
Defines functions compareOutputfromMakeandUse removeHybridProcesses printValidationResults checkNamesandOrdering formatValidationResult extractValidationResult validateResult compareIndustryOutputinMakeandUse generateChiMatrix prepareEfromtbs compareCommodityOutputXMarketShareandIndustryOutputwithCPITransf compareCommodityOutputandDomesticUseplusProductionDemand compareOutputandLeontiefXDemand compareEandLCIResult

Documented in checkNamesandOrdering compareCommodityOutputandDomesticUseplusProductionDemand compareCommodityOutputXMarketShareandIndustryOutputwithCPITransf compareEandLCIResult compareIndustryOutputinMakeandUse compareOutputandLeontiefXDemand compareOutputfromMakeandUse extractValidationResult formatValidationResult generateChiMatrix prepareEfromtbs printValidationResults removeHybridProcesses validateResult

# Validation functions

#' Compares the total flows against the model flow totals result calculation with the total demand
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param use_domestic, a logical value indicating whether to use domestic demand vector
#' @param tolerance, a numeric value, tolerance level of the comparison
#' @return A list with pass/fail validation result and the cell-by-cell relative diff matrix
#' @export
compareEandLCIResult <- function(model, use_domestic = FALSE, tolerance = 0.05) {
  # Prepare left side of the equation
  CbS_cast <- standardizeandcastSatelliteTable(model$CbS,model)
  B <- as.matrix(CbS_cast)
  Chi <- generateChiMatrix(model, "Industry")
  # Check if Chi columns match B
  if (!identical(colnames(B), colnames(Chi))) {
    stop("columns in Chi and B do not match")
  Chi <- Chi[match(rownames(B), rownames(Chi)), ]
  B_chi <- B*Chi
  # Generate E
  E <- prepareEfromtbs(model)
  E <- as.matrix(E[rownames(B), colnames(B)])
  B_chi <- removeHybridProcesses(model, B_chi)
  E <- removeHybridProcesses(model, E)
  # Adjust E and B_chi if model is commodity-based
  if (model$specs$CommodityorIndustryType=="Commodity") {
    #transform E with commodity mix to put in commodity form
    E <- t(model$C_m %*% t(E)) 
    #Need to transform B_Chi to be in commodity form
    B_chi <- B_chi %*% model$V_n

  # Calculate scaling factor c=Ly
  c <- calculateProductofLeontiefAndProductionDemand(model, use_domestic)

  #LCI = B dot Chi %*% c
  LCI <- t(calculateDirectPerspectiveLCI(B_chi, c))
  # Calculate relative differences
  rel_diff <- (LCI - E)/E
  # Generate Pass/Fail comparison results
  validation <- formatValidationResult(rel_diff, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance)
  # Add LCI and E to validation list
  validation <- c(list("LCI" = LCI, "E" = E), validation)

#' Calculate scaling vector with appropriate production demand vector
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param use_domestic, a logical value indicating whether to use domestic demand vector
#' @return c, a numeric vector with total $ values for each sector in model
calculateProductofLeontiefAndProductionDemand <- function (model, use_domestic) {
  if (use_domestic) {
    f <- model$DemandVectors$vectors[endsWith(names(model$DemandVectors$vectors), "Production_Domestic")][[1]]
    if (model$specs$IODataSource=="stateior") {
      f <- (f + model$DemandVectors$vectors[endsWith(names(model$DemandVectors$vectors), "Production_Domestic")][[2]])
    y <- as.matrix(formatDemandVector(f, model$L_d))
    c <- getScalingVector(model$L_d, y)
  } else {
    f <- model$DemandVectors$vectors[endsWith(names(model$DemandVectors$vectors), "Production_Complete")][[1]]
    if (model$specs$IODataSource=="stateior") {
      f <- (f + model$DemandVectors$vectors[endsWith(names(model$DemandVectors$vectors), "Production_Complete")][[2]])
    y <- as.matrix(formatDemandVector(f, model$L))
    c <- getScalingVector(model$L, y)
  c <- removeHybridProcesses(model, c)

