#' Read MTG
#' @description Read an MTG file.
#' @param file The path to the MTG file (assumed UTF-8 encoded)
#' @note See the documentation for the MTG format from the
#' [OpenAlea webpage](http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr/doc/vplants/newmtg/doc/_build/html/user/intro.html#mtg-a-plant-architecture-databases)
#' for further details.
#' @return A named list of four sections: the MTG classes, description, features,
#' and MTG. The MTG is a [data.tree] data structure.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath= system.file("extdata", "simple_plant.mtg", package = "XploRer")
#' read_mtg(filepath)
#' }
read_mtg = function(file) {
MTG_file = readLines(file, encoding = "UTF-8")
MTG_file = strip_comments(MTG_file)
# Find MTG index in file to be able to return the true line at which there is an error
MTG_section_begin = grep("MTG[[:blank:]]*:", MTG_file)
MTG_file = strip_empty_lines(MTG_file)
# NB: could use pipes here, but can be ~2x slower
# Checking that all sections are present and ordered properly:
code = parse_MTG_code(MTG_file)
classes = parse_MTG_classes(MTG = MTG_file)
description = parse_MTG_description(MTG_file)
features = parse_MTG_features(MTG_file)
MTG = parse_MTG_MTG(MTG_file,classes,description,features,MTG_section_begin)
attr(MTG, which = "classes") = classes
attr(MTG, which = "description") = description
attr(MTG, which = "features") = features
class(MTG) = append(class(MTG), "mtg")
#' Check sections from MTG
#' @description Test if the sections are all present in the MTG file, and written in
#' the right order.
#' @return An error if a section is missing or not properly ordered, nothing otherwise
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_sections(mtg)
#' }
check_sections = function(MTG_file){
MTG_sections_pos = grep(paste0("(",paste(sections, collapse = "|"),")[[:blank:]]*:"), MTG_file)
MTG_sections = gsub(pattern = ":[^\\\n]*", replacement = ":", x = MTG_file[MTG_sections_pos])
is_section_in_MTG = grepl(paste0(paste(sections, collapse = "|"),"[[:blank:]]*:"), MTG_sections)
stop("Section ",sections[!is_section_in_MTG]," not found in the MTG file. ",
"\nPlease see this link for more details on the MTG strucure: ",
if(!identical(grep(paste0(paste(sections, collapse = "|"),"[[:blank:]]*:"), MTG_sections), 1:5)){
stop("Sections of the MTG file are not in the right order.\n",
" Expected: ",paste(sections, collapse = " "),"\n Found: ",
paste(MTG_sections, collapse = " "))
#' Parse MTG section
#' @description Parse any section from an MTG
#' @param MTG A pre-formatted MTG
#' @param section_name The section name in the file
#' @param header The header of the section
#' @param next_section The name of the next section
#' @param allow_empty Boolean. Allow the section to be empty ?
#' @return A data.frame with the section results, or a tree for the MTG.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath= system.file("extdata", "simple_plant.mtg", package = "XploRer")
#' MTG_file = strip_comments(MTG_file)
#' MTG_file = strip_empty_lines(MTG_file)
#' # Checking that all sections are present and ordered properly:
#' check_sections(MTG_file)
#' # parse the classes section from the MTG:
#' parse_MTG_section(MTG_file, "CLASSES:",
#' }
parse_MTG_section = function(MTG,section_name,header,next_section,allow_empty){
section_begin = grep(section_name, MTG)
section_header = strsplit(MTG[section_begin+1], "\t+")[[1]]
if(!all(section_header %in% header)){
if(allow_empty && all(section_header == next_section)){
# The section is empty, no constraints:
stop("The header of the MTG ",section_name," section is different than:\n",
next_section = grep(next_section, MTG)
# NB: The sections are ordered, and the MTG is checked before for compliance
section= MTG[(section_begin+2):(next_section-1)]
matrix(data = character(0), nrow = length(section), ncol = length(header)),
stringsAsFactors= FALSE)
colnames(section_df) = header
section = strsplit(section,"[[:blank:]]+")
for(i in seq_len(length(section))){
class_i= section[[i]]
if(length(class_i) != length(header)){
stop("The ", i, "th class from the ",section_name,
" section in the MTG file does not have length ",length(header))
section_df[i,] = trimws(class_i)
#' Parse MTG code
#' @description Parse the code section from an MTG
#' @param MTG A pre-formatted MTG
#' @return The MTG code
#' @keywords internal
parse_MTG_code = function(MTG){
code_section = grep("CODE[[:blank:]]*:", MTG)
code = gsub("CODE[[:blank:]]*:","",MTG[code_section])
code = trimws(code)
if(code != "FORM-A" && code != "FORM-B"){
stop("Unknown MTG format. CODE: ",code,". Only FORM-A and FORM-B allowed.")
#' Parse MTG classes
#' @description Parse the classes section from an MTG
#' @param MTG A pre-formatted MTG
#' @return A data.frame with the classes
#' @keywords internal
parse_MTG_classes = function(MTG){
classes = parse_MTG_section(MTG,
classes$SCALE = as.numeric(classes$SCALE)
#' Parse MTG description
#' @description Parse the description section from an MTG
#' @param MTG A pre-formatted MTG
#' @return A data.frame with the description
#' @keywords internal
parse_MTG_description = function(MTG){
description_df= parse_MTG_section(MTG,"DESCRIPTION[[:blank:]]*:",
if(nrow(description_df) == 0){
description_df$RIGHT= strsplit(description_df$RIGHT, ",")
if(!all(description_df$RELTYPE %in% c("+","<"))){
stop("Unknown relation type(s): ",
paste(unique(description_df$RELTYPE[!(description_df$RELTYPE %in% c("+","<"))]),
collapse = " "))
#' Parse MTG features
#' @description Parse the features section from an MTG
#' @param MTG A pre-formatted MTG
#' @return A data.frame with the features
#' @keywords internal
parse_MTG_features = function(MTG){
c("NAME", "TYPE"),
#' Parse MTG
#' @description Parse the MTG section from an MTG file
#' @param MTG A pre-formatted MTG
#' @param classes The MTG classes
#' @param description The MTG description
#' @param features The MTG features
#' @param first_line The first line of the MTG. Used to print the true line at
#' which there is an error.
