
Defines functions aphylo_formula validate_parameters validate_aphylo_formula mu_s mu_d Pi psi eta validate_dots_in_term aphylo_call comment_line_in_body update_fun_in_body

Documented in aphylo_formula eta mu_d mu_s Pi psi

#' Fancy pattern for replacement within the body of a function
#' @noRd
update_fun_in_body <- function(f, var, replacement) {
  pattern <- paste(
    # p[c("...", ...)],
    # c(0.1, ...)
    # -1,
    sep = "|"
  # Getting the data
  f_txt <- deparse(f, width.cutoff = 500L)
  # Creating the match and replacement
  replacement <- paste(var, "=", replacement)
  var         <- paste0(var, "\\s*[=]\\s*(", pattern, ")")
  eval(parse(text = gsub(var, replacement, f_txt, perl = TRUE)))

#' This function takes a pattern, looks for the matching line, and comments
#' it out 
#' @noRd
comment_line_in_body <- function(f, pattern, ...) {
  f_txt <- deparse(f, width.cutoff = 500L)
  test <- which(grepl(pattern, f_txt, ...))
  if (length(test))
    f_txt[test] <- "# "
  eval(parse(text = f_txt))

#' Formulas in `aphylo`
#' This function the the workhorse behind the likelihood function. It creates
#' arbitrary models by modifying the call to [LogLike()] function according to
#' what the user specifies as model.
#' @param ... Either 0, 1 or both. Depending on the parameter, the index of the
#' model parameter that will be set as fixed.
#' @param fm A formula. Model of the type `<aphylo-object> ~ <parameters>` (see 
#' examples).
#' @param priors (optional) A function. Prior for the model.
#' @param env Environment (not to be called by the user).
#' @param params Numeric vector with model parameters.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' * `fun` A function. The log-likelihood function.
#' * `fixed` Logical vector. 
#' @examples
#' set.seed(12)
#' x <- raphylo(10)
#' # Baseline model
#' aphylo_formula(x ~ mu_d)
#' # Mislabeling probabilities
#' aphylo_formula(x ~ mu_d + psi)
#' # Different probabilities for speciation and duplication node
#' # (only works if you have both types)
#' aphylo_formula(x ~ mu_d + mu_s + psi)
#' # Mislabeling probabilities and etas(fixed)
#' aphylo_formula(x ~ mu_d + psi + eta(0, 1))
#' # Mislabeling probabilities and Pi 
#' aphylo_formula(x ~ mu_d + psi + Pi)
#' @name aphylo-model
#' @aliases aphylo-formula

  "psi0", "psi1", "mu_d0", "mu_d1", "mu_s0", "mu_s1",
  "eta0", "eta1", "Pi"

#' @export
#' @rdname aphylo_mcmc
#' @details
#' The vector `APHYLO_PARAM_DEFAULT` lists the starting values for the parameters
#' in the model. The current defaults are:
#' - `psi0`: 0.10
#' - `psi1`: 0.05
#' - `mu_d0`: 0.90
#' - `mu_d1`: 0.50
#' - `mu_s0`: 0.10
#' - `mu_s1`: 0.05
#' - `eta0`: 1.00
#' - `eta1`: 1.00
#' - `Pi`: 0.50
  .Data = c(.1, .05, .9, .5, .1, .05, 1.0, 1.0, .5),

#' @noRd
aphylo_call <- function(params, priors) {
  ans <- list2env(
      fun = function(p, dat, priors, verb_ans = FALSE) {
        # Call
        ans <- LogLike(
          tree = dat,
          psi  = c(0, 0),
          mu_d = p[c("mu_d0", "mu_d1")],
          mu_s = p[c("mu_d0", "mu_d1")],
          eta  = -c(1, 1),
          Pi   = -1, # Negative default means compute it using the approx
          verb_ans = verb_ans
        # Adding priors
        ans$ll <- ans$ll + sum(log(priors(p)))
        if (!is.finite(ans$ll)) {
          ans$ll <- -.Machine$double.xmax * 1e-10
        # If verbose (not by default)
        if (verb_ans) {
        } else {
    fixed = structure(
      .Data = rep(FALSE, length(params)),
      names = names(params)
    params = params
  if (!missing(priors))
    formals(ans$fun)$priors <- priors

validate_dots_in_term <- function(..., expected) {
  # Who called me?
  parent_call <- sys.calls()
  parent_call <- parent_call[[length(parent_call) - 1]][[1]]
  parent_call <- as.character(parent_call)
  dots <- list(...)
  # Capturing dots
  dots <- unlist(list(...))
  if (length(dots) && !all(dots %in% c(0, 1)))
      "Arguments passed to `",
      "`, if any, should be any of {",
      paste0(expected, collapse=", "),
      call. = FALSE

#' @rdname aphylo-model
eta <- function(..., env) {
  # Updating parameters
  env$fun <- update_fun_in_body(env$fun, "eta", "c(p[\"eta0\"], p[\"eta1\"])")
  # Adding eta to the objective function
  env$fixed[c("eta0", "eta1")] <- FALSE
  # Updating
  dots <- validate_dots_in_term(..., expected = c(0,1))
  for (f in dots) 
    env$fixed[paste0("eta", f)] <- TRUE

#' @rdname aphylo-model
psi <- function(..., env) {

  # Updating the likelihood function  
  env$fun <- update_fun_in_body(env$fun, "psi", "c(p[\"psi0\"], p[\"psi1\"])")
  # Adding eta to the objective function
  env$fixed[c("psi0", "psi1")] <- FALSE

  # Updating
  dots <- validate_dots_in_term(..., expected = c(0,1))
  for (f in dots) 
    env$fixed[paste0("psi", f)] <- TRUE

