# Define model version
# model_ver <- utils::packageDescription(pkg = "stateior", fields = "Version")
model_ver <- NULL
#' Build a state supply model for all 52 states/regions (including DC and Overseas)
#' for a given year
#' @description Build a state supply model for all 52 states/regions
#' (including DC and Overseas) for a given year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017.
#' @return A list of state Make table and commodity output.
#' @export
buildStateSupplyModel <- function(year) {
logging::loginfo("Calculate state/US Gross Value Added (GVA) ratios...")
StateUS_VA_Ratio <- calculateStateUSValueAddedRatio(year)
states <- unique(StateUS_VA_Ratio$GeoName)
logging::loginfo("Estimating state Make table and commodity output...")
# Apply the adjusted VA_ratio to calculate
# State Summary Make, IndustryOutput, and CommodityOutput
State_Make_ls <- list()
State_IndustryOutput_ls <- list()
State_CommodityOutput_ls <- list()
State_CommodityOutputRatio_ls <- list()
US_Make <- getNationalMake("Summary", year)
US_IndustryOutput <- rowSums(US_Make)
US_CommodityOutput <- colSums(US_Make)
for (state in states) {
# Subset the StateUS_VA_Ratio for specified state
VA_ratio <- StateUS_VA_Ratio[StateUS_VA_Ratio$GeoName == state, ]
# Replace NA with zero
VA_ratio[is.na(VA_ratio$Ratio), "Ratio"] <- 0
# Re-order StateUS_VA_Ratio
rownames(VA_ratio) <- VA_ratio$BEA_2012_Summary_Code
VA_ratio <- VA_ratio[rownames(US_Make), ]
# Calculate State_Make by multiplying US_Make with VA_ratio
State_Make <- diag(VA_ratio$Ratio, names = TRUE) %*% as.matrix(US_Make)
rownames(State_Make) <- rownames(US_Make)
State_Make_ls[[state]] <- State_Make
# Calculate State_IndustryOutput by multiplying US_IndustryOutput with VA_ratio
State_IndustryOutput_ls[[state]] <- US_IndustryOutput*VA_ratio$Ratio
# Calculate State_CommodityOutput by colSumming State_Make
State_CommodityOutput_ls[[state]] <- as.data.frame(colSums(State_Make))
# Calculate State_CommodityOutputRatio_ls
StateCOR <- as.data.frame(colSums(State_Make)/US_CommodityOutput)
State_CommodityOutputRatio_ls[[state]] <- StateCOR
colnames(State_CommodityOutputRatio_ls[[state]]) <- "OutputRatio"
logging::loginfo("Estimating state/US commodity output ratios using data from alternative data...")
AlternativeStateCOR <- estimateStateCommodityOutputRatiofromAlternativeSources(year)
logging::loginfo("Adjusting state Make table...")
# Adjust estimated state commodity output and calculate state commodity adjustment ratio
# Based on reported state commodity output from alternative sources.
for (state in setdiff(states, "Overseas")) {
# Adjust estimated state commodity output
# Calculate state/US commodity output ratio * US Summary Comm Output
AdjustedStateCommOutput <- merge(US_CommodityOutput,
AlternativeStateCOR[AlternativeStateCOR$State == state, ],
by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code")
AdjustedStateCommOutput$Output <- AdjustedStateCommOutput$x*AdjustedStateCommOutput$Ratio
# Replace commodity output value in State_CommodityOutput_ls
commodities <- AdjustedStateCommOutput$Row.names
output <- AdjustedStateCommOutput[AdjustedStateCommOutput$Row.names %in% commodities, "Output"]
State_CommodityOutput_ls[[state]][commodities, ] <- output
# Calculate state commodity adjustment ratio
# Divide current state commodity output ratio by alternative state COR.
# Merge two sets of state-US commodity output ratio
COR_df <- merge(State_CommodityOutputRatio_ls[[state]],
AlternativeStateCOR[AlternativeStateCOR$State == state, ],
by.x = 0, by.y = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", all.x = TRUE)
# Replace NA in Ratio with values in OutputRatio
COR_df[is.na(COR_df$Ratio), "Ratio"] <- COR_df[is.na(COR_df$Ratio), "OutputRatio"]
rownames(COR_df) <- COR_df$Row.names
COR_df <- COR_df[colnames(State_Make_ls[[state]]), ]
# Adjust state Make based on adjusted commodity ratios
CORAdjustmentRatio <- COR_df$Ratio/COR_df$OutputRatio
AdjustedStateMake <- State_Make_ls[[state]] %*% diag(CORAdjustmentRatio)
colnames(AdjustedStateMake) <- rownames(COR_df)
State_Make_ls[[state]] <- AdjustedStateMake
logging::loginfo("Preparing state Make table for RAS balancing...")
# Vertically stack all state Make transaction tables.
State_Make <- do.call(rbind, State_Make_ls)
rownames(State_Make) <- paste(rep(names(State_Make_ls),
each = nrow(State_Make_ls[[1]])),
time = length(names(State_Make_ls))),
sep = ".")
colnames(State_Make) <- colnames(US_Make)
logging::loginfo("Performing RAS balancing on state Make table...")
