
Defines functions reorderWIOSectors adjustMultiYearObjectsForWIO initializeWIOObjects prepareWIODFfromFBS

Documented in adjustMultiYearObjectsForWIO initializeWIOObjects prepareWIODFfromFBS reorderWIOSectors

#' Obtain WIO specs from input files
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param configpaths str vector, paths (including file name) of configuration file(s).
#' If NULL, built-in config files are used.
#' @return A model with the specified WIO specs.
getWIOSpecs <- function (model, configpaths = NULL){
  model$WIOSpecs <- vector(mode='list')
  for (configFile in model$specs$WIOSpecs){
    logging::loginfo(paste0("Loading WIO specification file for ", configFile, "..."))
    config <- getConfiguration(configFile, "WIO", configpaths)
    if('WIO' %in% names(config)){
      name <- names(config$WIO)
      config$WIO[[name]]$OriginalSectorCode <- name
      model$WIOSpecs <- append(model$WIOSpecs, config$WIO)

#' Setup the WIO specs based on the input files. 
#' This function is essentially a wrapper for disaggregateSetup() function, but included 
#' for clarifying the different code flows between the two model types.
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param configpaths str vector, paths (including file name) of disagg configuration file(s).
#' If NULL, built-in config files are used.
#' @return A model object with the correct WIO specs.
getWIOFiles <- function (model, configpaths = NULL){ 
  model <- disaggregateSetup(model, configpaths, "WIO")

#' Prepare make and use input files from FlowBySector file.
#' @param fbs FlowBySector dataframe.
#' @param spec WIO model spec
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @return model with list of two dataframes: UseTableDF and MakeTableDF
prepareWIODFfromFBS <- function(fbs, spec, model) {
  sectorlist <- spec$NAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code[spec$NAICSSectorCW$Type != "Flowable"]
  year <- fbs$Year[[1]]

  # Map Sectors and flows to new WIO codes
  lookup <- spec$NAICSSectorCW[c("Type", "Tag", "USEEIO_Code")]
  for (col in unique(lookup$Type)){
    fbs[col] <- dplyr::recode(
      !!!setNames(subset(lookup, Type==col)$USEEIO_Code,
                  subset(lookup, Type==col)$Tag))

  ## full dplyr implementation runs into 'promise already under evaluation' error:
  # fbs <- dplyr::mutate(
  #   fbs,
  #   dplyr::across(
  #     dplyr::all_of(unique(lookup$Type)),
  #     ~ dplyr::recode(.x,
  #       !!!setNames(subset(lookup, Type==dplyr::cur_column())$USEEIO_Code,
  #                   subset(lookup, Type==dplyr::cur_column())$Tag))))

  # Consolidate master crosswalk on model level and rename
  NAICStoBEA <- unique(model$crosswalk[, c("NAICS","USEEIO")])
  colnames(NAICStoBEA) <- c("NAICS","BEA")
  # Generate allocation_factor data frame containing allocation factors between NAICS and BEA sectors
  allocation_factor <- getNAICStoBEAAllocation(year, model)
  colnames(allocation_factor) <- c("NAICS", "BEA", "Location", "allocation_factor")
  for(col in c("SectorProducedBy", "SectorConsumedBy")) {
    colnames(fbs)[colnames(fbs)==col] <- "NAICS"
    # Merge fbs table with NAICStoBEA mapping
    fbs <- merge(fbs, NAICStoBEA, by = "NAICS", all.x = TRUE)
    # Merge the BEA-coded satellite table with allocation_factor dataframe
    fbs <- merge(fbs, allocation_factor, by = c("NAICS", "BEA", "Location"), all.x = TRUE)
    # Replace NA in allocation_factor with 1
    fbs[is.na(fbs$allocation_factor), "allocation_factor"] <- 1
    # Where no mapping exists (e.g. new waste sectors), maintain the original sector code
    fbs$BEA <- ifelse(is.na(fbs$BEA), fbs$NAICS, fbs$BEA)
    # Calculate FlowAmount for BEA-coded sectors using allocation factors
    fbs$FlowAmount <- fbs$FlowAmount*fbs$allocation_factor
    colnames(fbs)[colnames(fbs)=="BEA"] <- col
    fbs[, c("NAICS", "allocation_factor")] <- list(NULL)

  # Update FBS column names
  old_names <- c('FlowAmount', 'Unit', 'MetaSources')
  new_names <- c('Amount', 'Unit', 'Note')
  cols <- c("CommodityCode", "IndustryCode", new_names, "WIOSection")
  code_cols <- c("IndustryCode", "CommodityCode")
  fbs <- dplyr::rename_with(fbs, ~ new_names,
  # Separate out use data
  use1 <- fbs[fbs$SectorConsumedBy %in% sectorlist, ]
  use1$WIOSection <- 'Waste Generation by Mass'
  use1 <- dplyr::rename_with(use1, ~c('CommodityCode', 'IndustryCode'),
                             all_of(c('Flowable', 'SectorProducedBy')))
  use1$SectorConsumedBy <- NULL
  use2 <- fbs[(fbs$SectorProducedBy %in% sectorlist & !(fbs$SectorConsumedBy %in% sectorlist)), ]

  # For the case where there are waste treatment sectors mapped to data in the fbs
  if(dim(use2)[1] != 0 & is.null(spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors )){
    use2$WIOSection <- 'Waste Treatment Commodities'  
    use2 <- dplyr::rename_with(use2, ~c('CommodityCode', 'IndustryCode'),
                               all_of(c('Flowable', 'SectorConsumedBy')))
    use2$SectorProducedBy <- NULL
    use <- rbind(use1, use2)
    # Add loc to all sectors
    use[code_cols] <- lapply(use[code_cols], function(x) paste0(x,"/",use$Location))
    use <- use[,(names(use) %in% cols)]
    use <- aggregate(Amount ~ IndustryCode + CommodityCode + Unit + Note + WIOSection,
                     data = use, FUN = sum)
  } else {
    # For the case where we dont want to add Waste Treatment Sectors from the FBS
    # but rather from the BEA sectors/ there are no waste treatment sectors. 
    use <- use1
    # Add loc to all sectors
    use[code_cols] <- lapply(use[code_cols], function(x) paste0(x,"/",use$Location))
    use <- use[,(names(use) %in% cols)]
    use <- aggregate(Amount ~ IndustryCode + CommodityCode + Unit + Note + WIOSection,
                     data = use, FUN = sum)

