#' Dixon-Coles model for estimating team strengths
#' @description
#' This is an implementation of the Dixon-Coles model for estimating soccer
#' teams' strength from goals scored and conceded:
#' Dixon, Mark J., and Stuart G. Coles. "Modelling association football scores
#' and inefficiencies in the football betting market." Journal of the Royal
#' Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 46, no. 2 (1997):
#' 265-280.
#' @param hgoal A formula describing the home goals column in `data`, or a
#' numeric vector containing the observed home goals for a set of games.
#' @param agoal A formula describing the away goals column in `data`, or a
#' numeric vector containing the observed away goals for a set of games.
#' @param hteam A formula describing the home team column in `data`, or a
#' vector containing the home team name for a set of games.
#' @param ateam A formula describing the away team column in `data`, or a
#' vector containing the away team name for a set of games.
#' @param data Data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by
#' `as.data.frame` to a data frame) containing the variables in the model.
#' @param weights A formula describing an expression to calculate the weight for
#' each game. All games weighted equally by default.
#' @param ... Arguments passed onto `dixoncoles_ext`.
#' @return A list with component `par` containing the best set of parameters
#' found. See `optim` for details.
#' @importFrom lazyeval f_eval f_interp f_new uq
#' @importFrom rlang !! enquo eval_tidy f_rhs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fit <- dixoncoles(hgoal, agoal, home, away,
#' data = premier_league_2010)
dixoncoles <- function(hgoal, agoal, hteam, ateam, data, weights = 1, ...) {
# Capture arguments with enquo
hgoal <- enquo(hgoal)
agoal <- enquo(agoal)
hteam <- enquo(hteam)
ateam <- enquo(ateam)
# Check input
hvar <- eval_tidy(hteam, data)
avar <- eval_tidy(ateam, data)
if (!(is.factor(hvar) & is.factor(avar))) {
stop("home and away team variables should be factors (see factor_teams)")
if (!setequal(levels(hvar), levels(avar))) {
warning("home and away team variables should have the same levels (see factor_teams)")
# Fit the model
f1 <- f_new(uq(f_interp(~ off(uq(hteam)) + def(uq(ateam)) + hfa + 0)), uq(hgoal))
f2 <- f_new(uq(f_interp(~ off(uq(ateam)) + def(uq(hteam)) + 0)), uq(agoal))
data$hfa <- TRUE
res <- dixoncoles_ext(f1, f2, weights = !!enquo(weights), data = data, ...)
# Hack to let predict.dixoncoles know to add HFA
res$implicit_hfa <- TRUE
#' A generic Dixon-Coles model for estimating team strengths
#' @description
#' This is an implementation of the Dixon-Coles model for estimating soccer
#' teams' strength from goals scored and conceded:
#' Dixon, Mark J., and Stuart G. Coles. "Modelling association football scores
#' and inefficiencies in the football betting market." Journal of the Royal
#' Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 46, no. 2 (1997):
#' 265-280.
#' By specifying the model as a pair of formulas, it allows the user to
#' estimate the effect of parameters beyond team strength.
#' @param f1 A formula describing the model for home goals.
#' @param f2 A formula describing the model for away goals.
#' @param weights A formula describing an expression to calculate the weight for
#' each game.
#' @param data Data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by
#' `as.data.frame` to a data frame) containing the variables in the model.
#' @param init Initial parameter values. If it is `NULL`, 0 is used for all
#' values.
#' @param ... Arguments passed onto `optim`.
#' @return A list with component `par` containing the best set of parameters
#' found. See `optim` for details.
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fit <- dixoncoles_ext(hgoal ~ off(home) + def(away) + hfa + 0,
#' agoal ~ off(away) + def(home) + 0,
#' weights = 1, # All games weighted equally
#' data = premier_league_2010)
dixoncoles_ext <- function(f1, f2, weights, data, init = NULL, ...) {
weights <- enquo(weights)
# Handle args to pass onto optim including defaults
dots <- list(...)
if (!("method" %in% names(dots))) {
dots["method"] <- "BFGS"
# Wrangle data and intial params
modeldata <- .dc_modeldata(f1, f2, weights, data)
if (is.null(init)) {
params <- rep_len(0, length(modeldata$vars) + 1)
names(params) <- c(modeldata$vars, "rho")
} else {
params <- init
# Create arguments to optim
# We need to do this + do.call so that we can pass on ... with default args
# Maybe there's a better way using rlang::list2?
args <- c(
list(par = params,
fn = .dc_objective_function,
modeldata = modeldata),
res <- do.call(optim, args)
res$par <- .normalise_off_params(res$par)
res$f1 <- f1
res$f2 <- f2
res$weights <- weights
res$implicit_hfa <- FALSE
res$data <- data
structure(res, class = "dixoncoles")
# Dixon-Coles class ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @export
print.dixoncoles <- function(x, ...) {
msg <- glue("Dixon-Coles model with specification:
Home goals: {rlang::quo_text(x$f1)}
Away goals: {rlang::quo_text(x$f2)}
Weights : {rlang::quo_text(x$weights)}")
#' Predict method for Dixon-Coles model fits
#' @description
#' Predicted rates or scorelines based on a Dixon Coles model object
#' @param object Object of class inheriting from `dixoncoles`.
