
Defines functions gbm.loop

Documented in gbm.loop

#' Calculate Coefficient Of Variation surfaces for gbm.auto predictions
#' Bagging introduces stochasticity which can result in sizeable variance in
#' output predictions by gbm.auto for small datasets. This function runs a user-
#' specified number of loops through the same gbm.auto parameter combinations
#' and calculates the Coefficient Of Variation in the predicted abundance scores
#'  for each site aka cell. This can be mapped, to spatially demonstrate the
#'  output variance range.
#' @param loops The number of loops required, integer.
#' @param savedir Save outputs to a temporary directory (default) else change to
#'  current directory e.g. "/home/me/folder". Do not use getwd() here.
#' @param savecsv Save coefficients of variation in simple & extended format.
#' @param calcpreds Calculate coefficients of variation of predicted abundance?
#' @param varmap Create a map of the coefficients of variation outputs?
#' @param measure Map legend, coefficients of variation of what? Default CPUE.
#' @param cleanup Remove gbm.auto-generated directory each loop? Default FALSE.
#' @param grids See gbm.auto help for all subsequent params.
#' @param samples See gbm.auto help.
#' @param expvar See gbm.auto help.
#' @param resvar See gbm.auto help.
#' @param randomvar See gbm.auto help.
#' @param tc See gbm.auto help.
#' @param lr See gbm.auto help.
#' @param bf See gbm.auto help.
#' @param n.trees See gbm.auto help.
#' @param ZI See gbm.auto help. Choose one.
#' @param fam1 See gbm.auto help. Choose one.
#' @param fam2 See gbm.auto help. Choose one.
#' @param simp See gbm.auto help.
#' @param gridslat See gbm.auto help.
#' @param gridslon See gbm.auto help.
#' @param multiplot See gbm.auto help. Default False
#' @param cols See gbm.auto help.
#' @param linesfiles See gbm.auto help; TRUE or linesfiles calculations fail.
#' @param smooth See gbm.auto help.
#' @param savegbm See gbm.auto help.
#' @param loadgbm See gbm.auto help.
#' @param varint See gbm.auto help.
#' @param map See gbm.auto help.
#' @param shape See gbm.auto help.
#' @param RSB See gbm.auto help.
#' @param BnW See gbm.auto help.
#' @param alerts See gbm.auto help; default FALSE as frequent use can crash
#' RStudio.
#' @param pngtype See gbm.auto help. Choose one.
#' @param gaus See gbm.auto help.
#' @param MLEvaluate See gbm.auto help.
#' @param runautos Run gbm.autos, default TRUE, turn off to only collate
#' numbered-folder results.
#' @param Min.Inf Dummy param for package testing for CRAN, ignore.
#' @param ... Additional params for gbm.auto sub-functions including gbm.step.
#' @return Returns a data frame of lat, long, 1 predicted abundance per loop,
#' and a final variance score per cell.
#' @details
#' Thanks to a 2023 improvement to gbm.auto and gbm.loop,
#' @export
#' @importFrom beepr beep
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off grey.colors png
#' @importFrom graphics axis barplot legend lines mtext par text
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom utils read.csv write.csv
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Not run: downloads and saves external data.
#' library("gbm.auto")
#' data(grids) # load grids
#' data(samples) # load samples
#' gbmloopexample <- gbm.loop(loops = 2, samples = samples,
#' grids = grids, expvar = c(4:10), resvar = 11, simp = F)
#' }
#' @author Simon Dedman, \email{simondedman@@gmail.com}
gbm.loop <- function(loops = 10, # the number of loops required, integer
                     savedir = tempdir(), # save outputs to a temporary directory (default) else
                     # change to current directory e.g. "/home/me/folder". Do not use getwd() here.
                     savecsv = TRUE, # save the coefficients of variation in simple & extended format
                     calcpreds = TRUE, # calculate coefficients of variation of predicted abundance?
                     varmap = TRUE, # create a map of the coefficients of variation outputs?
                     measure = "CPUE", # map legend, coefficients of variation of what? Default CPUE
                     cleanup = FALSE, # remove gbm.auto-generated directory each loop?
                     grids = NULL,         # explantory data to predict to. Import with (e.g.)
                     # read.csv and specify object name.
                     samples,  # explanatory and response variables to predict from.
                     # Keep col names short, no odd characters, starting numerals or terminal periods
                     # Spaces may be converted to periods in directory names, underscores won't.
                     # Can be a subset
                     expvar,               # list of column numbers of explanatory variables in
                     # 'samples', expected e.g. c(1,35,67,etc.). No default
                     resvar,               # column number of response variable (e.g. CPUE) in
                     # samples. Expected, e.g. 12. No default. Column name should be species name.