    # Get disaggregated sectors and format them as inputs for WIO as Treatment Commodities/Industries
    use2 <- transformBEASectorToDFInput(model, spec, "UseRows")
    use2 <- rbind(use2, transformBEASectorToDFInput(model, spec, "UseCols"))
    use2 <- rbind(use2, transformBEASectorToDFInput(model, spec, "FD"))
    use2 <- rbind(use2, transformBEASectorToDFInput(model, spec, "VA"))
    # find duplicate rows (without comparing columns 4 & 5, Notes & WIO section)
    duplicateRows <- which(duplicated(use2[,-(4:5)]) == "TRUE")
    use2 <- use2[-(duplicateRows),]
    use <- rbind(use, use2) # bind Waste Gen and Waste Treatment sections of the Use DF
  # Separate out make data
  make <- fbs[fbs$SectorConsumedBy %in% sectorlist, ]  
  make_agg <- dplyr::group_by(make, Flowable, SectorConsumedBy, Location, Unit) 
  make_agg <- dplyr::summarize(
    Amount = sum(Amount),
    Note = dplyr::nth(Note, 1),
    .groups = 'drop'
  make_agg <- dplyr::rename_with(make_agg, ~c('CommodityCode', 'IndustryCode'),
                                 all_of(c('Flowable', 'SectorConsumedBy')))
  make_agg$WIOSection <- 'Waste Generation by Treatment'

  make2 <- fbs[(fbs$SectorProducedBy %in% sectorlist & !(fbs$SectorConsumedBy %in% sectorlist)), ]
  make_agg2 <- dplyr::group_by(make2, Flowable, SectorProducedBy, Location, Unit) 
  make_agg2 <- dplyr::summarize(
    Amount = sum(Amount),
    Note = dplyr::nth(Note, 1),
    .groups = 'drop'
  make_agg2 <- dplyr::rename_with(make_agg2, ~c('CommodityCode', 'IndustryCode'),
                                 all_of(c('Flowable', 'SectorProducedBy')))
  make_agg2$WIOSection <- 'Waste Treatment Commodities' 

  if (is.null(spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors)) {
    make_agg <- rbind(make_agg, make_agg2)
    make_agg[code_cols] <- lapply(make_agg[code_cols], function(x) paste0(x,"/",make_agg$Location))
    make_agg <- make_agg[,cols]
  }  else {
    # For the case where we dont want to add Waste Treatment Sectors from the FBS but rather from the BEA sectors
    make_agg[code_cols] <- lapply(make_agg[code_cols], function(x) paste0(x,"/",make_agg$Location))
    make_agg <- make_agg[,cols]
    #Reorder make_agg to appropriate input DF order
    make_agg <- make_agg[,c(2,1,3,4,5,6)]
    make_agg2 <- transformBEASectorToDFInput(model, spec, "MakeRows")
    make_agg2 <- rbind(make_agg2, transformBEASectorToDFInput(model, spec, "MakeCols"))
    # find duplicate rows (without comparing columns 4 & 5, Notes & WIO section)
    duplicateRows <- which(duplicated(make_agg2[,-(4:5)]) == "TRUE")
    make_agg2 <- make_agg2[-(duplicateRows),]
    make_agg <- rbind(make_agg, make_agg2) # bind Waste Gen and Waste Treatment sections of the Use DF
    # Add specified sectors to WIOspecs
    spec <- addSectorsToWIOCW(model, spec)
    # Remove specified sectors that we are using as WIO sectors from model
    comIndexes <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentCommodities)
    indIndexes <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentIndustries)
    model <- removeModelSectors(model, comIndexes, indIndexes)

  x <- list()
  x$UseFileDF <- use
  x$MakeFileDF <- data.frame(make_agg)

  result <- list()
  result$spec <- append(spec, x)
  result$model <- model

#' Initialize all the WIO model objects simultaneously. 
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model sepcs and IO tables loaded
#' @return A model object with the WIO lists initialized but empty 
initializeWIOObjects <- function(model){
  model$WasteTreatmentIndustries <- data.frame()
  model$WasteTreatmentCommodities <- data.frame()
  model$WasteGenTreat <- data.frame()
  model$WasteGenMass <- data.frame()
  model$RecyclingTreat <- data.frame()
  model$RecyclingMass <- data.frame()

#' Build a WIO-style model by including data read from wiospecs folder
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @return A model with the UseTransactions matrix modified with WIO specs.
assembleWIOModel <- function (model){
  for(WIO in model$WIOSpecs){
      model <- initializeWIOObjects(model) # Initialize all WIO objects
    # Create WIO sector lists
    model <- subsetWIOSectors(model, WIO, "Waste Treatment Industries")
    model <- subsetWIOSectors(model, WIO, "Waste Treatment Commodities")
    model <- subsetWIOSectors(model, WIO, "Waste Generation by Treatment")
    model <- subsetWIOSectors(model, WIO, "Waste Generation by Mass")
    model <- subsetWIOSectors(model, WIO, "Recycling by Treatment")
    model <- subsetWIOSectors(model, WIO, "Recycling by Mass")
    # Add WIO elements to the useeior model objects
    model <- includeWIOSectorDFs(model, WIO)
    model <- includeFullUseWIO(model, WIO)
    model <- includeMakeWIO(model, WIO)
    model <- adjustITAwithWIOSectors(model, WIO)

    # Check WIO balances
    model <- calculateWIOOutputs(model, WIO)
    checkWIOBalance(model, "Waste")
    checkWIOBalance(model, "Recycling")
    # Adjust MultiYear objects with WIO sectors
    model <- adjustMultiYearObjectsForWIO(model, WIO)
    # Adjust Margins object with WIO sectors
    model <- adjustMarginswithWIOSectors(model, WIO)


