ipo), idcol = 'info_type'))
        str_revenue = tbls[7:9]
        names(str_revenue) = c('product', 'industry', 'location')
        str_revenue = rbindlist(
            lapply( str_revenue, function(x) setnames(x[-1,], c('variable', rev_str_cols)) ), 
            idcol = 'revenue_by'
        )[, (rev_str_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
            as.numeric(gsub(',|\\s|-|%', '', x))
        }), .SDcols = rev_str_cols][]
        str_revenue = merge(
            cbind(stk_price, setnames(rdlist[1:3], 'revstaff', 'revenue_by')), 
            str_revenue, by = 'revenue_by', all.y = TRUE
        str_staff = tbls[10:11]
        names(str_staff) = c('education', 'work_type')
        str_staff = rbindlist(
            lapply(str_staff, function(x) setnames(x[-1,], c('variable', staff_str_cols))), 
            idcol = 'staff_by'
        )[, (staff_str_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
            as.numeric(gsub('\\s|%', '', x))
        }), .SDcols = staff_str_cols]
        str_staff = merge(
            cbind(stk_price, setnames(rdlist[4:5], 'revstaff', 'staff_by')), 
            str_staff, by = 'staff_by', all.y = TRUE
        retdat = list(
            info = info, 
            revenue = str_revenue[report_date != '--'][, report_date := as.Date(report_date)], 
            staff = str_staff[, report_date := as.Date(report_date)]

# stock history/163 ------
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom readr read_csv locale col_date col_character col_double col_integer
md_stock1_history_163 = function(symbol1, from='1900-01-01', to=Sys.Date(), zero_rm=TRUE, ...) {
    V1 = name = change_pct = symbol = close_prev = unit = NULL
    # ''
    # {'D': 'akdaily', 'W': 'akweekly', 'M': 'akmonthly'}
    chk_syb1 = syb_add_cntags(symbol1)[]
    if (chk_syb1$mkt %in% 'fund') {
        return(md_fund1_history_163(symbol1, from, to))
    } else if (!(chk_syb1$exchg_code %in% c('sz', 'ss'))) {
        return(md_stock1_history_eastmoney(symbol1, from, to, ...))
    # symbol
    syb = syb_fmt_163(symbol1) 
    # date range
    fromto = lapply(list(from=from,to=to), function(x) format(check_fromto(x), '%Y%m%d'))
    # create link
    link = sprintf('', syb, fromto$from, fromto$to, paste0(fields, collapse = ';'))
    # paste0('',syb,'&start=',fromto$from,'&end=',fromto$to,'&fields=TOPEN;HIGH;LOW;TCLOSE;LCLOSE;CHG;PCHG;VOTURNOVER;VATURNOVER;TURNOVER;MCAP;TCAP')
    # download data from 163
    dt <- read_csv(
        file=link, locale = locale(encoding = 'GBK'), na=c('', 'NA', 'None'),
        col_types=list(col_date(format = ''), col_character(), col_character(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double(), col_double()))
    attr(dt, 'spec') <- NULL
    # dt <- load_read_csv(link, 'GBK')
    # set names of datatable
    cols_name = c('date', 'symbol', 'name', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'close_prev', 'change', 'change_pct', 'volume', 'amount', 'turnover', 'cap_market', 'cap_total')
    setnames(dt, cols_name)
    setkeyv(dt, 'date')
    # if (max(dt[['date']]) < lwd()) dt = rbindlist(list(dt, md_stock_real1_tx(symbol1)[,names(dt), with=FALSE]), fill = FALSE)
    dt = dt[, symbol := syb_fmt_output(symbol1)][, (cols_name[c(2,3,1,4:15)]), with=FALSE]
    # if (max(dt[['date']]) < lwd()) dt = unique(dt, by='date')
