#' Check if required metadata is in the object
#' @description
#' This function checks that the object contains all the
#' necessary metadata for functions in scFeatures.
#' For scRNA-seq, it must contain `sample` and `celltype`.
#' For spatial proteomics, it must contain `sample`, `celltype` and
#' and spatial proteomics data, it must contain `sample` and `x_cord`
#' and `y_cord`.
#' For spatial transcriptomics data, it must contain `sample`, `x_cord`
#' `y_cord` and a `predictions` assay.
#' @param alldata A list object.
#' @param type Type of dataset, either "scrna" (for scRNA-seq), "spatial_t"
#' (for spatial transcriptomics) or "spatial_p" (for spatial proteomics).
#' @return NULL
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @noRd
check_data <- function(alldata, type = "scrna") {
if ( !"data" %in% names(alldata)) {
stop("Please make sure you provide the data")
if (!"sample" %in% names(alldata)) {
"For scRNA-seq and spatial proteomics, ",
"please make sure the data contains celltype and sample label. ",
"For spatial proteomics, ensure the data contain sample information."
if (type %in% c("spatial_t", "spatial_p")) {
if (!"y_cord" %in% names(alldata) || !"x_cord" %in% names(alldata)) {
stop("Please ensure the data contain x_cord and y_cord.")
if (type == "spatial_t") {
if (!"predictions" %in% names(alldata)) {
"Please make sure the data contain a predictions assay.\n",
"See vignette's section on spatial transcriptomics for details."
#' Enable parallel processing
#' @description
#' This function takes the number of cores to use for parallel processing and
#' generates a `BiocParallel` object that can be used to control the
#' parallelization of functions.
#' It automatically determines whether to use the `SnowParam` or
#' `MulticoreParam` of the `BiocParallel` package based on the operating system.
#' @param cores The number of cores to use for parallel processing.
#' @return A `BiocParallel` object that can be used to control the
#' parallelization of functions.
#' @noRd
generateBPParam <- function(cores = 1) {
seed <- .Random.seed[1]
if (cores == 1) {
BPparam <- BiocParallel::SerialParam(RNGseed = seed)
} else { # Parallel processing is desired.
# set BPparam RNGseed if the user ran set.seed(someNumber) themselves.
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") { # Only SnowParam suits Windows.
BPparam <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(
min(cores, BiocParallel::snowWorkers("SOCK")),
RNGseed = seed
} else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] %in% c("MacOS", "Linux")) {
BPparam <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(
min(cores, BiocParallel::multicoreWorkers()),
RNGseed = seed
) # Multicore is faster than SNOW, but it doesn't work on Windows.
} else { # Something weird.
BPparam <- BiocParallel::bpparam() # BiocParallel will figure it out.
#' Create pseudo-bulk for each cell type of each sample
#' @description
#' This function takes a list object as input and creates a pseudo-bulk
#' for each cell type of each sample in the object. This is computed by
#' taking the row means of the expression for each cell type of each sample
#' If a cell type does not exist in a sample, the expression values for that
#' cell type will be 0 for all genes.
#' @param alldata A list object.
#' @param ncores Number of cores for parallel computation.
#' @return A matrix containing the pseudo-bulks for each cell type
#' of each sample.
#' @noRd
bulk_sample_celltype <- function(alldata, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
# x <- unique( alldata$sample)[1]
bulk <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique(alldata$sample), function(x) {
# for this patient
this_sample <- alldata$data[, alldata$sample == x, drop=FALSE]
this_sample_celltype <- alldata$celltype[alldata$sample == x, drop=FALSE]
# loop through each cell type
# y <-unique(alldata$celltype)[1]
this_sample_bulk <- lapply(unique(alldata$celltype), function(y) {
index <- which(this_sample_celltype == y)
# if cell type does not exist in patient, expression is 0 for all genes
if (length(index) == 0) {
temp <- rep(0, nrow(alldata$data))
# if there is only 1 cell, do not need to take mean
} else if (length(index) == 1) {
temp <- this_sample[, index]
# if multiple cells, average across all cells
} else {
temp <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowMeans2(
DelayedArray(this_sample[, index])
temp <- as.matrix(temp)
rownames(temp) <- rownames(alldata$data)
this_sample_bulk <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, this_sample_bulk))
colnames(this_sample_bulk) <- paste0(x, "--", unique(alldata$celltype))
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
bulk <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, bulk))
#' Create pseudo-bulk for each sample in a list object
#' @description
#' This function takes a list object as input and creates
#' a pseudo-bulk for each sample in the object. This is calculated by
#' taking row means of the expression for each sample.
#' @param alldata A list object.
#' @param ncores Number of cores for parallel computation.
#' @return A matrix containing the pseudo-bulks for each sample
#' in the input data.
#' @noRd
bulk_sample <- function(alldata, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
# x <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
bulk <- BiocParallel::bplapply( unique(alldata$sample) , function(x) {
index <- which( alldata$sample == x)
temp <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowMeans2(
DelayedArray(alldata$data[, index, drop=FALSE])
temp <- as.matrix(temp)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
bulk <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, bulk))
rownames(bulk) <- rownames(alldata$data)
colnames(bulk) <- unique(alldata$sample)
#' Estimate a relative number of cells per spot for
#' spatial transcriptomics data
#' This function takes a list object containing spatial transcriptomics matrix as input
#' and estimates the relative number of cells per spot in the data.