                     randomvar = FALSE,    # Add a random variable (uniform distribution, 0-1) to
                     # the expvars, to see whether other expvars perform better or worse than random.
                     tc = c(2),            # permutations of tree complexity allowed, can be a
                     # vector with the largest sized number no larger than the number of
                     # explanatory variables e.g. c(2,7), or a list of 2 single numbers or vectors,
                     # the first to be passed to the binary BRT, the second to the Gaussian, e.g.
                     # tc = list(c(2,6), 2) or list(6, c(2,6))
                     lr = c(0.01),   # permutations of learning rate allowed. Can be a
                     # vector or a list of 2 single numbers or vectors, the first to be passed to
                     # the binary BRT, the second to the Gaussian, e.g.
                     # lr = list(c(0.01,0.02),0.0001) or list(0.01,c(0.001, 0.0005))
                     bf = 0.5,             # permutations of bag fraction allowed, can be single
                     # number, vector or list, per tc and lr
                     n.trees = 50,         # from gbm.step, number of initial trees to fit. Can be
                     # single or list but not vector i.e. list(fam1, fam2)
                     ZI = "CHECK", # Are data zero-inflated? "CHECK"/FALSE/TRUE.
                     # Choose one.
                     # TRUE: delta BRT, log-normalised Gaus, reverse log-norm and bias corrected.
                     # FALSE: do Gaussian only, no log-normalisation.
                     # CHECK: Tests data for you. Default is TRUE.
                     fam1 = c("bernoulli", "binomial", "poisson", "laplace", "gaussian"),
                     # probability distribution family for 1st part of delta process, defaults to
                     # "bernoulli",
                     fam2 = c("gaussian", "bernoulli", "binomial", "poisson", "laplace"),
                     # probability distribution family for 2nd part of delta process, defaults to
                     # "gaussian",
                     simp = TRUE,          # try simplfying best BRTs?
                     gridslat = 2,         # column number for latitude in 'grids'
                     gridslon = 1,         # column number for longitude in 'grids'
                     multiplot = FALSE,     # create matrix plot of all line files? Default false
                     # turn off if large number of expvars causes an error due to margin size problems.
                     cols = grey.colors(1,1,1), # barplot colour vector. Assignment in order of
                     # explanatory variables. Default 1*white: white bars black borders. '1*' repeats
                     linesfiles = TRUE,   # save individual line plots' data as csv's?
                     smooth = FALSE,       # apply a smoother to the line plots? Default FALSE
                     savegbm = FALSE,       # save gbm objects and make available in environment after running? Open with load("Bin_Best_Model")
                     loadgbm = NULL,       # relative or absolute location of folder containing
                     # Bin_Best_Model and Gaus_Best_Model. If set will skip BRT calculations and do
                     # predicted maps and CSVs. Default NULL, character vector, "./" for working directory
                     varint = FALSE,        # calculate variable interactions? Default:TRUE, FALSE
                     # for error "contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels"
                     map = TRUE,           # save abundance map png files?
                     shape = NULL,      # set coast shapefile, else downloaded and autogenerated
                     RSB = FALSE,           # run Unrepresentativeness surface builder?
                     BnW = FALSE,           # repeat maps in black and white e.g. for print journals
                     alerts = FALSE,        # play sounds to mark progress steps
                     pngtype = c("cairo-png", "quartz", "Xlib"), # file-type for png files,
                     # alternatively try "quartz" on Mac. Choose one.
                     gaus = TRUE,          # do Gaussian runs as well as Bin? Default TRUE.
                     MLEvaluate = TRUE,    # do machine learning evaluation metrics & plots? Default TRUE
                     # brv = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
                     # grv = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
                     # Bin_Preds = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
                     # Gaus_Preds = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
                     runautos = TRUE,      # run gbm.autos, default TRUE, turn off to only collate numbered-folder results
                     Min.Inf = NULL, # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
                     ...) {

