
Defines functions calibWeights clusterBoot2 getBootFun2 getFun2 direct_variance

direct_variance <- function(direct_estimator,
                            B = B,
                            envir) {

  # Domain setup - domains and if variance is calculated by domain
  rs <- indicator$domain
  byDomain <- !is.null(rs)

  # Specification for y, is different to the calculation of value
  y <- smp_data[, y]
  y <- as.numeric(y)
  n <- length(y)

  # needs to be specified here again due to the different specification of y and
  # thus n
  haveWeights <- !is.null(weights)
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- smp_data[, weights]
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- rep.int(1, n)

  # not sure how to use design but I also didnt know if we want to delete it
  haveDesign <- !is.null(design)
  if (haveDesign) {
    design <- smp_data[, design]
  if (!haveDesign) {
    design <- rep.int(1, n)

  # error if number of iterations is not numeric
  if (!is.numeric(B) || length(B) == 0) {
    stop("'B' must be numeric")
  } else {
    B <- as.integer(B[1])

  bootType #<- match.arg(bootType)

  # if calibrate bootstrap is selected
  calibrate <- haveWeights && bootType == "calibrate"
  if (calibrate) {
    X_calib <- as.matrix(X_calib)
    if (!is.numeric(X_calib)) {
      stop("'X_calib' must be a numeric matrix")
    if (is.null(totals)) {
      totals <- apply(X_calib, 2, function(i) sum(i * weights))
    if (!is.numeric(totals)) {
      stop("'totals' must be of type numeric")
  } else {
    X_calib <- NULL
    totals <- NULL

  # Define part of data set that is used in the functions for calibration
  smp_data <- data.frame(y = y)
  smp_data$weight <- weights
  smp_data$Domain <- smp_domains

  # set seed for bootstrap
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
  if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
  seed <- get(".Random.seed")

  fun <- getFun2(byDomain, direct_estimator)
  bootFun <- getBootFun2(calibrate, fun)
  # actual bootstrap

  b <- clusterBoot2(smp_data,
    domain = design,
    # cluster = cluster,
    threshold = threshold,
    aux = X_calib,
    totals = totals,
    rs = rs,
    envir = envir,
    indicator_name = indicator_name
  # , ...)

  # if variance is calculated by domain
  if (byDomain) {
    var <- apply(b$t, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
    varByDomain <- data.frame(Domain = rs, var = var[-1])
    var <- var[1]
  } else {
    var <- var(b$t[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)

  # preparation of return
  indicator$varMethod <- "bootstrap"
  indicator$var <- var
  if (byDomain) {
    indicator$varByDomain <- varByDomain
  indicator$seed <- seed

getFun2 <- function(byDomain, direct_estimator, envir, indicator_name) {
  if (byDomain) {
    function(x, threshold, rs, envir, indicator_name) {
      if (inherits(threshold, "function")) {
        threshold <- threshold(x$y, x$weight)
      value <- direct_estimator(x$y, x$weight, threshold)
      valueByDomain <- vapply(rs, function(r, x, t, evir) {
        i <- x$Domain == r
        if (!sum(i) > 0) {
          assign("warnlist", c(
            get("warnlist", envir = envir),
            paste0(as.character(r), ":_:", indicator_name)
          envir = envir
        } else {
          direct_estimator(x$y[i], x$weight[i], threshold)
      }, numeric(1), x = x)
      c(value, valueByDomain)
  } else {
    function(x, threshold, rs, na.rm, envir) {
      if (inherits(threshold, "function")) {
        threshold <- threshold(x$y, x$weight)
      direct_estimator(x$y, x$weight, threshold)

# Function in order to select between naive and calibrate bootstrap
getBootFun2 <- function(calibrate, fun, envir, indicator_name) {
  if (calibrate) {
    function(x, i, threshold, aux, totals, rs, envir, indicator_name, ...) {
      x <- x[i, , drop = FALSE]
      aux <- aux[i, , drop = FALSE]
      g <- calibWeights(aux, x$weight, totals, ...)
      x$weight <- g * x$weight
      fun(x, threshold, rs, envir, indicator_name)
  } else {
    function(x, i, threshold, aux, totals, rs, envir, indicator_name, ...) {
      x <- x[i, , drop = FALSE]
      fun(x, threshold, rs, envir, indicator_name)