# Separate the state Make transaction table by industry (row) into 71 matrices.
# Each matrix, m0, has dimensions of 52x73 (states x commodities)
# Apply RAS till m0 is balanced subject to t_r and t_c and becomes m1.
m1_ls <- list()
for (industry in rownames(US_Make)) {
m0 <- State_Make[gsub(".*\\.", "", rownames(State_Make)) == industry, ]
t_r <- as.numeric(do.call(cbind, State_IndustryOutput_ls)[industry, ])
t_c <- as.numeric(US_Make[industry, ])
m1 <- applyRAS(m0, t_r, t_c, relative_diff = NULL, absolute_diff = 1E4,
max_itr = 1E6)
m1_ls[[industry]] <- m1
# Vertically stack all m1 matrices to form a balanced state Make
names(m1_ls) <- NULL
State_Make_balanced <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, m1_ls)
State_Make_balanced <- State_Make_balanced[rownames(State_Make), ]
logging::loginfo("Finalizing state Make table...")
logging::loginfo("Finalizing state commodity output...")
model <- list()
for (state in states) {
Make <- State_Make_balanced[gsub("\\..*", "",
rownames(State_Make_balanced)) == state, ]
model[["Make"]][[state]] <- Make
q <- as.data.frame(colSums(Make))
colnames(q) <- "Output"
model[["CommodityOutput"]][[state]] <- q
# Validation - interrupt if sum of state commodity output (q_state) and
# US commodity output have absolute difference > 1E7 ($10 million)
q_state <- Reduce("+", model[["CommodityOutput"]])
if (max(abs(q_state - US_CommodityOutput), na.rm = TRUE) > 1E7) {
stop(paste("Absolute difference between sum of state commodity output and",
"national commodity output is larger than $10 million."))
logging::loginfo("State Supply model build complete.")
#' Build a state use model for all 52 states/regions
#' (including DC and Overseas) for a given year
#' @description Build a state Use model for all 52 states/regions
#' (including DC and Overseas) for a given year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A list of state Use table, Domestic Use table and industry output.
#' @export
buildStateUseModel <- function(year) {
# Define industries, commodities, final demand columns, import column, and
# non-import columns
industries <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Industry")
commodities <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Commodity")
FD_cols <- getFinalDemandCodes("Summary")
VA_rows <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "ValueAdded")
import_col <- getVectorOfCodes("Summary", "Import")
# Prepare State Intermediate Consumption tables
logging::loginfo("Estimating state intermediate consumption...")
State_Use_Intermediate_ls <- estimateStateIntermediateConsumption(year)
states <- names(State_Use_Intermediate_ls)
# Prepare State Final Demand
logging::loginfo("Estimating state personal consumption expenditure...")
State_PCE <- estimateStateHouseholdDemand(year)
logging::loginfo("Estimating state final demand...")
# Assemble final demand columns and create a temporary State_Import as placeholder
State_Import <- State_PCE
colnames(State_Import) <- import_col
State_Import[, import_col] <- 0
row_names <- rownames(State_PCE)
StateFinalDemand <- cbind(State_PCE,
estimateStatePrivateInvestment(year)[row_names, ],
estimateStateExport(year)[row_names, , drop = FALSE],
State_Import[row_names, , drop = FALSE],
estimateStateFedGovExpenditure(year)[row_names, ],
estimateStateSLGovExpenditure(year)[row_names, ])
StateFinalDemand$State <- gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(StateFinalDemand))
StateFinalDemand$Commodity <- gsub(".*\\.", "", rownames(StateFinalDemand))
logging::loginfo("Assembling state Use table (intermediate consumption + final demand)...")
logging::loginfo("Estimating state value added, appending it to state Use table...")
StateGVA <- assembleStateSummaryGrossValueAdded(year)
model <- list()
for (state in states) {
# Assemble state Use table
State_Use <- cbind(State_Use_Intermediate_ls[[state]],
StateFinalDemand[StateFinalDemand$State == state, FD_cols])
# Append value added rows to state Use tables
GVA <- StateGVA[gsub("\\..*", "", rownames(StateGVA)) == state, ]
rownames(GVA) <- gsub(".*\\.", "", rownames(GVA))
State_Use[rownames(GVA), industries] <- GVA
State_Use[is.na(State_Use)] <- 0
# Add to model
model[["Use"]][[state]] <- State_Use
logging::loginfo("Estimating state international trade adjustment...")
# Load US Summary Use table for given year
US_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
# Generate US international trade adjustment
US_ITA <- generateInternationalTradeAdjustmentVector("Summary", year)
# Calculate state ITA by allocating US ITA via state/US COR (commodity output ratio)
CommodityOutput <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Summary_CommodityOutput_",
ver = model_ver)
for (state in states) {
cor <- CommodityOutput[[state]] / rowSums(US_Use[commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)])
model[["Use"]][[state]][commodities, "F051"] <- US_ITA*cor
logging::loginfo("Estimating state international imports in Use table...")
logging::loginfo("Estimating state Domestic Use table...")
logging::loginfo("Finalizing state industry output...")
