#'Diagnostic Plot
#'Plot summary AMLE/MLE model diagnostics.
#'Seven graphs can be produced by this function. If \code{which} is "All," then all plots are produced.
#'The argument \code{which} can also be the name of an explanatory variable so that a partial residual
#'plot is created for a single variable. Or \code{which} can be any of a sequence of numbers from 1 thorugh 7.
#'Numeric values for \code{which}:
#'\item Fitted vs. Observed
#'\item Fitted vs. Residual
#'\item S-L plot
#'\item A correlogram if dates are available in the model or in the data set
#'\item Q-normal plot
#'\item Influence plot
#'\item Partial residual plots for each explanatory variable
#'@param x an object of class "censReg"---output from \code{censReg}
#'@param which either "All" or any of a sequence from 1 to 7 indicating which plot,
#'see \bold{Details}.
#'@param set.up set up the graphics page?
#'@param span the span to use for the loess smooth. Set to 0 to suppress.
#'@param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#'@return The object \code{x} is returned invisibly.
#'@note The q-normal plot (number 5) plots the working residuals and portrays fits
#'for relatively small percentages of censoring very well. For larger percentages of
#'censoring, the q-normal plot in \code{plot.censReg} (number 2) can portray the
#'normality of the residuals more accurately.
#'@seealso \code{\link{censReg}}, \code{\link{plot.censReg}}
#'@keywords regression hplot
#' @export
#'@method plot summary.censReg
plot.summary.censReg <- function(x, which='All', set.up=TRUE, span=1.0, ...) {
## Coding history:
## 2012Dec26 DLLorenz Initial Coding
## 2012Dec31 DLLorenz Roxygenized
## 2013May21 DLLorenz Added option to plot individual partial residual plots
## Identify which plots to do:
## 1 Fitted - Actual
## 2 Fitted - Residual
## 3 S-L
## 4 correlogram (only if dates are available)
## 5 Q - normal
## 6 Influence
## 7 Residual dependence plots
## Set up graphics page
## Set up to do all plots
doPlot <- rep(TRUE, 7L)
do7 <- FALSE
if(is.numeric(which)) {
if(min(which) > 0) # select which to plot
doPlot[seq(7L)[-which]] <- FALSE
else # which not to plot
doPlot[-which] <- FALSE
else if(is.character(which) && which[1L] != "All") {
doPlot[1:6] <- FALSE
xnames <- which
do7 <- TRUE
## Anything else produces all plots
## Final plot (7) residuals vs predictors
## Extract weights and other data needed later
Fits <- x$diagstats$yhat # needed for later plots
Resids <- x$diagstats$resids
Cens <- x$diagstats$ycen
Weighted <- !(is.null(x$object$weights) || all(x$object$weights == 1))
wt.showCD <- if(Weighted) {
} else
## For selected plots use weighted residuals, scaled to mean of 1
Res <- Resids * sqrt(wt.showCD/mean(wt.showCD))
if(doPlot[7L]) {
xpred <- x$object$XLCAL[, -1L, drop=FALSE]
xparm <- x$object$PARAML[-1L]
names(xparm) <- c(dimnames(xpred)[[2L]], "Scale")
if(!do7) # get all explanatory variable names
xnames <- dimnames(xpred)[[2L]]
## Residual dependence plots
if(do7 || length(xnames) > 1L) {
for(i in xnames) {
presid <- Res + xparm[i] * xpred[, i]
xyPlot(xpred[, i], presid,
Plot=list(what="points", size=0.05),
xtitle=i, ytitle="Partial Residual",
margin=c(NA, NA, 1.5, .5))
if(span > 0)
addSmooth(xpred[, i], presid, family="sym", span=span)
refLine(coefficients=c(0, xparm[i]),
Plot=list(what="lines", width="standard", type="dashed"))
## The p-value of the second order fit on the residuals almost matches
## the p-value of adding the second order term to the regression
presid <- Resids + xparm[i] * xpred[, i]
nl.p <- summary(lm(presid ~ poly(xpred[,i], 2L),
weights=wt.showCD, model=TRUE), FALSE)
nl.p <- nl.p$coefficients[3L, 4L]
addTitle(Main=paste("Second order polynomial test for linearity: p=",
round(nl.p, 4L), sep=""))
} # end of Residual dependence plots
## Show the approximate effect that each flagged point has on the regression
## (an influence plot)
Act <- Fits + Resids # also needed later
if(doPlot[6L]) {
xyPlot(Fits, Act,
Plot=list(what="points", size=0.02),
xtitle="Fitted", ytitle="Actual")
refLine(coefficients=c(0,1), Plot=list(what="lines", width="standard", type="dashed"))
fg.showCD <- which(x$flagobs)
for(j in seq(along=fg.showCD)) {
