
Defines functions printVersionStrings getSVPColumns containsOutsideUncertainty formatQualifiersStringList formatQualifiersTable getComments timeFormatting nullMask getLogo convertTableDisplayToString convertStringToTableDisplay getWaterDataUrl getSimsUrl formatComments printReportFeature

Documented in containsOutsideUncertainty convertStringToTableDisplay convertTableDisplayToString formatComments formatQualifiersStringList formatQualifiersTable getComments getLogo getSimsUrl getSVPColumns getWaterDataUrl nullMask printReportFeature timeFormatting

#' Used by UV Hydrograph report to organize and fit plots and tables in report
#' @description sets margins and lays out report in an attractive way for UV Hydrograph
#' @param feature the plot or table to include
#' @param isTable TRUE or FALSE if the feature is a table. defaults to FALSE
#' @param m the month name for the feature
#' @param mar_values the margin values for the feature to ensure space for plot and legend
#' @return the formatted feature requested
printReportFeature <- function(feature, isTable=FALSE, m=NULL, mar_values=c(8, 3, 4, 3)){
    } else if(!is.null(m)){
      msg <- paste(feature, 'in', m)
    } else if(!is.null(feature[['side.8']]) || !is.null(feature[['side.6']])) {
    } else {
  } else {

#' Takes comments formatted with special escape characters and converts them to HTML breaks
#' and includes a break at the end between comments
#' @description Formats comments more effectively for including them in HTML table
#' @param comments which have \\r\\n indicating line breaks
#' @return comments formatted with html breaks instead of escape pattern
formatComments <- function(comments){
  split_comments <- unlist(comments)
  htmlbreaks_inside <- lapply(split_comments, gsub, pattern="\r\n", replacement="<br/>")
  htmlbreaks_end <- lapply(htmlbreaks_inside, paste0, "<br/>", collapse="")
  table_comments <- do.call(paste0, htmlbreaks_end)

#' Inserts the SIMS url (if it exists) into the base of the report
#' @description takes the SIMS url and formats it 
#' for including in the report as a link
#' @param simsUrl The simsUrl requested to turn into a link
#' @return the HTML link for SIMS url
getSimsUrl<- function(simsUrl){
  if(isEmptyOrBlank(simsUrl)) {
    simsLink <- "SIMS URL: NA"
  } else {
    simsLink <- paste("<a href='",simsUrl,"' target='_blank'>","SIMS URL:",simsUrl,"</a>")

#'Put the waterdata.usgs.gov url (if it exists) into the base of the report
#'@description takes the waterdata url and formats it for including it
#'in the report as a link
#'@param waterdataUrl The waterdata url requested to turn into a link
#'@return The HTML link for waterdata url
getWaterDataUrl <- function(waterdataUrl) {
  if (isEmptyOrBlank(waterdataUrl)) {
    waterdataLink <- "NWISWeb URL: NA"
  } else {
    waterdataLink <- paste("<a href='",waterdataUrl,"' target='_blank'>","NWISWeb URL:",waterdataUrl,"</a>")

#' Convert the string to the equivalent HTML code
#' @param characters The string to convert
#' @return The equivalent HTML codes for that string
convertStringToTableDisplay <- function(characters){
  characters <- gsub(">", "&gt;", gsub("<", "&lt;", characters))

#' Convert the String from HTML code to the equivalent raw characters
#' @param characters The characters to convert
#' @return The equivalent string for the HTML codes
convertTableDisplayToString <- function(characters){
  characters <- gsub("&gt;", ">", gsub("&lt;", "<", characters))

#' shared logo used for reports
#' @description provides rmarkdown with the image for USGS logo
#' @return logo to report
 <- function(){
  jpg_filepath <- 'usgs_logo.jpg'
  markdown_text <- noquote(paste0("![](", jpg_filepath, ")"))

#' if a value is null, returns an empty string instead of null, and
#' if a value is present, the value is returned
#' @description makes sure that the slot in the data frame is not missing by
#' exchanging null values as empty character or the original value if not null
#' also works on list objects
#' @param val the value or values you want to check for null and mask
#' @return either the original value or a null empty object
nullMask <- function(val) {
  val <- unlist(val)
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(val)) {
    result <- val
  } else {
    result <- ""

