# In alphabetical order
# compute prediction intervals for univariate time series -----
# compute_uni_pi <- function(out, h = 5,
# type_pi = c("E", "A", "T", "gaussian"))
# {
# tspx <- tsp(out$x)
# if (type_pi == "E")
# {
# resid_fcast <- forecast::forecast(forecast::ets(out$residuals),
# h = h, level=out$level)
# }
# if (type_pi == "A")
# {
# resid_fcast <- forecast::forecast(forecast::auto.arima(out$residuals),
# h = h, level=out$level)
# }
# if (type_pi == "T")
# {
# resid_fcast <- forecast::thetaf(out$residuals, h = h, level=out$level)
# }
# if (type_pi == "gaussian")
# {
# qt_sd <- -qnorm(0.5 - out$level/200)*sd(out$residuals)
# rep_qt_sd <- ts(rep(qt_sd, h), start = tspx[2] + 1 / tspx[3],
# frequency = tspx[3])
# resid_fcast <- list()
# resid_fcast$mean <- 0
# resid_fcast$lower <- -rep_qt_sd
# resid_fcast$upper <- rep_qt_sd
# }
# out$mean <- drop(out$mean + resid_fcast$mean)
# out$lower <- drop(out$mean + resid_fcast$lower)
# out$upper <- drop(out$mean + resid_fcast$upper)
# return(structure(out, class = "forecast"))
# }
# create new predictors -----
create_new_predictors <- function(x,
nb_hidden = 5,
method = c("sobol", "halton", "unif"),
activ = c("relu", "sigmoid", "tanh",
"leakyrelu", "elu", "linear"),
a = 0.01,
seed = 123)
n <- nrow(x)
stopifnot(nb_hidden > 0)
p <- ncol(x)
method <- match.arg(method)
# Activation function
g <- switch(
"relu" = function(x)
x * (x > 0),
"sigmoid" = function(x)
1 / (1 + exp(-x)),
"tanh" = function(x)
"leakyrelu" = function(x)
x * (x > 0) + a * x * (x <= 0),
"elu" = function(x)
x * (x >= 0) + a * (exp(x) - 1) * (x < 0),
"linear" = function(x)
# used for columns sample and for 'method == unif'
set.seed(seed + 1)
w <- remove_zero_cols(switch(
"sobol" = 2 * t(randtoolbox::sobol(nb_hidden + 1, p)) - 1,
"halton" = 2 * t(randtoolbox::halton(nb_hidden, p)) - 1,
"unif" = matrix(
runif(nb_hidden * p, min = -1, max = 1),
nrow = p,
ncol = nb_hidden
scaled_x <- my_scale(x)
hidden_layer_obj <- remove_zero_cols(g(scaled_x$res %*% w),
with_index = TRUE)
hidden_layer <- hidden_layer_obj$mat
res <- cbind(x, hidden_layer)
nb_nodes <- ncol(hidden_layer)
if (!is.null(nb_nodes))
colnames(res) <-
c(paste0("x", 1:p), # maybe use the real names
paste0("h", 1:nb_nodes))
# if nb_hidden > 0 && (nb_predictors >= 2 && col_sample < 1)
activ = g,
xm = scaled_x$xm,
xsd = scaled_x$xsd,
w = w,
predictors = res,
hidden_layer_index = hidden_layer_obj$index
# create trend and seasonality features -----
#' Create trend and seasonality features for univariate time series
#' @param y a univariate time series
#' @return a vector or matrix of features
#' @export
#' @examples
#' y <- ts(rnorm(100), start = 1, frequency = 12)
#' createtrendseason(y)
#' createtrendseason(USAccDeaths)
createtrendseason <- function(y) {
seq_along_y <- seq_along(y)
frequency_y <- frequency(y)
theta <- 2 * pi * seq_along_y/frequency_y
sin_season <- sin(theta)
cos_season <- cos(theta)
if(all(cos_season == 1) || sum(sin_season^2) < .Machine$double.eps) {
start = start(y)))
result_data <- data.frame(
sin_season = sin_season,
cos_season = cos_season
res <- ts(as.matrix(cbind(1:length(y),
start = start(y),
frequency = frequency(y))
colnames(res) <- c("trend", "sin_season", "cos_season")
# prehistoric stuff -----
debug_print <- function(x) {
print(paste0(deparse(substitute(x)), "'s value:"))
# delete columns using a string pattern -----
delete_columns <- function(x, pattern)
x[, !grepl(pattern = pattern, x = colnames(x))]
# dropout regularization -----
dropout_layer <- function(X, dropout = 0, seed = 123)
stopifnot(dropout <= 0.8)
stopifnot(dropout >= 0)
if (dropout == 0)
} else {
n_rows <- dim(X)[1]
n_columns <- dim(X)[2]
mask <- (matrix(
runif(n_rows * n_columns),
nrow = n_rows,
ncol = n_columns
) > dropout)
return(X * mask / (1 - dropout))
# MASS::fitdistr, but with stats::nlminb -----
#' @export
fitdistr_ahead <- function (x, densfun, start = NULL, seed = 123, ...)