  # If there is more than 1 WIO spec, reorder the WIO sectors such that all Waste Treatment Industries/Commodities are placed 
  # before all Waste Generation by Mass/Treatment sectors
  if(length(model$WIOSpecs) > 1 ){
    model <- reorderWIOSectors(model)


#' Get subset of sectors corresponding to WasteTreatmentIndustries, WasteTreatmentCommodities,
#' WasteGentTreatment, WasteGenMass, RecyclingTreatment, or RecyclingMass
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A list with WIO specifications and data
#' @param WIOSection A string that indicates which section of the WIO model the sectors belong to
#' @return A model with the model WIO model objects with the correct subset of sectors and format
subsetWIOSectors <- function (model, WIO, WIOSection){
  # Get rows from WIO$NAICSSectorCW that only have the value "Waste Treatment Industries" under the category column
  sectorsSubset <- subset(WIO$NAICSSectorCW, WIO$NAICSSectorCW$Category == WIOSection)
  colsToRemove <- c("Sector Type", "NAICS_2012_Code", "Tag", "Type")
  sectorsSubset   <- sectorsSubset [, !colnames(sectorsSubset) %in% colsToRemove] # Remove unneeded columns
  if(nrow(sectorsSubset) == 0){

  colnames(sectorsSubset) <- colnames(model$Commodities) # Rename columns to match model$commodities
  sectorsSubset$Code_Loc <- paste0(sectorsSubset$Code,"/",sectorsSubset$Code_Loc)
   if(WIOSection == "Waste Treatment Industries"){
    model$WasteTreatmentIndustries <- rbind(model$WasteTreatmentIndustries, sectorsSubset)
  }else if(WIOSection == "Waste Treatment Commodities"){
    model$WasteTreatmentCommodities <- rbind(model$WasteTreatmentCommodities, sectorsSubset)
  }else if(WIOSection == "Waste Generation by Treatment"){
    model$WasteGenTreat  <- rbind(model$WasteGenTreat, sectorsSubset)
  }else if(WIOSection == "Waste Generation by Mass"){
    model$WasteGenMass <- rbind(model$WasteGenMass, sectorsSubset)

  }else if(WIOSection == "Recycling by Treatment"){
    model$RecyclingTreat <- rbind(model$RecyclingTreat, sectorsSubset) 

  }else if(WIOSection == "Recycling by Mass"){
    model$RecyclingnMass <- rbind(model$RecyclingnMass, sectorsSubset) 
    stop("Not a valid sector for a WIO model.")

#' Include the WIO elements in the model$Commodity and model$Industry objects
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A list with WIO specifications and data
#' @return A model object which contain the model$Commodity and model$Industry objects with WIO sectors
includeWIOSectorDFs <- function (model, WIO){
  # Get list of all WIO commodities and industries in a structural sense (i.e., WIO rows and columns for Make/Use)
  WIOUseRows <- do.call("rbind",list(model$WasteTreatmentCommodities, model$WasteGenMass, model$RecyclingnMass))
  WIOUseColumns <- do.call("rbind", list(model$WasteTreatmentIndustries, model$WasteGenTreat, model$RecyclingTreat))
  # Add only the sectors that are present in the currenct WIO object to avoid adding the same sector
  # more than once when dealing with multiple WIO sectors (e.g. concrete and food waste)
  WIOUseRows <- WIOUseRows[which(WIOUseRows$Code %in% WIO$NAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code),]
  WIOUseColumns <- WIOUseColumns[which(WIOUseColumns$Code %in% WIO$NAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code),]
  fullWIOComList <- rbind(model$Commodities, WIOUseRows) # Create commodity and industry lists of the full WIO Use table
  rownames(fullWIOComList) <- 1:nrow(fullWIOComList)
  fullWIOIndList <- rbind(model$Industries, WIOUseColumns[,-(3:5)])
  rownames(fullWIOIndList) <- 1:nrow(fullWIOIndList)
  model$Commodities <- fullWIOComList
  model$Industries <- fullWIOIndList

