
Defines functions data_metab

Documented in data_metab

#' Get a demo dataset for modeling metabolism
#' Get a formatted data.frame of inputs from which metabolism can be modeled.
#' These test data were provided by Bob Hall.
#' @param num_days the number of days to include in the data. character format
#'   because only certain numbers of days are permitted (see defaults in Usage
#'   for the accepted options)
#' @param res character specifying the desired resolution of the data in minutes
#'   (character; see defaults in Usage for the accepted options)
#' @param flaws character specifying one or more flaws to include in the data,
#'   or empty (\code{c()}) for no flaws. default is no flaws.
#' @inheritParams mm_model_by_ply
#' @inheritParams load_french_creek
#' @importFrom unitted u v get_units
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
#' @examples
#' head(data_metab())
#' head(data_metab(res='30'))
#' @export
data_metab <- function(
  flaws=c('missing middle', 'missing start', 'missing end', 'missorted', 'duplicated'),
  day_start=4, day_end=28, attach.units=deprecated()) {

  # check inputs
  num_days <- match.arg(num_days)
  res <- as.numeric(match.arg(res))
  flaws <- if(missing(flaws)) c() else match.arg(flaws, several.ok=TRUE)
  if (lifecycle::is_present(attach.units)) {
    # only warn if it's TRUE
    if(isTRUE(attach.units)) unitted_deprecate_warn("data_metab(attach.units)")
  } else {
    attach.units <- FALSE

  # load the french creek data
  french <- load_french_creek(attach.units = attach.units)

  # take off units temporarily, if present, to make it easier to manipulate datetimes
  if(attach.units) {
    french_units <- unitted::get_units(french)
    french <- unitted::v(french)

  # fill in holes in the part of the data we'll be using
  french <- french[c(1:6352, rep(6353, 3), 6354:7772, rep(7773, 2), 7774:nrow(french)),]
  french[6354:6355,'solar.time'] <- french[6353,'solar.time'] + as.difftime(c(5,10), units='mins')
  french[7776,'solar.time'] <- french[7775,'solar.time'] + as.difftime(5, units='mins')

  # save dates vec now to help with res changes later
  orig_times <- french$solar.time

  # subset by num_days
  date_start <- "2012-09-18"
  date_end <- format(as.Date(date_start) + as.numeric(num_days)-1, "%Y-%m-%d")
  french <- mm_filter_dates(french, date_start=date_start, date_end=date_end, day_start=day_start, day_end=day_end)

  # add flaws
  day_length <- 24 * 12 # 12 obs/hr (every 5 mins) in raw data
  day2_start <- 1 + day_length
  day3_start <- day2_start + day_length
  skip_rows <- c()
  if('missing start' %in% flaws) {
    skip_rows <- c(
        '1' = 1:6,
        '3' = day2_start + 0:23,
        '10' = c(day3_start + 0:41, (day3_start + 2*day_length) + 0:17)))
  if('missing middle' %in% flaws) {
    skip_rows <- c(
        '1' = 31:48,
        '3' = day2_start + 31:60,
        '10' = c(day3_start + 71:130, (day3_start + 2*day_length) + 14:55)))
  if('missing end' %in% flaws) {
    skip_rows <- c(
        '1' = day2_start - 1:6,
        '3' = day3_start + 1:24,
        '10' = day_length + c(day3_start - 1:42, (day3_start + 2*day_length) - 1:18)))
  if(length(skip_rows) > 0)
    french <- french[-skip_rows, ]

  if('missorted' %in% flaws) {
    swap_rows <- switch(
      '1' = list(from=31:48, to=66),
      '3' = list(from=day2_start + 31:60, to=day2_start + 42),
      '10' = list(from=c(day3_start + 71:130, (day3_start + 2*day_length) + 14:55), to=day2_start + 45))
    start_rows <- 1:(swap_rows$to - 1)
    middle_rows <- swap_rows$from
    end_rows <- swap_rows$to:nrow(french)
    french <- french[c(start_rows, middle_rows, end_rows), ]

  if('duplicated' %in% flaws) {
    dup_rows <- switch(
      '1' = 31:48,
      '3' = day2_start + 31:60,
      '10' = c(day3_start + 71:130, (day3_start + 2*day_length) + 14:55))
    french <- french[sort(c(1:nrow(french), dup_rows)), ]

  # subset by resolution
  sub_times <- orig_times[seq(1, length(orig_times), by=res/5)]
  french <- french[french$solar.time %in% sub_times, ]

  # add back units if requested
  if(attach.units) {
    french <- unitted::u(french, french_units)

  # return
USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.