myfn <- function(parm, ...) -sum(log(dens(parm, ...)))
mylogfn <- function(parm, ...) -sum(dens(parm, ..., log = TRUE))
mydt <- function(x, m, s, df, log) stats::dt((x - m)/s, df, log = TRUE) - log(s)
Call <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
if (missing(start))
start <- NULL
dots <- names(list(...))
dots <- dots[!is.element(dots, c("upper", "lower"))]
if (missing(x) || length(x) == 0L || mode(x) != "numeric")
stop("'x' must be a non-empty numeric vector")
if (any(!is.finite(x)))
stop("'x' contains missing or infinite values")
if (missing(densfun) || !(is.function(densfun) || is.character(densfun)))
stop("'densfun' must be supplied as a function or name")
control <- list()
n <- length(x)
if (is.character(densfun)) {
distname <- tolower(densfun)
densfun <- switch(distname, beta = stats::dbeta, cauchy = stats::dcauchy,
`chi-squared` = stats::dchisq, exponential = stats::dexp, f = stats::df,
gamma = stats::dgamma, geometric = stats::dgeom, `log-normal` = stats::dlnorm,
lognormal = stats::dlnorm, logistic = stats::dlogis, `negative binomial` = stats::dnbinom,
normal = stats::dnorm, poisson = stats::dpois, t = stats::dt,
weibull = stats::dweibull, NULL)
if (is.null(densfun))
stop("unsupported distribution")
if (distname %in% c("lognormal", "log-normal")) {
# if (!is.null(start))
# stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
# "log-Normal"), domain = NA)
# if (any(x <= 0))
# stop("need positive values to fit a log-Normal")
# lx <- log(x)
# sd0 <- sqrt((n - 1)/n) * sd(lx)
# mx <- mean(lx)
# estimate <- c(mx, sd0)
# sds <- c(sd0/sqrt(n), sd0/sqrt(2 * n))
# names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- c("meanlog", "sdlog")
# vc <- matrix(c(sds[1]^2, 0, 0, sds[2]^2), ncol = 2,
# dimnames = list(names(sds), names(sds)))
# names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- c("meanlog", "sdlog")
# return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds,
# vcov = vc, n = n, loglik = sum(stats::dlnorm(x, mx,
# sd0, log = TRUE))), class = "fitdistr"))
if (distname == "normal") {
if (!is.null(start))
stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
"Normal"), domain = NA)
sd0 <- sqrt((n - 1)/n) * sd(x)
mx <- mean(x)
estimate <- c(mx, sd0)
sds <- c(sd0/sqrt(n), sd0/sqrt(2 * n))
names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- c("mean", "sd")
vc <- matrix(c(sds[1]^2, 0, 0, sds[2]^2), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(names(sds), names(sds)))
return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds,
vcov = vc, n = n, loglik = sum(stats::dnorm(x, mx, sd0,
log = TRUE))), class = "fitdistr"))
# if (distname == "poisson") {
# if (!is.null(start))
# stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
# "Poisson"), domain = NA)
# estimate <- mean(x)
# sds <- sqrt(estimate/n)
# names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- "lambda"
# vc <- matrix(sds^2, ncol = 1, nrow = 1, dimnames = list("lambda",
# "lambda"))
# return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds,
# vcov = vc, n = n, loglik = sum(stats::dpois(x, estimate,
# log = TRUE))), class = "fitdistr"))
# }
# if (distname == "exponential") {
# if (any(x < 0))
# stop("Exponential values must be >= 0")
# if (!is.null(start))
# stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
# "exponential"), domain = NA)
# estimate <- 1/mean(x)
# sds <- estimate/sqrt(n)
# vc <- matrix(sds^2, ncol = 1, nrow = 1, dimnames = list("rate",
# "rate"))