# The rationale is to generate a state Import matrix then add it to state Use.
# The state Import matrix is created by multiplying the national average
# import ratio matrix (US_Import/US_Use) by state Use table.
# Derive an import_ratio matrix from US Import matrix
US_Import_file <- paste("Summary_Import", year, "BeforeRedef", sep = "_")
US_Import_m <- loadDatafromUSEEIOR(US_Import_file)[commodities,
c(industries, FD_cols)]*1E6
import_ratio <- US_Import_m/US_Use[commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]
# Replace NaN, Inf/-Inf with zero, assuming 0 in US_Use will remain 0 in State_Use
import_ratio[is.na(import_ratio)] <- 0
import_ratio[] <- lapply(import_ratio, function(x) ifelse(is.infinite(x), 0, x))
# Create state Import matrix then add it to state Use
for (state in states) {
# Generate state import matrix
State_Use <- model[["Use"]][[state]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]
State_Import_m <- State_Use * import_ratio
State_ITA <- model[["Use"]][[state]][commodities, "F051"]
State_Import_vec <- -1 * rowSums(State_Import_m) + State_ITA
model[["Use"]][[state]][commodities, import_col] <- State_Import_vec
# Generate state domestic Use table
State_DomesticUse <- State_Use - State_Import_m
State_DomesticUse[, import_col] <- 0
State_DomesticUse[, "F051"] <- State_ITA
State_DomesticUse[is.na(State_DomesticUse)] <- 0
# Append value added rows to state Domestic Use tables
State_DomesticUse[VA_rows, industries] <- model[["Use"]][[state]][VA_rows, industries]
# Add state Domestic Use to model
model[["DomesticUse"]][[state]] <- State_DomesticUse
# Calculate industry and commodity output based on Use
x <- as.data.frame(colSums(model[["Use"]][[state]][c(commodities, VA_rows),
colnames(x) <- "Output"
model[["IndustryOutput"]][[state]] <- x
# Validation - interrupt if sum of state commodity output (q_state) and
# state demand (demand_state) have absolute difference > 1.2E7 ($12 million)
q_state <- Reduce("+", lapply(CommodityOutput, rowSums))
demand_state <- Reduce("+", lapply(model[["DomesticUse"]], rowSums))[commodities]
if (max(abs(q_state - demand_state), na.rm = TRUE) > 1.2E7) {
stop(paste("Absolute difference between sum of state commodity output and",
"sum of state demand is larger than $12 million."))
logging::loginfo("State Use model build complete.")
#' Build a two-region Use model
#' @description Generate two-region (SoI and RoUS) Use tables
#' with interregional exports and imports.
#' @param state A text value specifying state of interest.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param ioschema A numeric value of either 2012 or 2007 specifying the io schema year.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @param ICF_sensitivity_analysis A logical value indicating whether to conduct
#' sensitivity analysis on ICF, default is FALSE.
#' @param adjust_by A numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the manual adjustment
#' to ICF if a sensitivity analysis is conducted, default is 0 due to no SA.
#' @param domestic A logical value indicating whether to use Domestic Use tables,
#' default is TRUE.
#' @return A list of domestic two-region Use tables.
#' @export
buildTwoRegionUseModel <- function(state, year, ioschema, iolevel,
ICF_sensitivity_analysis = FALSE,
adjust_by = 0, domestic = TRUE) {
# 0 - Define commodities, industries, final demand columns, import column, and
# international trade adjustment column
commodities <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Commodity")
industries <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Industry")
FD_cols <- getFinalDemandCodes(iolevel)
import_col <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Import")
ITA_col <- ifelse(iolevel == "Detail", "F05100", "F051")
# All tradable sectors.
# Note: ITA should not be considered tradable, because calculating interregional
# trade and residuals then allocating the residuals will spill part of ITA to
# industry and final demand sectors. This will likely be fine for domestic Use
# but will cause problems in (total) Use, e.g. commodity output from (total)
# Use will not equal to the true commodity output, because ITA should not be
# part of commodity output summed from (total) Use.
tradable_cols <- c(unlist(sapply(list("Industry", "HouseholdDemand"),
getVectorOfCodes, iolevel = iolevel)),
FD_cols[substr(FD_cols, nchar(FD_cols),
nchar(FD_cols)) %in% c("C", "E", "R", "N")])
nontradable_cols <- setdiff(c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col), tradable_cols)
# All sectors except international imports
nonimport_cols <- c(industries, FD_cols[-which(FD_cols %in% import_col)])
# BEA column
BEA_col <- paste("BEA", ioschema, iolevel, "Code", sep = "_")
# 1 - Load state domestic Use and commodity output for the specified year
logging::loginfo("Loading state Domestic Use table...")
SoI_DomesticUse <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_",
ver = model_ver)[[state]][commodities, ]
# Load state commodity output
logging::loginfo("Loading state commodity output...")
SoI_CommodityOutput <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_",
ver = model_ver)[[state]]
# 2 - Generate 2-region ICFs
logging::loginfo("Generating two-region interregional commodity flow (ICF) ratios...")
ICF <- generateDomestic2RegionICFs(state, year, ioschema, iolevel,
ICF_sensitivity_analysis, adjust_by)
# Only allocate "error" to rows (commodities) that does not have ICF of 1 or 0
commodities_notrade <- ICF[ICF$SoI2SoI == 1 & ICF$SoI2RoUS == 0 &
ICF$RoUS2RoUS == 1 & ICF$RoUS2SoI == 0, 1]
rows_allocation <- setdiff(commodities, commodities_notrade)
# Adjust commodities_notrade and rows_allocation if state commodity output is
# larger than sum of values in non-tradable columns
diff <- SoI_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(SoI_DomesticUse[, nontradable_cols])
commodities_notrade <- union(commodities_notrade, names(diff[diff < 0]))
rows_allocation <- setdiff(commodities, commodities_notrade)
# Force ICF of all commodities_notrade to 1 and 0, change note in source column
ICF[ICF[, BEA_col] %in% names(diff[diff < 0]), c("SoI2SoI", "RoUS2RoUS")] <- 1
ICF[ICF[, BEA_col] %in% names(diff[diff < 0]), c("SoI2RoUS", "RoUS2SoI")] <- 0
ICF[ICF[, BEA_col] %in% names(diff[diff < 0]), "source"] <- "Assuming no interregional trade"
# 3 - Generate SoI2SoI domestic Use
logging::loginfo("Generating SoI2SoI Use table...")
SoI2SoI_Use <- SoI_DomesticUse
SoI2SoI_Use[, tradable_cols] <- SoI_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols] * ICF$SoI2SoI
# Calculate Interregional Imports, Exports, and Net Exports
logging::loginfo("Calculating SoI2SoI interregional imports and exports and net exports...")
SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(SoI_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, tradable_cols])
SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports <- SoI_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
# 4 - Generate RoUS domestic Use and commodity output
# Generate RoUS domestic Use
logging::loginfo("Generating RoUS Domestic Use table...")
