# USDA-NIFA Buckthorn model
# Tim Szewczyk
# This is an example of how the buckthorn model could be called in the economic
# model. Part I assumes the model is written in R (or can directly call an R
# function) and iterates the buckthorn population one time step, alternating
# with landowner interactions and decisions.
# The buckthorn model functions are stored as an R package called gbPopMod
# hosted on GitHub. Prior to publication, the repository is private. You can
# install the package along with all other required packages with:
# devtools::install_github("Sz-Tim/gbPopMod", dependencies=T,
# auth_token="886b37e1694782d91c33da014d201a55d0c80bfb")
# help(package="gbPopMod")
# The following packages are called by various gbPopMod functions:
# - here: easier file directory navigation
# - doSNOW: running in parallel
# - foreach: running in parallel
# - fastmatch: faster SDD neighborhood calculation
# - tidyverse: tidyr, dplyr, ggplot, purrr, tibble, stringr, forcats, readr
# - magrittr: additional pipe (%>%) functions
# - *scales: generating color scales in some plotting functions (PLOTS ONLY)
# - *gganimate: generating gifs (PLOTS ONLY)
# - *viridis: for pretty colors (PLOTS ONLY)
# - *dismo: boosted regression trees for sensitivity analysis (SENSITIVITY ONLY)
Packages <- c("here", "gbPopMod", "tidyverse", "magrittr", "viridis")
suppressMessages(invisible(lapply(Packages, library, character.only=TRUE)))
## Part I: Iterate buckthorn model within R
# Here, the economic model is written in R and the buckthorn population is
# iterated each time step. The basic flow is:
# 1. Set up and initialization. Store initial buckthorn population, etc
# 2. Management plans are decided
# 3. Management is implemented, buckthorn grows and spreads
# 4. Repeat 2-3 for tmax years
#--- load libraries & landscape
gifs <- TRUE
res <- "9km2" # 9km2 or 20ac
load(paste0("data/USDA_", res, ".rda")) # loads dataframe as lc.df
ngrid <- nrow(lc.df)
ncell <- sum(lc.df$inbd)
id.i <- lc.df %>% select(id, id.in)
# Note that lc.df and id.i contain two id columns:
# - id: rectangular grid ID; identified for all cells
# - id.in: inbound ID; identified for inbound cells, NA if out of bounds
# This is to allow simpler spatial calculations (i.e., for SDD neighborhoods)
#--- set parameters
tmax <- 100
# cells that implement manual treatments
manual.i <- filter(lc.df, x>38 & x<45 & y>33 & y<40) %>% mutate(trt="m")
# cells that implement ground cover treatments
ground.i <- filter(lc.df, x>18 & x<25 & y>38 & y<45) %>% mutate(trt="g")
# cells that implement both
both.i <- filter(lc.df, x>28 & x<35 & y>28 & y<35) %>% mutate(trt="b")
mgmt.df <- rbind(manual.i, ground.i, both.i) %>% group_by(trt) %>%
summarise(lon.mx=max(lon), lon.mn=min(lon),
lat.mx=max(lat), lat.mn=min(lat))
mgmt.df <- with(mgmt.df, data.frame(trt=rep(trt, 4),
lon=c(lon.mx, lon.mx, lon.mn, lon.mn),
lat=c(lat.mx, lat.mn, lat.mn, lat.mx)))
# global parameters: ?set_g_p
g.p <- set_g_p(tmax=tmax, n.cores=1,
K=c(5223180, 0, 770790, 770790, 770790, 770790),
sdd.max=7, sdd.rate=1.4)
# control parameters: ?set_control_p
c.p <- set_control_p(null_ctrl=FALSE,
grd.i=c(ground.i$id.in, both.i$id.in),
man.i=c(manual.i$id.in, both.i$id.in),
#--- calculate SDD neighborhoods & initialize buckthorn
sdd <- sdd_set_probs(ncell, lc.df, g.p, verbose=T)
N.init <- pop_init(ngrid, g.p, lc.df, p.0=2000)
B <- matrix(0, nrow=ngrid, ncol=tmax+1) # [cell, year]
N <- array(0, dim=c(ngrid, tmax+1, 6, max(g.p$m))) # [cell, year, LC, age]