i <- fg.showCD[j]
## generate a random color
Col <- sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", as.integer(runif(1, 10, 245)),
as.integer(runif(1, 10, 245)),
as.integer(runif(1, 10, 245)))
refLine(coefficients=lsfit(Fits[-i], Act[-i], wt.showCD[-i])$coef,
Plot=list(what="lines", color=Col, width="color"))
addXY(Fits[i], Act[i],
Plot=list(what="points", color=Col, size=0.04))
labelPoints(Fits[i], Act[i], dimnames(x$x)[[1L]][i],
dir="NE", size=12, color=Col)
} # end of Influence plot
## Q-normal of standardized residuals (H&H criterion 4)
ytitle <- if(Weighted) {
"Weighted Standardized Residuals"
} else
"Standardized Residuals"
if(doPlot[5L]) {
sresid <- Res / sqrt(x$object$PARAML[x$object$NPAR+1])
qqPlot(sresid, Plot=list(size=0.05, filled=FALSE),
yaxis.log=FALSE, ylabels=7,
margin=c(NA, NA, 2.4, NA), mean=0, sd=1)
## Add the uncensored values in solid
ord <- order(sresid)
## Cens == 0 for uncensored regardless if left only or multiply censored
xt <- qnorm(ppoints(sresid, a=0.4))
yt <- sresid[ord]
ct <- Cens[ord] == 0
addXY(xt[ct], yt[ct], Plot=list(what="points", size=0.05, filled=TRUE))
## If possible, plot a correlogram--requires finding 1 datelike column in
## the data
if(doPlot[4L] && !is.null(x$object$call$data)) {
data <- x$object$call$data
data <- try(eval(data))
if(class(data) != "try-error") {
anyDate <- which(sapply(data, isDateLike))
if(length(anyDate) == 1L) { # if more than 1,
Date <- dectime(data[[anyDate]])
if(!is.null(skips <- x$object$na.action)) {
if(attr(skips, "class") == "omit")
Date <- Date[-skips] # Must remove if class is omit
corGram(Date, Res)
## Add details of call on regression model to next plots
Mod <- format(x$object$call$formula)
## 3rd plot, S-L
RSE <- rmse(x$object) # now the resid std. error
if(doPlot[3L]) {
Slres <- residuals(x$object, suppress.na.action=TRUE, type="S-L")
xyPlot(Fits, Slres,
Plot=list(what="points", size=0.05),
list(YL = as.name("Residuals")))),
margin=c(NA, NA, 2.4, NA))
if(span > 0)
addSmooth(Fits, Slres, family="sym", span=span)
## 0.82218 is the expected value of the sqrt(abs(x)) for a normal dist.:
## integrate(function(x) sqrt(abs(x))*dnorm(x), -Inf, Inf)
refLine(horizontal=0.82218*sqrt(RSE), Plot=list(what="lines", width="standard", type="dashed"))
} # end of S-L
## 2nd plot response vs. fit
if(doPlot[2L]) {
ytitle <- if(Weighted) {
"Weighted Working Residuals"
} else
"Working Residuals"
xyPlot(Fits, Res,
Plot=list(what="points", size=0.05),
if(span > 0)
addSmooth(Fits, Res, family="sym", span=span)
refLine(horizontal=0, Plot=list(what="lines", width="standard", type="dashed"))
## First plot is actual vs fitted, with regression details
if(doPlot[1L]) {
Act2 <- Fits + residuals(x$object, suppress.na.action=TRUE, type="response")
xyPlot(Fits, Act2,
Plot=list(what="points", size=0.07, filled=FALSE),
xtitle=paste("Fitted:", Mod, sep=" "),
if(span > 0)
addSmooth(Fits, Act, family="sym", span=span)
refLine(coefficients=c(0,1), Plot=list(what="lines", width="standard", type="dashed"))
## Add data details
if(x$object$method == "AMLE")
status <- 0L - x$object$CENSFLAG
else # method is MLE
status <- x$object$CENSFLAG
addXY(Fits[status == 0L], Act2[status == 0L],
Plot=list(what="points", size=0.07, filled=TRUE))
if(any(status == 1L)) # Greater thans
for(i in which(status == 1L))
refLine(vertical=Fits[i], yrange=c(Act2[i], NA))
if(any(status == -1L)) # Less thans
for(i in which(status == -1L))
refLine(vertical=Fits[i], yrange=c(NA, Act2[i]))
## Leave interval as filled circle at midpoint
## Add some details, regression eqn and RSE
Eqn <- coefficients(x$object, summary=FALSE)
names(Eqn)[1L] <- ""
Eqn <- paste(as.character(round(Eqn, 3)), names(Eqn), sep=" ")
Eqn <- paste(Eqn, collapse=" + ")
Resp <- deparse(x$object$call$formula[[2L]])
if(x$object$dist == "lognormal")
Resp <- paste("log(", Resp, ")", sep="")
else if(x$object$dist == "commonlog")
Resp <- paste("log10(", Resp, ")", sep="")
Resp <- as.expression(substitute(hat(R),
Model <- expression()
RSE <- signif(RSE, 3)
legend("topleft", legend=c(
as.expression(substitute(hat(R) == EQN,
paste("Residual Standard Error: ", RSE, sep="")), bty="n")
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