#' Include the WIO elements of the Use table in the correct configuration
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A list with WIO specifications and data
#' @return A model with the UseTransactions matrix modified with WIO specs.
includeFullUseWIO <- function (model, WIO){
  # Find commodity an industry lengths for the expanded use table
  WIOComLength <- dim(model$Commodities)[1]
  WIOIndLength <- dim(model$Industries)[1] 
  # Create WIO tables and fill with correct values  
  # For Use Transactions
  # Create an empty dataframe of the appropriate dimensions
  WIOUseTransactions <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = WIOComLength, ncol = WIOIndLength)) 
  # Name the rows and columns of the dataframe with the appropriate commodity and industry names respectively
  rownames(WIOUseTransactions) <- model$Commodities$Code_Loc
  colnames(WIOUseTransactions) <- model$Industries$Code_Loc
  # Populate the IO only portion with the model$UseTransactions values
  WIOUseTransactions[1:dim(model$UseTransactions)[1], 1:dim(model$UseTransactions)[2]] <- model$UseTransactions
  # For DomesticUseTransactions
  # Create an empty dataframe of the appropriate dimensions
  WIODomesticUseTransactions <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = WIOComLength, ncol = WIOIndLength))
  # Name the rows and columns of the dataframe with the appropriate commodity and industry names respectively
  rownames(WIODomesticUseTransactions) <- model$Commodities$Code_Loc
  colnames(WIODomesticUseTransactions) <- model$Industries$Code_Loc
  # Populate the IO only portion with the model$UseTransactions values
                             1:dim(model$DomesticUseTransactions)[2]] <- model$DomesticUseTransactions
  # For FinalDemand
  WIOFinalDemand <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = WIOComLength, ncol = dim(model$FinalDemand)[2]))
  rownames(WIOFinalDemand) <- model$Commodities$Code_Loc
  colnames(WIOFinalDemand) <- model$FinalDemandMeta$Code_Loc
  WIOFinalDemand[1:dim(model$UseTransactions)[1],] <- model$FinalDemand
  # For DomesticFinalDemand
  WIODomesticFinalDemand <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = WIOComLength, ncol = dim(model$DomesticFinalDemand)[2]))
  rownames(WIODomesticFinalDemand) <- model$Commodities$Code_Loc
  colnames(WIODomesticFinalDemand) <- model$FinalDemandMeta$Code_Loc
  WIODomesticFinalDemand[1:dim(model$UseTransactions)[1],] <- model$DomesticFinalDemand
  # For UseValueAdded
  WIOUseValueAdded <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = dim(model$UseValueAdded)[1], ncol = WIOIndLength))
  rownames(WIOUseValueAdded) <- model$ValueAddedMeta$Code_Loc
  colnames(WIOUseValueAdded) <- model$Industries$Code_Loc
  WIOUseValueAdded[,1:dim(model$UseTransactions)[2]] <- model$UseValueAdded
  #Split WIO$UseFile into UseTransactions, FinalDemand, and UseValueAdded segments
  useTransactionsDF <-  subset(WIO$UseFileDF, (WIO$UseFileDF$CommodityCode %in% model$Commodities$Code_Loc) 
                               & (WIO$UseFileDF$IndustryCode %in% model$Industries$Code_Loc))
  finalDemandDF <- subset(WIO$UseFileDF, (WIO$UseFileDF$CommodityCode %in% model$Commodities$Code_Loc) & 
                            (WIO$UseFileDF$IndustryCode %in% model$FinalDemandMeta$Code_Loc))
  VADF <- subset(WIO$UseFileDF, (WIO$UseFileDF$CommodityCode %in% model$ValueAddedMeta$Code_Loc) & 
                   (WIO$UseFileDF$IndustryCode %in% model$Industries$Code_Loc))
  # Assign WIO specific values in the correct location of the WIOfullUse
  # For UseTransactions and DomesticUseTransactions
  for(r in 1:nrow(useTransactionsDF)){
    comIndex <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% useTransactionsDF[r,]$CommodityCode)
    indIndex <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% useTransactionsDF[r,]$IndustryCode)

    if(length(comIndex)!=0 & length(indIndex) !=0){
      WIOUseTransactions[comIndex, indIndex] <- useTransactionsDF[r,]$Amount
      WIODomesticUseTransactions[comIndex, indIndex] <- useTransactionsDF[r,]$Amount
  model$UseTransactions <- WIOUseTransactions
  model$DomesticUseTransactions <- WIODomesticUseTransactions

  # For FinalDemand and DomesticFinalDemand
  for(r in 1:nrow(finalDemandDF)){
    comIndex <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% finalDemandDF[r,]$CommodityCode)
    indIndex <- which(model$FinalDemandMeta$Code_Loc %in% finalDemandDF[r,]$IndustryCode)
    if(length(comIndex)!=0 & length(indIndex) !=0){
      WIOFinalDemand[comIndex, indIndex] <- finalDemandDF[r,]$Amount
      WIODomesticFinalDemand[comIndex, indIndex] <- finalDemandDF[r,]$Amount
  model$FinalDemand <- WIOFinalDemand
  model$DomesticFinalDemand <- WIODomesticFinalDemand

  # For UseValueAdded
  for(r in 1:nrow(VADF)){
    comIndex <- which(model$ValueAddedMeta$Code_Loc %in% VADF[r,]$CommodityCode)
    indIndex <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% VADF[r,]$IndustryCode)
    if(length(comIndex)!=0 & length(indIndex) !=0){
      WIOUseValueAdded[comIndex, indIndex] <- VADF[r,]$Amount
  model$UseValueAdded <- WIOUseValueAdded

#' Include the WIO elements of the Make table in the correct configuration
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A list with WIO specifications and data
#' @return A model with the MakeTransactions matrix modified with WIO specs.
includeMakeWIO <- function (model, WIO){
  #Create WIO matrices with the correct dimensions to append to use table
  WIOComLength <- dim(model$Commodities)[1]
  WIOIndLength <- dim(model$Industries)[1] 
  # For MakeTransactions
  # Create WIO Make table and fill with correct values
  # Create an empty dataframe of the appropriate dimensions
  WIOMakeTransactions <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = WIOIndLength, ncol = WIOComLength))
  # Name the rows and columns of the dataframe with the appropriate commodity and industry names respectively
  rownames(WIOMakeTransactions) <- model$Industries$Code_Loc
  colnames(WIOMakeTransactions) <- model$Commodities$Code_Loc
  # Populate the IO only portion with the model$MakeTransactions values
  WIOMakeTransactions[1:dim(model$MakeTransactions)[1], 1:dim(model$MakeTransactions)[2]] <- model$MakeTransactions
  # Assign WIO specific values in the correct location of the full WIOUseTransactions
  for(r in 1:nrow(WIO$MakeFileDF)){
    comIndex <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% WIO$MakeFileDF[r,]$CommodityCode)
    indIndex <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% WIO$MakeFileDF[r,]$IndustryCode)
    if(length(comIndex)!=0 & length(indIndex) !=0){
      WIOMakeTransactions[indIndex, comIndex] <- WIO$MakeFileDF[r,]$Amount
  model$MakeTransactions <- WIOMakeTransactions

#' Calculate the total industry and commodity outputs for the expanded WIO tables
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A list with WIO specifications and data
#' @return A model object which contain the model$Commodity or model$Industry objects with WIO sectors
calculateWIOOutputs<- function (model, WIO){
  # The outputs need to be calculated using the row sums for each table to avoid mixing units
  model$IndustryOutput <- rowSums(model$MakeTransactions)
  model$CommodityOutput <- rowSums(model$UseTransactions)+rowSums(model$FinalDemand)