# Wrapper function for bootstrap function (for possible extensions)
clusterBoot2 <- function(data, statistic, ..., domain, threshold,
                         cluster = NULL, envir, indicator_name) {
  if (is.null(cluster)) {
    boot(data, statistic,
      threshold = threshold, ..., domain = domain,
      envir = envir, indicator_name = indicator_name
  } else {
    fun <- function(cluster, i, ..., .data, .statistic) {
      i <- do.call(c, split(seq_len(nrow(.data)), .data$cluster)[i])
      .statistic(.data, i, ...)
    keep <- !duplicated(cluster)
    boot(cluster[keep], fun, ...,
      domain = domain[keep], threshold = threshold,
      .data = data, .statistic = statistic, envir = envir, indicator_name

calibWeights <- function(X_calib,
                         q = NULL,
                         method = c("raking", "linear", "logit"),
                         bounds = c(0, 10),
                         maxit = 500,
                         tol = 1e-06,
                         eps = .Machine$double.eps,
                         domain = NULL) {
  X_calib <- as.matrix(X_calib)
  d <- as.numeric(d)
  totals <- as.numeric(totals)
  haveNA <- c(
    any(is.na(X_calib)), any(is.na(d)), any(is.na(totals)),
    !is.null(q) && any(is.na(q))
  if (any(haveNA)) {
    argsNA <- c("'X_calib'", "'d'", "'totals'", "'q'")[haveNA]
    stop("missing values in the following arguments", paste(argsNA,
      collapse = ", "
  n <- nrow(X_calib)
  if (length(d) != n) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "length of 'd' not equal to number of rows in 'X_calib'"))
  p <- ncol(X_calib)
  if (length(totals) != p) {
    stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                 "length of 'totals' not equal to number of columns in
  if (is.null(q)) {
    q <- rep.int(1, n)
  } else {
    q <- as.numeric(q)
    if (length(q) != n) {
      stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                   "length of 'q' not equal to number of rows in 'X_calib'"))
    if (any(is.infinite(q))) {
      stop("infinite values in 'q'")
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "linear") {
    lambda <- ginv(t(X_calib * d * q) %*% X_calib, tol = eps) %*%
      (totals - as.vector(t(d) %*% X_calib))
    g <- 1 + q * as.vector(X_calib %*% lambda)
  } else {
    lambda <- matrix(0, nrow = p)
    tolNotReached <- function(X_calib, w, totals, tol) {
      max(abs(crossprod(X_calib, w) - totals) / totals) >= tol
    if (method == "raking") {
      g <- rep.int(1, n)
      w <- d
      i <- 1
      while (!any(is.na(g)) && tolNotReached(
        X_calib, w, totals,
      ) && i <= maxit) {
        phi <- t(X_calib) %*% w - totals
        Tmat <- t(X_calib * w)
        dphi <- Tmat %*% X_calib
        lambda <- lambda - ginv(dphi, tol = eps) %*%
        g <- exp(as.vector(X_calib %*% lambda) * q)
        w <- g * d
        i <- i + 1
      if (any(is.na(g)) || i > maxit) {
        warning("no convergence")
        g <- NULL
    } else {
      if (length(bounds) < 2) {
        stop("'bounds' must be a vector of length 2")
      } else {
        bounds <- bounds[seq_len(2)]
      if (bounds[1] >= 1) {
        stop("the lower bound must be smaller than 1")
      if (bounds[2] <= 1) {
        stop("the lower bound must be larger than 1")
      A <- diff(bounds) / ((1 - bounds[1]) * (bounds[2] -
      getG <- function(u, bounds) {
        (bounds[1] * (bounds[2] - 1) + bounds[2] *
          (1 - bounds[1]) * u) / (bounds[2] - 1 + (1 - bounds[1]) * u)
      g <- getG(rep.int(1, n), bounds)
      X1 <- X_calib
      d1 <- d
      totals1 <- totals
      q1 <- q
      g1 <- g
      indices <- seq_len(n)
      anyOutOfBounds <- function(g, bounds) {
        any(g < bounds[1]) || any(g > bounds[2])
      i <- 1
      while (!any(is.na(g)) &&
        (tolNotReached(X_calib, g * d, totals, tol) ||
          anyOutOfBounds(g, bounds)) &&
        i <= maxit) {
        if (anyOutOfBounds(g, bounds)) {
          g[g < bounds[1]] <- bounds[1]
          g[g > bounds[2]] <- bounds[2]
          tmp <- which(g > bounds[1] & g < bounds[2])
          if (length(tmp) > 0) {
            indices <- tmp
            X1 <- X_calib[indices, ]
            d1 <- d[indices]
            if (length(indices) < n) {
              totals1 <- totals -
                as.vector(t(g[-indices] * d[-indices])
                %*% X_calib[-indices, , drop = FALSE])
            q1 <- q[indices]
            g1 <- g[indices]
        w1 <- g1 * d1
        phi <- t(X1) %*% w1 - totals1
        Tmat <- t(X1 * w1)
        dphi <- Tmat %*% X1
        lambda <- lambda - ginv(dphi, tol = eps) %*%
        u <- exp(A * as.vector(X1 %*% lambda) * q1)
        g1 <- getG(u, bounds)
        g[indices] <- g1
        i <- i + 1
      if (any(is.na(g)) || i > maxit) {
        warning("no convergence")
        g <- NULL
SoerenPannier/emdi documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 7:54 p.m.