
Defines functions drawKEGG getEnrichDO compareClust clusterData getGSEA getEnrichKEGG getEnrichGO getEntrezIds getEntrezTable getGeneList

Documented in clusterData compareClust drawKEGG getEnrichDO getEnrichGO getEnrichKEGG getEntrezIds getEntrezTable getGeneList getGSEA

#' getGeneList
#' Gathers the gene list to use for GOTerm analysis.
#' @note \code{GOTerm}
#' @export
#' @note \code{getGeneList}
#' symobol to ENTREZ ID conversion
#' @param genes, gene list
#' @param org, orgranism for gene symbol entrez ID conversion
#' @param fromType, from Type
#' @param toType, to Type 
#' @return ENTREZ ID list
#' @examples
#'     x <- getGeneList(c('OCLN', 'ABCC2'))
getGeneList <- function(genes = NULL, org = "org.Hs.eg.db", 
    fromType= "SYMBOL", toType = c("ENTREZID")) {
    # Get the entrez gene identifiers that are mapped to a gene symbol
    if (!installpack(org)) return(NULL)

    mapped_genes <- bitr(genes, fromType = fromType,
         toType = toType,
         OrgDb = org)
    #genelist <- unique(as.vector(unlist(mapped_genes[toType])))
    genelist <- data.frame(mapped_genes)
    colnames(genelist) <- c(fromType, toType)

#' getEntrezTable
#' Gathers the entrezIds of the genes in given list and their data
#' @note \code{GOTerm}
#' @export
#' @note \code{getEntrezTable}
#' symobol to ENTREZ ID conversion
#' @param genes, gene list
#' @param dat, data matrix
#' @param org, orgranism for gene symbol entrez ID conversion
#' @return table with the entrez IDs in the rownames
#' @examples
#'     x <- getEntrezTable()
getEntrezTable <- function(genes = NULL, dat = NULL, org = "org.Hs.eg.db") {
    if (is.null(genes)) return(NULL)
    if (!installpack(org)) return(NULL)
    allkeys <- AnnotationDbi::keys(eval(parse(text = org)),
    entrezIDs <- unlist(strsplit(genes, "/"))
    mapped_genes <- mapIds(eval(parse(text = org)), keys = rownames(dat),
                           column="ENTREZID", keytype="SYMBOL",
                           multiVals = "first")
    mapped_genes <- mapped_genes[mapped_genes %in% entrezIDs]
    genelist <- cbind(mapped_genes, dat[names(mapped_genes), ])
    genelist <- data.frame(genelist)

#' getEntrezIds
#' Gathers the gene list to use for GOTerm analysis.
#' @note \code{GOTerm}
#' @export
#' @note \code{getEntrezIds}
#' symobol to ENTREZ ID conversion
#' @param genes, gene list with fold changes 
#' @param org, orgranism for gene symbol entrez ID conversion
#' @return ENTREZ ID list
#' @examples
#'     x <- getEntrezIds()
getEntrezIds <- function(genes = NULL, org = "org.Hs.eg.db") {
    if (is.null(genes)) return(NULL)
    if (!installpack(org)) return(NULL)
    allkeys <- AnnotationDbi::keys(eval(parse(text = org)),
    mapped_genes <- mapIds(eval(parse(text = org)), keys = rownames(genes),
        column="ENTREZID", keytype="SYMBOL",
        multiVals = "first")
    mapped_genes <- mapped_genes[!is.na(mapped_genes)]
    genelist <- cbind(mapped_genes, names(mapped_genes), genes[names(mapped_genes), "log2FoldChange"])
    colnames(genelist) <- c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "log2FoldChange")
    genelist <- data.frame(genelist)
    genelist$log2FoldChange <- as.numeric(as.character(genelist$log2FoldChange))
    rownames(genelist) <- genelist$ENTREZID
#' getEnrichGO
#' Gathers the Enriched GO Term analysis data to be used within the
#' GO Term plots.
#' @note \code{getEnrichGO}
#' @param genelist, gene list
#' @param pvalueCutoff, p value cutoff
#' @param org, the organism used
#' @param ont, the ontology used
#' @return Enriched GO
#' @examples
#'     x <- getEnrichGO()
#' @export
getEnrichGO <- function(genelist = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
    org = "org.Hs.eg.db", ont="CC") {
    if (is.null(genelist)) return(NULL)
    if (!installpack(org)) return(NULL)
    res <- c()
    res$enrich_p <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(gene = genelist, OrgDb = org,
    # res$enrich_p <- enrichGO(gene = genelist, organism = "human",
        ont = ont, pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff)
    res$p <- barplot(res$enrich_p, title = paste("Enrich GO", ont),
        font.size = 12)
    res$table <- NULL
    if (!is.null(nrow(res$enrich_p@result)) )
        res$table <- res$enrich_p@result[,c("ID", "Description", 
            "GeneRatio", "pvalue", "p.adjust", "qvalue")]

