
Defines functions ghost_combine

Documented in ghost_combine

#' Helper function to create potential intersection combinations
#' @param buffers A data frame of buffers from property$data.
#' @param predicates The property$data field generated from \code{st_intersects}.
#' @param n A numeric scalar. The number of points to attempt to find a set of
#'   combinations for
#' @return A matrix of possible intersection combinations.

ghost_combine <- function(buffers, predicates, n) {
  # Get valid buffers and predicates for combinations
  valid_pr <- predicates
  valid_pr2 <- valid_pr
  invalid_pr <- which(tabulate(unlist(valid_pr)) < n)
  if (length(invalid_pr) > 0) {
    valid_pr <- purrr::map(predicates[-invalid_pr], ~{.[!(. %in% invalid_pr)]})
  while (!identical(valid_pr, valid_pr2)) {
    valid_pr2 <- valid_pr
    invalid_pr <- unique(c(invalid_pr, which(tabulate(unlist(valid_pr)) < n)))
    valid_pr <- purrr::map(predicates[-invalid_pr], ~{.[!(. %in% invalid_pr)]})
    if (length(valid_pr) < n) break
  # Test if any valid combinations could exist, and exit if not
  if (length(valid_pr) < n) return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0))
  # Identify sets to generate combinations from
  combinations <- purrr::map(valid_pr, function(x){
    x[purrr::map(valid_pr, ~which(x %in% .)) %>%
        unlist() %>%
        tabulate() >= n]
  }) %>%
  # Test if only a single valid combination could exist, and exit if so
  if (length(combinations) == 1) return(
    dplyr::tibble(value = combinations[[1]]))
  # Test if reducer will be necessary to avoid too many combinations
  while (
    is.nan(sum(purrr::map_dbl(combinations, ~{
      factorial(length(.)) / {factorial(n) * factorial(length(.) - n)}
    }))) || sum(purrr::map_dbl(combinations, ~{
      factorial(length(.)) / {factorial(n) * factorial(length(.) - n)}
    })) > 100000) {
    # Establish collective centroid
    if (length(invalid_pr) > 0) {
      valid_bf <- buffers[-invalid_pr,]
    } else {valid_bf <- buffers}
    centroid <-
      valid_bf %>%
      sf::st_centroid() %>%
      sf::st_union() %>%
    # Identify furthest point
    to_remove <-
      which(buffers$property_ID == valid_bf[which.max(sf::st_distance(
        sf::st_centroid(valid_bf), centroid)),]$property_ID)
    # Remove furthest point from predicate list
    invalid_pr <- c(invalid_pr, to_remove)
    # Repeat previous steps to generate new combinations
    valid_pr <- purrr::map(predicates[-invalid_pr], ~{.[!(. %in% invalid_pr)]})
    while (!identical(valid_pr, valid_pr2)) {
      valid_pr2 <- valid_pr
      invalid_pr <- unique(c(invalid_pr, which(tabulate(unlist(valid_pr)) < n)))
      valid_pr <- purrr::map(predicates[-invalid_pr], ~{.[!(. %in% invalid_pr)]})
      if (length(valid_pr) < n) break
    if (length(valid_pr) < n) return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0))
    combinations <- purrr::map(valid_pr, function(x){
      x[purrr::map(valid_pr, ~which(x %in% .)) %>%
          unlist() %>%
          tabulate() >= n]
    }) %>%
  # Generate combinations from valid buffers and discard duplicates
  combinations <-
    purrr::map(combinations, utils::combn, n) %>%
    do.call(cbind, .) %>%
    unique(MARGIN = 2)
  # Reduce combinations to valid options
  combinations <- combinations[, apply(combinations, 2, function(x) {
    sapply(valid_pr, function(y) all(x %in% y))
  }) %>%
    colSums() >= n]
  # Convert combinations matrix to tibble for future steps
  combinations <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::as_tibble(combinations))

#' Helper function to intersect two buffers
#' @param x A buffer.
#' @param y A buffer.
#' @return An intersect polygon.

ghost_intersect_with_done <- function(x, y) {
  result <- sf::st_intersection(x, y)
  if (nrow(result) == 0) rlang::done(result) else result

