test_that("dispRity.multi.split", {
trees <- bound_test_data$trees
matrices <- bound_test_data$matrices
## Split just data
data <- fill.dispRity(make.dispRity(data = matrices))
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "dispRity")
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$matrix), 1)
## Three trees and one matrix
data <- fill.dispRity(make.dispRity(data = matrices[[1]]))
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 1)
expect_is(test[[1]], "dispRity")
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$matrix), 1)
## Split non-subseted data
## Three trees and three matrices
data <- fill.dispRity(make.dispRity(data = matrices), tree = trees)
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "list")
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$tree), 1)
## Three trees and one matrix
data <- fill.dispRity(make.dispRity(data = matrices[[1]]), tree = trees)
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "list")
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$tree), 1)
## Three matrices and one tree
data <- fill.dispRity(make.dispRity(data = matrices), tree = trees[[1]])
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "list")
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$tree), 1)
## Split subseted data
## Three trees and three matrices
data <- chrono.subsets(matrices, tree = trees, time = 3, method = "continuous", model = "acctran", t0 = 5)
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "list")
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$tree), 1)
## Three trees and one matrix
data <- chrono.subsets(matrices[[1]], tree = trees, time = 3, method = "continuous", model = "acctran", t0 = 5)
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "list")
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$tree), 1)
## Three matrices and one tree
data <- chrono.subsets(matrices, tree = trees[[1]], time = 3, method = "continuous", model = "acctran", t0 = 5)
test <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "list")
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[i]]$tree), 1)
test_that("dispRity.multi.apply", {
## dispRity
trees <- bound_test_data$trees
matrices <- bound_test_data$matrices
## Split just data
data <- fill.dispRity(make.dispRity(data = matrices))
data <- dispRity.multi.split(data)
test <- dispRity.multi.apply(data, fun = dispRity, metric = centroids, centroid = 1000)
expect_is(test, "dispRity")
expect_is(test, "multi")
expect_equal(length(test), 3)
for(i in 1:3) {
expect_is(test[[i]], "dispRity")
## Option is parsed correctly
expect_equal(summary(test[[1]])$obs.median, 1732)
test_that("dispRity.multi works for custom.subsets", {
tree <- makeNodeLabel(rtree(5))
tree <- list(tree, tree)
class(tree) <- "multiPhylo"
tree_trifurc <- tree[[1]]
tree_trifurc$edge <- tree_trifurc$edge[-5, ]
tree_trifurc$edge[c(5,6),1] <- 8
tree_trifurc$edge.length <- tree_trifurc$edge.length[-5]
tree_trifurc$Nnode <- 3
tree_trifurc$node.label <- tree_trifurc$node.label[-4]
tree_trifurcs <- list(tree[[1]], tree_trifurc)
tree_diff <- tree
tree_diff[[1]]$node.label[1] <- "noooooode"
class(tree_diff) <- "multiPhylo"
data <- matrix(0, nrow = 9, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c(paste0("t", 1:5), paste0("Node", 1:4))))
data <- list(data, data)
data_diff <- data
rownames(data_diff[[1]])[6] <- "noooooode"
## For custom.subsets
groups <- list(paste0("t", 1:3), paste0("t", 3:5))
groups_bugged <- list(paste("t", 1:5), paste0("Node", 1:4))
## Normal test
test <- custom.subsets(data = data, tree = tree, group = groups)
expect_is(test, "dispRity")
expect_equal(length(test$matrix), 2)
expect_equal(length(test$tree), 2)
## Just matrices
expect_warning(test <- custom.subsets(data_diff, group = groups))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "multi"))
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$tree[[1]]), 0)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$tree[[1]]), 0)
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"2 customised subsets for 9 elements in 2 separated matrices:",
" 1, 2."
## 2 Matrices and 2 trees
expect_warning(test <- custom.subsets(data = data_diff, tree = tree_diff, group = groups))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "multi"))
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$tree), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$tree), 1)
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"2 customised subsets for 9 elements in 2 separated matrices with 2 phylogenetic trees",
" 1, 2."