# names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- "rate"
# return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds,
# vcov = vc, n = n, loglik = sum(stats::dexp(x, estimate,
# log = TRUE))), class = "fitdistr"))
# }
# if (distname == "geometric") {
# if (!is.null(start))
# stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
# "geometric"), domain = NA)
# estimate <- 1/(1 + mean(x))
# sds <- estimate * sqrt((1 - estimate)/n)
# vc <- matrix(sds^2, ncol = 1, nrow = 1, dimnames = list("prob",
# "prob"))
# names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- "prob"
# return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds,
# vcov = vc, n = n, loglik = sum(stats::dgeom(x, estimate,
# log = TRUE))), class = "fitdistr"))
# }
# if (distname == "weibull" && is.null(start)) {
# if (any(x <= 0))
# stop("Weibull values must be > 0")
# lx <- log(x)
# m <- mean(lx)
# v <- stats::var(lx)
# shape <- 1.2/sqrt(v)
# scale <- exp(m + 0.572/shape)
# start <- list(shape = shape, scale = scale)
# start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
# }
# if (distname == "gamma" && is.null(start)) {
# if (any(x < 0))
# stop("gamma values must be >= 0")
# m <- mean(x)
# v <- stats::var(x)
# start <- list(shape = m^2/v, rate = m/v)
# start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
# control <- list(parscale = c(1, start$rate))
# }
# if (distname == "negative binomial" && is.null(start)) {
# m <- mean(x)
# v <- stats::var(x)
# size <- if (v > m)
# m^2/(v - m)
# else 100
# start <- list(size = size, mu = m)
# start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
# }
# if (is.element(distname, c("cauchy", "logistic")) &&
# is.null(start)) {
# start <- list(location = median(x), scale = stats::IQR(x)/2)
# start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
# }
if (distname == "t" && is.null(start)) {
start <- list(m = median(x), s = stats::IQR(x)/2, df = 10)
start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
# if (is.null(start) || !is.list(start))
# stop("'start' must be a named list")
# nm <- names(start)
# f <- formals(densfun)
# args <- names(f)
# m <- match(nm, args)
# if (any(is.na(m)))
# stop("'start' specifies names which are not arguments to 'densfun'")
# formals(densfun) <- c(f[c(1, m)], f[-c(1, m)])
# dens <- function(parm, x, ...) densfun(x, parm, ...)
# if ((l <- length(nm)) > 1L)
# body(dens) <- parse(text = paste("densfun(x,", paste("parm[",
# 1L:l, "]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
# Call[[1L]] <- quote(stats::nlminb)
# Call$densfun <- Call$start <- NULL
# Call$x <- x
# Call$start <- start
# Call$objective <- if ("log" %in% args)
# mylogfn
# else myfn
# Call$hessian <- TRUE # in MASS::fitdistr
# # Call$hessian <- NULL
# if (length(control))
# Call$control <- control
# res <- eval.parent(Call)
# return(list(estimate = res$par,
# convergence = res$convergence,
# objective = res$objective))
# clustering matrix -----
get_clusters <- function(x,
type_clustering = c("kmeans", "hclust"),
start = NULL,
frequency = NULL,
seed = 123,
stopifnot(!missing(x)) # use rlang::abort
stopifnot(!missing(centers)) # use rlang::abort
# /!\ important
x_scaled <- scale(x = x,
scale = TRUE,
center = TRUE)[,]
type_clustering <- match.arg(type_clustering)
df_clusters <- switch(
kmeans = data.frame(stats::kmeans(x_scaled,
centers = centers, ...)$cluster),
hclust = data.frame(stats::cutree(stats::hclust(
stats::dist(x_scaled, ...), ...
