
Defines functions addPiper

Documented in addPiper

#' Add Detail to a Piper Plot
#' Adds points or lines to a Piper plot.
#' @details The values for \code{xCat}, \code{yCat}, \code{zCat}, \code{xAn}, 
#'\code{yAn}, and \code{zAn} should match the constituents in the original 
#'call to \code{piperPlot}. The units should be in milli-equivalents if all
#'three components are used to add to the Piper plot.
#'There are two ways to add to a Piper plot, the first way is to specify new data
#'by supplying values for \code{xCat}, \code{yCat}, \code{zCat}, \code{xAn}, 
#'\code{yAn}, and \code{zAn}. In this case the data for the central middle (Piper)
#'plot are generated from those data and the \code{xPip}, \code{yPip} arguments
#'will be ignored. The other way is to use processed values from an already created
#'Piper plot to add details to the plot, either customized symbols or closed lines
#'showing groups for example. The vignette PiperPlot shows an example of customized
#' @param xCat ,
#' @param yCat , and
#' @param zCat the cations for the x-, y-, and z-axes. Need not sum to 1 or
#'100. See \bold{Details}.
#' @param xAn ,
#' @param yAn , and
#' @param zAn the anions for the x-, y-, and z-axes. Need not sum to 1 or 100.
#'See \bold{Details}.
#' @param xPip , and
#' @param yPip the coordinates for the internal piper diagram. See \bold{Details}.
#' @param Plot parameters defining the characteristics of the plot. See
#' \code{\link{setPlot}} for a description of the parameters.
#' @param current the current plot information. Typically, this would be the
#' output from one of the graph creation functions like \code{piperPlot}.
#' @return Information about the graph.
#' @seealso \code{\link{piperPlot}}
#' @keywords aplot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # See for examples of addPiper:
#' vignette(topic="PiperPlot", package="smwrGraphs")
#' }
#' @export addPiper
addPiper <- function(xCat, yCat, zCat, xAn, yAn, zAn, xPip, yPip,
                     ## data (need not sum to 100); xP, yP are the piper x, y
                     Plot=list(name="", what='points', type='solid',
                       width='standard', symbol='circle', filled=TRUE,
                       size=0.09, color='black'), # plot controls (for all points)
                     current=list()) { # current Piper diagram parameters
	# Coding history:
	#    2009Oct28 DLLorenz Original coding and revisions.
	#    2011May24 DLLorenz Conversion to R
	#    2011Oct24 DLLorenz Tweaks for package
	#    2014Jun25 DLLorenz Converted to roxygen
  ## Process plot controls
  Plot <- setPlot(Plot, name="", what='points', type='solid',
                  width='standard', symbol='circle', filled=TRUE,
                  size=0.09, color='black')
  explan <- setExplan(Plot, current$explanation)
  ## normalize the data according to range
  ## if zCat and zAn are not missing
  if(!missing(zCat) && !missing(zAn)) {
    axis.range <- current$axis.range
    tsum <- sumComposition(xCat, yCat, zCat, Range=axis.range[2])
    cations <- as.data.frame(tsum)
    names(cations) <- c(deparse(substitute(xCat)), deparse(substitute(yCat)),
    ca <- tsum[,1]
    mg <- tsum[,2]
    na.k <- tsum[,3]
    tsum <- sumComposition(xAn, yAn, zAn, Range=axis.range[2])
    anions <- as.data.frame(tsum)
    names(anions) <- c(deparse(substitute(xAn)), deparse(substitute(yAn)),
    cl.f.no2.no3 <- tsum[,1]
    co3.hco3 <- tsum[,2]
    so4 <- tsum[,3]
    ## get the x-y data for the ternary plots
    cations <- cbind(cations, ternarySubplot(ca, mg, na.k,
                                             axis.range=axis.range, plot=FALSE))
    xCat <- cations$x
    yCat <- cations$y
    anions <- cbind(anions, ternarySubplot(cl.f.no2.no3, co3.hco3, so4,
                             axis.range=axis.range, orient="a", plot=FALSE))
    xAn <- anions$x
    yAn <- anions$y
  ## data for the piper diagram
    yPip <- so4 + cl.f.no2.no3
    piper <- as.data.frame(piperSubplot(na.k, yPip, axis.range=axis.range,
    yPip <- piper$y
    xPip <- piper$x
  } # end of data processing for raw data
  else { # package the already processed data.
    cations <- data.frame(x=xCat, y=yCat)
    anions <- data.frame(x=xAn, y=yAn)
    piper <- data.frame(x=xPip, y=yPip)
  ## Plot it
  oldpars <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  ## Set up subregion for cation plot
  par(fin=oldpars$fin) # this must be set separately! includes all calls below
  points(xCat, yCat, type=explan$current$type,
         lwd=explan$current$lwd, lty=explan$current$lty,
         pch=explan$current$pch, cex=explan$current$cex,
         col=explan$current$col, bg=explan$current$col)
  points(xAn, yAn, type=explan$current$type,
         lwd=explan$current$lwd, lty=explan$current$lty,
         pch=explan$current$pch, cex=explan$current$cex,
         col=explan$current$col, bg=explan$current$col)
  points(xPip, yPip, type=explan$current$type,
         lwd=explan$current$lwd, lty=explan$current$lty,
         pch=explan$current$pch, cex=explan$current$cex,
         col=explan$current$col, bg=explan$current$col)
  ## return
  ##Note that plot info does not pertain here
  retval <- list(cations=cations, anions=anions, piper=piper,
                 catplot=current$catplot, anplot=current$anplot,
                 piperplot=current$piperplot, explanation=explan)
USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.