Man pages for TYMichaelsen/mmtravis
Tools for analysing (meta)transcriptomics data

grapes-w-slash-o-grapesx without y
mt_batchCorrect for batch-effects in 'mmt' objects based on...
mt_diffexprsCalculate differential expression statistics by a grouping...
mt_dumpDEExtract results from DE analysis done using 'mt_diffexprs'.
mt_enrichCOGPerform enrichment analysis using COG categories.
mt_enrichKOPerform enrichment analysis using KEGG annotation.
mt_gatherGather the mmt object into one dataframe, suitable for e.g....
mt_GenomeFrequencyMatrixComputes a by-genome frequency matrix of any attribute in the...
mt_loadLoad the transcriptomics data, associated gene data and...
mt_loadMetaTLoad data produced by the MetaT pipeline into R.
mt_phiCalculates the phi-statistic of all genes in 'mmt' object.
mt_plotpairsPlot multiple combinations of sample gene expressions in a...
mt_stackbarMake a stacked barplot of the sequencing statistics.
mt_subsetNormalise and subset the data in 'mmt' objects based on...
print.mmtPrints mmt object summary (internal function)
setroworderThe row-version of setcolorder in data.table (internal...
test_pathwayperforms a hypergeometric test on a set of genes (internal...
vis_boxplotVisually appealing boxplots
vis_ordinateVisually appealing ordination plots
TYMichaelsen/mmtravis documentation built on Aug. 5, 2019, 10:48 a.m.