k = centers))
df_clusters[[1]] <- as.factor(df_clusters[[1]])
matrix_clusters <- stats::model.matrix( ~ -1 + ., df_clusters)
rownames(matrix_clusters) <- NULL
colnames(matrix_clusters) <- NULL
matrix_clusters <- matrix_clusters[, ]
if (!is.null(start) && !is.null(frequency))
cluster_ts <- ts(matrix_clusters,
start = start, frequency = frequency)
colnames(cluster_ts) <-
paste0("xreg_cluster", 1:ncol(cluster_ts))
} else {
colnames(matrix_clusters) <- paste0("xreg_cluster", 1:ncol(matrix_clusters))
# Check if package is available -----
is_package_available <- function(pkg_name)
return(pkg_name %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
# Check if x is an integer -----
is.wholenumber <-
function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol
# Multivariate circular block bootstrap (adapted from NMOF book -- Matlab code) -----
mbb <- function(r,
seed = 123,
return_indices = FALSE)
nT <- dim(r)[1]
k <- dim(r)[2]
# b <- (nT + 1)*runif(1); print(b); floor(min(max(2L, b), nT - 1L))
b <- floor(min(max(3L, b), nT - 1L))
# circular block bootstrap
nb <- ceiling(n / b) # number of bootstrap reps
js <- floor(runif(n = nb) * nT) # starting points - 1
x <- matrix(NA, nrow = nb * b, ncol = k)
for (i in 1:nb)
j <- ((js[i] + 1:b) %% nT) + 1 #positions in original data
s <- (1:b) + (i - 1) * b
x[s, ] <- r[j, ]
tmp <- drop(x[1:n,])
if (return_indices)
return(arrayInd(match(tmp, r), .dim = dim(r))[1:nrow(tmp), 1])
} else {
# Multivariate moving block bootstrap (main loop adapted from Efron and Tibshirani (sec. 8.6)) -----
mbb2 <- function(r,
seed = 123,
return_indices = FALSE)
n_obs <- dim(r)[1]
n_series <- dim(r)[2]
b <- floor(min(max(3L, b), n_obs - 1L))
if(n >= n_obs)
stop("forecasting horizon must be < number of observations")
n <- min(n_obs, n)
set.seed(seed) # important for base::sample below
r_bt <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_obs, ncol = dim(r)[2]) # local vector for a bootstrap replication
#cat("n_obs", n_obs, "\n")
#cat("b", b, "\n")
for (i in 1:ceiling(n_obs/b)) {
#cat("i: ", i, "----- \n")
endpoint <- sample(b:n_obs, size = 1)
#cat("endpoint", endpoint, "\n")
try(r_bt[(i - 1)*b + 1:b, ] <- r[endpoint - (b:1) + 1, ],
silent = TRUE)
tmp <- matrix(r_bt[(1:n), ], nrow = n, ncol = n_series)
if(return_indices == FALSE)
} else {
return(arrayInd(match(tmp, r), .dim = dim(r))[1:n, 1])
# MASS::ginv -----
my_ginv <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (length(dim(X)) > 2L || !(is.numeric(X) || is.complex(X)))
stop("'X' must be a numeric or complex matrix")
Xsvd <- La.svd(X)
Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)
if (all(Positive))
return(crossprod(Xsvd$vt, (1 / Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))))
else if (!any(Positive))
return(array(0, dim(X)[2L:1L]))
else {
return(crossprod(Xsvd$vt[, Positive, drop = FALSE], ((1 / Xsvd$d[Positive]) *
t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))))
my_ginv <- compiler::cmpfun(my_ginv)
# scaling matrices -----
my_scale <- function(x, xm = NULL, xsd = NULL)
rep_1_n <- rep.int(1, dim(x)[1])
# centering and scaling, returning the means and sd's
if (is.null(xm) && is.null(xsd))
xm <- colMeans(x)
xsd <- my_sd(x)
res = (x - tcrossprod(rep_1_n, xm)) / tcrossprod(rep_1_n, xsd),
xm = xm,
xsd = xsd
# centering and scaling
if (is.numeric(xm) && is.numeric(xsd))
return((x - tcrossprod(rep_1_n, xm)) / tcrossprod(rep_1_n, xsd))
# centering only
if (is.numeric(xm) && is.null(xsd))
return(x - tcrossprod(rep_1_n, xm))