## 1 Matrix (with everything) and 2 trees
data_all <- rbind(data_diff[[1]], "Node1" = c(0,0))
expect_warning(test <- custom.subsets(data = data_all, tree = tree_diff, group = groups, dist.data = TRUE))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "multi"))
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$tree), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$tree), 1)
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"2 customised subsets for 9 elements in 2 separated matrices with 2 phylogenetic trees",
" 1, 2."
test_that("dispRity.multi works for chrono.subsets", {
## Two matrices and two trees
tree <- rmtree(2, 10)
tree[[1]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[1]])
tree[[2]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[2]], prefix = "shnode")
tree[[1]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[1]])$ages)
tree[[2]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[2]])$ages)
data <- list(matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[1]]) + Nnode(tree[[1]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[1]]$tip.label, tree[[1]]$node.label))),
matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[2]]) + Nnode(tree[[2]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[2]]$tip.label, tree[[2]]$node.label))))
## Test working fine
warn <- capture_warning(chrono.subsets(data = data, tree = tree, time = 3, method = "continuous", model = "acctran"))
expect_equal(warn[[1]], "The following elements are not present in all matrices: shnode1, shnode2, shnode3, shnode4, shnode5, shnode6, shnode7, shnode8, shnode9, Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4, Node5, Node6, Node7, Node8, Node9. The matrices will be treated as separate trait-spaces.")
expect_warning(test <- chrono.subsets(data = data, tree = tree, time = 3, method = "continuous", model = "acctran"))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "multi"))
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$tree), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$tree), 1)
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"3 continuous (acctran) time subsets for 19 elements in 2 separated matrices with 2 phylogenetic trees",
" 2.62/1.95, 1.31/0.98, 0."
# expect_warning(write <- capture_messages(test <- chrono.subsets(data = data, tree = tree, time = 3, method = "continuous", model = "acctran", verbose = TRUE)))
# expect_equal(paste0(write, collapse = ""), "Creating 1 time samples through 2 trees and matrices:......Done.\n")
test_that("dispRity.multi works for boot.matrix", {
## Two matrices
tree <- rmtree(2, 10)
tree[[1]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[1]])
tree[[2]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[2]], prefix = "shnode")
tree[[1]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[1]])$ages)
tree[[2]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[2]])$ages)
data <- list(matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[1]]) + Nnode(tree[[1]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[1]]$tip.label, tree[[1]]$node.label))),
matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[2]]) + Nnode(tree[[2]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[2]]$tip.label, tree[[2]]$node.label))))
## Test working fine
expect_warning(test <- boot.matrix(data, bootstraps = 7))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "multi"))
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$tree[[1]]), 0)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$tree[[1]]), 0)
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"19 elements in 2 separated matrices with 1 dimensions.",
"Rows were bootstrapped 7 times (method:\"full\")."
expect_warning(test <- boot.matrix(data, bootstraps = 7, boot.by = "columns"))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "multi"))
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$matrix), 1)
expect_equal(length(test[[1]]$tree[[1]]), 0)
expect_equal(length(test[[2]]$tree[[1]]), 0)
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"19 elements in 2 separated matrices with 1 dimensions.",
"Columns were bootstrapped 7 times (method:\"full\")."
# expect_warning(write <- capture_messages(test <- boot.matrix(data, bootstraps = 5, verbose = TRUE, boot.type = "single")))
# expect_equal(paste0(write, collapse = ""), "Bootstrapping..Done.")
test_that("dispRity.multi works for dispRity", {
## Two matrices
tree <- rmtree(2, 10)
tree[[1]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[1]])
tree[[2]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[2]], prefix = "shnode")
tree[[1]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[1]])$ages)
tree[[2]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[2]])$ages)
data <- list(matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[1]]) + Nnode(tree[[1]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[1]]$tip.label, tree[[1]]$node.label))),
matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[2]]) + Nnode(tree[[2]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[2]]$tip.label, tree[[2]]$node.label))))
## Test working fine
expect_warning(test <- dispRity(data, metric = mean, tree = tree))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity"))
expect_equal(names(test), c("matrix", "tree", "call", "subsets", "disparity"))
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"19 elements in 2 separated matrices with 1 dimensions with 2 phylogenetic trees",
"Disparity was calculated as: mean."