    # fill zeros in dt
    dt[close_prev == 0, close_prev := NA]
    if (zero_rm) {
        dt = dt[close != 0]
    } else {
        cols_name = c('open', 'high', 'low', 'close')
        dt = dt[, (cols_name) := lapply(.SD, fill0), .SDcols = cols_name]
    # adding valuation ratios and adjust for dividend
    chk_syb = try(syb_fmt_output(dt[1, tstrsplit(symbol, '\\.')][,V1]), silent = TRUE)
    if (chk_syb == dt[1,symbol] && nrow(dt)>0) {
        valuation = list(...)[['valuation']]
        if (is.null(valuation)) valuation = FALSE
        if (valuation) dt = md_stock1_pe_163(dt)
    # adjust = list(...)[['adjust']]
    # if (is.null(adjust)) adjust = 'split'
    # adjust = ifelse(adjust, 'dividend', 'split') 
    dt = md_stock_adj1ohlc(dt, source = '163', adjust = list(...)[['adjust']])
    # create unit/name columns
    dt = dt[, unit := 'CNY']#[, name := name[.N]]
    setkeyv(dt, 'date')

# valuation ratios pe, pb, ps, pcf
md_stock1_pe_163 = function(dat) {
    # symbol1 = '000001'
    symbol1 = dat[1, tstrsplit(symbol, '\\.')][,V1]
    # main financial indicators
    mainfi = try(fs_type1_cn('fi0_main', symbol1), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(mainfi, 'try-error')) return(dat)
    # main financial indicators
    # book value per share
    # Revenue from 
    # Net profit
    # Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
    mfi = dcast(
                var_id %in% c(18,4,10,13)
            ][, value := ifelse(value==0, NA, value)], 
            data.table(var_id = c(18,4,10,13),
                       var = c('BV', 'REV', 'NP', 'NIDCash')),
            by = 'var_id', all.x = TRUE
        date ~ var
    ][, `:=`(fs_mth = month(date), fs_mth_diff = mean(month(date) - shift(month(date), type='lag', fill = 0))), by = year(date)
      # trailing REV/Income from main operation  
    ][fs_mth_diff == 3,                  REV_Q   := REV-shift(REV, type='lag'), by = year(date)
    ][fs_mth_diff == 3 &,   REV_Q   := REV
    ][fs_mth_diff == 3,                  REV_Y := runSum(REV_Q, 4)
      # trailing NP/Net Income
    ][fs_mth_diff == 3,                  NP_Q := NP-shift(NP, type='lag'), by = year(date)
    ][fs_mth_diff == 3 &,    NP_Q := NP
    ][fs_mth_diff == 3,                  NP_Y := runSum(NP_Q, 4)
      # last year NP/Net Income              
    ][fs_mth==12, NP_EOY := NP
    ][, NP_LY := shift(NP_EOY, type='lag')
    ][, NP_LY := fillna(NP_LY)
    ][fs_mth_diff ==  3, date2 := date_from('2m', date_bop('m', date)), by = 'date'
    ][fs_mth_diff ==  6, date2 := date_from('5m', date_bop('m', date)), by = 'date'
    ][fs_mth_diff == 12, date2 := date_from('11m', date_bop('m', date)), by = 'date'
      # ][fs_mth_diff ==  3, date2 := as.Date(paste(year(date), month(date)- 2, 1, sep='-'))
      # ][fs_mth_diff ==  6, date2 := as.Date(paste(year(date), month(date)- 5, 1, sep='-'))
      # ][fs_mth_diff == 12, date2 := as.Date(paste(year(date), month(date)-11, 1, sep='-'))
    ][, date := date2] 
    # merge mfi with dat
    cols_fillna = c('fs_mth','BV','NIDCash', 'REV_Y', 'NP', 'NP_Y', 'NP_LY')
    dat_pbpe = merge(
        mfi[, c('date', cols_fillna), with=FALSE], all = TRUE, by = 'date'
    )[, (cols_fillna) := lapply(.SD, fillna), .SDcols = cols_fillna
        pb = cap_total/BV/10000,
        pe_last = cap_total/NP_LY/10000, # last year ratio