# scaling only
if (is.null(xm) && is.numeric(xsd))
return(x / tcrossprod(rep_1_n, xsd))
my_scale <- compiler::cmpfun(my_scale)
# calculate std's of columns -----
my_sd <- function(x)
n <- dim(x)[1]
return(drop(rep(1 / (n - 1), n) %*% (x - tcrossprod(
rep.int(1, n), colMeans(x)
)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5)
my_sd <- compiler::cmpfun(my_sd)
# neutralize -----
neutralize <- function(obj, ym, selected_series)
sims_selected_series <- ahead::getsimulations(obj,
stopifnot(identical(length(ym), nrow(sims_selected_series)))
if (any(abs(sims_selected_series) > 2))
"predictive simulations must contain returns or log-returns \n (use ahead::getreturns on input)"
n_simulations <- dim(sims_selected_series)[2]
centered_sims_selected_series <-
sims_selected_series - matrix(rep(rowMeans(sims_selected_series), n_simulations),
ncol = n_simulations,
byrow = FALSE)
res <- centered_sims_selected_series + matrix(rep(as.numeric(ym),
ncol = n_simulations,
byrow = FALSE)
start = start(sims_selected_series),
frequency = frequency(sims_selected_series)
# Ridge regression prediction -----
predict_myridge <- function(fit_obj, newx)
my_scale(x = newx,
xm = fit_obj$xm,
xsd = fit_obj$scales) %*% fit_obj$coef + fit_obj$ym
# Quantile split conformal prediction -----
#' @export
quantile_scp <- function(abs_residuals, alpha)
n_cal_points <- length(abs_residuals)
k <- ceiling((0.5*n_cal_points + 1)*(1 - alpha))
# Remove_zero_cols -----
remove_zero_cols <- function(x, with_index = FALSE)
if (with_index == FALSE)
return(x[, colSums(x == 0) != nrow(x)])
} else {
index <- colSums(x == 0) != nrow(x)
return(list(mat = x[, index],
index = index))
# Fit Ridge regression -----
#' @export
ridge <- function(x, y, lambda=10^seq(-10, 10,
length.out = 100))
# adapted from MASS::lm.ridge
x <- as.matrix(x)
y <- as.vector(y)
nlambda <- length(lambda)
ym <- mean(y)
centered_y <- y - ym
x_scaled <- base::scale(x)
attrs <- attributes(x_scaled)
X <- as.matrix(x_scaled[,])
Xs <- La.svd(X)
rhs <- crossprod(Xs$u, centered_y)
d <- Xs$d
nb_di <- length(d)
div <- d ^ 2 + rep(lambda, rep(nb_di, nlambda))
a <- drop(d * rhs) / div
dim(a) <- c(nb_di, nlambda)
n <- nrow(X)
coef <- crossprod(Xs$vt, a)
colnames(coef) <- lambda
centered_y_hat <- X %*% coef
fitted_values <- drop(ym + centered_y_hat)
if (length(lambda) > 1)
colnames(fitted_values) <- lambda
residuals <- centered_y - centered_y_hat
GCV <- colSums(residuals^2)/(n - colSums(matrix(d^2/div, nb_di)))^2
BIC <- n*log(colMeans(residuals^2)) + (ncol(X) + 2)*log(n)
out <- list(
coef = drop(coef),
ym = ym,
xm = attrs$`scaled:center`,
xsd = attrs$`scaled:scale`,
lambda = lambda,
best_lam = lambda[which.min(GCV)],
fitted_values = fitted_values,
residuals = drop(centered_y - centered_y_hat),
x = x,
y = y
return(structure(out, class = "ridge"))
#' @export
predict.ridge <- function(object, newx)
if (length(object$lambda) > 1)
res <- try(drop(base::scale(newx, center=object$xm,
scale=object$xsd)%*%object$coef[,which.min(object$GCV)] + object$ym),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
res <- try(drop(base::scale(newx, center=object$xm,
scale=object$xsd)%*%object$coef[which.min(object$GCV)] + object$ym),
silent = TRUE)
} else {
} else {
return(drop(base::scale(newx, center=object$xm,
scale=object$xsd)%*%object$coef + object$ym))
#' @export
removenas <- function(y) {
# Check if input is a time series object
if (!is.ts(y)) {
stop("Input must be a time series object (ts).")