expect_equal(summary(test)$obs.median, 0)
## Verbose
# text <- capture_messages(expect_warning(test <- dispRity(data, metric = mean, tree = tree, verbose = TRUE)))
# expect_equal(paste0(text, collapse = ""), "Calculating multiple disparities..Done.\n")
## Recycling custom.subsets
tree <- makeNodeLabel(rtree(5))
tree <- list(tree, tree)
class(tree) <- "multiPhylo"
tree_trifurc <- tree[[1]]
tree_trifurc$edge <- tree_trifurc$edge[-5, ]
tree_trifurc$edge[c(5,6),1] <- 8
tree_trifurc$edge.length <- tree_trifurc$edge.length[-5]
tree_trifurc$Nnode <- 3
tree_trifurc$node.label <- tree_trifurc$node.label[-4]
tree_trifurcs <- list(tree[[1]], tree_trifurc)
tree_diff <- tree
tree_diff[[1]]$node.label[1] <- "noooooode"
class(tree_diff) <- "multiPhylo"
data <- matrix(0, nrow = 9, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c(paste0("t", 1:5), paste0("Node", 1:4))))
data <- list(data, data)
data_diff <- data
rownames(data_diff[[1]])[6] <- "noooooode"
## 1 Matrix (with everything) and 2 trees
data_all <- rbind(data_diff[[1]], "Node1" = c(0,0))
groups <- list(paste0("t", 1:3), paste0("t", 3:5))
expect_warning(custom_subsets <- custom.subsets(data = data_all, tree = tree_diff, group = groups))
test <- dispRity(custom_subsets, metric = centroids)
expect_is(test, c("dispRity"))
expect_equal(names(test), c("matrix", "tree", "call", "subsets", "disparity"))
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"2 customised subsets for 9 elements in 2 separated matrices with 2 phylogenetic trees",
" 1, 2.",
"Disparity was calculated as: centroids."
expect_equal(summary(test)$obs.median, c(0, 0))
## Recycling chrono.subsets
## Two matrices and two trees
tree <- rmtree(2, 10)
tree[[1]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[1]])
tree[[2]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[2]], prefix = "shnode")
tree[[1]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[1]])$ages)
tree[[2]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[2]])$ages)
data <- list(matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[1]]) + Nnode(tree[[1]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[1]]$tip.label, tree[[1]]$node.label))),
matrix(0, nrow = Ntip(tree[[2]]) + Nnode(tree[[2]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[2]]$tip.label, tree[[2]]$node.label))))
## Test working fine
expect_warning(chrono_subsets <- chrono.subsets(data = data, tree = tree, time = 3, method = "continuous", model = "acctran"))
expect_warning(test <- dispRity(chrono_subsets, metric = centroids))
expect_is(test, c("dispRity", "multi"))
expect_equal(names(test), c("matrix", "tree", "call", "subsets", "disparity"))
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"3 continuous (acctran) time subsets for 19 elements in 2 separated matrices with 2 phylogenetic trees",
" 2.62/1.95, 1.31/0.98, 0.",
"Disparity was calculated as: centroids."
expect_equal(summary(test)$obs.median, c(0, 0, NA))
## Recycling boot.matrix
## Two matrices
tree <- rmtree(2, 10)
tree[[1]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[1]])
tree[[2]] <- makeNodeLabel(tree[[2]], prefix = "shnode")
tree[[1]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[1]])$ages)
tree[[2]]$root.time <- max(tree.age(tree[[2]])$ages)
data <- list(matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = Ntip(tree[[1]]) + Nnode(tree[[1]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[1]]$tip.label, tree[[1]]$node.label))),
matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = Ntip(tree[[2]]) + Nnode(tree[[2]]), dimnames = list(c(tree[[2]]$tip.label, tree[[2]]$node.label))))
## Test working fine
expect_warning(boot_matrix <- boot.matrix(data, bootstraps = 7, boot.by = "columns"))
test <- dispRity(boot_matrix, metric = centroids)
expect_is(test, c("dispRity"))
expect_equal(names(test), c("matrix", "tree", "call", "subsets", "disparity"))
expect_equal(capture.output(test), c(
" ---- dispRity object ---- ",
"19 elements in 2 separated matrices with 3 dimensions.",
"Columns were bootstrapped 7 times (method:\"full\").",
"Disparity was calculated as: centroids."
expect_equal(summary(test)$obs.median, 0)
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