US_DomesticUse <- generateUSDomesticUse(iolevel, year)
RoUS_DomesticUse <- US_DomesticUse - SoI_DomesticUse
# Calculate RoUS Commodity Output
logging::loginfo("Generating RoUS commodity output...")
US_Make <- getNationalMake(iolevel, year)
US_CommodityOutput <- colSums(US_Make)
RoUS_CommodityOutput <- US_CommodityOutput - SoI_CommodityOutput
colnames(RoUS_CommodityOutput) <- "Output"
# Adjust RoUS_CommodityOutput
MakeUseDiff <- US_CommodityOutput - rowSums(US_DomesticUse[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output <- RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output - MakeUseDiff
# 5 - Generate RoUS2RoUS domestic Use
logging::loginfo("Generating RoUS2RoUS Use table...")
RoUS2RoUS_Use <- RoUS_DomesticUse
RoUS2RoUS_Use[, tradable_cols] <- RoUS_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols] * ICF$RoUS2RoUS
# Calculate Interregional Imports, Exports, and Net Exports
logging::loginfo("Calculating RoUS2RoUS interregional imports and exports and net exports...")
RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(RoUS_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, tradable_cols])
RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports <- RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
# 6 - Allocate negative InterregionalExports across columns in SoI2SoI Use and RoUS2RoUS Use
logging::loginfo("Allocating negative interregional exports in SoI2SoI Use and RoUS2RoUS Use...")
for (i in rows_allocation) {
# SoI2SoI
if (SoI2SoI_Use[i, "InterregionalExports"] < 0) {
value <- SoI2SoI_Use[i, "InterregionalExports"]
weight <- SoI2SoI_Use[i, tradable_cols]
if (sum(weight) == 0) {
SoI2SoI_Use[i, tradable_cols] <- value*(1/length(weight))
} else {
SoI2SoI_Use[i, tradable_cols] <- weight + value*(weight/sum(weight))
if (RoUS2RoUS_Use[i, "InterregionalExports"] < 0) {
value <- RoUS2RoUS_Use[i, "InterregionalExports"]
weight <- RoUS2RoUS_Use[i, tradable_cols]
if (sum(weight) == 0) {
RoUS2RoUS_Use[i, tradable_cols] <- value*(1/length(weight))
} else {
RoUS2RoUS_Use[i, tradable_cols] <- weight + value*(weight/sum(weight))
SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(SoI_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, tradable_cols])
SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports <- SoI_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(RoUS_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, tradable_cols])
RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports <- RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
# 7 - Calculate residual for SoI and RoUS
logging::loginfo("Allocating the difference between interregional imports and exports (i.e. residual) in SoI2SoI Use and RoUS2RoUS Use...")
residual <- SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports - RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports
SoI_residual <- residual*(SoI_CommodityOutput$Output/US_CommodityOutput)
RoUS_residual <- residual - SoI_residual
SoI_residual_1 <- SoI_residual_2 <- SoI_residual
names(residual) <- names(SoI_residual_1)
residual_df <- cbind.data.frame(residual, SoI_residual, RoUS_residual,
SoI_CommodityOutput, US_CommodityOutput)
# 8 - Allocate residual across columns in SoI2SoI Use and RoUS2RoUS Use
for (i in rows_allocation) {
SoIweight <- SoI2SoI_Use[i, tradable_cols]
RoUSweight <- RoUS2RoUS_Use[i, tradable_cols]
SoI_residual_1[i] <- ifelse(abs(SoI_residual[i]) < sum(SoIweight), SoI_residual[i],
ifelse(SoI_residual[i] < 0,
sum(SoIweight)*-1, sum(SoIweight)))
SoI_residual_2[i] <- ifelse(SoI_residual_1[i] != SoI_residual[i], SoI_residual_1[i]/2, SoI_residual[i])
RoUS_residual[i] <- residual[i] - SoI_residual_2[i]
# If sum of SoI and RoUS weight != 0, allocate residual to each cell
if (sum(SoIweight) != 0) {
SoI2SoI_Use[i, tradable_cols] <- SoIweight + SoI_residual_2[i]*(SoIweight/sum(SoIweight))
if (sum(RoUSweight) != 0) {
RoUS2RoUS_Use[i, tradable_cols] <- RoUSweight - RoUS_residual[i]*(RoUSweight/sum(RoUSweight))
# 9 - Re-calculate InterregionalImports, InterregionalExports and NetExports
logging::loginfo("Adjusting interregional imports and exports and net exports in SoI2SoI and RoUS2RoUS...")
# SoI2SoI
SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(SoI_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, tradable_cols])
SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports <- SoI_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
SoI2SoI_Use$NetExports <- SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports - SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports
RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(RoUS_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, tradable_cols])
RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports <- RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
RoUS2RoUS_Use$NetExports <- RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports - RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports
# 10 - Generate SoI2RoUS and RoUS2SoI Use
logging::loginfo("Generating SoI2RoUS and RoUS2SoI Use...")
# SoI2RoUS
SoI2RoUS_Use <- RoUS_DomesticUse - RoUS2RoUS_Use[rownames(RoUS_DomesticUse), colnames(RoUS_DomesticUse)]
SoI2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(RoUS_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(SoI2RoUS_Use[, tradable_cols])
SoI2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports <- RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(SoI2RoUS_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
SoI2RoUS_Use$NetExports <- SoI2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports - SoI2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports
# RoUS2SoI
RoUS2SoI_Use <- SoI_DomesticUse - SoI2SoI_Use[rownames(SoI_DomesticUse), colnames(SoI_DomesticUse)]
RoUS2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports <- rowSums(SoI_DomesticUse[, tradable_cols]) - rowSums(RoUS2SoI_Use[, tradable_cols])
RoUS2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports <- SoI_CommodityOutput$Output - rowSums(RoUS2SoI_Use[, c(nonimport_cols, ITA_col)])
RoUS2SoI_Use$NetExports <- RoUS2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports - RoUS2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports
# 11 - For commodities that have SoI2SoI ICF ratio == 1,
# replace InterregionalExports and NetExports with 0
# and assign the values to ExportResidual
logging::loginfo("Replace interregional exports of non-traded commodities with 0...")