# Check for NA values
if (!anyNA(y)) {
# Extract time and values
time <- time(y)
values <- as.numeric(y)
# Perform linear interpolation to replace NAs
interpolated_values <- approx(x = time[!is.na(values)], y = values[!is.na(values)], xout = time)$y
# Create a new time series object
new_ts <- ts(interpolated_values, start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y))
# Scale a univariate time series -----
scale_ahead <- function(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
tspx <- tsp(x)
x <- as.ts(scale.default(x, center = center, scale = scale))
tsp(x) <- tspx
# select residuals distribution -----
select_residuals_dist <- function(resids,
uniformize = c("ranks", "ecdf"),
distro = c("normal", "empirical"))
n_obs <- dim(resids)[1]
n_series <- dim(resids)[2]
uniformize <- match.arg(uniformize)
distro <- match.arg(distro)
fitted_residuals_distr <- NULL
if (identical(distro, "normal"))
fitted_residuals_distr <- vector("list", length = n_series)
names(fitted_residuals_distr) <- colnames(resids)
for (j in 1:n_series)
resid <- resids[,j]
try_get_res <- suppressWarnings(try(fitdistr_ahead(resid,
densfun = distro),
silent = TRUE))
if (!inherits(try_get_res, "try-error"))
fitted_residuals_distr[[j]] <- try_get_res
} else {
warning("distribution can't be fitted by MASS::fitdistr")
if (uniformize == "ranks")
U <- apply(resids, 2, rank)/(n_obs + 1)
} else { # uniformize == "ecdf"
ecdfs <- apply(resids, 2, ecdf)
U <- sapply(1:n_series, function(i)
ecdfs[[i]](resids[, i]))
# select copula between 6 options
RVM_U <- VineCopula::RVineStructureSelect(data = U, familyset = 1:6,
type = 0, selectioncrit = "BIC")
return(list(params = fitted_residuals_distr,
distro = distro,
# Simulation of residuals using copulas -----
simulate_rvine <- function(obj, RVM_U,
h = 5, seed = 123,
tests = FALSE)
resids <- obj$resids
n_obs <- dim(resids)[1]
n_series <- dim(resids)[2]
series_names <- colnames(resids)
params_distro <- obj$params_distro
distro <- params_distro$distro
params <- params_distro$params
# simulate copula
rvine_simulation <- VineCopula::RVineSim(N = h, RVM = RVM_U)
if (identical(distro, "normal"))
foo <- function (i)
qnorm(p = rvine_simulation[, i],
mean = params[[i]]$estimate["mean"],
sd = params[[i]]$estimate["sd"])
res <- sapply(1:n_series, function(i) foo(i))
colnames(res) <- series_names
if (tests)
cat("shapiro test p-values: ", "\n")
tests_p <- apply(res, 2, function(x) stats::shapiro.test(x)$p.value)
names(tests_p) <- series_names
if (identical(distro, "empirical"))
foo <- function (i)
stats::quantile(x = resids[, i],
probs = rvine_simulation[, i],
type = 7L)
res <- sapply(1:n_series, function(i) foo(i))
colnames(res) <- series_names
# if (distro %in% c("student", "t")) {
# stop("Not implemented")
# }
# Sort data frame
sort_df <- function(df, by_col)
df[with(df, order(by_col)), ]
# Split a time series -----
# splitts <- function(y, split_prob = 0.5, return_indices = FALSE, ...)
# {
# n_y <- base::ifelse(test = is.null(dim(y)),
# yes = length(y),
# no = dim(y)[1])
# index_train <- 1:floor(split_prob*n_y)
# if (return_indices)
# return(index_train)
# start_y <- stats::start(y)
# frequency_y <- stats::frequency(y)
# if(is.null(ncol(y))) # univariate case
# {
# training <- ts(y[index_train],
# start = start_y,
# frequency = frequency_y)
# start_testing <- tsp(training )[2] + 1 / frequency_y
# return(list(training = training,
# testing = ts(y[-index_train],
# start = start_testing,
# frequency = frequency_y)))
# } else { # multivariate case
# training <- ts(y[index_train, ],
# start = start_y,
# frequency = frequency_y)
# start_testing <- tsp(training)[2] + 1 / frequency_y
# return(list(training = training,
# testing = ts(y[-index_train, ],
# start = start_testing,
# frequency = frequency_y)))
# }
# }
# splitts <- compiler::cmpfun(splitts)
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