  # Generalised Boosting Model / Boosted Regression Tree process chain automater
  # Simon Dedman, 2012-8 simondedman@gmail.com github.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto

  # See how many loops until things stabilise, i.e. variance decreases, average smooths out, etc, is that even logical?
  # Yes. min max av var should be similar between e.g. 1,000,000 loops & 1,000,001, but less likely between 1 & 2.
  # But based on what though? Just do a line of x:loop# vs y: minmin/maxmax/avav/avvar?
  # when change in variance from 1:2 to 1:3 to 1:n drops below a percentage threshold?
  # Fix csvs colnames, see https://github.com/SimonDedman/gbm.auto/issues/37

  # utils::globalVariables("Min.Inf") # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals

  # if (alerts) if (!require(beepr)) {stop("you need to install the beepr package to run this function")}
  # if (alerts) require(beepr)
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # defensive block, thanks to Gregor Sayer
  oldwd <- getwd()
  oldoptions <- options()
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)
  on.exit(options(oldoptions), add = TRUE)
  if (alerts) options(error = function() {
    graphics.off()})  # give warning noise if it fails

  fam1 <- match.arg(fam1) # populate object from function argument in proper way
  fam2 <- match.arg(fam2)
  pngtype <- match.arg(pngtype)

  if (runautos) { # run gbm.autos unless turned off
    # test for presence of report.csvs, don't run those folders
    runloops <- data.frame(loop = 1:loops, run = as.logical(rep(NA, loops))) # create recipient df
    for (i in 1:loops) runloops[i, "run"] <- file.exists(paste0("./", i, "/Report.csv")) # check for Report.csvs in subfolders
    # only want to keep the false ones. update gbm.loop for inputs
    for (i in runloops[which(runloops$run == FALSE), "loop"]) { # loop through all gbm.autos
      dir.create(paste0("./", i)) # create i'th folder
      setwd(paste0("./", i)) # move to it
      gbm.auto(grids = grids, # run i'th gbm.auto
               samples = samples,
               expvar = expvar,
               resvar = resvar,
               randomvar = randomvar,
               tc = tc,
               lr = lr,
               bf = bf,
               n.trees = n.trees,
               ZI = ZI,
               fam1 = fam1,
               fam2 = fam2,
               simp = simp,
               gridslat = gridslat,
               gridslon = gridslon,
               multiplot = multiplot,
               cols = cols,
               linesfiles = linesfiles,
               smooth = smooth,
               savedir = "./", # current directory created & moved to above
               savegbm = savegbm,
               loadgbm = loadgbm,
               varint = varint,
               map = map,
               shape = shape,
               RSB = RSB,
               BnW = BnW,
               alerts = alerts,
               pngtype = pngtype,
               gaus = gaus,
               MLEvaluate = MLEvaluate,
               ...) # accept other gbm.auto values than these basics
      setwd("../") # move back up to root folder
      if (cleanup) unlink(i, recursive = TRUE)
    } # close i loop & go to the next i
  } # close runautos if optional

  binbars.df <- data.frame(var = rep(NA, length(expvar)),
                           rel.inf = rep(NA, length(expvar)))
  gausbars.df <- binbars.df # blank dataframes for bin & gaus bars data
  report.df <- data.frame(BinCV = rep(NA, length(loops)),
                          AUC = rep(NA, length(loops)),
                          GausCV = rep(NA, length(loops)))
  if (calcpreds) var.df <- grids[,c(gridslon, gridslat)] # create df with just lat & longs

  for (i in 1:loops) { # loop through all gbm.autos
    setwd(paste0("./", i, "/", colnames(samples[resvar]))) # set wd to loopnumber and species named subfolder

    if (file.exists("Binary BRT Variable contributions.csv")) {
      binbarstmp <- read.csv("Binary BRT Variable contributions.csv") # temp container for bin bars
      if (i == 1) {binbars.df <- binbarstmp} else {# csv file to df unless df exists
        binbars.df <- rbind(binbars.df, binbarstmp)} # if so add to bottom of existing
      bin = TRUE} else bin = FALSE

