ces_variant: Calculate cancer effects of variants

View source: R/ces_variant.R

ces_variantR Documentation

Calculate cancer effects of variants


This function calculates variant effect sizes under the chosen model of selection. Under the default model, a variant is assumed to have a consistent scaled selection coefficient (cancer effect) across all included samples.


  cesa = NULL,
  variants = select_variants(cesa, min_freq = 2),
  samples = character(),
  model = "default",
  run_name = "auto",
  lik_args = list(),
  optimizer_args = if (identical(model, "default")) list(method = "L-BFGS-B", lower =
    0.001, upper = 1e+09) else list(),
  return_fit = FALSE,
  hold_out_same_gene_samples = "auto",
  cores = 1,
  conf = 0.95



CESAnalysis object


Which variants to estimate effects for, specified with a variant table such as from [CESAnalysis]$variants or select_variants(), or a CompoundVariantSet from define_compound_variants(). Defaults to all recurrent mutations; that is, [CESAnalysis]$variants[maf_prevalence > 1]. To include all variants, set to [CESAnalysis]$variants.


Which samples to include in inference. Defaults to all samples. Can be a vector of Unique_Patient_Identifiers, or a data.table containing rows from the CESAnalysis sample table.


Set to "basic" (default) or "sequential" (not yet available) to use built-in models of selection, or supply a custom function factory (see details).


Optionally, a name to identify the current run.


Extra arguments, given as a list, to pass to custom likelihood functions.


Named list of arguments to pass to the optimizer, bbmle::mle2. Use, for example, to choose optimization algorithm or parameter boundaries on custom models.


TRUE/FALSE (default FALSE): Embed model fit for each variant in a "fit" attribute of the selection results table. Use attr(selection_table, 'fit') to access the list of fitted models. Defaults to FALSE to save memory. Model fit objects can be of moderate or large size. If you run thousands of variants at once, you may exhaust your system memory.


When finding likelihood of each variant, hold out samples that lack the variant but have any other mutations in the same gene. By default, TRUE when running with single variants, FALSE with a CompoundVariantSet.


Number of cores to use for processing variants in parallel (not useful for Windows systems).


Cancer effect confidence interval width (NULL skips calculation, speeds runtime). Ignored when running custom models.


Definitions of the sample count columns in the effects output:

  • included_with_variant: Number of samples that have the variant and were included in the inference.

  • included_total: Number of samples that have coverage at the site and were included in the inference.

  • held_out: Samples that have coverage at the site, but were held out of the inference due to hold_out_same_gene_samples = TRUE.

  • uncovered: Samples that were not included in the inference because their sequencing did not cover the variant site.

Note that if a table of samples to include in the inference is specified with samples, any CESAnalysis samples not present in the table will not be included in any of the above accounts.

It's possible to pass in your own selection model. You'll need to create a "function factory" that, for any variant, produces a likelihood function that can be evaluated on the data. The first two arguments must be rates_tumors_with and rates_tumors_without, which give the baseline site mutation rates in samples with and without the variant. The third argument must be sample_index, a data.table that associates Unique_Patient_Identifier with group names and indices. (Your function factory must accept this argument, but it doesn't have to use its value.) Values for all three of these arguments will be calculated by ces_variant and passed to your function factory automatically. Your function can take whatever additional arguments you like, and you can pass in values using lik_args. The likelihood function parameters that ces_variant will optimize should be named and have default values. See the source code of sswm_lik() for an example.


CESAnalysis object with selection results appended to the selection output list

Townsend-Lab-Yale/cancereffectsizeR documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 10:21 a.m.