        pe_trailing = cap_total/NP_Y/10000, # trailing twelve month
        pe_forward = cap_total/(NP/(fs_mth/12))/10000, # forward
        ps = cap_total/REV_Y/10000,
        pcf = cap_total/NIDCash/10000
    )][, (cols_fillna) := NULL]

# dividends
#' @importFrom stringi stri_isempty
md_stock1_divsplit_163 = function(symbol1, from=NULL, to=NULL, ret = c('div', 'spl', 'rig')) {
    name = symbol = date2 = date1 = date0 = fenhong = . = songgu = spl = zhuanzeng = new_issues = old_issues = issue_price = issue_rate = splits = dividends = mkt = NULL
    # skip index
    if (syb_add_cntags(symbol1)[, mkt == 'index' ||]) return(NULL)
    # symbol1 = '000001'
    stk_price = md_stock_real(symbol1, only_syb_nam=TRUE)
    # return dts
    div_spl = list()
    # get dividends
    tbls = sprintf('', sub("^.*?([0-9]+).*$",'\\1', symbol1)) %>%
        read_html(.) %>% 
        rvest::html_table(., fill = TRUE, header = TRUE)
    tbl_divspl = setDT(tbls[[4]])[-1][, lapply(.SD, function(x) replace(x, x=='--', NA))][,c(3:8)]
    setnames(tbl_divspl, c('songgu', 'zhuanzeng', 'fenhong', 'date0', 'date1', 'date2'))
    if (length(unique(unlist(tbl_divspl))) == 1 & nrow(tbl_divspl) == 1) {
        tbl_divspl = tbl_divspl[.0]
    tbl_divspl = tbl_divspl[
        , (c('songgu', 'zhuanzeng', 'fenhong')) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = c('songgu', 'zhuanzeng', 'fenhong')
    ][, (c('date0', 'date1', 'date2')) := lapply(.SD, as.Date), .SDcols = c('date0', 'date1', 'date2')
    ][, date2 := date1
    if ('div' %in% ret) { # dividend
        tbl_divident = tbl_divspl[fenhong > 0]
        if (nrow(tbl_divident) == 0) {
            div_spl[['div']] = data.table(
                date      = Sys.Date(),
                dividends = 1
        } else {
            div_spl[['div']] = tbl_divident[,.(
                date      = date1,
                dividends = fenhong/10
    if ('spl' %in% ret) { # split
        tbl_split = rbind(
            tbl_divspl[, .(spl = songgu, date = date1)][spl > 0],
            tbl_divspl[, .(spl = zhuanzeng, date = date1)][spl > 0]
        )[, lapply(.SD, sum), keyby = date]
        if (nrow(tbl_split) == 0) {
            div_spl[['spl']] = data.table(
                date   = Sys.Date(),
                splits = 1
        } else {
            div_spl[['spl']] = tbl_split[,.(
                date   = as.Date(date),
                splits = spl/10
    if ('rig' %in% ret) { # rights issue/offering
        rig = setDT(tbls[[5]])[,c(8,5,6,3)]
        setnames(rig, c('date', 'new_issues', 'old_issues', 'issue_price'))
        if (length(unique(unlist(rig))) == 1 & nrow(rig) == 1) {
            div_spl[['rig']] = data.table(
                date = Sys.Date(), 
                issue_rate = 1, 
                issue_price = 1
        } else {
            div_spl[['rig']] = rig[
                , (c('new_issues', 'old_issues')) := lapply(.SD, function(x) as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9\\.]', '', x))), .SDcols = c('new_issues', 'old_issues')
            ][new_issues > 0 & !stri_isempty(date)
            ][, .(
                date   = as.Date(date), 
                issue_rate = new_issues/old_issues, 
    div_spl = Reduce(
        function(x,y) merge(x,y,all=TRUE,by='date'), div_spl
    )[,.(date, splits, dividends, issue_rate, issue_price)][!]