      # loop thru variables name linesfiles e.g. Bin_Best_line_[varname].csv
      # adding i'th loop's values as new column
      if (bin) for (j in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
        if (inherits(samples[,j], "factor")) nreps = length(levels(samples[,j])) else nreps = 100
        # Error in `[.data.frame`(samples, , j) : object 'j' not found ####
        # rep 100 is fine for numeric variables but needs to match n(levels) of factorial variables.
        if (!file.exists(paste0("Bin_Best_line_", j, ".csv"))) {tmp <- data.frame(x = rep(NA, nreps), y = rep(NA, nreps))}
        #if file not created because simp, populate with NAs
        if (file.exists(paste0("Bin_Best_line_", j, ".csv"))) {tmp <- read.csv(paste0("Bin_Best_line_", j, ".csv"))}
        #else use values

        colnames(tmp)[2] <- paste0("Loop",i)
        if (i == 1) {assign(paste0("binline_", j), tmp)
        } else {
          assign(paste0("binline_", j), cbind(get(paste0("binline_", j)), tmp[,2]))
          if (is.na(get(paste0("binline_", j))[1,1])) { #if the first cell is NA (all 1st col, x, is na)
            assign(paste0("binline_", j), #rebuild same obj as df
                   data.frame(x = tmp[,1], #start with this loop's x values, hopefully not NA also
                              get(paste0("binline_", j))[,2:(i + 1)]))} #then add the remainder of the existing obj cols

      if (file.exists("Gaussian BRT Variable contributions.csv")) {
        gausbarstmp <- read.csv("Gaussian BRT Variable contributions.csv") # temp container for Gaus lines
        if (i == 1) {gausbars.df <- gausbarstmp} else {
          gausbars.df <- rbind(gausbars.df, gausbarstmp)}
        gaus = TRUE} else gaus = FALSE

        if (gaus) for (k in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
          if (inherits(samples[,k], "factor")) nreps = length(levels(samples[,k])) else nreps = 100
          if (!file.exists(paste0("Gaus_Best_line_", k, ".csv"))) {tmp <- data.frame(x = rep(NA, nreps), y = rep(NA, nreps))}
          #if the first loop is simplified then the first col of gausline will be NAs which should be the X for the linefiles
          #else use existing csv file, 2 columns
          if (file.exists(paste0("Gaus_Best_line_", k, ".csv"))) {tmp <- read.csv(paste0("Gaus_Best_line_", k, ".csv"))}
          colnames(tmp)[2] <- paste0("Loop",i)
          if (i == 1) {assign(paste0("gausline_", k), tmp)
          } else {
            assign(paste0("gausline_", k), cbind(get(paste0("gausline_", k)), tmp[,2]))
            if (is.na(get(paste0("gausline_", k))[1,1])) { #if the first cell is NA (all 1st col, x, is na)
              assign(paste0("gausline_", k), #rebuild same obj as df
                     data.frame(x = tmp[,1], #start with this loop's x values, hopefully not NA also
                                get(paste0("gausline_", k))[,2:(i + 1)]))} #then add the remainder of the existing obj cols
            #column cbound but not named. Can name as string "col name" = 1:10, or
            #objectname ColName = 1:10 but not formulaicly paste0("Col","Name") = 1:10
            #or anything evaluated e.g. colnames(tmp)[2] = tmp[,2]
            #colnames(paste0("gausline_", k))[i + 1] <- paste0("loop", i) #rename last column (loop# + 1)
        if (!file.exists("Abundance_Preds_only.csv")) calcpreds = FALSE
        if (calcpreds) {
          predtmp <- read.csv("Abundance_Preds_only.csv") # temp container for latest preds
          var.df <- cbind(var.df, predtmp[,3]) # cbind preds to existing lat/longs or other preds
          colnames(var.df)[2 + i] <- paste0("Loop_", i) # label newly added preds column

        #Collect report CV & AUC scores
        reporttmp <- read.csv("Report.csv") # temp container for bin bars