# SoI2SoI
SoI2SoI_Use[commodities_notrade, "ExportResidual"] <- SoI2SoI_Use[commodities_notrade, "InterregionalExports"]
SoI2SoI_Use[commodities_notrade, c("InterregionalExports", "NetExports")] <- 0
SoI2SoI_Use[is.na(SoI2SoI_Use$ExportResidual), "ExportResidual"] <- 0
RoUS2RoUS_Use[commodities_notrade, "ExportResidual"] <- RoUS2RoUS_Use[commodities_notrade, "InterregionalExports"]
RoUS2RoUS_Use[commodities_notrade, c("InterregionalExports", "NetExports")] <- 0
RoUS2RoUS_Use[is.na(RoUS2RoUS_Use$ExportResidual), "ExportResidual"] <- 0
# Check if interregional trade is non-negative
df <- cbind(SoI2SoI_Use[, c("InterregionalImports", "InterregionalExports")],
RoUS2RoUS_Use[, c("InterregionalImports", "InterregionalExports")])
if (any(df < -1E-3)) {
stop(c("There are negative values in interregional trade columns in ",
"SoI2SoI and RoUS2RoUS domestic Use tables."))
# 12 - Create validation
logging::loginfo("Creating validation on two-region domestic Use table...")
validation <- cbind.data.frame(SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports - RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports,
SoI2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports - RoUS2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports,
SoI2SoI_Use$NetExports + RoUS2RoUS_Use$NetExports,
SoI2RoUS_Use$InterregionalImports - RoUS2SoI_Use$InterregionalExports,
SoI2RoUS_Use$InterregionalExports - RoUS2SoI_Use$InterregionalImports,
SoI2RoUS_Use$NetExports + RoUS2SoI_Use$NetExports)
rownames(validation) <- rownames(RoUS2RoUS_Use)
colnames(validation) <- c("SoI2SoI$InterregionalImports - RoUS2RoUS$InterregionalExports",
"SoI2SoI$InterregionalExports - RoUS2RoUS$InterregionalImports",
"SoI2SoI$NetExports + RoUS2RoUS$NetExports",
"SoI2RoUS$InterregionalImports - RoUS2SoI$InterregionalExports",
"SoI2RoUS$InterregionalExports - RoUS2SoI$InterregionalImports",
"SoI2RoUS$NetExports + RoUS2SoI$NetExports")
validation_check <- validation[, c("SoI2SoI$InterregionalImports - RoUS2RoUS$InterregionalExports",
"SoI2SoI$InterregionalExports - RoUS2RoUS$InterregionalImports",
"SoI2SoI$NetExports + RoUS2RoUS$NetExports")]
if (max(abs(validation_check)) > 1E-3) {
stop("Two-region domestic Use table did not pass validation.")
# 13 - If domestic == FALSE, two-region total Use table is generated.
# The first step is to create SoI and RoUS import matrix by subtracting SoI
# DomesticUse from SoI Use and subtracting RoUS DomesticUse from RoUS Use.
# Because we assumed international import is not for trade between SoI and RoUS,
# SoI_Import and RoUS_Import are only added to SoI2SoI_Use and RoUS2RoUS_Use,
# respectively, while leaving SoI2RoUS_Use and RoUS2SoI_Use unchanged,
# to form two-region total Use table.
if (!domestic) {
# Load US and SoI Use, calcuate RoUS_Use
US_Use <- getNationalUse("Summary", year)
SoI_Use <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_", iolevel, "_Use_", year),
ver = model_ver)[[state]]
RoUS_Use <- US_Use - SoI_Use[commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]
# Calculate SoI_Import and RoUS_Import
SoI_Import <- SoI_Use[commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)] - SoI_DomesticUse[commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]
RoUS_Import <- RoUS_Use[commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)] - RoUS_DomesticUse[commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]
# Add SoI and RoUS Import to the two-region Domestic Use
logging::loginfo("Generating two-region Use with imports...")
SoI2SoI_Use <- cbind(SoI2SoI_Use[, colnames(SoI_Import)] + SoI_Import,
SoI2SoI_Use[, setdiff(colnames(SoI2SoI_Use), colnames(SoI_Import))])
RoUS2RoUS_Use <- cbind(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, colnames(RoUS_Import)] + RoUS_Import,
RoUS2RoUS_Use[, setdiff(colnames(RoUS2RoUS_Use), colnames(RoUS_Import))])
# Note: F051 - ITA has been carried over from SoI_Use and RoUS_Use to
# SoI2SoI_Use and RoUS2RoUS_Use, respectively.
# 14 - Check if commodity output from two-region table equals to single-region
# commodity output vector.
# Note: q from Domestic Use should include ITA, but q from Use should not.
# SoI
q_SoI <- SoI_CommodityOutput$Output
if (domestic) {
q_SoI_use <- rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col, "ExportResidual")]) + rowSums(SoI2RoUS_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col)])
} else {
q_SoI_use <- rowSums(SoI2SoI_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols, "ExportResidual")]) + rowSums(SoI2RoUS_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols)])
if (max(abs((q_SoI - q_SoI_use)/q_SoI_use)) > 1E-2) {
if (domestic) {
stop(paste0(state, "'s commodity output summed from two-region Domestic Use table ",
"doesn't equal to ", state, "'s commodity output."))
