Proto_emulator <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = Emulator,
public = list(
ranges = NULL,
output_name = NULL,
predf = NULL,
varf = NULL,
impf = NULL,
printf = NULL,
active_vars = NULL,
add_args = NULL,
initialize = function(ranges, output_name, predict_func, variance_func,
implausibility_func = NULL, print_func = NULL, a_vars = NULL, ...) {
self$ranges <- ranges
self$add_args <- list(...)
if (is.null(a_vars)) self$active_vars <- rep(TRUE, length(self$ranges))
if (all(is.character(a_vars))) self$active_vars <- names(self$ranges) %in% a_vars
else if (length(a_vars) != length(self$ranges)) {
if (length(a_vars) > length(self$ranges)) self$active_vars <- a_vars[1:length(self$ranges)]
else self$active_vars <- c(a_vars, rep(FALSE, length(self$ranges) - length(a_vars)))
if (!all(is.logical(self$active_vars))) {
stop(paste("Could not parse active variables a_vars."))
testPoint <- data.frame(matrix(map_dbl(ranges, mean), nrow = 1)) |> setNames(names(ranges))
self$output_name <- output_name
if (!is.function(predict_func)) stop("Prediction 'function' does not appear to be a function.")
if (length(formals(predict_func)) < 1) stop("Prediction function requires at least one argument.")
args <- formalArgs(predict_func)
if (args[1] != "x") stop("First argument to 'predict_func' must be 'x'")
if (length(args) > 1) {
argsOK <- args[-1] %in% names(self$add_args)
if (any(!argsOK)) stop(paste0("'predict_func' requires missing '",
paste0(args[-1][!argsOK], collapse = ", "),
"' object(s) to be passed to 'Proto_emulator'"))
tryCatch(, c(list(x = testPoint), self$add_args[match(args[-1], names(self$add_args))])),
error = function(e) {
stop(paste("Predict function failing to evaluate at a point:", e))
else {
error = function(e) {
stop(paste("Predict function failing to evaluate at a point:", e))
self$predf <- predict_func
if (!is.function(variance_func)) stop("Variance 'function' does not appear to be a function.")
if (length(formals(variance_func)) < 1) stop("Variance function requires at least one argument.")
args <- formalArgs(variance_func)
check_args = c('x', 'xp', 'full')
if (args[1] != 'x') stop("First argument to 'variance_func' must be 'x'")
if (length(args) < 2 || args[2] != 'xp') {
warning("No option for second data.frame provided.")
check_args <- check_args[check_args != 'xp']
if (length(args) < length(check_args) || (args[3] != 'full' && args[2] != 'full')) {
warning("No option to obtain full covariance matrix.")
check_args <- check_args[check_args != 'full']
if (length(args) > length(check_args)) {
argsOK <- args %in% c(names(self$add_args), check_args)
if (any(!argsOK)) stop(paste0("'variance_func' requires missing '",
paste0(args[!argsOK], collapse = ", "),
"' object(s) to be passed to 'Proto_emulator'"))
{blist <- list(x = testPoint, xp = NULL, full = FALSE)
blist <- blist[which(names(blist) %in% check_args)], c(blist,
self$add_args[match(args[!args %in% check_args], names(self$add_args))]))},
error = function(e) {
stop(paste("Variance function failing to evaluate at a point:", e))
} else {
error = function(e) {
stop(paste("Variance function failing to evaluate at a point:", e))
self$varf <- variance_func
if (!is.null(implausibility_func)) {
if (!is.function(implausibility_func)) stop("Implausibility 'function' does not appear to be a function.")
if (length(formals(implausibility_func)) < 2) stop("Implausibility function must have at least two arguments - input point(s) and target.")
args <- formalArgs(implausibility_func)
if (!identical(args[1:3], c('x', 'z', 'cutoff')))
stop("First three arguments to 'implausibility_func' must be 'x', 'z', and 'cutoff")
if (length(args) > 3) {
argsOK <- args[-c(1:3)] %in% names(self$add_args)
if (any(!argsOK)) stop(paste0("'implasuibilty_func' requires missing '",
paste0(args[-c(1:3)][!argsOK], collapse = ", "),
"' object(s) to be passed to 'Proto_emulator'"))
self$impf <- implausibility_func
if (!is.null(print_func)) {
if (!is.function(print_func))
stop("Print 'function' does not appear to be a function.")
args <- formalArgs(print_func)
if (!is.null(args)) {
argsOK <- args %in% names(self$add_args)
if (any(!argsOK)) stop(paste0("'print_func' requires missing '",
paste0(args[!argsOK], collapse = ", "),
"' object(s) to be passed to 'Proto_emulator'"))
self$printf <- print_func
get_exp = function(x) {
args <- formalArgs(self$predf)
if (length(args) > 1) {
c(list(x = x), self$add_args[match(args[-1], names(self$add_args))])))
} else {
get_cov = function(x, xp = NULL, full = FALSE) {
args <- formalArgs(self$varf)
check_args <- c('x', 'xp', 'full')
which_in_args <- which(check_args %in% args)
if (length(args) > 1) {
c(list(x = x, xp = xp, full = full)[which_in_args], self$add_args[match(args[!args %in% check_args], names(self$add_args))])))
} else {
return($varf, list(x = x, xp = xp, full = full)[which_in_args]))
implausibility = function(x, z, cutoff = NULL) {
if (is.null(self$impf)) {
if (!is.numeric(z) && !is.null(z$val)) {
if (is.null(z$sigma)) z$sigma <- 0
imp_var <- self$get_cov(x) + z$sigma^2
imp <- sqrt((z$val - self$get_exp(x))^2/imp_var)
else {
pred <- self$get_exp(x)
bound_check <- map_dbl(pred, function(y) {
if (y <= z[2] && y >= z[1]) return(0)
if (y < z[1]) return(-1)
which_compare <- map_dbl(bound_check, function(y) {
if (y < 1) return(z[1])
uncerts <- self$get_cov(x)
uncerts[uncerts <= 0] <- 1e-6
imp <- bound_check * (pred - which_compare)/sqrt(uncerts)
} else {
args <- formalArgs(self$impf)
if (length(args) > 3) {
c(list(x = x, z = z, cutoff = cutoff),
self$add_args[match(args[-c(1:3)], names(self$add_args))])))
} else {
return(self$impf(x, z, cutoff))
if (!is.null(cutoff)) return(imp <= cutoff)
print = function(...) {
if (is.null(self$printf)) cat("Emulator prototype from custom object.\n")
else {
args <- formalArgs(self$printf)
if(!is.null(args)) {
return($printf, self$add_args[match(args, names(self$add_args))]))
} else {
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