#' @title timeFormatting
#' @description Formats date to passed-in format mask, and time to "(UTC [offset] )"
#' @param timeVals String with format of "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS-UTC offset".
#' @param dateFormatMask String with preferred output date format
#' @param splitChar String with the character the function should split the date and time, defaults to "[T]"
#' @return list with date in first position, time in second position.
timeFormatting <- function(timeVals, dateFormatMask, splitChar="[T]"){
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(timeVals)) {
    dateTime <- (strsplit(timeVals, split=splitChar))
    dateFormat <- strftime(dateTime[[1]][1], dateFormatMask)
    #Break apart, format dates/times, put back together.
    timeFormatting <- sapply(dateTime[[1]][2], function(s) {
      #Break apart the date and time into a list of two strings
      m <- regexec("([^-+]+)([+-].*)", s)
      splitTime <- unlist(regmatches(s, m))[2:3]
    timeFormatting[[1]] <- sapply(timeFormatting[[1]], function(s) sub(".000","",s))
    timeFormatting[[2]] <- paste0(" (UTC ",timeFormatting[[2]], ")")
    timeFormatting <-  paste(timeFormatting[[1]],timeFormatting[[2]])
  } else {
    dateFormat <- ""
    timeFormatting <- ""
  return(list(date = dateFormat, time = timeFormatting))

#' Returns a list of comments or an empty character if there are no comments
#' @description Accepts the comments string and checks to see if it's null or empty,
#' and if it is, returns an empty string
#' @param comments The text comments from the JSON data
#' @return comments as they were passed or an empty string if empty or null

getComments <- function(comments) {
  comm <- unlist(comments)
  if (!isEmptyOrBlank(comm)) {
    value <- comm
  } else {
    value <- ""

#' Create Flat Text, "qualifiers table" Type Output Table
#' @param inQualifiers data frame of filtered (for SVP) or all (for SRS) qualifiers.
#' @return list of deduplicated qualifiers with column names.
formatQualifiersTable <- function(inQualifiers) {
  toRet <- data.frame()
  if(!isEmptyOrBlank(inQualifiers) || (!isEmptyVar(inQualifiers))) {
    columnNames <- c("Code", "Identifier", "Description")
    toRet <- inQualifiers[!duplicated(inQualifiers), ]
    colnames(toRet) <- columnNames

#' Create a comma-delimited string of qualifier codes
#' @param inQualifiers data frame of filtered (for SVP) or all (for SRS) qualifiers.
#' @return comma-delimited string of qualifier codes
formatQualifiersStringList <- function(inQualifiers) {
  builtQualifiers <- ""

    if(!isEmptyVar(inQualifiers)) {
    for(i in 1:nrow(inQualifiers)) {
      #Due to HTML hack being used for comments on SRS reports can't use kable to render table and thus need to use a hack to show greaterthan and other special HTML codes
      #Same method is used here for consistency since both reports use HTML tables formatted in the same way
      builtQualifiers <- paste0(builtQualifiers, convertStringToTableDisplay(inQualifiers[i,]$code), ",")
    strLength <- nchar(builtQualifiers)
    if(strLength > 0) {
      builtQualifiers <- substr(builtQualifiers, 1, strLength-1)

#' Create a note on report about corrected value
#' @param diffData list of peak differences
#' @return boolean of where peak differences are >0.05
containsOutsideUncertainty <- function(diffData) {
  diff_list <- as.list(c(diffData))
  return(length(diff_list[grepl("\\*\\*", diff_list)]) > 0)

#' Return a list of columns for the Site Visit Peak report
#' @param includeComments boolean value about whether to include comments or not
#' @return list of columns
getSVPColumns <- function(includeComments)
    columnNames <- c("Date",
                     "Verification Method",
                     "Estimated Date",
                     "Estimated Time",
                     "Verification Comments",
                     "Corrected Value",
                     "Difference from Peak Verification Reading")
  } else {
    columnNames <- c("Date",
                     "Verification Method",
                     "Estimated Date",
                     "Estimated Time",
                     "Corrected Value",
                     "Difference from Peak Verification Reading")

#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
printVersionStrings <- function() {
  return(paste("Version: ", packageVersion("repgen"), "|", packageVersion("gsplot")))
USGS-R/repgen documentation built on April 14, 2021, 2:47 p.m.