} else {
stop(paste0(state, "'s commodity output summed from two-region (total) Use table ",
"doesn't equal to ", state, "'s commodity output."))
# RoUS
q_RoUS <- RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output
if (domestic) {
q_RoUS_use <- rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col, "ExportResidual")]) + rowSums(RoUS2SoI_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col)])
} else {
q_RoUS_use <- rowSums(RoUS2RoUS_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols, "ExportResidual")]) + rowSums(RoUS2SoI_Use[, c(industries, FD_cols)])
if (max(abs((q_RoUS - q_RoUS_use)/q_RoUS_use)) > 1E-2) {
if (domestic) {
stop(paste0("RoUS (of ", state, ")'s commodity output summed from two-region Domestic Use table ",
"doesn't equal to RoUS's commodity output."))
} else {
stop(paste0("RoUS (of ", state, ")'s commodity output summed from two-region (total) Use table ",
"doesn't equal to RoUS's commodity output."))
# 15 - Assemble SoI2SoI and RoUS2RoUS total or domestic Use
TwoRegionUse <- list("SoI2SoI" = SoI2SoI_Use,
"SoI2RoUS" = SoI2RoUS_Use,
"RoUS2SoI" = RoUS2SoI_Use,
"RoUS2RoUS" = RoUS2RoUS_Use,
"Validation" = validation,
"Residual" = residual_df)
logging::loginfo(paste("Two-region", ifelse(domestic, "Domestic", "Total"), "Use model build complete..."))
#' Assemble two-region make, use, domestic use, and Use tables as well as commodity and industry outputs.
#' @description Assemble two-region make and use tables as well as commodity and industry outputs.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @return A list of two-region make, use, domestic use, and Use tables
#' as well as commodity and industry outputs by state.
#' @export
assembleTwoRegionIO <- function(year, iolevel) {
# Define industries, commodities, value added rows, final demand columns, and
# international trade adjustment column
industries <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Industry")
commodities <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Commodity")
VA_rows <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "ValueAdded")
FD_cols <- getFinalDemandCodes(iolevel)
ITA_col <- ifelse(iolevel == "Detail", "F05100", "F051")
# Load US Make table
US_Make <- getNationalMake(iolevel, year)
US_DomesticUse <- generateUSDomesticUse(iolevel, year)
# Load state Make, industry and commodity output
State_Make_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_", iolevel, "_Make_", year))
State_Use_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_", iolevel, "_Use_", year))
State_IndustryOutput_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_",
ver = model_ver)
State_CommodityOutput_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_",
ver = model_ver)
# Assemble two-region IO tables
TwoRegionIO <- list()
for (state in sort(c(state.name, "District of Columbia"))) {
## Two-region Make
SoI_Make <- State_Make_ls[[state]]
rownames(SoI_Make) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", state, iolevel)
colnames(SoI_Make) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", state, iolevel)
RoUS_Make <- US_Make - SoI_Make
rownames(RoUS_Make) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", "RoUS", iolevel)
colnames(RoUS_Make) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", "RoUS", iolevel)
# Form two-region Make
TwoRegionMake <- SoI_Make
TwoRegionMake[rownames(RoUS_Make), colnames(RoUS_Make)] <- RoUS_Make
# Replace NA with 0 in two-region Make
TwoRegionMake[is.na(TwoRegionMake)] <- 0
TwoRegionIO[["Make"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionMake
## Two-region Use and Domestic Use table
TwoRegionUseModel <- buildTwoRegionUseModel(state, year, ioschema = 2012,
iolevel = iolevel, domestic = FALSE)
TwoRegionUse <- cbind(rbind(TwoRegionUseModel[["SoI2SoI"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)],
TwoRegionUseModel[["RoUS2SoI"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]),
rbind(TwoRegionUseModel[["SoI2RoUS"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)],
TwoRegionUseModel[["RoUS2RoUS"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]))
TwoRegionDomesticUseModel <- buildTwoRegionUseModel(state, year, ioschema = 2012,
iolevel = iolevel, domestic = TRUE)
TwoRegionDomesticUse <- cbind(rbind(TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["SoI2SoI"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)],
TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["RoUS2SoI"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]),
rbind(TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["SoI2RoUS"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)],
TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["RoUS2RoUS"]][commodities, c(industries, FD_cols)]))
rownames(TwoRegionUse) <- c(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", state, iolevel),
getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", "RoUS", iolevel))
rownames(TwoRegionDomesticUse) <- rownames(TwoRegionUse)
colnames(TwoRegionUse) <- c(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", state, iolevel),
getBEASectorCodeLocation("FinalDemand", state, iolevel),
getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", "RoUS", iolevel),
getBEASectorCodeLocation("FinalDemand", "RoUS", iolevel))
colnames(TwoRegionDomesticUse) <- colnames(TwoRegionUse)
TwoRegionIO[["Use"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionUse
TwoRegionIO[["DomesticUse"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionDomesticUse
## Two-region Value Added
SoI_VA <- State_Use_ls[[state]][VA_rows, industries]
rownames(SoI_VA) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("ValueAdded", state, iolevel)
colnames(SoI_VA) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", state, iolevel)
RoUS_VA <- (Reduce("+", State_Use_ls) - State_Use_ls[[state]])[VA_rows, industries]