#' Compares the total sector output against the model result calculation with the demand vector. and direct perspective.
#' Uses the model$FinalDemand and model$L
#' Works for the domestic model with the equivalent tables
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param use_domestic, a logical value indicating whether to use domestic demand vector
#' @param tolerance, a numeric value, tolerance level of the comparison
#' @return A list with pass/fail validation result and the cell-by-cell relative diff matrix
#' @export
compareOutputandLeontiefXDemand <- function(model, use_domestic=FALSE, tolerance=0.05) {
  # Generate output and scaling vector
  if(model$specs$CommodityorIndustryType == "Commodity") {
    x <- model$q
  } else {
    x <- model$x
  x <- removeHybridProcesses(model, x)
  # Calculate scaling factor c=Ly
  c <- calculateProductofLeontiefAndProductionDemand(model, use_domestic)
  # Row names should be identical
  if (!identical(rownames(c), names(x))) {
    stop("Sectors not aligned in model ouput variable and calculation result")
  # Calculate relative differences
  rel_diff <- (c - x)/x
  # Generate Pass/Fail comparison results
  validation <- formatValidationResult(rel_diff, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance)
  # Add c and x to validation list
  validation <- c(list("c" = c, "x" = x), validation)

#' Compares the total commodity output against the summation of model domestic Use and production demand
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param tolerance, a numeric value, tolerance level of the comparison
#' @return A list with pass/fail validation result and the cell-by-cell relative diff matrix
#' @export 
compareCommodityOutputandDomesticUseplusProductionDemand <- function(model, tolerance=0.05) {
  q <- removeHybridProcesses(model, model$q)
  demand <- model$DemandVectors$vectors[endsWith(names(model$DemandVectors$vectors),"Production_Domestic")][[1]]
  if (model$specs$IODataSource=="stateior") {
    demand <- (demand + model$DemandVectors$vectors[endsWith(names(model$DemandVectors$vectors), "Production_Domestic")][[2]])
  x <- rowSums(model$U_d[removeHybridProcesses(model, model$Commodities$Code_Loc),
                         removeHybridProcesses(model, model$Industries$Code_Loc)]) +
       removeHybridProcesses(model, demand)
  # Row names should be identical
  if (!identical(names(q), names(x))) {
    stop("Sectors not aligned in model ouput variable and calculation result")
  # Calculate relative differences
  rel_diff <- (q - x)/q
  # Generate Pass/Fail comparison results
  validation <- formatValidationResult(rel_diff, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance)
  # Add q and x to validation list
  validation <- c(list("q" = q, "x" = x), validation)

#' Compares the total commodity output multiplied by Market Share matrix and transformed by commodity CPI
#' against the total industry output transformed by industry CPI
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param tolerance, a numeric value, tolerance level of the comparison
#' @return A list with pass/fail validation result and the cell-by-cell relative diff matrix
#' @export 
compareCommodityOutputXMarketShareandIndustryOutputwithCPITransformation <- function(model, tolerance=0.05) {
  if(model$specs$BaseIOSchema == 2012){
    target_year <- "2017"
  } else if(model$specs$BaseIOSchema == 2017){
    target_year <- "2022"
  commodityCPI_ratio <- (model$MultiYearCommodityCPI[, target_year]/
                           model$MultiYearCommodityCPI[, as.character(model$specs$BaseIOSchema)])
  commodityCPI_ratio[is.na(commodityCPI_ratio)] <- 1
  industryCPI_ratio <- (model$MultiYearIndustryCPI[, target_year]/
                          model$MultiYearIndustryCPI[, as.character(model$specs$BaseIOSchema)])
  industryCPI_ratio[is.na(industryCPI_ratio)] <- 1
  q <- removeHybridProcesses(model, model$q * commodityCPI_ratio)
  x <- as.numeric(model$C_m %*% removeHybridProcesses(model, model$x * industryCPI_ratio))
  # Calculate relative differences
  rel_diff <- (q - x)/x
  # Generate Pass/Fail comparison results
  validation <- formatValidationResult(rel_diff, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance)
  # Add q and x to validation list
  validation <- c(list("q" = q, "x" = x), validation)

#' Concatenate all satellite flows in model
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
prepareEfromtbs <- function(model) {
  E <- standardizeandcastSatelliteTable(model$TbS,model)