#' getEnrichKEGG
#' Gathers the Enriched KEGG analysis data to be used within the
#' GO Term plots.
#' @note \code{getEnrichKEGG}
#' @param genelist, gene list
#' @param org, the organism used
#' @param pvalueCutoff, the p value cutoff
#' @return Enriched KEGG
#' @examples
#'     x <- getEnrichKEGG()
#' @export
getEnrichKEGG <- function(genelist = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
    org = "org.Hs.eg.db") {
    if (is.null(genelist)) return(NULL)
    res <- c()
    res$enrich_p <- enrichKEGG(gene = genelist, organism = getOrganism(org),
        pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff)
    res$p <- barplot(res$enrich_p, title =
        paste("KEGG Enrichment: p-value=", pvalueCutoff))
    res$table <- NULL
    if (!is.null(nrow(res$enrich_p@result)) )
        res$table <- res$enrich_p@result[,c("ID", "Description", 
            "GeneRatio", "pvalue", "p.adjust", "qvalue")]

#' getGSEA
#' Gathers the Enriched KEGG analysis data to be used within the
#' GO Term plots.
#' @note \code{getGSEA}
#' @param org, the organism used
#' @param dataset, dataset
#' @param pvalueCutoff, the p value cutoff
#' @param sortfield, sort field for GSEA
#' @return GSEA
#' @examples
#'     x <- getGSEA()
#' @export
getGSEA <- function(dataset=NULL, pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
                    org = "org.Hs.eg.db", sortfield = "log2FoldChange") {
    if (is.null(dataset)) return(NULL)
    genelist <- getGeneList(rownames(dataset), org, 
        fromType = "SYMBOL",toType = c("ENTREZID"))
    #symbol <- getGeneList(genelist, org, 
    #    fromType = "ENTREZID",toType = c("SYMBOL") )
    dataset[is.na(dataset[,sortfield]),sortfield] <- 0 
    data <- dataset[genelist$SYMBOL, c("ID", sortfield)]
    rownames(data) <- genelist$ENTREZID
    newdata <- data[order(-data[,sortfield]),] 
    newdatatmp <- newdata[,sortfield]
    names(newdatatmp) <- rownames(newdata)
    res <- c()
    OrgDb <- org
    if (is(OrgDb, "character")) {
        require(OrgDb, character.only = TRUE)
        OrgDb <- eval(parse(text = OrgDb))
    res$enrich_p <- gseGO(geneList=newdatatmp, ont="All", OrgDb = OrgDb, verbose=F,
    res$table <- NULL
    if (nrow(res$enrich_p@result)>0 )
        res$table <- res$enrich_p@result[,c("ID", "Description", 
           "setSize", "enrichmentScore", "pvalue", "p.adjust", "qvalue")]


#' clusterData
#' Gathers the Cluster analysis data to be used within the
#' GO Term plots.
#' @note \code{clusterData}
#' @param dat, the data to cluster
#' @return clustered data
#' @examples
#'     mycluster <- clusterData()
#' @export
clusterData <- function(dat = NULL) {
    if (is.null(dat)) return(NULL)
    ret <- list()
    itemlabels <- rownames(dat)
    norm_data <- getNormalizedMatrix(dat)
    mydata <- na.omit(norm_data)  # listwise deletion of missing
    mydata <- scale(mydata)  # standardize variables

    wss <- (nrow(mydata) - 1) * sum(apply(mydata, 2, var))
    for (i in 2:15) wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(mydata, centers = i)$withinss)
    plot(1:15, wss, type = "b",
        xlab = "Number of Clusters",
        ylab = "Within groups sum of squares")
    k <- 0
    for (i in 1:14) {
        if ( ( wss[i] / wss[i + 1] ) > 1.2 ) {
            k <- k + 1
    # K-Means Cluster Analysis
    fit <- kmeans(mydata, k)  # 5 cluster solution
    # get cluster means
    aggregate(mydata, by = list(fit$cluster), FUN = mean)
    # append cluster assignment
    mydata_cluster <- data.frame(mydata, fit$cluster)

