
Defines functions glottoclean_twolevels glottoclean_selectsample glottoclean_dist_rmna glottoclean_colnamerepair_table glottoclean_colnamerepair glottorecode_missing glottorecode_logical glottorecode glottoclean_all2na glottoclean_all2true glottoclean_all2false glottoclean

Documented in glottoclean glottorecode_logical glottorecode_missing

#' Clean glottodata/glottosubdata
#' This function cleans glottodata/glottosubdata and returns a simplified glottodata/glottosubdata object containing only the cleaned data table and a structure table.
#' This function has some built in default values that are being recoded:
#' For example, if column type is 'symm' or 'asymm', values such as "No" and 0 are recoded to FALSE
#' Values such as "?" are recoded to NA.
#' @param glottodata glottodata (either a list or a data.frame)
#' @param tona Optional additional values to recode to NA (besides default)
#' @param tofalse Optional additional values to recode to FALSE (besides default)
#' @param totrue Optional additional values to recode to TRUE (besides default)
#' @param id By default, glottoclean looks for a column named 'glottocode', if the id is in a different column, this should be specified.
#' @param glottosample Should the sample table be used to subset the data?
#' @param one_level_drop A logical value to denote whether or not to drop variables with a single value, the default value is TRUE.
#' @return A cleaned-up and simplified version of the original glottodata object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottodata <- glottoclean(glottodata)
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottosubdata <- glottoclean(glottosubdata)
glottoclean <- function(glottodata, tona = NULL, tofalse = NULL, totrue = NULL, id = NULL, glottosample = FALSE,

  if(sum(!glottocheck_isglottodata(glottodata) | !glottocheck_isglottosubdata(glottodata))==2){
    stop("glottodata object does not adhere to glottodata/glottosubdata format. Use glottocreate() or glottoconvert().")

  if(!glottocheck_hasstructure(glottodata) ){
    stop("structure table not found. You can create one using glottocreate_structuretable() and add it with glottocreate_addtable().")
  } else{
    structure <- glottodata[["structure"]]

  if(glottocheck_hassample(glottodata) & glottosample == TRUE){
    sampletable <- glottodata[["sample"]]
    glottodata <- glottoclean_selectsample(glottodata)
  } else{
    sampletable <- NULL

  glottodata <- glottosimplify(glottodata)

  all2false <- glottoclean_all2false()
  all2true <- glottoclean_all2true()
  all2na <- glottoclean_all2na()

  if(!is.null(tona)){all2na <- c(all2na, tona)}
  if(!is.null(tofalse)){all2false <- c(all2false, tofalse)}
  if(!is.null(totrue)){all2true <- c(all2true, totrue)}

  glottodata <- glottorecode_logical(glottodata = glottodata, structure = structure, tofalse = all2false, totrue = all2true)

  glottodata <- glottorecode_missing(glottodata, tona = all2na)

  if (one_level_drop){
    glottodata <- glottoclean_twolevels(glottodata) # drop variables with less than two levels (no changes to structure table)

  glottodata <- glottojoin(glottodata, structure)

  if(!is.null(sampletable)){glottocreate_addtable(glottodata, table = sampletable, name = "sample")}

  glottodata <- contrans_glottoclass(glottodata)

  message("\n glottodata has been cleaned.")

glottoclean_all2false <- function(){
  c("n", "N", "No", "no", "NO", 0, 0.0, "F", "FALSE", "False", "false", "0", "0.0")

glottoclean_all2true <- function(){
  c("y", "Y", "Yes", "yes", "YES", 1, 1.0, "T", "TRUE", "True", "true", "1", "1.0")

glottoclean_all2na <- function(){
  c("NA", "N A", "N/A", "#N/A", "NA ", " NA", "N /A", "N / A", " N / A", "N / A ", "na", "n a", "n/a",
    "na ", " na", "n /a", "n / a", " a / a", "n / a ", "NULL", "null", "", "\\?", "\\*", "\\.")

