# condition & helper functions # https://adv-r.hadley.nz/debugging
# remove constant columns
#' @import xefun
check_const_cols = function(dt) {
# constant columns
const_cols = cols_const(dt)
if (length(const_cols) > 0) {
warning( sprintf('There were %s constant columns removed from input dataset,\n%s', length(const_cols), paste0(const_cols, collapse=', ')) )
dt = dt[, (const_cols) := NULL]
# remove date time columns
#' @import xefun
check_datetime_cols = function(dt) {
# datatime columns
datetime_cols = cols_type(dt, 'datetime')
if (length(datetime_cols) > 0) {
warning( sprintf('There were %s date/time columns removed from input dataset,\n%s', length(datetime_cols), paste0(datetime_cols, collapse=', ')) )
dt = dt[,(datetime_cols) := NULL]
# check categorical columns' unique values
check_cateCols_uniqueValues = function(dt, var_skip = NULL) {
# categorical columns
cate_cols = cols_type(dt, c('character', 'factor'))
cate_cols = setdiff(cate_cols, var_skip)
if (length(cate_cols) > 0) {
# have more than 50 unique values
cateCols_uniVal50 = names(which(dt[, sapply(.SD, function(x) length(unique(x)) > 50), .SDcols = cate_cols]))
# double check
if (length(cateCols_uniVal50) > 0) {
if (menu(c('yes','no'), title = sprintf('There are %s categorical columns that have more than 50 unique values, which might cause the binning process to be slow. Please double check the following columns:\n%s \n\nContinue the binning process?', length(cateCols_uniVal50), paste0(cateCols_uniVal50, collapse = ", "))) == 2 ) stop()
# replace blank by NA
#' @importFrom stringi stri_isempty stri_trim_left
rep_blank_na = function(dt) {
dt = setDT(dt)
# replace black values
char_cols = cols_type(dt, c('character', 'factor'))
if (length(char_cols)>0) {
# columns have blank value
blank_cols = names(which(dt[, sapply(.SD, function(x) any(stri_isempty(stri_trim_left(x)))), .SD = char_cols])) # grep('^\\s*$', x)
# repalce by NA
if (length(blank_cols)>0) {
warning(sprintf('The blank values are replaced with NAs in the following columns:\n%s', paste(blank_cols, collapse = ", ")))
dt[, (blank_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
x[stri_isempty(stri_trim_left(x))] = NA # grep('^\\s*$', x)
}), .SD = blank_cols]#[dt == ""] = NA
# repalce infinite or NaN values
cols_num = setdiff(names(dt), char_cols)
if (length(cols_num) >0) {
cols_inf_nan = names(which(dt[
, sapply(.SD, function(x) any(is.infinite(x) | is.nan(x)))
, .SD = cols_num
if (length(cols_inf_nan) > 0) {
warning(sprintf('The Infinite or NaN values are replaced with -999 in the following columns:\n%s', paste(cols_inf_nan, collapse = ", ")))
dt[, (cols_inf_nan) := lapply(.SD, function(x) {
x[is.nan(x)] = NA
x[is.infinite(x)] = -999
}), .SD = cols_inf_nan]
# check y
check_y = function(dt, y, positive="bad|1") {
dt = setDT(dt)
positive = unlist(strsplit(as.character(positive), '\\|'))
# number of columns >= 2
if (ncol(dt) <=1 & !is.null(ncol(dt))) stop("Incorrect inputs; dt should have at least two columns.")
# length of y == 1
if (length(y) != 1) stop("Incorrect inputs; the length of \"y\" != 1.")
# exist of y column
if (!(y %in% names(dt))) stop(paste0("Incorrect inputs; there is no \"", y, "\" column in dt."))
# dt[[y]] = as.character(dt[[y]])
y1 = dt[[y]]
y_class = class(y1)
# remove rows have missing values in y
if (anyNA(y1)) {
warning(sprintf("There are NAs in %s. The rows with NAs in \"%s\" are removed from input data.", y, y))
dt = dt[!is.na(y1)]
# numeric to integer # factor to character
if (y_class == "numeric") {
dt[, (y) := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = y]
} else if (y_class == "factor") {
dt[, (y) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = y]
# length of unique values in y
uniqy = unique(y1)
if (length(uniqy) == 2) {
if (any(uniqy %in% positive)) {
y2 = as.integer(y1 %in% positive)
if (any(y1 != y2)) {
dt[[y]] = y2
# warning(paste0("The positive value in \"", y, "\" was replaced by 1 and negative value by 0."))
} else {
stop(paste0("Incorrect inputs; the positive value in \"", y, "\" is not specified"))
} else {
stop(paste0("Incorrect inputs; the length of unique values in \"", y, "\" != 2."))