#' Adjust InternationalTradeAdjustment to the correct dimensions based on WIO sectors
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A list with WIO specifications and data
#' @return A model object with a modified international trade adjustment object based on WIO sectors
adjustITAwithWIOSectors <- function (model, WIO){
  # Get list of all WIO commodities and industries in a structural sense (i.e., WIO rows and columns for Make/Use)
  WIOUseRows <- do.call("rbind",list(model$WasteTreatmentCommodities, model$WasteGenMass, model$RecyclingnMass))
  # Add only the sectors that are present in the currenct WIO object to avoid adding the same sector
  # more than once when dealing with multiple WIO sectors (e.g. concrete and food waste)
  WIOUseRows <- WIOUseRows[which(WIOUseRows$Code %in% WIO$NAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code),]
  WIOITA <- double(dim(WIOUseRows)[1])
  names(WIOITA) <- WIOUseRows$Code_Loc
  model$InternationalTradeAdjustment <- append(model$InternationalTradeAdjustment, WIOITA)


#' Adjust Margins to the correct dimensions based on WIO sectors
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A list with WIO specifications and data
#' @return A model object with a modified Margins object based on WIO sectors
adjustMarginswithWIOSectors <- function (model, WIO){
  # Get list of all WIO commodities and industries in a structural sense (i.e., WIO rows and columns for Make/Use)
  WIOUseRows <- do.call("rbind",list(model$WasteTreatmentCommodities, model$WasteGenMass, model$RecyclingnMass))
  # Add only the sectors that are present in the currenct WIO object to avoid adding the same sector
  # more than once when dealing with multiple WIO sectors (e.g. concrete and food waste)
  WIOUseRows <- WIOUseRows[which(WIOUseRows$Code %in% WIO$NAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code),]
  # Create DF to house margin values for WIO sectors
  WIOMargins <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(WIOUseRows)[1], 
                                  ncol = ncol(model$Margins)))
  colnames(WIOMargins) <- colnames(model$Margins)
  # Populate WIOMargins DF with the relevant data from WIOUseRows
  # For Producers value, assume total commodity output 
  # For Transportation, Wholese, and Retail, assume 0
  # For Purchasers value, assume total commodity output. 
  # This assumptions are due to a lack of relevant data in the WIOspecs (i.e. WIO input files)
  WIOMargins$SectorCode <- WIOUseRows$Code
  WIOMargins$ProducersValue <- model$CommodityOutput[names(model$CommodityOutput) %in% WIOUseRows$Code_Loc]
  WIOMargins$Transportation <- rep(0,dim(WIOUseRows)[1])
  WIOMargins$Wholesale <- rep(0,dim(WIOUseRows)[1])
  WIOMargins$Retail <- rep(0,dim(WIOUseRows)[1])
  WIOMargins$Name <- WIOUseRows$Name
  WIOMargins$Code_Loc <- WIOUseRows$Code_Loc
  WIOMargins$PurchasersValue <- rowSums(WIOMargins[, c("ProducersValue", "Transportation", "Wholesale", "Retail")])
  # Append to model$Margins
  model$Margins <- rbind(model$Margins, WIOMargins)
  rownames(model$Margins) <- 1:nrow(model$Margins) # relable rows

#' Check balance of WIO waste and recycling sectors
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param sectorType A string that indicates to compare the balance of waste or recycling generation and treatment sectors.
#' @return A model with the UseTransactions matrix modified with WIO specs.
checkWIOBalance <- function (model, sectorType = "Waste"){
  # Get all waste generation and recycling by mass and treatment from use table
  if(sectorType == "Waste"){
    useGen <- model$UseTransactions[which(rownames(model$UseTransactions) %in% model$WasteGenMass$Code_Loc),]
    FDGen <-  model$FinalDemand[which(rownames(model$FinalDemand) %in% model$WasteGenMass$Code_Loc),]
    makeTreatment <- model$MakeTransactions[which(rownames(model$MakeTransactions) %in% model$WasteGenTreat$Code_Loc),]
    useGen <- model$UseTransactions[which(rownames(model$UseTransactions) %in% model$RecyclingMass$Code_Loc),]
    makeTreatment <- model$MakeTransactions[which(rownames(model$MakeTransactions) %in% model$RecyclingTreat$Code_Loc),]

  if(dim(useGen)[1] != 0 & dim(makeTreatment)[1] != 0){
    genSum <- sum(useGen) + sum(FDGen)
    treatSum <- sum(makeTreatment)
    # if the ratio of the sum of generation over the sum of treatment is greater than 1%
    # then the generation and treatment is not balanced and we need to stop execution
    if(abs(1 - genSum/treatSum) > 0.01){
      stop(paste0(sectorType, " not balanced"))
      logging::loginfo(paste0(sectorType, " adequately balanced within 1%."))
  } else if(dim(useGen)[1] != 0 | dim(makeTreatment)[1] != 0) {
    # for the case where some, but not all, WIO sectors are properly defined
    stop(paste0(sectorType, " sector(s) missing from table."))

#' Take an existing USEEIO sector and transform it into a dataframe formatted as a WIO-style input file
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param spec A model object contain the WIO specifications
#' @param vectorToTransform A string indicating which table and vector to use, e.g., UseRows, MakeCols, etc.
#' @return A model with the UseTransactions matrix modified with WIO specs.
transformBEASectorToDFInput <- function (model, spec, vectorToTransform){
  # Get industry and commodity indeces of BEA sectors to transform into WIO-style input DF
  indIndeces <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentIndustries)
  comIndeces <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentCommodities)
  # TODO: Simplify if-else by taking common elements outside.
  if(vectorToTransform == "UseRows" | vectorToTransform == "FD"){

    # Create a Use Dataframe from the relevant sectors
    if(vectorToTransform == "UseRows"){
      useRows <- as.data.frame(t(model$UseTransactions[comIndeces, , drop = FALSE])) # Get relevant use rows
      note <- "UseRows"
      useRows <- as.data.frame(t(model$FinalDemand[comIndeces, , drop = FALSE])) # Get relevant use rows
      note <- "FD"
    # Create dataframe with a number of rows equal to the number of total commodities in the model,
    # and the values equal to the column names of the relevant commodities
    commoditiesAsDFCols <- as.data.frame(t(replicate(dim(useRows)[1], colnames(useRows))))