#' The number of cells is estimated as the library size scaled to
#' the range from 1 to 100.
#' This value stored in the `number_cells` attribute.
#' @param alldata A list object containing spatial transcriptomics
#' @return a vector with the relative number of cells in each spot.
#' @importFrom MatrixGenerics colSums2
#' @examples
#' utils::data("example_scrnaseq" , package = "scFeatures")
#' data <- example_scrnaseq@assays$RNA@data
#' data <- list(data = data)
#' number_of_cells <- get_num_cell_per_spot(data)
#' @export
get_num_cell_per_spot <- function(alldata) {
readcount <- log2(colSums(alldata$data))
linMap <- function(x, from, to) {
(x - min(x)) / max(x - min(x)) * (to - from) + from
numberofcells <- linMap(readcount, 1, 100)
#' Rearrange string
#' @description
#' This function takes a string as input and rearranges words in the string
#' so that they are sorted alphabetically.
#' @param str A character string containing words separated by underscores.
#' @return A character string with the words sorted alphabetically and
#' separated by underscores.
#' @noRd
rearrange_string <- function(str) {
unlist(lapply(strsplit(str, "_"), function(x) paste(sort(x), collapse = "_")))
#' Compute number of cells in each cell type in each spot
#' for spatial transcriptomics data
#' @description
#' This function computes the number of cells in each cell type by
#' multiplying the cell type probability in each spot with the
#' relative number of cells in each spot. The relative number of cells
#' are estimated using library size of each spot. See get_num_cell_per_spot().
#' @param alldata A list object containing spatial transcriptomics.
#' @return A matrix with the number of cells per cell type at each spot.
#' @noRd
get_num_cell_per_celltype <- function(alldata) {
number_cells <- get_num_cell_per_spot(alldata)
alldata$number_cells <- number_cells
prob <- as.matrix(alldata$predictions)
zero_celltype <- names(which(rowSums(prob) == 0))
prob <- prob[!rownames(prob) %in% zero_celltype, ]
MultVec <- alldata$number_cells
num_cell_per_spot <- mapply(FUN = "*", as.data.frame(prob), MultVec)
num_cell_per_spot <- round(num_cell_per_spot, 0)
mode(num_cell_per_spot) <- "integer"
rownames(num_cell_per_spot) <- rownames(prob)
#' Compute L statistic for a point pattern
#' @description
#' This function computes the L statistic for a given point pattern.
#' @param ppp_obj a point pattern object
#' @param from define the window of the point pattern to compute
#' @param to define the window of the point pattern to compute
#' @param L_dist a numeric value specifying the maximum distance
#' at which the L statistic will be computed.
#' @return
#' A numeric value of the L statistic.
#' @noRd
L_stats <- function(ppp_obj = NULL, from = NULL, to = NULL, L_dist = NULL) {
L <- spatstat.explore::Lcross(ppp_obj,
from = from, to = to,
verbose = FALSE,
correction = "best"
L_theo <- L$theo[L$r <= L_dist]
L_iso <- L$iso[L$r <= L_dist]
L_res <- mean(L_iso - L_theo)
# TODO: check if return value is html file.
#' Create an association study report in HTML format
#' @description This function takes the feature matrix generated by
#' scFeatures as input and creates an HTML report containing the
#' results of the association study. The report is saved to the specified
#' output folder.
#' @param scfeatures_result a named list storing the scFeatures feature output.
#' Note that the names of the list should be one or multiple of the following:
#' `proportion_raw`, `proportion_logit`, `proportion_ratio`,
#' `gene_mean_celltype`, `gene_prop_celltype`, `gene_cor_celltype`,
#' `pathway_gsva`, `pathway_mean`, `pathway_prop`, `CCI`,
#' `gene_mean_aggregated`, `gene_cor_aggregated`, and `gene_prop_aggregated`.
#' @param output_folder the path to the folder where the HTML report
#' will be saved
#' @return an HTML file, saved to the directory defined in the `output_folder`
#' argument
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' output_folder <- tempdir()
#' utils::data("scfeatures_result" , package = "scFeatures")
#' run_association_study_report(scfeatures_result, output_folder )
#' }
#' @import rmarkdown
#' @export
run_association_study_report <- function(scfeatures_result, output_folder) {
# check name
correct_name <- any(names(scfeatures_result) %in% c(
"proportion_raw", "proportion_logit",
"proportion_ratio", "gene_mean_celltype",
"gene_prop_celltype", "gene_cor_celltype",
"pathway_gsva", "pathway_mean",
"pathway_prop", "CCI",
"gene_mean_aggregated", "gene_cor_aggregated", "gene_prop_aggregated"
if (correct_name == FALSE) {
"Please check you have named the feature types in correct naming format."
# need to retrieve the output report structure from the package
output_report <- system.file("extdata", "output_report.Rmd",
package = "scFeatures"
file.copy(from = output_report, to = output_folder, overwrite = FALSE)
# generate the html output
input = paste0(output_folder, "/", "output_report.Rmd"),
output_format = "html_document",
output_file = "output_report.html",
output_dir = output_folder
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.