
Defines functions mm_parse_name

Documented in mm_parse_name

#' Parse a model name into its features
#' Returns a data.frame with one column per model structure detail and one row 
#' per `model_name` supplied to this function. See \code{?\link{mm_name}} for a 
#' description of each of the data.frame columns that is returned.
#' Custom model files (for MCMC) may have additional characters after an 
#' underscore at the end of the name and before the prefix. For example, 
#' 'b_np_pcpi_eu_ko.stan' and 'b_np_pcpi_eu_ko_v2.stan' are parsed the same; the
#' _v2 is ignored by this function.
#' @seealso The converse of this function is \code{\link{mm_name}}.
#' @param model_name character: the model name
#' @param expand logical: should additional columns such as model_name and
#'   pool_K600_type be added? If expand=TRUE then the result cannot be passed
#'   directly back into mm_name, but the additional columns may be helpful for 
#'   interpreting the model structure.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' mm_parse_name(c(mm_name('mle'), mm_name('night'), mm_name('bayes')))
#' mm_parse_name(c(mm_name('mle'), mm_name('night'), mm_name('bayes')), expand=TRUE)
#' @export
mm_parse_name <- function(model_name, expand=FALSE) {

  # define function that gets used to parse prk_terms
  match_or_NA <- function(key, pairs) { 
    matches <- c(unname(na.omit(key[pairs]))) 
    if(length(matches) == 0) {
    } else if(length(matches) > 1) {
      stop('found too many matches in PRK terms') 
    } else { matches }

  # parse the name
  parsed <- strsplit(basename(model_name), "_|\\.")
  sapply(1:length(parsed), function(pnum) if(length(parsed[[pnum]]) <= 5) stop('missing one or more pieces in name: ', model_name[pnum]))
  type <- unname(c(b='bayes', m='mle', n='night', K='Kmodel', s='sim')[sapply(parsed, `[`, 1)])
  pool_K600 <- unname(c(
    Kn='normal', Kn0='normal_sdzero', Knx='normal_sdfixed',
    Kl='linear', Kl0='linear_sdzero', Klx='linear_sdfixed',
    Kb='binned', Kb0='binned_sdzero', Kbx='binned_sdfixed',
    Kc='complete')[sapply(parsed, `[`, 2)])
  pool_K600_type <- sapply(strsplit(pool_K600, '_'), `[[`, 1)
  pool_K600_sd <- sapply(strsplit(pool_K600, '_'), function(pieces) {
    if(length(pieces) >= 2) {
      substring(pieces[[2]], 3)
    } else if (pieces[[1]] == 'none') {
    } else {
  err_obs_iid <- grepl('oi', sapply(parsed, `[`, 3))
  err_proc_acor <- grepl('pc', sapply(parsed, `[`, 3))
  err_proc_iid <-  grepl('pi', sapply(parsed, `[`, 3))
  err_proc_GPP <-  grepl('pp', sapply(parsed, `[`, 3))
  ode_method <- unname(
    c(Eu='Euler', pm='pairmeans', tr='trapezoid', r2='rk2', o1='lsoda', o2='lsode', o3='lsodes', 
      o4='lsodar', o5='vode', o6='daspk', o7='euler', eu='euler', o8='rk4', o9='ode23', o10='ode45', o11='radau', 
      o12='bdf', o13='bdf_d', o14='adams', o15='impAdams', o16='impAdams_d')[sapply(parsed, `[`, 4)])
  prk_terms <- bind_rows(lapply(parsed, function(parsed1) {
    prk_term <- parsed1[5]
    prk_pairs <- if(nchar(prk_term)==0) c() else sapply(seq(2, nchar(prk_term), by=2), function(pos) substring(prk_term, pos-1, pos))
      deficit_src=match_or_NA(c(km='DO_mod', ko='DO_obs', kf='DO_obs_filter'), prk_pairs),
      ER_fun=match_or_NA(c(rc='constant', rq='q10temp'), prk_pairs),
      GPP_fun=match_or_NA(c(pl='linlight', ps='satlight'), prk_pairs),
  GPP_fun <- prk_terms$GPP_fun
  ER_fun <- prk_terms$ER_fun
  deficit_src <- prk_terms$deficit_src
  engine <- sapply(parsed, function(vec) vec[length(vec)]) # the last one - leaves room for custom name endings before the suffix
  # combine the parsed pieces into a data.frame
  df <- data.frame(
    ode_method=ifelse(is.na(ode_method), 'NA', ode_method),
    GPP_fun=ifelse(is.na(GPP_fun), 'NA', GPP_fun),
    ER_fun=ifelse(is.na(ER_fun), 'NA', ER_fun),
    deficit_src=ifelse(is.na(deficit_src), 'NA', deficit_src),
    engine=ifelse(is.na(engine), 'NA', engine), 
  if(!expand) df$model_name <- df$pool_K600_type <- df$pool_K600_sd <- NULL
USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.