#' @rdname aphylo-model
Pi <- function(..., env) {
  # Updating the likelihood function  
  env$fun <- update_fun_in_body(env$fun, "Pi", "p[\"Pi\"]")
  env$fixed["Pi"] <- FALSE
  # Updating (if fixed, then we set whatever value should be included)
  dots <- validate_dots_in_term(..., expected = 0)
  for (f in dots)
    env$fixed[paste0("Pi")] <- TRUE

#' @rdname aphylo-model
mu_d <- function(..., env) {

  # Updating
  dots <- validate_dots_in_term(..., expected = c(0,1))
  for (f in dots)
    env$fixed[paste0("mu_s", f)] <- TRUE

#' @rdname aphylo-model
mu_s <- function(..., env) {
  # Updating
  dots <- validate_dots_in_term(..., expected = c(0,1))
  for (f in dots)
    env$fixed[paste0("mu_s", f)] <- TRUE
  # Updating parameters
  env$fun <- update_fun_in_body(env$fun, "mu_s", "c(p[\"mu_s0\"], p[\"mu_s1\"])")

#' Basic validations:
#' 1. Are all terms valid terms?
#' 2. Is there any repeated term?
#' @noRd
validate_aphylo_formula <- function(fm) {
  # Extracting terms
  fm1  <- stats::terms(fm, keep.order = TRUE)
  vars <- attr(fm1, "term.labels")
  term_names <- gsub("\\(.+", "", vars)
  # Analyzing the terms, are all 
  TNAMES <- unique(gsub("[0-9]", "", APHYLO_PARAM_NAMES))
  test. <- which(!(term_names %in% TNAMES))
  if (length(test.)) {
    stop("The following terms in the formula are not supported by `aphylo`: '",
         paste0(vars[test.], collapse = "', '"), "'. ", 
         "Only `", paste(TNAMES, collapse="()`, `"), "()` are allowed.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # Is there any repeated term?
  test. <- table(term_names)
  test. <- names(test.)[which(test. > 1)]
  if (length(test.)) {
    stop("Some terms are repeated more than once: '",
         paste0(vars[term_names %in% test.], collapse = "', '"), "'.",
         call. = FALSE
  # Is mu present?
  if (!("mu_d" %in% term_names))
    fm <- stats::update.formula(fm, ~. + mu_d)

#' This function validates the parameters specified
#' @noRd
validate_parameters <- function(fm, params) {
  # Extracting formula terms
  vars <- attr(stats::terms(fm), "term.labels")
  vars <- gsub("\\(.+", "", vars)
  # Getting the default
  vars <- paste0("^(",paste0(vars, collapse="|"), ")")
  vars <- APHYLO_PARAM_NAMES[grepl(vars, x = APHYLO_PARAM_NAMES)]
  # In the case of missing parameters, then return the default according to
  # what the formula is.
  if (missing(params)) {
    # message("No parameters were specified. Default will be used instead.")
  } else {
    # Retrieving name of the parameters
    pnames <- if (inherits(params, "matrix"))
    # Checking length
    if (!length(pnames)) {
      # If unnamed, are we giving enough information?
      npars <- if (inherits(params, "matrix"))
      if (npars != length(vars))
        stop("The initial parameters have different length than specified in ",
             "the model.", call.=FALSE)
      # Matching names by position
      warning("Initial parameres matched by position.", call. = FALSE)
      if (is.matrix(params)) 
        return(structure(.Data = params, dimnames = list(NULL, vars)))
        return(structure(.Data = params, names = vars))
    # More than needed
    test. <- which(!(pnames %in% vars))
    if (length(test.)) {
        "The initial parametes must match those specified in the model. ",
        "The following parameters have been overspecified: '",
        paste(pnames[test.], collapse = "', '"), "'. These should ",
        "match the following set of parameters: '",
        paste(vars, collapse = "', '"), "'.", 
        call. = FALSE
    # Less than required
    test. <- which(!(vars %in% pnames))
    if (length(test.)) {
        "The initial parametes must match those specified in the model. ",
        "The following parameters are missing: '",
        paste(vars[test.], collapse = "', '"), "'. These should ",
        "match the following set of parameters: '",
        paste(vars, collapse = "', '"), "'.", 
        call. = FALSE
    # Sorting accordingly
    if (is.matrix(params))

#' @rdname aphylo-model
#' @export
aphylo_formula <- function(fm, params, priors, env = parent.frame()) {
  # Validating formula
  fm  <- validate_aphylo_formula(fm)
  val <- attr(stats::terms(fm), "variables")
  # Validating initial parameters
  params <- validate_parameters(fm, params)
  # Creating new aphylo call object
  model_call <- aphylo_call(params, priors)
  # Is the LHS an aphylo object?
  LHS <- tryCatch(eval(val[[2]], envir = env), error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(LHS, "error"))
    stop("The object -", deparse(val[[2]]), "- can't be found.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.aphylo(LHS) && !is.multiAphylo(LHS) && !inherits(LHS, "aphylo_pruner"))
      "The LHS of the equation should be either a list or a single ",
      "aphylo object.", call. = FALSE)
  # Mofiying the likelihood function and the parameters for the mcmc
  # saveRDS(val, "~/Desktop/val.rds")
  # saveRDS(model_call, "~/Desktop/model_call.rds")
  for (i in 3:length(val))
    if (!is.call(val[[i]])) {
        call(as.character(val[[i]]), env = bquote(model_call))
    } else {
      val[[i]]$env <- bquote(model_call)
  # Returning the model call as a list
      model  = fm,
      dat    = eval(val[[2]], env)
USCbiostats/aphylo documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 7:22 a.m.