#' Generate Chi matrix, i.e. ratios of model IO year commodity output over the output of the flow year in model IO year dollar.
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param output_type Either Commodity or Industry, default is Commodity
#' @return Chi matrix contains ratios of model IO year commodity output over the output of the flow year in model IO year dollar.
generateChiMatrix <- function(model, output_type = "Commodity") {
  # Extract ModelYearOutput from model based on output_type
  if (output_type=="Commodity") {
    ModelYearOutput <- model$q
  } else {
    ModelYearOutput <- model$x
  # Generate FlowYearOutput, convert it to model IOYear $
  TbS <- model$TbS
  FlowYearOutput <- data.frame()
  for (year in unique(TbS$Year)) {
    output <- model[[paste0("MultiYear", output_type, "Output")]][, as.character(year), drop = FALSE]
    # Adjust industry output to model year $
    CPI_df <- model[[paste0("MultiYear", output_type, "CPI")]][, as.character(c(model$specs$IOYear, year))]
    DollarRatio <- CPI_df[, as.character(model$specs$IOYear)]/CPI_df[, as.character(year)]
    # Replace NA with 1 in DollarRatio
    DollarRatio[is.na(DollarRatio)] <- 1
    output <- output * DollarRatio
    flows <- unique(TbS[TbS$Year==year, "Flow"])
    FlowYearOutput_y <- do.call(rbind, rep(output, times = length(flows)))
    rownames(FlowYearOutput_y) <- flows
    colnames(FlowYearOutput_y) <- rownames(output)
    FlowYearOutput <- rbind(FlowYearOutput, FlowYearOutput_y)
  # Calculate Chi: divide FlowYearOutput by ModelYearOutput
  Chi <- as.matrix(sweep(FlowYearOutput[unique(TbS$Flow), ], 2, ModelYearOutput, "/"))
  # Replace 0 with 1
  Chi[Chi==0] <- 1
  Chi[is.na(Chi)] <- 1

#' Gets industry output from model Use and Make and checks if they are the same
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param tolerance A numeric value setting tolerance of the comparison
compareIndustryOutputinMakeandUse <- function(model, tolerance) {
  # Calculate Industry Output (x) from Make and Use tables
  x_make <-rowSums(model$V)
  x_use <- colSums(model$U[model$Commodities$Code_Loc, model$Industries$Code_Loc]) +
    colSums(model$U[model$ValueAddedMeta$Code_Loc, model$Industries$Code_Loc])
  # Sort x_make and x_use to have the same industry order (default model$Industries)
  x_make <- x_make[order(model$Industries$Code_Loc)]
  x_use <- x_use[order(model$Industries$Code_Loc)]
  # Check if x_make and x_use have the same industry order
  if (!identical(names(x_make), names(x_use))) {
    stop("industries in Make and Use do not match")
  # Calculate relative differences in x_make and x_use
  rel_diff <- (x_use - x_make)/x_make
  # Generate Pass/Fail comparison results
  validation <- formatValidationResult(rel_diff, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance)
  # Add x_use and x_make to validation list
  validation <- c(list("x_use" = x_use, "x_make" = x_make), validation)

#' Validate result based on specified tolerance
#' @param result A data object to be validated
#' @param abs_diff A logical value indicating whether to validate absolute values
#' @param tolerance A numeric value setting tolerance of the comparison
#' @return A list contains confrontation details and validation results
validateResult <- function(result, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance) {
  result[is.na(result)] <- 0
  # Validate result
  if (abs_diff) {
    validation <- as.data.frame(abs(result) <= tolerance)
  } else {
    validation <- as.data.frame(result <= tolerance)
  validation$rownames <- rownames(validation)

#' Extract validation passes or failures
#' @param validation A data.frame contains validation details
#' @param failure A logical value indicating whether to report failure or not
#' @return A data.frame contains validation results
extractValidationResult <- function(validation, failure = TRUE) {
  df <- reshape2::melt(validation, id.vars = "rownames")
  if (failure) {
    result <- df[df$value==FALSE, c("rownames", "variable")]
  } else {
    result <- df[df$value==TRUE, c("rownames", "variable")]
  result[] <- sapply(result, as.character)

#' Format validation result
#' @param result Validation result to be formatted
#' @param abs_diff A logical value indicating whether to validate absolute values
#' @param tolerance A numeric value setting tolerance of the comparison
#' @return A list contains formatted validation results
formatValidationResult <- function(result, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance) {
  # Validate result
  validation <- validateResult(result, abs_diff, tolerance)
  # Extract passes and failures
  passes <- extractValidationResult(validation, failure = FALSE)
  failures <- extractValidationResult(validation, failure = TRUE)
  N_passes <- nrow(passes)
  N_failures <- nrow(failures)
  return(list("RelativeDifference" = as.data.frame(result),
              "Pass" = passes, "N_Pass" = N_passes,
              "Failure" = failures, "N_Failure" = N_failures))

#' Check order of names (n1 and n2). Stop function execution if n1 != n2.
#' @param n1 Name vector #1
#' @param n2 Name vector #2
#' @param note Note about n1 and n2
checkNamesandOrdering <- function(n1, n2, note) {
  if (!identical(n1, n2)) {
    stop(paste(note, "not the same or not in the same order."))