rownames(RoUS_VA) <- apply(cbind(VA_rows, "RoUS"), 1, joinStringswithSlashes)
colnames(RoUS_VA) <- apply(cbind(industries, "RoUS"), 1, joinStringswithSlashes)
TwoRegionVA <- SoI_VA
TwoRegionVA[rownames(RoUS_VA), colnames(RoUS_VA)] <- RoUS_VA
# Replace NA with 0 in two-region Make
TwoRegionVA[is.na(TwoRegionVA)] <- 0
TwoRegionIO[["ValueAdded"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionVA
## Two-region Domestic Use table with interregional exports and imports
TwoRegionIO[["DomesticUsewithTrade"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[1:4]
TwoRegionIO[["UsewithTrade"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionUseModel[1:4]
## Two-region Commodity Output
SoI_CommodityOutput <- rowSums(TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["SoI2SoI"]][, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col, "ExportResidual")]) +
rowSums(TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["SoI2RoUS"]][, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col)])
RoUS_CommodityOutput <- rowSums(TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["RoUS2RoUS"]][, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col, "ExportResidual")]) +
rowSums(TwoRegionDomesticUseModel[["RoUS2SoI"]][, c(industries, FD_cols, ITA_col)])
TwoRegionCommodityOutput <- c(SoI_CommodityOutput, RoUS_CommodityOutput)
names(TwoRegionCommodityOutput) <- c(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", state, iolevel),
getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", "RoUS", iolevel))
TwoRegionIO[["CommodityOutput"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionCommodityOutput
## Two-region Industry Output
TwoRegionIndustryOutput <- c(State_IndustryOutput_ls[[state]][, "Output"],
rowSums(US_Make) - State_IndustryOutput_ls[[state]][, "Output"])
names(TwoRegionIndustryOutput) <- c(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", state, iolevel),
getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", "RoUS", iolevel))
TwoRegionIO[["IndustryOutput"]][[state]] <- TwoRegionIndustryOutput
## Two-region International Trade Adjustment
SoI_ITA <- State_Use_ls[[state]][commodities, ITA_col]
names(SoI_ITA) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", state, iolevel)
RoUS_ITA <- Reduce("+", State_Use_ls)[commodities, ITA_col] - SoI_ITA
names(RoUS_ITA) <- getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", "RoUS", iolevel)
TwoRegionIO[["InternationalTradeAdjustment"]][[state]] <- c(SoI_ITA, RoUS_ITA)
#' Build a full two-region IO table for specified state and rest of US for a given year.
#' @description Build a full two-region IO table for specified state and rest of US for a given year.
#' @param state A text value specifying state of interest.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param ioschema A numeric value of either 2012 or 2007 specifying the io schema year.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @return A full two-region IO table for specified state and rest of US for a given year.
#' @export
buildFullTwoRegionIOTable <- function(state, year, ioschema, iolevel) {
# Define industries, commodities, final demand columns, and non-import columns
industries <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Industry")
commodities <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Commodity")
FD_cols <- getFinalDemandCodes(iolevel)
import_col <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Import")
nonimport_cols <- c(industries, FD_cols[-which(FD_cols %in% import_col)])
PCE_col <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "HouseholdDemand")
logging::loginfo("Loading SoI Make table...")
# SoI Make
SoI_Make <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_",iolevel,
"_Make_", year),
ver = model_ver)[[state]]
rownames(SoI_Make) <- paste0(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", state, "Summary"),
colnames(SoI_Make) <- paste0(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", state, "Summary"),
# SoI commodity output
SoI_CommodityOutput <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_",
ver = model_ver)[[state]]
logging::loginfo("Generating RoUS Make table...")
# RoUS Make
US_Make <- getNationalMake(iolevel, year)
RoUS_Make <- US_Make - SoI_Make
rownames(RoUS_Make) <- paste0(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Industry", "RoUS", "Summary"),
colnames(RoUS_Make) <- paste0(getBEASectorCodeLocation("Commodity", "RoUS", "Summary"),
# RoUS commodity output
US_CommodityOutput <- colSums(US_Make)
RoUS_CommodityOutput <- US_CommodityOutput - SoI_CommodityOutput
colnames(RoUS_CommodityOutput) <- "Output"
# Adjust RoUS_CommodityOutput
US_DomesticUse <- generateUSDomesticUse(iolevel, year)
MakeUseDiff <- US_CommodityOutput - rowSums(US_DomesticUse[, nonimport_cols])
RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output <- RoUS_CommodityOutput$Output - MakeUseDiff
logging::loginfo("Loading two-region Domestic Use tables...")
# Two-region Use Transaction
TwoRegionUse <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("TwoRegion", iolevel, "DomesticUse",
year, sep = "_"),
ver = model_ver)[[state]]
TwoRegionUseTrans_cols <- unlist(lapply(c(state, "RoUS"),
location = x,
TwoRegionUseTransaction <- TwoRegionUse[, TwoRegionUseTrans_cols]
rownames(TwoRegionUseTransaction) <- paste0(rownames(TwoRegionUseTransaction),
colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction) <- paste0(colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction),
logging::loginfo("Loading two-region final demand tables...")
# Final demand
TwoRegionUseFD_cols <- unlist(lapply(c(state, "RoUS"),
location = x,
TwoRegionFinalDemand <- TwoRegionUse[, TwoRegionUseFD_cols]
rownames(TwoRegionFinalDemand) <- rownames(TwoRegionUseTransaction)
logging::loginfo("Calculating SoI and RoUS international imports by industry...")