    if (nrow(div_spl) == 0) stk_price = stk_price[.0]
    div_spl = cbind(stk_price, div_spl)
    setkeyv(div_spl, 'date')

# fund history/163 ------
md_fund1_history_163 = function(symbol1, from='1900-01-01', to=Sys.Date()) {
    . = amount = change_pct = discount_pct = high = low = mkt = turnover = volume = unit = NULL
    # url = sprintf('', syb1)
    # {'D': 'akdaily', 'W': 'akweekly', 'M': 'akmonthly'}
    # from tx ------
    dat_tx = md_stock1_history_tx(symbol1, from = from, to = to, adjust = '')
    if (FALSE) {
        # syb1 = syb_fmt_tx(symbol1)
        # dat1 = 'init'
        # i=1
        # datlst = list()
        # yrng = year(seq(as.Date(to), as.Date(from), by = '-1 years'))
        # while (!inherits(dat1, 'try-error')) {
        #     # print(yr1)
        #     yr1 = yrng[i]
        #     url = sprintf('', substr(yr1,3,4), syb1)
        #     dat1 = try(suppressWarnings(fread(url, showProgress=F)), silent = T)
        #     if(!inherits(dat1, 'try-error')) {
        #         setnames(dat1, c('date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'))
        #         datlst[[as.character(yr1)]] <- dat1
        #         i = i+1
        #     }
        # }
        # dat_tx = rbindlist(
        #     datlst
        # )[, volume := gsub('[^0-9.]', '', volume)
        # ][, lapply(.SD, as.numeric)
        # ][, date := as.Date(paste0(substr(yrng[i],1,2), date), format = '%Y%m%d')
        # ][order(date)]
    # from 163 ------
    url0 = sprintf('', syb_add_cntags(symbol1)$syb, from, to)
    pagnum = read_html(url0) %>% 
        html_nodes('div.mod_pages a') %>% 
        html_text() %>% .[-length(.)] %>% 
        as.integer() %>% max(., na.rm = T)
    dat_lst2 = lapply(
        sprintf('', syb_add_cntags(symbol1)[]$syb, seq(0,pagnum-1), from, to), 
        function(u) {
            read_html(u) %>% html_table(fill = TRUE) %>% .[[1]]
    dat_163 = rbindlist(dat_lst2)
    setnames(dat_163, c('date', 'close', 'change_pct', 'volume2', 'amount2', 'turnover', 'discount_pct'))
    volamt2num = function(x) {
        x = gsub(',', '', x)
        # unicode
        if (grepl('\u4e07', x)) {
            as.numeric(sub('\u4e07', '', x)) * 10^4
        } else if (grepl('\u4ebf', x)) {
            as.numeric(sub('\u4ebf', '', x)) * 10^8
    dat_1632 = copy(dat_163)[, `:=`(
        date = as.Date(date), 
        change_pct = as.numeric(sub('%', '', change_pct)),
        turnover = as.numeric(sub('%', '', turnover))/100,
        discount_pct = as.numeric(sub('%', '', discount_pct))
    )][, (c('volume', 'amount')) := lapply(.SD, volamt2num), by = date, .SDcols = c('volume2', 'amount2')
    ][, (c('volume2', 'amount2')) := NULL]
    dat = merge(
        dat_tx[,(c('close', 'volume')) := NULL], dat_1632, by = 'date', all.y=TRUE
    )[, unit := 'CNY'
    ][, c('symbol', 'name', 'date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'change_pct', 'volume', 'amount', 'turnover', 'discount_pct', 'unit'), with = FALSE
# szse fund: 15, 16, 18
# sse fund: 50, 51, 52
ShichenXie/getpedr documentation built on May 20, 2024, 4:14 p.m.