Man pages for USCDTG/tLOH
Assessment of evidence for LOH in spatial transcriptomics pre-processed data using Bayes factor calculations

aggregateCHRPlotVisualization of data output from the tLOHCalc function,...
alleleFrequencyPlotVisualization of data output from the tLOHCalc function
documentErrorRegionsIdentification of Errors
hiddenMarkovAnalysisRun Multi-Step HMM Analysis on tLOHCalcUpdate output
humanGBMsampleACImported dataset of a human glioblastoma spatial...
initialStartProbabilitiesImported dataset of sample start probabilities for...
marginalLikelihoodM1Marginal M1 Calculation
marginalLikelihoodM2Marginal M2 Calculation
marginalM1CalcCalculate marginal of Model 1
marginalM2CalcBHETCalculation of marginal M2 het
marginalM2CalcBLOHMarginal M2 Calculation
modePeakCalcCalculation of mode peak
prepareHMMdataframesPrepare dataframes for HMM analysis
regionAnalysisSummary of HMM Regions
regionFinalizeSummary of HMM Regions
removeOutlierFromCalcRemoves outliers
runHMM_1Step 1 of HMM process
runHMM_2Step 2 of HMM process
runHMM_3Step 3 of HMM process
splitByChromosomeSplit dataframe into individual chromosome dataframes
summarizeRegions1Step 1 of region summary
summarizeRegions2Step 2 of region summary
tLOHCalcAssement of evidence for LOH in clusters from spatial...
tLOHCalcUpdateAssement of evidence for LOH in clusters from spatial...
tLOHDataImportImport VCF for tLOHCalc
USCDTG/tLOH documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 8:05 p.m.