        if ("Best.Binary.BRT" %in% colnames(reporttmp)) {
          # copy BinCV score from this loop's report to allreport
          # cv.statistics$deviance.mean is already in gbm.auto report.csv: "CV Mean Deviance: ", but ISN'T in bin_best column!
          # Therefore need to lookup best against other cols to find it.
          binbestcomboname <- as.character(reporttmp$Best.Binary.BRT[1])
          binbestcomboname <- strsplit(binbestcomboname, "Model combo: ")[[1]][2]
          # replace lr1e- with lr1e. in the case of very small lr's, R will convert the colname to a dot and the lookup will fail
          binbestcomboname <- gsub(pattern = "lr1e-", replacement = "lr1e.", x = binbestcomboname)
          # if binbestcomboname is simplified, value ends in _Simp, but colname is "Simplified.Binary.BRT.stats"
          # need to use length because if grep doesn't find the pattern it returns integer(0) which doesn't evaluate to logical FALSE for ==1 for some reason
          if (length(grep(pattern = "_Simp", x = binbestcomboname)) == 1) binbestcomboname <- "Simplified.Binary.BRT.stats"
          report.df[i, "BinCV"] <- as.numeric(strsplit(reporttmp[, which(colnames(reporttmp) %in% binbestcomboname)][3], "CV Mean Deviance: ")[[1]][2])
          # copy AUC score from this loop's report to allreport
          auctmp <- as.character(reporttmp$Best.Binary.BRT[4])
          aucspltmp <- strsplit(auctmp, "Training data AUC score: ")
          aucsplnumtmp <- as.numeric(aucspltmp[[1]][2])
          report.df[i, "AUC"] <- aucsplnumtmp

        if ("Best.Gaussian.BRT" %in% colnames(reporttmp)) {
          # copy GausCV score from this loop's report to allreport
          gausbestcomboname <- as.character(reporttmp$Best.Gaussian.BRT[1])
          gausbestcomboname <- strsplit(gausbestcomboname, "Model combo: ")[[1]][2]
          gausbestcomboname <- gsub(pattern = "lr1e-", replacement = "lr1e.", x = gausbestcomboname)
          if (length(grep(pattern = "_Simp", x = gausbestcomboname)) == 1) gausbestcomboname <- "Simplified.Gaussian.BRT.stats"
          report.df[i, "GausCV"] <- as.numeric(strsplit(reporttmp[, which(colnames(reporttmp) %in% gausbestcomboname)][3], "CV Mean Deviance: ")[[1]][2])

        setwd("../../") # move back up to root folder
  } # close i loop & go to the next i

  ####loops done create dfs####
  # create bin & Gaus barplot stats data frames
  if (bin) {binbars <- data.frame(Min.Inf = with(binbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, min)),
                                  Av.Inf = with(binbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, mean)),
                                  Max.Inf = with(binbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, max)),
                                  Inf.variance = with(binbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, var)))
  binbars <- binbars[order(-binbars[,"Av.Inf"]),]
  binbarsgood <- subset(binbars, Min.Inf > 0)} #also create barplots for nonzero vars

  if (gaus) {gausbars <- data.frame(Min.Inf = with(gausbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, min)),
                                    Av.Inf = with(gausbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, mean)),
                                    Max.Inf = with(gausbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, max)),
                                    Inf.variance = with(gausbars.df, tapply(rel.inf, var, var)))
  gausbars <- gausbars[order(-gausbars[,"Av.Inf"]),]
  gausbarsgood <- subset(gausbars, Min.Inf > 0)}

  # create linesfiles end-column stats (Min Av Max Var) for each variable
  if (bin) for (l in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
    assign(paste0("binline_", l), cbind(get(paste0("binline_", l)),
                                        "MinLine" = apply(get(paste0("binline_", l))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)))
    assign(paste0("binline_", l), cbind(get(paste0("binline_", l)),
                                        "AvLine" = apply(get(paste0("binline_", l))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)))
    assign(paste0("binline_", l), cbind(get(paste0("binline_", l)),
                                        "MaxLine" = apply(get(paste0("binline_", l))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)))
    assign(paste0("binline_", l), cbind(get(paste0("binline_", l)),
                                        "VarLine" = apply(get(paste0("binline_", l))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, var, na.rm = TRUE)))}

  if (gaus) for (m in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
    assign(paste0("gausline_", m), cbind(get(paste0("gausline_", m)),
                                         "MinLine" = apply(get(paste0("gausline_", m))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)))
    assign(paste0("gausline_", m), cbind(get(paste0("gausline_", m)),
                                         "AvLine" = apply(get(paste0("gausline_", m))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)))
    assign(paste0("gausline_", m), cbind(get(paste0("gausline_", m)),
                                         "MaxLine" = apply(get(paste0("gausline_", m))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)))
    assign(paste0("gausline_", m), cbind(get(paste0("gausline_", m)),
                                         "VarLine" = apply(get(paste0("gausline_", m))[, (2:(1 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, var, na.rm = TRUE)))}