# International imports by industry
SoI_Use <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("State", iolevel, "Use", year,
sep = "_"),
ver = model_ver)[[state]][commodities,
c(industries, FD_cols)]
US_Use <- getNationalUse(iolevel, year)
US_Import <- loadDatafromUSEEIOR(paste(iolevel, "Import", year, "BeforeRedef",
sep = "_"))*1E6
US_ImportRatios <- US_Import[rownames(US_Use), colnames(US_Use)]/US_Use
US_ImportRatios[is.na(US_ImportRatios)] <- 0
RoUS_Use <- US_Use - SoI_Use
IntlImports <- as.data.frame(t(c(colSums(SoI_Use * US_ImportRatios),
colSums(RoUS_Use * US_ImportRatios))))
colnames(IntlImports) <- c(grep("US-", colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction), value = TRUE),
grep("US-", TwoRegionUseFD_cols, value = TRUE),
grep("RoUS", colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction), value = TRUE),
grep("RoUS", TwoRegionUseFD_cols, value = TRUE))
logging::loginfo("Calculating SoI and RoUS gross value added by industry...")
GVA_rows <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "ValueAdded")
SoI_GVA_ls <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("State", iolevel, "Use", year, sep = "_"),
ver = model_ver)
SoI_GVA <- SoI_GVA_ls[[state]][GVA_rows, c(industries, FD_cols)]
RoUS_GVA <- Reduce("+", SoI_GVA_ls)[GVA_rows, c(industries, FD_cols)] - SoI_GVA
TwoRegionGVA <- cbind(SoI_GVA, RoUS_GVA)
colnames(TwoRegionGVA) <- colnames(IntlImports)
logging::loginfo("Calculating SoI and RoUS international transport margins by industry...")
# International Transport Margins
IntlTransportMarginsRatio <- calculateUSInternationalTransportMarginsRatioMatrix(iolevel, year)
IntlTransportMargins <- as.data.frame(t(c(colSums(SoI_Use * IntlTransportMarginsRatio),
colSums(RoUS_Use * IntlTransportMarginsRatio))))
colnames(IntlTransportMargins) <- colnames(IntlImports)
logging::loginfo("Loading foreign expenditure by U.S. residents and spending in the U.S. by nonresidents...")
# Foreign expenditure by U.S. residents
ForeignExp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("State_ForeignExpenditureByResident",
year, sep = "_"),
ver = model_ver)
SoIForeignExp <- ForeignExp[ForeignExp$GeoName == state, as.character(year)]
RoUSForeignExp <- ForeignExp[ForeignExp$GeoName == "United States", as.character(year)] - SoIForeignExp
# Spending in the U.S. by nonresidents
DomesticExp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("State_DomesticExpenditureByNonresident",
year, sep = "_"),
ver = model_ver)
SoIDomesticExp <- DomesticExp[DomesticExp$GeoName == state, as.character(year)]
RoUSDomesticExp <- DomesticExp[DomesticExp$GeoName == "United States", as.character(year)] - SoIDomesticExp
logging::loginfo("Assembling full two-region make and use table...")
# Start with SoI_Make
FullTwoRegionTable <- SoI_Make
# Append RoUS_Make
FullTwoRegionTable[rownames(RoUS_Make), colnames(RoUS_Make)] <- RoUS_Make
# Append TwoRegionUse
FullTwoRegionTable[rownames(TwoRegionUseTransaction), colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction)] <- TwoRegionUseTransaction
# Append TwoRegionFinalDemand
FullTwoRegionTable[rownames(TwoRegionFinalDemand), colnames(TwoRegionFinalDemand)] <- TwoRegionFinalDemand
# Adjust row and column order
FullTwoRegionTable <- FullTwoRegionTable[c(rownames(TwoRegionUseTransaction),
rownames(SoI_Make), rownames(RoUS_Make)),
colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction), colnames(TwoRegionFinalDemand))]
# Append total output column
tworegion_co_filename <- paste("TwoRegion", iolevel, "CommodityOutput", year, sep = "_")
TwoRegionCommodityOutput <- loadStateIODataFile(tworegion_co_filename,
ver = model_ver)[[state]]
tworegion_io_filename <- paste("TwoRegion", iolevel, "IndustryOutput", year, sep = "_")
TwoRegionIndustryOutput <- loadStateIODataFile(tworegion_io_filename,
ver = model_ver)[[state]]
FullTwoRegionTable[, "Total Output"] <- c(TwoRegionCommodityOutput,
# Append international imports
FullTwoRegionTable["International Imports", colnames(IntlImports)] <- IntlImports
# Append total intermediate consumption
FullTwoRegionTable["Total Intermediate Consumption", colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction)] <- colSums(FullTwoRegionTable[, colnames(TwoRegionUseTransaction)])
# Append gross value added
FullTwoRegionTable[GVA_rows, colnames(TwoRegionGVA)] <- TwoRegionGVA
# Append value added at basic price or Gross Value Added
FullTwoRegionTable["Gross Value Added", colnames(TwoRegionGVA)] <- colSums(FullTwoRegionTable[GVA_rows, colnames(TwoRegionGVA)])
# Append direct spending abroad by residents
SoIPCE_col <- grep(paste(PCE_col, "US-", sep = "/"),
colnames(FullTwoRegionTable), value = TRUE)
RoUSPCE_col <- grep(paste(PCE_col, "RoUS", sep = "/"),
colnames(FullTwoRegionTable), value = TRUE)
FullTwoRegionTable["Foreign Expenditure by U.S. Resident", c(SoIPCE_col, RoUSPCE_col)] <- c(SoIForeignExp, RoUSForeignExp)
# Append purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents
FullTwoRegionTable["Domestic Expenditure by Nonresident", c(SoIPCE_col, RoUSPCE_col)] <- c(SoIDomesticExp, RoUSDomesticExp)
# Append international Transport Margins
FullTwoRegionTable["International Transport Margins", colnames(IntlTransportMargins)] <- IntlTransportMargins
# Append total output row
FullTwoRegionTable["Total Output", ] <- c(TwoRegionCommodityOutput,
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