## fit the null model
## estimate the ratio (se.ratio) of the true SE(score) to the fast SE(score)
## update the null model to contain this parameter
## this needs to be run before using the fast.score.se option in assocTestSingle
## this is based off of the SAIGE variance approximation
setGeneric("fitNullModelFastScore", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("fitNullModelFastScore"))
function(x, outcome,
covars = NULL,
cov.mat = NULL,
group.var = NULL,
family = "gaussian",
two.stage = FALSE,
norm.option = c("all", "by.group"),
rescale = c("residSD", "none", "model"),
start = NULL,
AIREML.tol = 1e-4,
max.iter = 100,
EM.iter = 0,
drop.zeros = TRUE,
return.small = TRUE,
variant.id = NULL,
nvar = 100,
min.mac = 20,
sparse = TRUE,
imputed = FALSE,
male.diploid = TRUE,
genome.build = c("hg19", "hg38"),
verbose=TRUE) {
# check if this is a mixed model
stop('Fast Score.SE approximation only applies to mixed models (cov.mat not NULL); use fitNullModel for the specified model')
# fit the null model
null.model <- fitNullModel(sampleData(x), outcome = outcome, covars = covars, cov.mat = cov.mat,
group.var = group.var, family = family, two.stage = two.stage,
norm.option = norm.option, rescale = rescale, start = start,
AIREML.tol = AIREML.tol, max.iter = max.iter, EM.iter = EM.iter,
drop.zeros = drop.zeros, return.small = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
# calculate true score SE and the fast approximation
tab <- calcScore(x, null.model = null.model,
variant.id = variant.id, nvar = nvar, min.mac = min.mac,
sparse = sparse, imputed = imputed, male.diploid = male.diploid,
genome.build = genome.build, verbose = verbose)
# update the null model with the se.correction factor
null.model <- nullModelFastScore(null.model = null.model, score.table = tab, return.small = return.small,
verbose = FALSE)
## calculate the Score and Score.SE for a specified or random set of variants
## when a mixed model, also calculates the fast Score.SE approximation and the ratio to the true Score.SE
calcScore <- function(x, null.model,
variant.id = NULL,
nvar = 100,
min.mac = 20,
genome.build=c("hg19", "hg38"),
# Update null model format
null.model <- .updateNullModelFormat(null.model)
# samples in null model
sampid <- null.model$fit$sample.id
if(verbose) message(paste('null.model has', length(sampid), 'samples'))
# select a random set of variants meeting min.mac in the sample set
variant.id <- .selectRandomVars(x, sample.id = sampid, nvar = nvar, min.mac = min.mac, verbose = verbose)
if(verbose) message(paste('Selected', length(variant.id), 'random variants with MAC >=', min.mac))
if(verbose) message(paste('User provided', length(variant.id), 'variants in variant.id'))
# calculate Score.SE using both approaches
tab <- .calcScore(x, null.model, variant.id = variant.id, sparse = sparse, imputed = imputed,
male.diploid = male.diploid, genome.build = genome.build, verbose = verbose)
## updates the null model object with the parameter needed for fast.score.se
nullModelFastScore <- function(null.model, score.table, return.small = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
# Update null model format
null.model <- .updateNullModelFormat(null.model)
# rbind a list of tables
if(class(score.table) == 'list') score.table <- data.table::rbindlist(score.table)
# compute the mean of se.ratio
r <- mean(score.table$se.ratio)
# compute SE(r) and check if enough variants were included
r.se <- sd(score.table$se.ratio)/sqrt(nrow(score.table))
val <- r.se/r
if (verbose) message(paste('mean se.ratio: r = ', r))
if (verbose) message(paste('SE(r)/r = ', val))