#' Recode values across a glottodataset
#' This function recodes values within a glottodataset to NA or TRUE/FALSE. Recoding is done based on column types in the structure table. Run glottocreate_structuretable() to create one.
#' @param glottodata glottodata list
#' @param tona Values to recode to NA
#' @param tofalse Values to recode to FALSE
#' @param totrue Values to recode to TRUE
#' @noRd
#' @family <glottorecode><glottoclean>
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottodata <- glottorecode(glottodata, tona = c("?", "missing"))
glottorecode <- function(glottodata, structure, tofalse = NULL, totrue = NULL, tona = NULL){

  if(!is.null(tofalse) | !is.null(totrue)){
    glottodata <- glottorecode_logical(glottodata = glottodata, structure = structure, tofalse = tofalse, totrue = totrue)

    glottodata <- glottorecode_missing(glottodata, tona = tona)


#' Recode character columns to TRUE/FALSE
#' @param structure structure table
#' @param totrue values to recode to TRUE
#' @param tofalse values to recode to FALSE
#' @param glottodata glottodata list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottorecode_logical(glottodata, totrue = c("y", "Y", 1), tofalse = c("n", "N", 0),
#' structure = glottodata[["structure"]])
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottorecode_logical(glottosubdata, totrue = c("y", "Y", 1), tofalse = c("n", "N", 0),
#' structure = glottosubdata[["structure"]])
glottorecode_logical <- function(glottodata, structure, totrue = NULL, tofalse = NULL){

  data <- glottosimplify(glottodata)

  types <- structure$type
  cbinary <- structure$varname[which(types == "asymm" | types == "symm")]

    strucbin <- cbinary[cbinary %nin% colnames(data)]
      stop(paste0("The following binary variables are in the structure table, but there are no such columns in the data: ", paste0(strucbin, collapse = ", "), "\n Please check whether the spelling is identical, remove the rows from the structure table, or add the columns to the data"))

    bindat <- data[, cbinary]
    # Prepare message about what will be converted:
      allevmat <- sapply(lapply(bindat, as.factor), levels)
      allevuniq <- unique(unlist(allevmat))
      notlog <- allevuniq[allevuniq %nin% c(totrue, tofalse)]
        message("\n\n For some variables of type 'symm' and 'asymm' it is unclear whether they are TRUE or FALSE. \n If you do want to convert them, you should specify 'totrue' and 'tofalse'. \n\n The following values are not converted to TRUE or FALSE, but are set to NA:")
        printmessage(paste(notlog, collapse = ", "))
        bindat <- recode_df(data = bindat, old = notlog, new = NA)
    if(!is.null(totrue)){bindat <- recode_df(data = bindat, old = totrue, new = TRUE) }
    if(!is.null(tofalse)){bindat <- recode_df(data = bindat, old = tofalse, new = FALSE) }
    bindat <- apply(bindat, 2, as.logical)
    data[, cbinary] <- bindat
    message("Values in binary columns (symm/asymm) recoded to TRUE/FALSE \n")

#' Recode missing values to NA
#' @param glottodata glottodata
#' @param tona Optional, additional values to recode to NA
#' @family <glottorecode>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottorecode_missing(glottodata, tona = "?")
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottorecode_missing(glottosubdata, tona = "?")
glottorecode_missing <- function(glottodata, tona){

  glottodata <- glottosimplify(glottodata)

  glottocols <- colnames(glottodata)
  glottodata <- data.frame(lapply(glottodata, recode_tona, tona = tona)) # As a side-effect, this drops row names, and changes colnames
  colnames(glottodata) <- glottocols

  message("Missing values recoded to NA \n")


#' Fix colnames of excel files in which colnames refer to another cell
#' @param glottodata glottodata or glottosubdata
#' @noRd
glottoclean_colnamerepair <- function(glottodata){
    splitted <- glottosplitmergemeta(glottodata)
    glottodata <- glottoclean_colnamerepair_table(splitted[[1]])
    glottodata <- glottosplitmergemeta(glottodata = glottodata, splitted = splitted)
  } else if(glottocheck_isglottodata(glottodata)){
    splitted <- glottosplitmergemeta(glottodata)
    glottodata <- lapply(splitted[[1]], glottoclean_colnamerepair_table)
    glottodata <- glottosplitmergemeta(glottodata = glottodata, splitted = splitted)

glottoclean_colnamerepair_table <- function(table){
  colnames(table) <- gsub("\\...[0-9]*$","",colnames(table))