    # cbind useRows and commoditiesAsDFCols DFs in an alternating manner
    outputDF <- do.call("data.frame", lapply(1:ncol(useRows), function(j) cbind(ts(commoditiesAsDFCols[,j]), ts(useRows[,j]))))
    # name every 2 columns as "CommodityCode" and "Amount"
    names(outputDF) <- make.names(rep(c("CommodityCode","Amount"), dim(useRows)[2]), unique = FALSE)
    # "append" every 2 columns starting from column 3 to the bottom of columns 1 and 2
    outputDF <- data.frame(CommodityCode=unlist(outputDF[c(TRUE, FALSE)]), Amount=unlist(outputDF[c(FALSE, TRUE)]))
    outputDF$Amount <- as.numeric(as.character(outputDF$Amount))

    # create a column dataframe containing the industry codes relevant to the use rows for the selected commodities
    industriesAsDFCols <- data.frame(rep(rownames(useRows), dim(useRows)[2]))
    colnames(industriesAsDFCols) <- c("IndustryCode")
    outputDF <- cbind(industriesAsDFCols, outputDF)

    rownames(outputDF) <- 1:nrow(outputDF)

    WIOSection <- "Waste Treatment Commodities"
  }else if(vectorToTransform == "UseCols" | vectorToTransform == "VA"){

    # Create a Use Dataframe from the relevant sectors
    if(vectorToTransform == "UseCols"){
      useCols <- as.data.frame(model$UseTransactions[, indIndeces]) # Get relevant use rows 
      note <- "UseCols"
    } else{
      useCols <- as.data.frame(model$UseValueAdded[, indIndeces]) # Get relevant use rows
      note <- "VA"

    # Create dataframe with a number of rows equal to the number of total commodities in the model,
    # and the values equal to the column names of the relevant commodities
    industriesAsDFCols <- as.data.frame(t(replicate(dim(useCols)[1], colnames(useCols))))

    # cbind useCols and industriesAsDFCols DFs in an alternating manner
    outputDF <- do.call("data.frame", lapply(1:ncol(useCols), function(j) cbind(ts(industriesAsDFCols[,j]), ts(useCols[,j]))))
    # name every 2 columns as "CommodityCode" and "Amount"
    names(outputDF) <- make.names(rep(c("IndustryCode","Amount"), dim(useCols)[2]), unique = FALSE)
    # "append" every 2 columns starting from column 3 to the bottom of columns 1 and 2
    outputDF <- data.frame(IndustryCode=unlist(outputDF[c(TRUE, FALSE)]), Amount=unlist(outputDF[c(FALSE, TRUE)]))
    outputDF$Amount <- as.numeric(as.character(outputDF$Amount)) #transform amount back into a numeric column

    # create a column dataframe containing the industry codes relevant to the use rows for the selected commodities
    commoditiesAsDFCols <- data.frame(rep(rownames(useCols), dim(useCols)[2]))
    colnames(commoditiesAsDFCols) <- c("CommodityCode")
    outputDF <- cbind(outputDF$IndustryCode,commoditiesAsDFCols, outputDF$Amount)

    colnames(outputDF) <- c("IndustryCode","CommodityCode","Amount")
    rownames(outputDF) <- 1:nrow(outputDF)
    WIOSection <- "Waste Treatment Industries"
  }else if(vectorToTransform == "MakeRows"){
    # Create a  Dataframe from the relevant sectors
    makeRows <- as.data.frame(t(model$MakeTransactions[indIndeces, , drop = FALSE])) # Get relevant use rows
    # Create dataframe with a number of rows equal to the number of total commodities in the model,
    # and the values equal to the column names of the relevant commodities
    industriesAsDFCols <- as.data.frame(t(replicate(dim(makeRows)[1], colnames(makeRows))))

    # cbind makeRows and industriesAsDFCols DFs in an alternating manner
    outputDF <- do.call("data.frame", lapply(1:ncol(makeRows), function(j) cbind(ts(industriesAsDFCols[,j]), ts(makeRows[,j]))))
    # name every 2 columns as "CommodityCode" and "Amount"
    names(outputDF) <- make.names(rep(c("Industry","Amount"), dim(makeRows)[2]), unique = FALSE)
    # "append" every 2 columns starting from column 3 to the bottom of columns 1 and 2
    outputDF <- data.frame(IndustryCode=unlist(outputDF[c(TRUE, FALSE)]), Amount=unlist(outputDF[c(FALSE, TRUE)]))
    outputDF$Amount <- as.numeric(as.character(outputDF$Amount))
    # create a column dataframe containing the industry codes relevant to the use rows for the selected commodities
    commoditiesAsDFCols <- data.frame(rep(rownames(makeRows), dim(makeRows)[2]))
    colnames(commoditiesAsDFCols) <- c("CommodityCode")
    outputDF <- cbind(outputDF$IndustryCode, commoditiesAsDFCols, outputDF$Amount)
    colnames(outputDF) <- c("IndustryCode","CommodityCode","Amount")
    rownames(outputDF) <- 1:nrow(outputDF)
    note <- "MakeRows"
    WIOSection <- "Waste Treatment Industries"
  }else if(vectorToTransform == "MakeCols"){
    # Create a  Dataframe from the relevant sectors
    makeCols <- as.data.frame(model$MakeTransactions[,comIndeces , drop = FALSE]) # Get relevant use rows
    # Create dataframe with a number of rows equal to the number of total commodities in the model,
    # and the values equal to the column names of the relevant commodities
    commoditiesAsDFCols <- as.data.frame(t(replicate(dim(makeCols)[1], colnames(makeCols))))