#' Helper function to intersect a data frame of buffers
#' @param buffers A data frame of buffers from property$data.
#' @param min_listings A numeric scalar. The minimum number of listings to
#'   be considered a ghost hostel.
#' @return An intersect polygon.

ghost_stepwise_intersect <- function(buffers, min_listings) {
  # Deal with 0-length input
  if (nrow(buffers) == 0) return(buffers)
  # Build predicates and h_score
  predicates <- sf::st_intersects(buffers)
  matrix <-
    matrix(c(sort(lengths(predicates), decreasing = TRUE),
           nrow = length(predicates))
  h_score <- max(matrix[matrix[,2] >= matrix[,1],1])
  # Set up variables
  sf::st_agr(buffers) <- "constant"
  n <- h_score # Get working number of rows for combinations
  cols <- ncol(buffers) - 1 # Get total columns for clean-up
  # Generate combinations from predicates
  combinations <- ghost_combine(buffers, predicates, n)
  # Ensure valid combination list
  while (ncol(combinations) == 0 && n >= min_listings) {
    n <- n - 1
    combinations <- ghost_combine(buffers, predicates, n)
  # Exit function if no valid combinations exist
  if (n < min_listings) {
    return(dplyr::mutate(buffers[0,], n.overlaps = as.integer(NA),
                         origin = list(c(0))))
  # Master while-loop
  while (n >= min_listings) {
    # Try all combinations for a given n
    intersect_output <-
      purrr::map(combinations, function(x, n) {
        intersect <- suppressWarnings(
                seq_len(nrow(buffers[x,]))) %>%
        intersect <- intersect[, 1:cols]
        dplyr::mutate(intersect, n.overlaps = n, origins = list(x))
      }, n = n)
    # Discard null results and rbind to single sf tibble
    intersect_output <-
      intersect_output[purrr::map(intersect_output, nrow) > 0] %>%
      do.call(rbind, .) %>%
    # Conditional to decide if the while-loop should continue
    if (nrow(intersect_output) == 0) {
      n <- n - 1
      combinations <- ghost_combine(buffers, predicates, n)
    } else {
      intersect_output <-
        intersect_output %>%
        sf::st_as_sf() %>%
        dplyr::distinct(.data$geometry, .keep_all = TRUE)
      if (any(sf::st_is(intersect_output, "POLYGON") == FALSE)) {
        stop("Invalid geometry produced.")

#' Helper function to find ghost hostel locations
#' \code{ghost_intersect} finds ghost hostel locations from a set of clusters.
#' A function for finding ghost hostel locations from a set of point clusters.
#' @param property An sf data frame of STR listings nested by cluster.
#' @param distance A numeric scalar. The radius (in the units of the CRS) of the
#'   buffer which will be drawn around points to determine possible ghost hostel
#'   locations.
#' @param min_listings A numeric scalar. The minimum number of listings to
#'   be considered a ghost hostel.
#' @return The output will be `property`, trimmed to valid ghost hostel locations
#'   and with additional fields added.

ghost_intersect <- function(property, distance, min_listings) {
  buffers <- data <- intersects <- property_IDs <- NULL
  # Prepare buffers
  property[, buffers := lapply(data, function(x) 
    sf::st_buffer(sf::st_as_sf(x), dist = distance))]
  # Create intersects using ghost_stepwise_intersect
  property[, intersects := purrr::map(buffers, ghost_stepwise_intersect, 
  # Remove empty clusters
  property <- property[lapply(intersects, nrow) > 0]
  # Choose intersect with max area
  property[lapply(intersects, nrow) > 1,
           intersects := lapply(intersects,
                                function(x) x[which.max(sf::st_area(x)),])]
  # Add $property_IDs field
  data_PIDs <- purrr::map(property$data, `$`, "property_ID")
  int_origs <- purrr::map(property$intersects, `$`, "origins")
  property[, property_IDs := mapply(function(x, y) y[x[[1]]], int_origs,
                                    data_PIDs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)]
UPGo-McGill/strr documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 6:15 p.m.