  # apply variances to a new column at the end of var.df
  if (calcpreds) var.df[,"C of V"] <- apply(var.df[,(3:(2 + loops))], MARGIN = 1, var, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Build CV & AUC stats report by scraping individual loops' reports
  Minima <- c(min(report.df[, "BinCV"], na.rm = TRUE), min(report.df[, "AUC"], na.rm = TRUE), min(report.df[, "GausCV"], na.rm = TRUE))
  Averages <- c(mean(report.df[, "BinCV"], na.rm = TRUE), mean(report.df[, "AUC"], na.rm = TRUE), mean(report.df[, "GausCV"], na.rm = TRUE))
  Maxima <- c(max(report.df[, "BinCV"], na.rm = TRUE), max(report.df[, "AUC"], na.rm = TRUE), max(report.df[, "GausCV"], na.rm = TRUE))
  Variances <- c(round(var(report.df[, "BinCV"], na.rm = TRUE), 5), round(var(report.df[, "AUC"], na.rm = TRUE), 5), round(var(report.df[, "GausCV"], na.rm = TRUE), 5))
  # if all loops' values are NA (e.g. BinCV & AUC when only gaus), min will be Inf & max -Inf. A bit messy but Unimportant
  report.df <- rbind(report.df, Minima, Averages, Maxima, Variances)
  rep.len <- dim(report.df)[1]
  rownames(report.df) <- c((1:(rep.len - 4)), "Minima", "Averages", "Maxima", "Variances")

  ####save csvs####
  # create resvar named subfolder & go to it

  if (savecsv) {
    if (bin) {write.csv(binbars, file = "BinBarsLoop.csv", row.names = T)
      write.csv(binbarsgood, file = "BinBarsGoodLoop.csv", row.names = T)}
    if (gaus) {write.csv(gausbars, file = "GausBarsLoop.csv", row.names = T)
      write.csv(gausbarsgood, file = "GausBarsGoodLoop.csv", row.names = T)}

    if (bin) for (n in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
      write.csv(get(paste0("binline_", n)), file = paste0("BinLineLoop_", n, ".csv"), row.names = F)}
    if (gaus) for (o in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
      write.csv(get(paste0("gausline_", o)), file = paste0("GausLineLoop_", o, ".csv"), row.names = F)}

    if (calcpreds) {write.csv(var.df, file = "VarAll.csv", row.names = F)
      write.csv(var.df[,c(1,2,(3 + loops))], file = "VarOnly.csv", row.names = F)}
    write.csv(report.df, file = "Report.csv", row.names = TRUE, col.names = c("LoopNo", "BinCV",	"AUC",	"GausCV"))

  ####plot linesfiles####
  if (bin) for (p in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
    yrange <- c(min(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,"MinLine"]), max(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,"MaxLine"]))
    png(filename = paste0("Bin_Loop_lines_", p, ".png"),
        width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 40, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
    par(mar = c(2.3,5,0.3,0.4), fig = c(0,1,0,1), las = 1, lwd = 8, bty = "n", mgp = c(1.25, 0.5, 0), xpd = NA)
    plot(if (inherits(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1], "character")) {x = 1:(length(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1]))} else x = get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1],
         # x doesn't work if it's a factor variable
         y = get(paste0("binline_", p))[,"AvLine"],
         type = "l",
         xlab = paste0(p, " (", round(binbars[p, "Av.Inf"],1), "%)"),
         ylab = "",
         main = "",
         yaxs = "r",
         ylim = yrange,
         axes = FALSE)
    # x axis labels
    if (inherits(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1], "character")) {axis(1, at = 1:(length(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1])), labels = get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1])} else axis(1)
    axis(2) # y axis default
    mtext("Marginal Effect", side = 2, line = 4.05, las = 0)
    lines(if (inherits(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1], "character")) {x = 1:(length(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1]))} else x = get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1],
          y = get(paste0("binline_", p))[,"MinLine"], col = "grey66") #[,1] is 1st column, X values, always the same
    lines(if (inherits(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1], "character")) {x = 1:(length(get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1]))} else x = get(paste0("binline_", p))[,1],
          y = get(paste0("binline_", p))[,"MaxLine"], col = "grey33")
    legend("top", # Need to shrink & move this, but where/how to move? if() based on values?
           legend = c("Max","Av.","Min"), col = c("grey33","black","grey66"),
           lty = 1,
           pch = "-")