    # cbind makeCols and commoditiesAsDFCols DFs in an alternating manner
    outputDF <- do.call("data.frame", lapply(1:ncol(makeCols), function(j) cbind(ts(commoditiesAsDFCols[,j]), ts(makeCols[,j]))))
    # name every 2 columns as "CommodityCode" and "Amount"
    names(outputDF) <- make.names(rep(c("Commodity","Amount"), dim(makeCols)[2]), unique = FALSE)
    # "append" every 2 columns starting from column 3 to the bottom of columns 1 and 2
    outputDF <- data.frame(CommodityCode=unlist(outputDF[c(TRUE, FALSE)]), Amount=unlist(outputDF[c(FALSE, TRUE)]))
    outputDF$Amount <- as.numeric(as.character(outputDF$Amount))

    # create a column dataframe containing the industry codes relevant to the use rows for the selected commodities
    industriesAsDFCols <- data.frame(rep(rownames(makeCols), dim(makeCols)[2]))
    colnames(industriesAsDFCols) <- c("IndustryCode")
    outputDF <- cbind(industriesAsDFCols, outputDF)
    rownames(outputDF) <- 1:nrow(outputDF)
    note <- "MakeCols"
    WIOSection <- "Waste Treatment Commodities"
  # Remove rows with 0s under amount column
  outputDF <- outputDF[outputDF$Amount !=0,] 
  # Add columns expected by rest of prepareWIODFfromFBS function
  additionalDFCols <- data.frame(lapply(c("USD",note, WIOSection),rep,dim(outputDF)[1]))
  colnames(additionalDFCols) <- c("Unit", "Note", "WIOSection")
  outputDF <- cbind(outputDF[,1:2],additionalDFCols,outputDF[3])


#' Add sectors specified by BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors to the spec object 
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param spec A dataframe with WIO specifications
#' @return spec A dataframe with the specified sectors added to the spec$NAICSSetorCW object 
addSectorsToWIOCW <- function (model, spec){
  #' Remove sectors labeled by "Waste Treatment Commodities" and "Waste Treatment Industries", 
  #' which are NOT specified by BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors, from the spec object  
  spec <- removeSectorsFromWIOCW(model, spec)

  # Get industry and commodity indeces of BEA sectors to transform into WIO-style input DF
  indIndeces <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentIndustries)
  comIndeces <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentCommodities)
  WIONAICSSectorCW <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = sum(length(spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentCommodities), 
                                        ncol = ncol(spec$NAICSSectorCW)))
  colnames(WIONAICSSectorCW) <- colnames(spec$NAICSSectorCW)
  WIONAICSSectorCW[,1] <- "WIO"
  WIONAICSSectorCW$Tag <- "USEEIO sectors as WIO Treatment sectors"
  WIONAICSSectorCW$Type <- "N/A"
  WIONAICSSectorCW$NAICS_2012_Code <- "N/A"
  WIONAICSSectorCW$Subcategory <- "N/A"
  WIONAICSSectorCW$Description <- "N/A"

  # replace some columns with columns from model$Commodities, som with the procedure below
  WTCommodities <- strsplit(spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentCommodities,"/")
  WTCommodities <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(WTCommodities), nrow = length(WTCommodities), byrow = TRUE))
  colnames(WTCommodities) <- c("USEEIO_Code", "Location")
  WTCommodities$Category <- "Waste Treatment Commodities"
  WTIndustries <- strsplit(spec$BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors$WasteTreatmentIndustries,"/")
  WTIndustries <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(WTIndustries), nrow = length(WTIndustries), byrow = TRUE))
  colnames(WTIndustries) <- c("USEEIO_Code", "Location")
  WTIndustries$Category <- "Waste Treatment Industries"
  WTISectors <- rbind(WTCommodities, WTIndustries)
  WIONAICSSectorCW$Category <- WTISectors$Category
  WIONAICSSectorCW$Location <- WTISectors$Location

  WIONAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Name <- t(cbind(t(model$Commodities$Name[comIndeces]), t(model$Industries$Name[indIndeces])))
  WIONAICSSectorCW$Unit <- t(cbind(t(model$Commodities$Unit[comIndeces]), t(model$Industries$Unit[indIndeces])))
  colnames(WIONAICSSectorCW) <- colnames(spec$NAICSSectorCW) # Needed because the above 2 assignments change the column names
  # Add specified sectors to the relevant lists within spec
  spec$NAICSSectorCW <- rbind(spec$NAICSSectorCW, WIONAICSSectorCW)
  spec$NewSectorNames <- append(spec$NewSectorNames, WIONAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Name)
  spec$NewSectorCodes <- append(spec$NewSectorCodes, WIONAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code)
  spec$Category <- append(spec$Category, WIONAICSSectorCW$Category)
  spec$Subcategory <- append(spec$Subcategory, WIONAICSSectorCW$Subcategory)
  spec$Description <- append(spec$Description, WIONAICSSectorCW$Description)

#' Remove sectors labeled by "Waste Treatment Commodities" and "Waste Treatment Industries", 
#' which are NOT specified by BEASectorsAsTreatmentSectors, from the spec object 
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param spec A dataframe with WIO specifications
#' @return spec A dataframe with the specified sectors added to the spec$NAICSSetorCW object 
removeSectorsFromWIOCW <- function (model, spec){
  # Remove existing rows labeled as "Waste Treatment Commodities" and "Waste Treatment Industries" within spec$NAICSSectorCW
  # These will be replaced by the disaggregated sectors
  indexesToRemove <- which(spec$NAICSSectorCW$Category == "Waste Treatment Commodities")
  indexesToRemove <- append(indexesToRemove, which(spec$NAICSSectorCW$Category == "Waste Treatment Industries"))
  if(length(indexesToRemove) !=0 ){
    spec$NAICSSectorCW <- spec$NAICSSectorCW[-indexesToRemove,]
    spec$NewSectorNames[indexesToRemove] <- NULL
    spec$NewSectorCodes[indexesToRemove] <- NULL
    spec$Category[indexesToRemove] <- NULL
    spec$Subcategory[indexesToRemove] <- NULL
    spec$Description[indexesToRemove] <- NULL

