#' Basic forecasting (mean, median, random walk)
#' Basic forecasting functions for multivariate time series
#' @param y A multivariate time series of class \code{ts} or a matrix
#' @param h Forecasting horizon
#' @param level Confidence level for prediction intervals
#' @param method forecasting method, either "mean", "median", or random walk ("rw")
#' @param type_pi type of prediction interval currently, "gaussian", "bootstrap",
#' "blockbootstrap" or "movingblockbootstrap"
#' @param block_length length of block for (circular) "blockbootstrap" or
#' "movingblockbootstrap"
#' @param seed reproducibility seed for \code{type_pi == 'bootstrap'}
#' @param B Number of bootstrap replications for \code{type_pi == 'bootstrap'}
#' @param show_progress A boolean; show progress bar for bootstrapping? Default is TRUE.
#' @return An object of class "mtsforecast"; a list containing the following elements:
#' \item{method}{The name of the forecasting method as a character string}
#' \item{mean}{Point forecasts for the time series}
#' \item{lower}{Lower bound for prediction interval}
#' \item{upper}{Upper bound for prediction interval}
#' \item{sims}{Model simulations for bootstrapping (basic, or block)}
#' \item{x}{The original time series}
#' \item{residuals}{Residuals from the fitted model}
#' \item{coefficients}{Regression coefficients for \code{type_pi == 'gaussian'} for now}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(fpp)
#' res <- ahead::basicf(fpp::insurance, h=10)
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
#' plot(res, "TV.advert")
#' plot(res, "Quotes")
#' res <- ahead::basicf(fpp::insurance, method="rw", h=10)
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
#' plot(res, "TV.advert")
#' plot(res, "Quotes")
#' # block bootstrap
#' res3 <- ahead::basicf(fpp::insurance, h=10, type_pi = "bootstrap", B=10)
#' res5 <- ahead::basicf(fpp::insurance, h=10, type_pi = "blockbootstrap", B=10,
#' block_length = 4)
#' print(res3$sims[[2]])
#' print(res5$sims[[2]])
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
#' plot(res3, "Quotes")
#' plot(res3, "TV.advert")
#' plot(res5, "Quotes")
#' plot(res5, "TV.advert")
#' # moving block bootstrap
#' res6 <- ahead::basicf(fpp::insurance, h=10,
#' type_pi = "movingblockbootstrap", B=10,
#' block_length = 4, method = "rw")
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
#' plot(res6, "Quotes")
#' plot(res6, "TV.advert")
basicf <- function(y,
h = 5,
level = 95,
method = c("mean", "median", "rw"),
type_pi = c("gaussian",
block_length = NULL,
seed = 1,
B = 100,
show_progress = TRUE)
if (!is.ts(y))
y <- ts(y)
method <- match.arg(method)
n_series <- ncol(y)
series_names <- colnames(y)
n_inputs <- nrow(y)
type_pi <- match.arg(type_pi)
freq_x <- frequency(y)
start_x <- start(y)
start_preds <- tsp(y)[2] + 1 / freq_x
# point forecast depending on the method
point_forecast <- switch(method,
mean = colMeans(y),
median = apply(y, 2, median),
rw = y[nrow(y), ])
# in sample
fits <- ts(t(replicate(n = n_inputs, expr = point_forecast)),
start = start_x, frequency = freq_x)
resids <- y - fits
colnames(resids) <- colnames(y)
# out-of-sample
fcast <- ts(t(replicate(n = h, expr = point_forecast)),
start = start_preds, frequency = freq_x)
if (type_pi == "gaussian")
# strong Gaussian assumption
sds <- apply(resids, 2, sd)
qtsd <- -qnorm(0.5 - level / 200) * sds
qtsd <- t(replicate(h, qtsd))
# Forecast from fit_obj
out <- list(
mean = fcast,
lower = fcast - qtsd,
upper = fcast + qtsd,
sims = NULL,
x = y,
level = level,
method = method,
residuals = resids
return(structure(out, class = "mtsforecast"))
if(type_pi %in% c("blockbootstrap", "movingblockbootstrap"))
if (nrow(y) <= 2 * freq_x)
freq_x <- 1L
if (is.null(block_length)) {
block_length <- ifelse(freq_x > 1, 2 * freq_x, min(8, floor(nrow(y) / 2)))
if (type_pi %in% c("bootstrap", "blockbootstrap", "movingblockbootstrap"))
sims <- vector("list", length = B)
if (show_progress == FALSE)
for (i in 1:B)
# sampling from the residuals
set.seed(seed + i*100 + nchar(method))
idx <- switch(
bootstrap = sample.int(
n = nrow(resids),
size = h,
replace = TRUE
blockbootstrap = mbb(
r = resids,
n = h,
b = block_length,
return_indices = TRUE,
seed = seed + i * 100 + nchar(method)
movingblockbootstrap = mbb2(
r = resids,
n = h,
b = block_length,
return_indices = TRUE,
seed = seed + i * 100 + nchar(method)
sims[[i]] <- ts(as.matrix(fcast) + as.matrix(resids[idx, ]),
start = start_preds,
frequency = freq_x)
} else { # show_progress == FALSE
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)
for (i in 1:B)
# sampling from the residuals
set.seed(seed + i*100 + nchar(method))
idx <- switch(
bootstrap = sample.int(
n = nrow(resids),
size = h,
replace = TRUE
blockbootstrap = mbb(
r = resids,
n = h,
b = block_length,
return_indices = TRUE,
seed = seed + i * 100 + nchar(method)
movingblockbootstrap = mbb2(
r = resids,
n = h,
b = block_length,
return_indices = TRUE,
seed = seed + i * 100 + nchar(method)
sims[[i]] <- ts(as.matrix(fcast) + as.matrix(resids[idx, ]),
start = start_preds,
frequency = freq_x)
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
preds_upper <- matrix(0, ncol = n_series, nrow = h)
preds_lower <- matrix(0, ncol = n_series, nrow = h)
colnames(preds_upper) <- series_names
colnames(preds_lower) <- series_names
for (j in 1:n_series)
sims_series_j <- sapply(1:B, function(i)
sims[[i]][, j])
preds_upper[, j] <-
apply(sims_series_j, 1, function(x)
quantile(x, probs = 1 - (1 - level / 100) / 2))
preds_lower[, j] <-
apply(sims_series_j, 1, function(x)
quantile(x, probs = (1 - level / 100) / 2))
# return
out <- list(
mean = fcast,
lower = ts(
data = preds_lower,
start = start_preds,
frequency = freq_x
upper = ts(
data = preds_upper,
start = start_preds,
frequency = freq_x
sims = sims,
x = y,
level = level,
method = method,
residuals = resids
return(structure(out, class = "mtsforecast"))
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