#' @param newdata A data frame in which to look for variables to predict
#' @param type Type of prediction (rates or scorelines).
#' @param up_to If `type = "scorelines"`, the maximum number of goals for which
#' to calculate the probability of occurring in each match.
#' @param threshold If `type = "scorelines"`, scorelines with a probability
#' below `threshold` will not be returned.
#' @param ... Arguments passed from other methods
#' @return A list in which each element is a tibble. The contents of the tibble
#' depends on the value supplied to the `type` argument. These values are
#' enumerated for each possible value of `type` below:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`rates`}{the side ("home" and "away") and the goalscoring rate of both teams}
#' \item{`scorelines`}{the probability (`prob`) for each scoreline (`hgoal` and `agoal`)}
#' \item{`outcomes`}{the probability (`prob`) of each outcome ("home_win", "draw" or "away_win") occurring}
#' }
#' @export
predict.dixoncoles <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
type = c("rates", "scorelines", "outcomes"),
up_to = 50, threshold = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("rates", "scorelines", "outcomes"))
if (is.null(newdata)) {
newdata <- object$data
if (object$implicit_hfa == TRUE) {
newdata$hfa <- TRUE
# Create model matrix for newdata
modeldata <- .dc_modeldata(
f1 = object$f1,
f2 = object$f2,
weights = rlang::quo(1), # Weighting doesn't affect predictions
data = newdata,
predict = TRUE
if (!identical(c(modeldata$vars, "rho"), names(object$par))) {
stop(glue::glue("New data must have the same factor levels as the data used to fit.
See ?factor_teams"))
# Matrix multiplication to get Poisson means
rate_info <- .dc_rate_info(object$par, modeldata)
if (type == "scorelines") {
return(.dc_predict_scorelines(rate_info, up_to, threshold))
if (type == "outcomes") {
scorelines <- .dc_predict_scorelines(rate_info, up_to, threshold)
outcomes <- purrr::map(scorelines, scorelines_to_outcomes)
# Return rates if type == "rates" (default)
rates <- purrr::map2(rate_info$home, rate_info$away, function(h, a) {
tibble::tibble(side = c("home", "away"),
rate = c(h, a))
# Broom methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Tidy a Dixon-Coles model
#' @description
#' Tidy summarises information about a fitted Dixon-Coles model.
#' @param x A `dixoncoles` object created by `regista::dixoncoles()`
#' @param ... Additional arguments. Not used.
#' @return A `tibble::tibble()` with one row for each parameter estimated by the
#' model.
#' @importFrom purrr %>% %||% map_chr pluck
#' @export
tidy.dixoncoles <- function(x, ...) {
parameter_names <- strsplit(names(x$par), "___")
parameter_values <- x$par
pluck_na <- function(y, ...) {
pluck(y, ...) %||% NA_character_
tibble::tibble(parameter = map_chr(parameter_names, pluck, 1),
team = map_chr(parameter_names, pluck_na, 2),
value = parameter_values)
#' Augment data with information from a Dixon-Coles model
#' @description
#' Append additional information about a set of matches.
#' @param x A `dixoncoles` object created by `regista::dixoncoles`.
#' @param data A `data.frame` or `tibble::tibble` containing the original data.
#' @param newdata A `data.frame` or `tibble::tibble` object of new data to be predicted.
#' @param type.predict Type of prediction. Passed onto `regista::predict.dixoncoles`
#' @param ... Additional arguments. Not used.
#' @return A `tibble::tibble()` with one row.
