
Defines functions RescaleYTop testCalloutsByView testCallouts getErrorBarYLims

Documented in getErrorBarYLims RescaleYTop testCallouts testCalloutsByView

############ used in uvhydrograph-render and vdiagram-render ############ 

#' Get Error Bar Y-Limits
#' @description Gets the min and max y-value of error bars and returns a side if there
#' is a specific side the bars are associated with.
#' @param error_bar_args The error bar arguments to return.
getErrorBarYLims <- function(error_bar_args){
  side <- ifelse(!is.null(error_bar_args[['side']]), error_bar_args[['side']], 2)
  ##If uncertainty does not exist, replace with 0.
  if(isEmptyOrBlank(error_bar_args[['y.low']])) {
    ylow <- 0
  } else {
    ylow <- ifelse(lapply(error_bar_args[['y.low']], isEmptyOrBlank), 0, error_bar_args[['y.low']])
  if(isEmptyOrBlank(error_bar_args[['y.high']])) {
    yhigh <- 0
  } else {
    yhigh <- ifelse(lapply(error_bar_args[['y.high']], isEmptyOrBlank), 0, error_bar_args[['y.high']])
  ##Find the max and min of errors with bars.
  lowest_error_bar <- min(error_bar_args[['y']] - ylow)
  highest_error_bar <- max(error_bar_args[['y']] + yhigh)
  limits <- c(lowest_error_bar, highest_error_bar)
  return(list(comparisonLims = limits, side = side))

#' @title Test Callouts
#' @description A function to ensure that callouts on a plot fit within the x-limits.
#' @param plot_obj The plot object whose callouts will be checked
#' @param xlimits The outer x coordinates on the graph.
#' @return The plot object changed so that all callouts fit and show on the plot.
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
testCallouts <- function(plot_obj, xlimits){
  xrange <- diff(xlimits)
  buffer <- 0.04*xrange
  xlow <- xlimits[1]-buffer
  xhigh <- xlimits[2]+buffer
  xlimits_real <- c(xlow, xhigh)
  width_char <- par("cxy")[1]
  #When you're done
  #Delete the plot you just generated
  plot_obj <- testCalloutsByView(plot_obj, 'view.1.2', xlimits_real, width_char, xrange)
  plot_obj <- testCalloutsByView(plot_obj, 'view.1.4', xlimits_real, width_char, xrange)

#' @title Test Callouts by View
#' @description A function that calculates if a callout goes past an x-axis limit.
#' @param plot_obj The overarching plot object that contains these objects.
#' @param view_num The axis which the callouts are being compared to. Starts at the bottom x-axis
#' as 1, and goes clockwise from there. (bottom, left, top, right)
#' @param xlimits_real The x-axis limits (lower and upper limits) at which point callouts are cut off.
#' @param width_char The width of a character on the plot. Used to determine if a string is cut off.
#' @param xrange The limits of the graph not taking into account a small amount of buffer room.
#' @return The plot object with the callouts changed to not overlap with the x-axis limits.
testCalloutsByView <- function(plot_obj, view_num, xlimits_real, width_char, xrange){
  i_view <- which(names(plot_obj[[view_num]]) == "callouts")
  for(i in i_view){
    callout_args <- plot_obj[[view_num]][[i]]
    if (!isEmptyOrBlank(callout_args$x)) {  
      text_len <- ifelse(is.na(callout_args$labels),0,nchar(callout_args$labels))
      len <- ifelse(is.null(callout_args$length), 0.1, callout_args$length)
      xend <- len * xrange * cos(2*pi*(30/360))
      xnew <- callout_args$x + xend + (width_char * text_len) 
      tooLong <- xnew > xlimits_real[2]
        out <- which(tooLong)
        notout <- which(!tooLong)
        plot_obj[[view_num]][[i]]$angle[notout] <- NA
        plot_obj[[view_num]][[i]]$angle[out] <- 150

#' Rescale top of y-axis to create ~4% margin between vertical top extent of 
#' plot objects and top edge of plot. This is an inaccurate emulation of (the 
#' top-end-of-plot behavior of) R graphics::par's "yaxs = 'r'" state, because we
#' have to use "yaxs = 'i'" in spots, but still want the ~4% margin at the top 
#' of the plot, so we adjust the y-axis endpoint accordingly after we do what we
#' need.
#' @param object A gsplot, plot object.
#' @return The passed-in gsplot object, with y-axis top augmented (upwards).
RescaleYTop <- function(object) {
  ylog <- par("ylog")
  reverse <- object$side.2$reverse
  # Desired top margin, in NDCs. See also "yaxs" parameter domain in
  # graphics::par.
  m <- 0.04
  # vertical extent and length
  e <- ylim(object)$side.2
  e.length <- abs(e[1] - e[2])
  if (ylog) {
    # TODO: the log10 calculations below should probably be upgraded to mirror
    # the form of analogous formulae in the linear-case, conditionals in the
    # block below.
    # if the y-axis is inverted
    if (reverse) {
      object$side.2$lim[1] <- 10^((1 - m) * log10(e[2]))
    else {
      object$side.2$lim[2] <- 10^((1 + m) * log10(e[2]))
  else {
    # if the y-axis is inverted
    if (reverse) {
      object$side.2$lim[1] <- e[2] - m * e.length
    else {
      # The 5.14 coefficient below is a hack that was reverse-engineered from 
      # the SVG output (using Inkscape, and the "back-of-the-envelope"). At the 
      # moment, we have no idea why it works, and is likely not robust enough 
      # for production.
      object$side.2$lim[2] <- e[2] + 5.14 * m * e.length
USGS-R/repgen documentation built on April 14, 2021, 2:47 p.m.