# check print_step
check_print_step = function(print_step) {
if (!is.numeric(print_step) || print_step<0) {
warning("Incorrect inputs; print_step should be a non-negative integer. It was set to 1L.")
print_step = 1L
# x variable
x_variable = function(dt, y, x, var_skip=NULL, method = NULL) {
x_all = setdiff(names(dt), c(y, var_skip))
if (is.null(x)) x = x_all
if ( length(setdiff(x,x_all)) > 0 ) {
warning(sprintf('Incorrect inputs; there are %s variables that do not exist in the input data frame, which are removed from x. \n%s', length(setdiff(x, x_all)), paste(setdiff(x, x_all), collapse = ', ')) )
x = intersect(x, x_all)
if (any(method %in% c('freq', 'width'))) {
x_num = setdiff(names(dt)[sapply(dt, is.numeric)], c(y, var_skip))
x = intersect(x, x_num)
# check break_list
check_breaks_list = function(breaks_list, xs) {
if (!is.null(breaks_list)) {
if (is.character(breaks_list)) {
breaks_list = eval(parse(text = breaks_list))
if (!inherits(breaks_list, 'list')) {
stop("Incorrect inputs; breaks_list should be a list.")
} else {
# remove missing from breakpoints
breaks_list = lapply(breaks_list, function(x) {
x=setdiff(x, 'missing')
if (length(x)==0) x = NULL
# check variable names
xs_breakslist = names(breaks_list)
if (!identical(xs_breakslist, xs)) {
names_bl_x = setdiff(xs_breakslist, xs)
if (length(names_bl_x) > 0) {
warning(paste0("Incorrect inputs; the variables \n", paste0(names_bl_x, collapse = ","), "\n specified in breaks_list do not exist in x."))
names_x_bl = setdiff(xs, xs_breakslist)
if (length(names_x_bl) >0) {
warning("There are ",length(names_x_bl)," x variables that are not specified in breaks_list, and instead are using optimal binning.")
# check special_values
check_special_values = function(special_values, xs) {
if (!is.null(special_values)) {
if (is.vector(special_values) & !is.list(special_values)) {
warning("The special_values should be a list. Make sure special values are exactly the same in all variables if special_values is a vector.")
# transfer vector to list
special_values_list = list()
for (i in xs) {
special_values_list[[i]] = special_values
} else if (is.list(special_values)) {
# x variables of special_values
xs_sv = names(special_values)
# if xs_sv != xs
if (!identical(xs_sv, xs)) {
names_bl_x = setdiff(xs_sv, xs)
if (length(names_bl_x) > 0) {
warning(paste0("Incorrect inputs; the variables \n", paste0(names_bl_x, collapse = ","), "\n specified in special_values do not exist in x."))
# names_x_bl = setdiff(xs, xs_sv)
# if (length(names_x_bl) >0) {
# warning("There are ",length(names_x_bl)," x variables that are not specified in special_values.")
# }
} else {
stop("Incorrect inputs; special_values should be a vector or list.")
# second to hh:mm:ss
sec_to_hms = function(sec) {
h = sec %/% 3600
m = sec %% 3600 %/% 60
s = floor(sec %% 3600 %% 60)
# check check_stop_limit
check_stop_limit = function(stop_limit, xs) {
sl = list()
if (!is.list(stop_limit)) {
sl = as.list(rep(stop_limit, length(xs)))
sl = setNames(sl, xs)
} else {
xs2 = setdiff(xs, names(stop_limit))
sl = c(stop_limit,
as.list(rep(0.1, length(xs2))) )
sl = setNames(sl, c(names(stop_limit), xs2))
sl = lapply(sl, function(s) {
if (!((s >0 & s <=0.5) || s == 'N')) s = 0.1
# check number of cpu cores
check_no_cores = function(no_cores, xs_len=10) {
all_cores = detectCores(logical=F)-1
if (is.null(no_cores)) {
if (xs_len < 10) {
no_cores = 1
} else {
no_cores = ceiling(all_cores*0.9)
} else if (!is.numeric(no_cores) || no_cores <1) {
no_cores = ceiling(all_cores*0.9)
} else if (no_cores >= all_cores+1) {
no_cores = all_cores
if (no_cores > xs_len) no_cores = xs_len
# check woebin or scorecard object
check_bincard = function(x) {
if (inherits(x, 'list') && all(sapply(x, is.data.frame))) x = rbindlist(x, fill = TRUE)
menu2 = function(choices, title, chk_rng = TRUE) {
cat(title, '\n')
for (l in seq_along(choices)) cat(sprintf('%s: %s', l, choices[l]), '\n')
if (chk_rng) {
sel = 'init'
while (!(sel %in% c(seq_len(length(choices)), 'save') || grepl('^go[1-9][0-9]*$', sel))) {
sel = readline("Selection (1-3, goX, save): ")
if (grepl('^[1-9][0-9]*$', sel)) sel = as.integer(sel)
} else {
sel = readline("Selection: ")
if (grepl('^[1-9][0-9]*$', sel)) sel = as.integer(sel)
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