#' @importFrom purrr %||%
#' @export
augment.dixoncoles <- function(x, data = NULL, newdata, type.predict, ...) {
if (missing(newdata)) {
newdata <- data %||% x$data
augmented_data <- tibble::as_tibble(newdata)
if (type.predict == "scorelines") {
augmented_data$.scorelines <- predict.dixoncoles(x, newdata, type = type.predict)
if (type.predict == "outcomes") {
augmented_data$.outcomes <- predict.dixoncoles(x, newdata, type = type.predict)
# Use rates by default
augmented_data$.rates <- predict.dixoncoles(x, newdata, type = type.predict)
# Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Calculate the probability of scorelines occuring for a given set of matches
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom purrr map2
.dc_predict_scorelines <- function(rates, up_to, threshold) {
# Calculate the probability of each scoreline for each game
rho = rates$rho,
up_to = up_to,
threshold = threshold
#' Calculate the probability of scorelines occuring for a given match
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats dpois
#' @importFrom purrr map2_dbl
.dc_predict_scorelines_once <- function(home_rate, away_rate, rho, up_to, threshold) {
home_probs <- dpois(0:up_to, home_rate)
away_probs <- dpois(0:up_to, away_rate)
scorelines <- expand.grid(hgoal = 0:up_to,
agoal = 0:up_to)
hprob <- dpois(scorelines$hgoal, home_rate)
aprob <- dpois(scorelines$agoal, away_rate)
tau <- .tau(
home_rates = home_rate,
away_rates = away_rate,
rho = rho
scorelines$prob <- hprob * aprob * tau
# Filter out the ~0% (< threshold) rows
scorelines <- scorelines[scorelines$prob > threshold, ]
# Auxiliary fitting functions --------------------------------------------------
#' Get model data for a Dixon-Coles model
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom purrr %>% map reduce flatten_chr
#' @importFrom rlang enquo eval_tidy f_lhs f_rhs
.dc_modeldata <- function(f1, f2, weights, data, predict = FALSE) {
terms1 <- .quo_terms(f1)
terms2 <- .quo_terms(f2)
# Create the model matrices
mat1 <-
map(terms1, .term_matrix, data = data) %>%
mat2 <-
map(terms2, .term_matrix, data = data) %>%
column_names <- unique(c(colnames(mat1), colnames(mat2)))
# Fill in missing parameters
mat1 <- reduce(column_names, .fill_if_missing, .init = mat1)
mat2 <- reduce(column_names, .fill_if_missing, .init = mat2)
# Ensure both matrices have the same column ordering
# We have to use drop = FALSE to ensure that it retains it's dimensions when
# there's just 1 observation (for instance when calling predict.dixoncoles)
mat1 <- mat1[, column_names, drop = FALSE]
mat2 <- mat2[, column_names, drop = FALSE]
modeldata <- list(
vars = column_names,
mat1 = mat1,
mat2 = mat2,
weights = eval_tidy(weights, data)
# Only add home/away goals if necessary
if (predict == FALSE) {
modeldata$y1 <- eval_tidy(f_lhs(f1), data)
modeldata$y2 <- eval_tidy(f_lhs(f2), data)
#' Function controlling dependence between home and away goals
#' @keywords internal
.tau <- function(hg, ag, home_rates, away_rates, rho) {
# Initialise values to 1
vals <- rep_len(1, length.out = length(hg))
vals <- ifelse((hg == 0) & (ag == 0), 1 - home_rates * away_rates * rho, vals)
vals <- ifelse((hg == 0) & (ag == 1), 1 + home_rates * rho, vals)
vals <- ifelse((hg == 1) & (ag == 0), 1 + away_rates * rho, vals)
vals <- ifelse((hg == 1) & (ag == 1), 1 - rho, vals)
#' Dixon-Coles negative log likelihood
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats dpois
.dc_negloglike <- function(hg, ag, home_rates, away_rates, rho, weights) {
hprob <- dpois(hg, home_rates, log = TRUE)
aprob <- dpois(ag, away_rates, log = TRUE)
loglike <- hprob + aprob + log_quietly(.tau(hg, ag, home_rates, away_rates, rho))
# Create weighted pseudo-log likelihood
ploglike <- loglike * weights
#' Get estimated rates for home and away goals
#' @keywords internal
.dc_rate_info <- function(params, modeldata) {
rho <- params["rho"]
rate_params <- matrix(params[names(params) != "rho"], nrow = 1)
home_rates <- exp(rate_params %*% t(modeldata$mat1))
away_rates <- exp(rate_params %*% t(modeldata$mat2))
list(home = home_rates,
away = away_rates,
rho = rho)
#' Dixon-Coles objective function
#' @keywords internal
.dc_objective_function <- function(params, modeldata) {
rates <- .dc_rate_info(.normalise_off_params(params), modeldata)
#' Normalise attack parameters to make the model identifable (mean = 1)
#' @keywords internal
.normalise_off_params <- function(params) {
off_ixs <- startsWith(names(params), "off___")
off_params <- params[off_ixs]
params[off_ixs] <- params[off_ixs] - log(mean(exp(off_params)))
#' Quote terms of a formula
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rlang parse_expr caller_env
#' @importFrom purrr %>% map
#' @importFrom stats terms
.quo_terms <- function(f) {
t <- terms(f)
if (attr(t, "intercept")) {
warning("Intercept term will be ignored")
t %>%
attr("term.labels") %>%
#' Get a matrix of dummy variables from a factor
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats model.frame model.matrix
.make_dummies <- function(values) {
mat <- model.matrix(
~ values - 1,
model.frame(~ values - 1),
contrasts = FALSE
colnames(mat) <- gsub("^values", "", colnames(mat))
#' Get a model matrix from an expression
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rlang eval_tidy quo_name
.term_matrix <- function(expr, data) {
values <- eval_tidy(expr, data)
if (is.factor(values)) {
matrix(values, dimnames = list(NULL, quo_name(expr)))
#' Add column to a matrix, if it doesn't exist
#' @keywords internal
.fill_if_missing <- function(mat, name) {
if (!(name %in% colnames(mat))) {
blank_column <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(NULL, name))
return(cbind(mat, blank_column))
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