    # distance <- dist(mydata, method = 'euclidean')
    # distance matrix fit <- hclust(distance,
    # method='ward.D2') plot(fit, cex = 0.1)
    # display dendogram groups <- cutree(fit, k=k) rect.hclust(fit,
    # k=k, border='red')

#' compareClust
#' Compares the clustered data to be displayed within the GO Term
#' plots.
#' @note \code{compareClust}
#' @param dat, data to compare clusters
#' @param ont, the ontology to use
#' @param org, the organism used
#' @param fun, fun
#' @param title, title of the comparison
#' @param pvalueCutoff, pvalueCutoff
#' @return compared cluster
#' @examples
#'     x <- compareClust()
#' @export
compareClust <- function(dat = NULL, ont = "CC", org = "org.Hs.eg.db",
    fun = "enrichGO", title = "Ontology Distribution Comparison",
    pvalueCutoff = 0.01) {
        if (is.null(dat)) return(NULL)
        if (!installpack(org)) return(NULL)
        res <- c()
        genecluster <- list()
        k <- max(dat$fit.cluster)
        for (i in 1:k) {
            clgenes <- rownames(dat[dat$fit.cluster == i, ])
            genelist <- getGeneList(clgenes, org)
            genecl <- list()
            genecl <- push(genecl, genelist)
            genecluster[c(paste("X", i, sep = ""))] <- genecl
        res$table <- NULL
        p <- tryCatch({
            title <- paste(fun, title)
            xx <- c()
            if (fun == "enrichKEGG"){
                xx <- compareCluster(genecluster, fun = fun, 
                    organism = getOrganism(org),
                    pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff)
            } else if (fun == "enrichDO") {
                 if (!installpack("DOSE")) return(NULL)
                 xx <- compareCluster(genecluster, fun = fun,
                     pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff) 
            } else {
                title <- paste(ont, title)
                xx <- compareCluster(genecluster, fun = fun,
                    ont = ont, OrgDb = org, pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff)
                #ont = ont, organism = "human", pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff)
            if (!is.null(xx@compareClusterResult) )
                res$table <- xx@compareClusterResult[,
                c("Cluster", "ID", "Description", "GeneRatio", "BgRatio", 
                  "pvalue", "p.adjust", "qvalue")]
            res$p <- dotplot(xx, title = title)
#' getEnrichDO
#' Gathers the Enriched DO Term analysis data to be used within the
#' GO Term plots.
#' @note \code{getEnrichDO}
#' @param genelist, gene list
#' @param pvalueCutoff, the p value cutoff
#' @return enriched DO
#' @examples
#'     x <- getEnrichDO()
#' @export
getEnrichDO <- function(genelist = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 0.01) {
    if (is.null(genelist)) return(NULL)
    res <- c()
    res$enrich_p <- enrichDO(gene = genelist, ont = "DO",
        pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff)

    res$p <- barplot(res$enrich_p, title = "Enrich DO", font.size = 12)
    res$table <- NULL
    if (!is.null(nrow(res$enrich_p@result)) )
         res$table <- res$enrich_p@result[,c("ID", "Description", 
            "GeneRatio", "pvalue", "p.adjust", "qvalue")]

#' drawKEGG
#' draw KEGG patwhay with expression values
#' @note \code{drawKEGG}
#' @param input, input
#' @param dat, expression matrix
#' @param pid, pathway id
#' @return enriched DO
#' @examples
#'     x <- drawKEGG()
#' @importFrom pathview pathview 
#' @export
drawKEGG <- function(input = NULL, dat = NULL, pid = NULL) {
    if (is.null(dat) && is.null(pid)) return(NULL)
        if (installpack("pathview")){
            org <- input$organism
            genedata <- getEntrezIds(dat[[1]], org)
            foldChangeData <- data.frame(genedata$log2FoldChange)
            rownames(foldChangeData) <- rownames(genedata)
            pathview(gene.data = foldChangeData,
               pathway.id = pid,
               species = substr(pid,0,3),
               out.suffix = "b.2layer", kegg.native = TRUE)
UMMS-Biocore/debrowser documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 6:15 p.m.