
Defines functions plot_metab_preds

Documented in plot_metab_preds

#' Plot predictions produced with predict_DO
#' Plots modeled values as lines, observed values as points
#' @param metab_preds a data.frame of predictions such as that returned by 
#'   predict_metab()
#' @param y_var character. Should the plot display predicted values of GPP
#'   and/or ER? The default is to plot both.
#' @param style character indicating which graphics package to use
#' @param y_lim list of named vectors, each of which has length 2 and is numeric
#'   and has a name in the possible values of y_var. NA within a vector 
#'   indicates that the data range should be used. for ggplot2, y_lim is only 
#'   used to exclude values outside that range and is ignored if the data span a
#'   narrower range
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' mm <- metab_night(specs(mm_name('night')), data=data_metab('10', day_start=12, day_end=36))
#' plot_metab_preds(mm)
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom unitted v
#' @export
plot_metab_preds <- function(metab_preds, y_var=c('GPP','ER'), 
                          y_lim=list(GPP=c(NA,NA), ER=c(NA,NA))) {
  if(is(metab_preds, 'metab_model')) metab_preds <- predict_metab(metab_preds)
  style <- match.arg(style)
  y_var <- match.arg(y_var, several.ok=TRUE)
  params <- list(
    xlab='Local date',
    colors=list(GPP=c('#007929','#23BC47'), ER=c('#A64B00','#FF7400'))
  metab.mod <- GPP <- GPP.lower <- GPP.upper <- ER <- ER.lower <- ER.upper <- '.dplyr.var'
  metab_preds_GPP <- mutate(
    metab_preds, as='GPP', fit=GPP, lwr=GPP.lower, upr=GPP.upper, var='GPP (g m^-2 d^-1)', col1=params$colors[['GPP']][1], col2=params$colors[['GPP']][2], lab='GPP~(g~m^-2~d^-1)')
  metab_preds_ER <- mutate(
    metab_preds, as='ER', fit=ER, lwr=ER.lower, upr=ER.upper, var='ER (g m^-2 d^-1)', col1=params$colors[['ER']][1], col2=params$colors[['ER']][2], lab='ER~(g~m^-2~d^-1)')
  var <- '.dplyr.var'
  metab_preds_all <- bind_rows(metab_preds_GPP, metab_preds_ER) %>%
    mutate(var=ordered(var, c(GPP='GPP (g m^-2 d^-1)', ER='ER (g m^-2 d^-1)')))
  plot_out <- switch(
    'ggplot2' = {
      if(!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly=TRUE))
        stop("call install.packages('ggplot2') before plotting with style='ggplot2'")
      . <- fit <- upr <- lwr <- date <- col1 <- col2 <- '.ggplot.var'
      preds_ggplot <- v(metab_preds_all) %>%
        filter(as %in% y_var) %>%
        group_by(as) %>%
        do({ if(all(is.na(.$fit))) .[FALSE,] else . }) %>%
      if('GPP' %in% names(y_lim)) {
        lim <- y_lim[['GPP']][1]; if(!is.na(lim)) preds_ggplot <- filter(preds_ggplot, as != 'GPP' | is.na(fit) | fit >= lim)
        lim <- y_lim[['GPP']][2]; if(!is.na(lim)) preds_ggplot <- filter(preds_ggplot, as != 'GPP' | is.na(fit) | fit <= lim)
      if('ER' %in% names(y_lim)) {
        lim <- y_lim[['ER']][1]; if(!is.na(lim)) preds_ggplot <- filter(preds_ggplot, as != 'ER' | is.na(fit) | fit >= lim)
        lim <- y_lim[['ER']][2]; if(!is.na(lim)) preds_ggplot <- filter(preds_ggplot, as != 'ER' | is.na(fit) | fit <= lim)
      g <- ggplot2::ggplot(preds_ggplot, ggplot2::aes(x=date))
      if(any(!is.na(preds_ggplot$lwr) & !is.na(preds_ggplot$upr))) {
        g <- g + ggplot2::geom_errorbar(ggplot2::aes(ymin=lwr, ymax=upr, color=col1), alpha=0.5)
      g <- g + 
        ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y=fit, color=col1), na.rm=TRUE) +
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(y=fit, color=col1), na.rm=TRUE) +
        ggplot2::scale_color_identity(guide='none') +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
        ggplot2::facet_grid(var ~ ., scales="free_y") + 
        ggplot2::xlab(params$xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(params$ylab)
    'dygraphs' = {
      if(!requireNamespace("dygraphs", quietly=TRUE))
        stop("call install.packages('dygraphs') before plotting with style='dygraphs'")
      if(!requireNamespace("xts", quietly=TRUE))
        stop("call install.packages('xts') before plotting with style='dygraphs'")
      stop("no dygraphs option yet")
USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.