N[,1,,] <- N.init
for(l in 1:6) { if(g.p$m[l] < 7) { N[,,l,g.p$m[l]:(max(g.p$m)-1)] <- NA } }
grd_cover.i <- mech_chem.i <- NULL
for(t in 1:g.p$tmax) {
## 2. Management plans are decided
# economic decision model
# - which cells perform which management actions?
# - here, management is randomized for illustration
# Instead of using trt_assign(), the economic model can generate a two-column
# dataframe where id (=id.i$id) and Trt (=treatment method).
# Forest harvest is slightly more complicated, requiring a dataframe with the
# id and id.in for the harvesting cells, and a dataframe with the change in
# each forest type
#--- harvest timber
if(c.p$lc.chg) {
# identify which cells will harvest, and how much of each forst type
f_cut.i <- cut_assign(pChg=c.p$pChg, ncell=ncell,
lc.df=lc.df, forest.col=6:9)
# update lc.df with new forest proportions
lc.df[f_cut.i$id.chg$id,] <- cut_forest(f_cut.i$id.chg, f_cut.i$mx,
forest.col=6:9, lc.df)
# update SDD probabilities based on bird preferences for new LC composition
sdd.alter <- tibble(id.in=unique(
arrayInd(which(sdd$i %in% f_cut.i$id.chg$id.in), dim(sdd$i))[,4]),
id=id.i$id[match(id.in, id.i$id.in)])
sdd_new <- sdd_update_probs(lc.df, g.p, sdd.alter, sdd$i)
sdd$i[,,1,sdd.alter$id.in] <- sdd_new$i
sdd$sp[sdd.alter$id.in] <- sdd_new$sp
if(t >= c.p$t.trt) {
#--- identify cells for groundcover treatments
grd_cover.i <- trt_assign(id.i, assign_i=c.p$grd.i, trt.eff=c.p$grd.trt)
#--- identify cells for cut/spray treatments
mech_chem.i <- trt_assign(id.i, assign_i=c.p$man.i, trt.eff=c.p$man.trt)
# buckthorn population model
# Parameters are updated for cells that performed management actions, then
# buckthorn grows and spreads. This is implemented as:
# 1. Update parameters based on management actions
# 2. Adults produce fruit
# 3. Fruit is consumed and dispersed, or dropped
# 4. Seeds germinate and establish
g.p$n.ldd <- ifelse(t %% 5 == 0, 1, 0)
out <- iterate_pop(ngrid, ncell, N[,t,,], B[,t], g.p, lc.df, sdd, c.p,
grd_cover.i, mech_chem.i, read_write=FALSE, path=NULL)
N[,t+1,,] <- out$N
B[,t+1] <- out$B
if(t %% 10 == 0) cat("Finished time", t, "\n")
# visualize output
plot.dir <- paste0("out/", res, "/econ/t_", g.p$tmax, "/trt_", c.p$t.trt)
if(!dir.exists(plot.dir)) dir.create(plot.dir, recursive=T)
N.tot <- apply(N[,,,max(g.p$m)], 1:2, sum) # sum adults across LC categories
N.df <- as.data.frame(N.tot); names(N.df) <- 1:ncol(N.df)
out.all <- cbind(lc.df, N.df) %>%
gather(year, N, 15:ncol(.)) %>% mutate(year=as.numeric(year), B=c(B))
out.df <- lc.df %>%
out.all <- filter(out.all, !is.na(lon))
write_csv(out.all, here(plot.dir, "out_all.csv"))
# cell abundances through time
theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(panel.background=element_rect(fill="gray30"),
if(gifs) {
anim_save(here(plot.dir, "N.gif"),
animate(ggplot(out.all, aes(x=lon, y=lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=log(N))) +
geom_polygon(data=mgmt.df, aes(colour=trt), fill=NA, size=1) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B") +
scale_colour_manual(paste("Treatment from\nyear", c.p$t.trt),
values=c("black", "blue", "purple"),
labels=c("both", "ground", "manual")) +
transition_time(year) +
ggtitle("Adult abundance. Year {frame_time}"),
width=800, height=600, units="px"))
anim_save(here(plot.dir, "B.gif"),
animate(ggplot(out.all, aes(x=lon, y=lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=log(B))) +
geom_polygon(data=mgmt.df, aes(colour=trt), fill=NA, size=1) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B") +
scale_colour_manual(paste("Treatment from\nyear", c.p$t.trt),
values=c("black", "blue", "purple"),
labels=c("both", "ground", "manual")) +
transition_time(year) +
ggtitle("Seed abundance. Year {frame_time}"),
width=800, height=600, units="px"))
# final maps
ggplot(out.df, aes(x=lon, y=lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=N.final)) + geom_point(aes(colour=N.0>0)) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("FALSE"=NA, "TRUE"="blue"))
ggplot(out.df, aes(x=lon, y=lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=log(B.final))) + geom_point(aes(colour=N.0>0)) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B") +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("FALSE"=NA, "TRUE"="blue"))
ggplot(out.df, aes(x=lon, y=lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=N.final>0)) + geom_point(aes(colour=N.0>0)) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("FALSE"=NA, "TRUE"="blue")) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B", discrete=TRUE)
ggplot(out.df, aes(x=lon, y=lat)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=B.final>0)) + geom_point(aes(colour=N.0>0)) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("FALSE"=NA, "TRUE"="blue")) +
scale_fill_viridis(option="B", discrete=TRUE)
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