#' Adjust MultiYearObjects in WIO models such that they have the same dimensions as the other model objects
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @param WIO A dataframe with WIO specifications
#' @return spec A dataframe with the specified sectors added to the spec$NAICSSetorCW object 
adjustMultiYearObjectsForWIO <- function(model, WIO){
  # Get list of all WIO commodities and industries in a structural sense (i.e., WIO rows and columns for Make/Use)
  WIOUseRows <- do.call("rbind",list(model$WasteTreatmentCommodities, model$WasteGenMass, model$RecyclingnMass))
  WIOUseColumns <- do.call("rbind", list(model$WasteTreatmentIndustries, model$WasteGenTreat, model$RecyclingTreat))
  # Add only the sectors that are present in the currenct WIO object to avoid adding the same sector
  # more than once when dealing with multiple WIO sectors (e.g. concrete and food waste)
  WIOUseRows <- WIOUseRows[which(WIOUseRows$Code %in% WIO$NAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code),]
  WIOUseColumns <- WIOUseColumns[which(WIOUseColumns$Code %in% WIO$NAICSSectorCW$USEEIO_Code),]
  # Populate MultiYearCommodityoutput and MultiYearIndustryOutput objects 
  # Populate MultiYearCommodityOutput by repeating the value of the current year output of the WIO Commodities
  multiYearWIOComOutput <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(WIOUseRows)[1], 
                                             ncol = ncol(model$MultiYearCommodityOutput)))
  colnames(multiYearWIOComOutput) <- colnames(model$MultiYearCommodityOutput)
  rownames(multiYearWIOComOutput) <- WIOUseRows$Code_Loc
  comValues <- model$CommodityOutput[names(model$CommodityOutput) %in% WIOUseRows$Code_Loc]
  multiYearWIOComOutput[,] <- rep(comValues, ncol(model$MultiYearCommodityOutput))
  model$MultiYearCommodityOutput <- rbind(model$MultiYearCommodityOutput, multiYearWIOComOutput)
  # Populate MultiYearIndustryOutput by repeating the value of the current year output of the WIO Industries
  multiYearWIOIndOutput <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(WIOUseColumns)[1], 
                                             ncol = ncol(model$MultiYearIndustryOutput)))
  colnames(multiYearWIOIndOutput) <- colnames(model$MultiYearIndustryOutput)
  rownames(multiYearWIOIndOutput) <- WIOUseColumns$Code_Loc
  indValues <- model$IndustryOutput[names(model$IndustryOutput) %in% WIOUseColumns$Code_Loc]
  multiYearWIOIndOutput[,] <- rep(indValues, ncol(model$MultiYearIndustryOutput))
  model$MultiYearIndustryOutput <- rbind(model$MultiYearIndustryOutput, multiYearWIOIndOutput)
  # Populate MultiYearCommodityCPI and MultiYearIndustryCPI
  # Assume constant CPI for the WIO commodities as there currently is no data available to calculate this for waste sectors
  multiYearWIOCPI <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(WIOUseRows)[1], 
                                             ncol = ncol(model$MultiYearCommodityCPI)))
  colnames(multiYearWIOCPI) <- colnames(model$MultiYearCommodityCPI)
  rownames(multiYearWIOCPI) <- WIOUseRows$Code_Loc
  comValues <- rep(100,dim(multiYearWIOCPI)[1])
  multiYearWIOCPI[,] <- rep(comValues, ncol(model$MultiYearCommodityCPI))
  model$MultiYearCommodityCPI <- rbind(model$MultiYearCommodityCPI, multiYearWIOCPI)
  # Assume constant CPI for the WIO industries as there currently is no data available to calculate this for waste sectors
  multiYearWIOCPI <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(WIOUseColumns)[1], 
                                       ncol = ncol(model$MultiYearIndustryCPI)))
  colnames(multiYearWIOCPI) <- colnames(model$MultiYearIndustryCPI)
  rownames(multiYearWIOCPI) <- WIOUseColumns$Code_Loc
  indValues <- rep(100,dim(multiYearWIOCPI)[1])
  multiYearWIOCPI[,] <- rep(indValues, ncol(model$MultiYearIndustryCPI))
  model$MultiYearIndustryCPI <- rbind(model$MultiYearIndustryCPI, multiYearWIOCPI)

#' Adjust WIO sectors such that they are in the correct order. Should only be needed in
#' the case that there is more than 1 WIOSpec.
#' @param model An EEIO model object with model specs and IO tables loaded
#' @return  A model object with the WIO sectors in the correct order
reorderWIOSectors <- function(model){
  # Get WIO sector indexes
  WIOTreatmentComIndexes <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% model$WasteTreatmentCommodities$Code_Loc)
  WIOTreatmentIndIndexes <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% model$WasteTreatmentIndustries$Code_Loc)
  wasteGenMassComIndexes <- which(model$Commodities$Code_Loc %in% model$WasteGenMass$Code_Loc)
  wasteGenTreatIndIndexes <- which(model$Industries$Code_Loc %in% model$WasteGenTreat$Code_Loc)
  # Reorder commodities
  WIOComOrder <- c(WIOTreatmentComIndexes,wasteGenMassComIndexes)
  comOrder <- 1:dim(model$Commodities)[1]  # Create an ordered int vector from 1 to number of commodities
  comOrder <- comOrder[-(WIOComOrder)] # Remove ints corresponding to the WIO commodity indeces from their proper order
  comOrder <- c(comOrder, WIOComOrder) # Add ints corresponding to the WIO commodity indeces to the end of the list
  # Reorder industries
  WIOIndOrder <- c(WIOTreatmentIndIndexes,wasteGenTreatIndIndexes)
  indOrder <- 1:dim(model$Industries)[1]  # Create an ordered int vector from 1 to number of commodities
  indOrder <- indOrder[-(WIOIndOrder)] # Remove ints corresponding to the WIO commodity indeces from their proper order
  indOrder <- c(indOrder, WIOIndOrder) # Add ints corresponding to the WIO commodity indeces to the end of the list
  model <- reorderModelSectors(model, comOrder, indOrder)
USEPA/useeior documentation built on April 12, 2024, 1:36 p.m.