  if (gaus) for (q in colnames(samples[expvar])) {
    yrange <- c(min(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,"MinLine"]), max(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,"MaxLine"]))
    png(filename = paste0("Gaus_Loop_lines_", q, ".png"),
        width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px", pointsize = 40, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
    par(mar = c(2.3,5,0.3,0.4), fig = c(0,1,0,1), las = 1, lwd = 8, bty = "n", mgp = c(1.25,0.5,0), xpd = NA)
    plot(if (inherits(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1], "character")) {x = 1:(length(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1]))} else x = get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1],
         y = get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,"AvLine"],
         type = "l",
         xlab = paste0(q, " (", round(gausbars[q, "Av.Inf"],1), "%)"),
         ylab = "",
         main = "",
         yaxs = "r",
         ylim = yrange,
         axes = FALSE)
    # x axis labels
    if (inherits(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1], "character")) {axis(1, at = 1:(length(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1])), labels = get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1])} else axis(1)
    axis(2) # y axis default
    mtext("Marginal Effect", side = 2, line = 4.05, las = 0)
    lines(if (inherits(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1], "character")) {x = 1:(length(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1]))} else x = get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1],
          y = get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,"MinLine"], col = "grey66") #[,1] is 1st column, X values, always the same
    lines(if (inherits(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1], "character")) {x = 1:(length(get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1]))} else x = get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,1],
          y = get(paste0("gausline_", q))[,"MaxLine"], col = "grey33")
    legend("top", legend = c("Max","Av.","Min"), col = c("grey33","black","grey66"),
           lty = 1, pch = "-")


  # bin & gaus barplots####
  if (bin) {
    pointlineseqbin <- seq(0, length(binbars[,2]) - 1, 1)
    revseq <- rev(pointlineseqbin)
    png(filename = "BinBarsLoop.png", width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px",
        pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
    par(mar = c(2.5,0.3,0,0.5), fig = c(0,1,0,1), cex.lab = 0.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0), cex = 1.3, lwd = 6)
    midpoints <- barplot(rev(binbars[,2]), cex.lab = 1.2, las = 1,
                         horiz = TRUE, cex.names = 0.8, xlab = "Av. Influence %",
                         col = NA, border = NA,
                         xlim = c(0,2.5 + ceiling(max(binbars[,2]))),
                         ylim = c(0, length(binbars[,2])))
    for (r in 1:length(binbars[,2])) {
      lines(c(0, binbars[r,2]), c(revseq[r], revseq[r]), col = "black", lwd = 8)} #draw lines
    text(0.1, pointlineseqbin + (length(binbars[,2])/55), labels = rev(rownames(binbars)), adj = 0, cex = 0.8)
    axis(side = 1, lwd = 6, outer = TRUE, xpd = NA)

    pointlineseqbin <- seq(0, length(binbarsgood[,2]) - 1, 1)
    revseq <- rev(pointlineseqbin)
    png(filename = "BinBarsGoodLoop.png", width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px",
        pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
    par(mar = c(2.5,0.3,0,0.5), fig = c(0,1,0,1), cex.lab = 0.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0), cex = 1.3, lwd = 6)
    midpoints <- barplot(rev(binbarsgood[,2]), cex.lab = 1.2, las = 1,
                         horiz = TRUE, cex.names = 0.8, xlab = "Av. Influence %",
                         col = NA, border = NA,
                         xlim = c(0,2.5 + ceiling(max(binbarsgood[,2]))),
                         ylim = c(0, length(binbarsgood[,2])))
    for (r in 1:length(binbarsgood[,2])) {
      lines(c(0, binbarsgood[r,2]), c(revseq[r], revseq[r]), col = "black", lwd = 8)} #draw lines
    text(0.1, pointlineseqbin + (length(binbarsgood[,2])/55), labels = rev(rownames(binbarsgood)), adj = 0, cex = 0.8)
    axis(side = 1, lwd = 6, outer = TRUE, xpd = NA)