#' Run validation checks and print to console
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @export
printValidationResults <- function(model) {
  print("Validate that commodity output can be recalculated (within 1%) with the model total requirements matrix (L) and demand vector (y) for US production")
  econval <- compareOutputandLeontiefXDemand(model, tolerance = 0.01)
  print(paste("Number of sectors passing:",econval$N_Pass))
  print(paste("Number of sectors failing:",econval$N_Fail))
  print(paste("Sectors failing:", paste(unique(econval$Failure$rownames), collapse = ", ")))
  print("Validate that commodity output can be recalculated (within 1%) with model total domestic requirements matrix (L_d) and model demand (y) for US production")
  econval <- compareOutputandLeontiefXDemand(model, use_domestic=TRUE, tolerance = 0.01)
  print(paste("Number of sectors passing:",econval$N_Pass))
  print(paste("Number of sectors failing:",econval$N_Fail))
  print(paste("Sectors failing:", paste(unique(econval$Failure$rownames), collapse = ", ")))
  print("Validate that flow totals by commodity (E_c) can be recalculated (within 1%) using the model satellite matrix (B), market shares matrix (V_n), total requirements matrix (L), and demand vector (y) for US production")
  modelval <- compareEandLCIResult(model, tolerance = 0.01)
  print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity passing:",modelval$N_Pass))
  print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity failing:",modelval$N_Fail))
  print("Validate that flow totals by commodity (E_c) can be recalculated (within 1%) using the model satellite matrix (B), market shares matrix (V_n), total domestic requirements matrix (L_d), and demand vector (y) for US production")
  dom_val <- compareEandLCIResult(model, use_domestic=TRUE, tolerance = 0.01)
  print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity passing:",dom_val$N_Pass))
  print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity failing:",dom_val$N_Fail))
  print(paste("Sectors with flow totals failing:", paste(unique(dom_val$Failure$variable), collapse = ", ")))  
  print("Validate that commodity output are properly transformed to industry output via MarketShare")
  q_x_val <- compareCommodityOutputXMarketShareandIndustryOutputwithCPITransformation(model, tolerance = 0.01)
  print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity passing:",q_x_val$N_Pass))
  print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity failing:",q_x_val$N_Fail))
  print(paste("Sectors with flow totals failing:", paste(unique(q_x_val$Failure$rownames), collapse = ", ")))
  if (model$specs$CommodityorIndustryType=="Commodity") {
    print("Validate that commodity output equals to domestic use plus production demand")
    q_val <- compareCommodityOutputandDomesticUseplusProductionDemand(model, tolerance = 0.01)
    print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity passing:",q_val$N_Pass))
    print(paste("Number of flow totals by commodity failing:",q_val$N_Fail))
    print(paste("Sectors with flow totals failing:", paste(unique(q_val$Failure$rownames), collapse = ", ")))

#' Removes hybrid processes form a model object for successful validation
#' @param model A complete EEIO model: a list with USEEIO model components and attributes
#' @param object A model object in the form of a matrix or vector
#' @return object with processes removed
removeHybridProcesses <- function(model, object) {
  if (model$specs$ModelType == "EEIO-IH") {
    if(typeof(object) == 'character'){
      object <- object[!object %in% model$HybridizationSpecs$Processes$Code_Loc]
    else if(!is.null(colnames(object))) {
      object <- object[, !colnames(object) %in% model$HybridizationSpecs$Processes$Code_Loc]
    else if(!is.null(rownames(object))) {
      object <- as.matrix(object[!rownames(object) %in% model$HybridizationSpecs$Processes$Code_Loc, ])
    else {
      object <- object[!names(object) %in% model$HybridizationSpecs$Processes$Code_Loc]

#' Compare commodity or industry output calculated from Make and Use tables.
#' @param model A model list object with model specs and IO tables listed
#' @param output_type A string indicating commodity or industry output.
#' @return A vector of relative difference between commodity or industry output
#' calculated from Supply and Use tables.
compareOutputfromMakeandUse <- function(model, output_type = "Commodity") {
  # Calculate output
  if (output_type == "Commodity") {
    # commodity output
    output_make <- colSums(model$MakeTransactions)
    output_use <- rowSums(model$UseTransactions) + rowSums(model$FinalDemand)
  } else {
    # industry output
    output_make <- rowSums(model$MakeTransactions)
    output_use <- colSums(model$UseTransactions) + colSums(model$UseValueAdded)
  # Compare output
  rel_diff <- (output_make - output_use) / output_use
  rel_diff[is.nan(rel_diff)] <- 0
USEPA/useeior documentation built on April 12, 2024, 1:36 p.m.