# This script details the known occurrences of glossy buckthorn, including
# historical records from herbaria and more recent records from EDDMapS.
## Set up
make_maps <- FALSE
library(tidyverse); library(gbPopMod); library(sf); library(maps)
# land cover grid: study extent
res <- c("20ac", "9km2")[1]
load(paste0("data/USDA_", res, ".rda"))
grd.border <- lc.df %>% filter(inbd) %>%
select(lon, lat, inbd) %>%
raster::rasterFromXYZ() %>%
raster::rasterToPolygons(dissolve=T) %>%
fortify %>% select(long, lat, group) %>%
st_as_sf(coords=c("long", "lat"))
st_crs(grd.border) <- 32618
grd.border <- grd.border %>% st_transform(crs=4326)
# new hampshire & maine boundaries
nhme <- map("county", plot=F, fill=T) %>% st_as_sf() %>%
filter(grepl("maine|new hampshire", ID))
states <- map("state", plot=F, fill=T) %>% st_as_sf()
st_crs(nhme) <- st_crs(states) <- 4326
nhme.grd <- st_crop(nhme, grd.border)
# load records
eddmaps <- read.csv("data/gb/eddmaps_gb.csv") %>%
filter(!is.na(Longitude_Decimal) & !is.na(Latitude_Decimal)) %>%
st_as_sf(coords=c("Longitude_Decimal", "Latitude_Decimal"))
eddmaps.nhme <- read_csv("data/gb/eddmaps_ME.csv") %>%
select(ObsDate, Latitude, Longitude) %>%
bind_rows(read_csv("data/gb/eddmaps_NH.csv") %>%
select(ObsDate, Latitude, Longitude)) %>%
filter(complete.cases(.)) %>%
st_as_sf(coords=c("Longitude", "Latitude")) %>%
mutate(Year=lubridate::year(as.Date(ObsDate, "%m/%d/%Y")))
herb.record <- read.csv("data/gb/gb_herbariumRecords.csv") %>%
filter(!is.na(Longitude) & !is.na(Latitude)) %>%
st_as_sf(coords=c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
st_crs(herb.record) <- st_crs(eddmaps) <- st_crs(eddmaps.nhme) <- 4326
# crop to study extent
eddmaps.nhme <- st_crop(eddmaps.nhme, grd.border)
herb.nhme <- st_crop(herb.record, grd.border)
# combine EDDMapS + herbarium records
spread.nhme <- herb.nhme %>%
select(CollectionYear) %>%
rename(Year=CollectionYear) %>%
rbind(., select(eddmaps.nhme, Year)) %>%
# st_transform(crs=32618) %>%
spread.coords <- st_coordinates(st_transform(spread.nhme, crs=32618))
spread.pts <- sapply(1:nrow(spread.nhme),
function(x) get_pt_id(lc.df, spread.coords[x,]))
out_bds <- which(map_int(spread.pts, length)==0)
spread.pts <- data.frame(id=unlist(spread.pts),
Year=spread.nhme$Year[-out_bds]) %>%
group_by(id) %>% summarise(MinObsYear=min(Year))
lc.df$MinObsYear <- NA
lc.df$MinObsYear[spread.pts$id] <- spread.pts$MinObsYear
write_csv(lc.df, paste0("data/gb/spread_", res, ".csv"))
## Basic exploration
# Herbarium record summary: NH + ME
herb.nhme %>% arrange(CollectionYear) %>% print.AsIs
plot(sort(herb.nhme$CollectionYear), 1:nrow(herb.nhme))
# First record in study extent
N.1922 <- herb.nhme %>% filter(CollectionYear==1922) %>%
st_transform(crs=32618) %>% st_coordinates()
# Convex hulls of spread
Years <- unique(spread.nhme$Year)[-(1:2)]
spread.hull <- vector("list", length(Years))
for(i in seq_along(Years)) {
spread.hull[[i]] <- spread.nhme %>%
filter(Year <= Years[i]) %>%
st_union() %>%
spread.sf <- do.call("rbind", purrr::map(spread.hull, st_sf)) %>%
mutate(Year=Years) %>%
## Identify occupancy dates by pixel
lc.sf <- lc.df %>% filter(inbd) %>%
st_as_sf(coords=c("lon", "lat")) %>%
hull.intersect <- st_intersects(lc.sf, st_transform(spread.sf, crs=32618)) %>%
purrr::map_dbl(., min)
hull.intersect[is.infinite(hull.intersect)] <- NA
lc.df <- mutate(lc.df, MinObsYear=NA)
lc.df$MinObsYear[lc.df$inbd] <- Years[hull.intersect]
write_csv(lc.df, paste0("data/gb/spread_", res, ".csv"))
## visualization
if(make_maps) {
# Map: National
ggplot() + scale_colour_viridis(option="C") +
geom_sf(data=states, fill="gray30", colour=1) +
geom_sf(data=eddmaps, alpha=0.5) +
geom_sf(data=herb.record, aes(colour=CollectionYear))
# Map: NH + ME
ggplot() + scale_colour_viridis(option="C") +
geom_sf(data=nhme.grd, fill="gray30", colour=1) +
geom_sf(data=eddmaps.nhme) +
geom_sf(data=herb.nhme, aes(colour=CollectionYear), size=3)
# Map: NH + ME all records
ggplot() + scale_colour_viridis(option="C") +
geom_sf(data=nhme.grd, fill="gray30", colour=1) +
geom_sf(data=spread.nhme, aes(colour=Year))
# Map of hulls
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=nhme.grd, fill="gray30", colour=1) +
geom_sf(data=spread.sf, fill="white", colour="white", alpha=0.05)
# Map of rasterized earliest inferred date
ggplot(lc.df) + geom_tile(aes(lon, lat, fill=MinObsYear)) +
geom_sf(data=st_transform(spread.nhme, crs=32618), aes(colour=Year)) +
scale_colour_gradient(low="darkred", high="white") +
scale_fill_gradient(low="darkred", high="white")
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