  if (gaus) {
    pointlineseqgaus <- seq(0, length(gausbars[,2]) - 1, 1)
    revseq <- rev(pointlineseqgaus)
    png(filename = "GausBarsLoop.png", width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px",
        pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
    par(mar = c(2.5,0.3,0,0.5), fig = c(0,1,0,1), cex.lab = 0.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0), cex = 1.3, lwd = 6)
    midpoints <- barplot(rev(gausbars[,2]), cex.lab = 1.2, las = 1,
                         horiz = TRUE, cex.names = 0.8, xlab = "Av. Influence %",
                         col = NA, border = NA,
                         xlim = c(0,2.5 + ceiling(max(gausbars[,2]))),
                         ylim = c(0, length(gausbars[,2])))
    for (s in 1:length(gausbars[,2])) {
      lines(c(0, gausbars[s,2]), c(revseq[s], revseq[s]), col = "black", lwd = 8)}
    text(0.1, pointlineseqgaus + (length(gausbars[,2])/55), labels = rev(rownames(gausbars)), adj = 0, cex = 0.8)
    axis(side = 1, lwd = 6, outer = TRUE, xpd = NA)

    pointlineseqgaus <- seq(0, length(gausbarsgood[,2]) - 1, 1)
    revseq <- rev(pointlineseqgaus)
    png(filename = "GausBarsGoodLoop.png", width = 4*480, height = 4*480, units = "px",
        pointsize = 4*12, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
    par(mar = c(2.5,0.3,0,0.5), fig = c(0,1,0,1), cex.lab = 0.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0), cex = 1.3, lwd = 6)
    midpoints <- barplot(rev(gausbarsgood[,2]), cex.lab = 1.2, las = 1,
                         horiz = TRUE, cex.names = 0.8, xlab = "Av. Influence %",
                         col = NA, border = NA,
                         xlim = c(0,2.5 + ceiling(max(gausbarsgood[,2]))),
                         ylim = c(0, length(gausbarsgood[,2])))
    for (s in 1:length(gausbarsgood[,2])) {
      lines(c(0, gausbarsgood[s,2]), c(revseq[s], revseq[s]), col = "black", lwd = 8)}
    text(0.1, pointlineseqgaus + (length(gausbarsgood[,2])/55), labels = rev(rownames(gausbarsgood)), adj = 0, cex = 0.8)
    axis(side = 1, lwd = 6, outer = TRUE, xpd = NA)

  ####map predabund CofVs####
  if (calcpreds) if (varmap) { # if mapping requested,
    if (is.null(shape)) { # and shape not set, check presence of basemap
      if (!exists("gbm.basemap")) {stop("you need to install gbm.basemap to run this function")}
      bounds = c(range(grids[,gridslon]),range(grids[,gridslat])) #then create bounds
      #create standard bounds from data, and extra bounds for map aesthetic
      xmid <- mean(bounds[1:2])
      ymid <- mean(bounds[3:4])
      xextramax <- ((bounds[2] - xmid) * 1.6) + xmid
      xextramin <- xmid - ((xmid - bounds[1]) * 1.6)
      yextramax <- ((bounds[4] - ymid) * 1.6) + ymid
      yextramin <- ymid - ((ymid - bounds[3]) * 1.6)
      extrabounds <- c(xextramin, xextramax, yextramin, yextramax)
      shape <- gbm.basemap(bounds = extrabounds)
    } else {shape <- shape} # if shape not null then use it.

    png(filename = "CofVMap.png", width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px",
        pointsize = 4*48, bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
    par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
    gbm.map(x = var.df[,gridslon], # add Unrepresentativeness alpha surface
            y = var.df[,gridslat],
            z = var.df[,"C of V"],
            mapmain = "Coefficient of Variation: ",
            species = names(samples[resvar]),
            legendtitle = paste0("C. of V.: ", measure),
            ####change this####
            shape = shape) #either autogenerated or set by user so never blank
    #breaks = expm1(breaks.grid(log(2000), ncol = 8, zero = FALSE))/2000)
    dev.off() #high value log breaks mean first ~5 values cluster near 0 for high
    # res there, but high values captures in the last few bins.
  } # close map optional
  setwd("../") # go back up from samples-named wd to original parent
  if (alerts) beep(3)
  if (calcpreds) return(var.df) #return output
} # close function
SimonDedman/gbm.auto documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 1:41 a.m.