#' Remove missing values from a distance matrix
#' @param glottodist glottodist object
#' @param view Should NA plots be generated during the process?
#' @noRd
#' @return A distance matrix
#' @examples
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottodist <- glottodist(glottosubdata)
#' glottodist <- glottoclean_dist_rmna(glottodist = glottodist, view = TRUE)
glottoclean_dist_rmna <- function(glottodist, view = FALSE){
  distmat <- contransform_distmat(glottodist)
  if(view){glottoplot_naviewer(tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(distmat)), id = "rowname")}
  rowcolna <- rowSums(is.na(distmat)) # count number of NAs in each row.

  while(max(rowcolna) != 0 ){
    # Remove columns and rows with largest number of missing values (matrix is symmetrical)

    maxval <- max(rowcolna)
    rmrowcol <- which(rowcolna == maxval) # There can be multiple that have the same maximum value
    # This is another possibility, but there can be draws, and therefore the result can be different each time:
    # rmrowcol <- which.max(rowcolna)

      distmat <- distmat[,-rmrowcol]
      distmat <- distmat[-rmrowcol,]
    } else{
    rowcolna <- rowSums(is.na(distmat))
    if(view){glottoplot_naviewer(tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(distmat)), id = "rowname")}
  message(paste0("Out of the initial ", nrow(glottodist), " data points, ", nrow(glottodist) - nrow(distmat), " have been removed because of missing data. \n ", nrow(distmat), " remaining data points."))

#' Subset glottodata based on sample table or glottocodes
#' @param glottodata glottodata or glottosubdata with a sample table
#' @return A simplified version of glottodata containing only the selected glottocodes.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottoclean_selectsample(glottodata)
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottoclean_selectsample(glottosubdata)
glottoclean_selectsample <- function(glottodata){
    sampletable <- glottodata[["sample"]]
    glottosample <- sampletable[,"glottocode", drop = TRUE]
  } else{
    message("Data does not contain a sample table")

    glottodata <- glottosimplify(glottodata)
    glottocodes_dropped <- glottodata[(glottodata[,"glottocode", drop = TRUE] %nin% glottosample), "glottocode"]
      message(paste("Using the glottocodes in the sample table to subset the data. \n Data for the following glottocodes are removed from the data because they are not in the sample table: \n", paste(glottocodes_dropped, collapse = ", ") ))
    glottodata <- glottodata[glottodata[,"glottocode", drop = TRUE] %in% glottosample, ]

    glottodatanames <- names(glottodata) %in% glottosample
    if(sum(glottodatanames) == 0){
      stop("Unable to find tables in your dataset that match the specified glottocodes.
         Please check whether your table names are actually glottocodes (and only glottocodes),
         and not something like 'abcd1234_something'. ")
    } else {
      glottodata <- glottodata[glottodatanames]
      glottodata <- glottosimplify(glottodata)

    glottodata <- glottodata[glottoconvert_subcodes(glottodata$glottosubcode) %in% glottosample, ]


#' Which variables have less than two levels (excluding NA).
#' This function returns the names of variables with less than two levels (excluding NA).
#' @param data glottodata without metadata
#' @return A character vector
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = FALSE)
#' glottoclean_twolevels(data = glottodata)
glottoclean_twolevels <- function(data){
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  lslevels <- lapply(data, unique)
  lslevels <- lapply(lslevels, factor, exclude = NA)

  # summary of data:
  lslevelsrmna <- lapply(lslevels, levels)
  lslevelscount <- lapply(lslevelsrmna, length)
  lslevels_lgl <- lapply(lslevelscount, function(x) {x < 2})
  lslevdf <- t(as.data.frame(lslevels_lgl))

  # How many variables have less than two levels? Which variables?
  totbelow2 <- sum(lslevdf)
  vecbelow2 <- rownames(lslevdf)[lslevdf]
  namesbelow2 <- paste0(vecbelow2, collapse = ",")

  if(totbelow2 != 0){
    message(paste0(totbelow2, " variables with less than two levels have been removed: \n\n",  namesbelow2))
    message(paste0("\n", ncol(data) - totbelow2 - 1, " variables remaining. \n")) # minus 1 for id
    data[, colnames(data) %nin% vecbelow2]
  } else {
    message("All variables have two or more levels (excluding NA)")
SietzeN/glottospace documentation built on June 15, 2024, 10:45 p.m.