if(val > 0.0025){
warning(paste('It is recommended that SE(r)/r be < 0.0025. It is suggested to increase the number of variants in score.table; try at least',
round(nrow(score.table)*(val/0.0025)^2, 0), 'variants'))
# update the null model
null.model <- nullModelSmall(null.model)
null.model$se.correction <- r
null.model$score.table <- score.table
## function to get a random sample of variants with a minimum MAC
## this is called by calcScore
setGeneric(".selectRandomVars", function(gdsobj, ...) standardGeneric(".selectRandomVars"))
sample.id = NULL,
nvar = 100,
min.mac = 20,
verbose = TRUE){
# filter to sample set in null.model
SeqArray::seqSetFilter(gdsobj, sample.id = sample.id, verbose = verbose)
# get the initial set of filtered variants
# (accounts for any pre-filtering; e.g. by PASS status)
var.filt <- which(SeqArray::seqGetFilter(gdsobj)$variant.sel)
# number of variants in the GDS object
nvar.gds <- length(var.filt)
if(nvar.gds < nvar) stop('requested more variants than available in gdsobj')
out <- NULL
while(length(out) < nvar){
# sample variants
var.rand <- sort(sample(var.filt, size = nvar, replace = FALSE))
# filter to random sample
SeqArray::seqSetFilter(gdsobj, variant.sel = var.rand, verbose = verbose)
# filter to MAC threshold
if(min.mac > 0) SeqArray::seqSetFilterCond(gdsobj, mac = min.mac, verbose = verbose)
# collect selected variants
out <- sort(unique(c(out, seqGetData(gdsobj, 'variant.id'))))
# sample down to number requested
out <- sample(out, size = nvar, replace = FALSE)
## function to calculate both the true and fast Score.SE for a specified set of variants
## computes the ratio of the two Score.SE estimates for calculating the correction factor
## this is called by calcScore
setGeneric(".calcScore", function(gdsobj, ...) standardGeneric(".calcScore"))
genome.build=c("hg19", "hg38"),
verbose = TRUE){
# don't use sparse matrices for imputed dosages
if (imputed) sparse <- FALSE
# coerce null.model if necessary
if (sparse) null.model <- .nullModelAsMatrix(null.model)
# filter samples to match null model
sample.index <- .setFilterNullModel(gdsobj, null.model, verbose=verbose)
# filter variants
seqSetFilter(gdsobj, variant.id = variant.id, verbose = verbose)
# check ploidy
if (SeqVarTools:::.ploidy(gdsobj) == 1) male.diploid <- FALSE
# variant info
var.info <- variantInfo(gdsobj, alleles=FALSE, expanded=TRUE)
# read in genotype data
if (!imputed) {
geno <- expandedAltDosage(gdsobj, use.names=FALSE, sparse=sparse)[sample.index,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
geno <- imputedDosage(gdsobj, use.names=FALSE)[sample.index,,drop=FALSE]
chr <- chromWithPAR(gdsobj, genome.build=genome.build)
sex <- validateSex(gdsobj)[sample.index]
x <- .prepGenoBlock(list(var.info=var.info, geno=geno, chr=chr), AF.max=1,
sex=sex, imputed=imputed, male.diploid=male.diploid)
var.info <- x$var.info
n.obs <- x$n.obs
freq <- x$freq
geno <- x$geno
# mean impute missing values
if (any(n.obs < nrow(geno))) {
geno <- .meanImpute(geno, freq$freq)
geno <- .genoAsMatrix(null.model, geno)
# score
score <- as.vector(crossprod(geno, null.model$fit$resid.PY))
# true variance
Gtilde <- calcGtilde(null.model, geno)
se.true <- sqrt(colSums(Gtilde^2)) # sqrt(GPG)
# results
tab <- cbind(var.info, n.obs, freq, Score = score, Score.SE = se.true)
# approx SE
Gtilde <- calcGtildeFast(null.model, geno, r = 1)
se.fast <- sqrt(colSums(Gtilde^2)) #sqrt(GWG)
# results
tab <- cbind(tab, Score.SE.fast = se.fast, se.ratio = se.true/se.fast)
isNullModelFastScore <- function(null.model) {
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