#' @return A parsed MTG
#' @keywords internal
parse_MTG_MTG = function(MTG,classes,description,features,first_line = 1){
section_begin = grep("MTG", MTG)
section_header = split_at_tab(MTG[section_begin+1])[[1]]
section_header = trimws(section_header)
if(section_header[1] != "ENTITY-CODE" && section_header[1] != "TOPO"){
stop("Neither ENTITY-CODE or TOPO were found in the MTG header")
common_features= section_header[section_header != ""][-1] %in% features$NAME
stop("unknown column in the ENTITY-CODE in MTG: ",section_header[section_header != ""][-1][!common_features])
attr_column_start = which(section_header != "")[-1][1]
MTG_code = MTG[(section_begin+2):length(MTG)]
# Splitting columns:
splitted_MTG= strsplit(MTG_code,"\t")
# Getting the root node:
node_1_node = split_MTG_elements(splitted_MTG[[1]][1])[[1]][1]
node_1_element = parse_MTG_node(node_1_node)
node_1_attr= c(parse_MTG_node_attr(node_data = splitted_MTG[[1]],features,
attr_column_start,line = first_line+1),
.link = node_1_element$link,
.symbol = node_1_element$symbol,
.index = node_1_element$index,
.scale = classes$SCALE[node_1_element$symbol == classes$SYMBOL]
# Initializing "last_node_column". Will be used to remember the last node
# built for any given column (help to connect new nodes to the right node)
max_columns = max(unlist(lapply(splitted_MTG, length)))
last_node_column = c(1,rep(NA_integer_, max_columns - 1))
# Create the root node (the first one):
node_1 = data.tree::Node$new(name = paste0("node_",1))
node_1$.symbols = classes$SYMBOL
node_1$.scales = classes$SCALE
# Assign the attributes to the root :
for(i in names(node_1_attr)){
node_1[[i]] = node_1_attr[[i]]
node_id = 2
for(i in seq_len(length(splitted_MTG))[-1]){
node_name = paste0("node_",node_id)
node_data= splitted_MTG[[i]]
node_column = find_MTG_node_column(node_data)
node_data = node_data[node_column:length(node_data)]
if(attr_column_start < node_column){
stop("Error in MTG at line ",i+first_line+1,": Found an MTG node declared at column ",node_column,
", but attributes are declared to start at column ",attr_column_start,
" in the ENTITY-CODE row. \nYou can probably fix the issue by adding",
" some tabs after ENTITY-CODE (try to add ",
node_column-attr_column_start+1," tabs).")
node_attr_column_start = attr_column_start - node_column + 1
node = split_MTG_elements(node_data[1])
node = expand_node(node)
stop("Error in MTG at line ",i+first_line+1,": Did you made a typo such as +/ instead of ^/ ?")
# Get node attributes:
node_attr = parse_MTG_node_attr(node_data,features,node_attr_column_start,
line = i+first_line+1)
# Declare a new node as object (because the methods associated to nodes are OO):
# assign(node_name, data.tree::Node$new(node_name))
if(node[1] == "^"){
# The parent node is the last one built on the same column
parent_column = last_node_column[node_column]
stop("Node defined at line ",i+first_line+1,
" uses the '<' notation but is the first on its column")
# The parent node is the last one built on column - 1.
parent_column = last_node_column[node_column - 1]
stop("Can't find the parent of Node defined at line ",i+first_line+1,
". It may be defined on a column that is too far right.")
building_nodes = seq_along(node)[node != "^"]
for(k in building_nodes){
node_element = parse_MTG_node(node[k])
# NB: if several nodes are declared on the same line, the attributes are defined
# for the last node only, unless "<.<" or "+.+" are used
if(k == length(node) || k %in% attr(node,"shared")){
node_k_attr= c(node_attr,
.link = node_element$link,
.symbol = node_element$symbol,
.index = node_element$index,
.scale = classes$SCALE[node_element$symbol == classes$SYMBOL])
node_k_attr= c(.link = node_element$link,
.symbol = node_element$symbol,
.index = node_element$index,
.scale = classes$SCALE[node_element$symbol == classes$SYMBOL])
if(k == min(building_nodes)){
parent_node = paste0("node_",parent_column)
parent_node = paste0("node_",node_id-1)
node_name = paste0("node_",node_id)
# Call the "AddChild" method from the parent to add our new node as its child:
# eval(parse(text=parent_node))[["AddChild"]](node_name)
# Assign the attributes to the current node :
for(j in names(node_k_attr)){
assign(j, node_k_attr[[j]], j, eval(parse(text=node_name)))
last_node_column[node_column] = node_id
node_id = node_id + 1
#' Split MTG line
#' @description Split the elements (e.g. inter-node, growth unit...) in an MTG line
#' @param MTG_line An MTG line (e.g. "/P1/A1")
#' @return A vector of elements (keeping their link, e.g. + or <)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' split_MTG_elements("/A1+U85/U86<U87<.<U93<U94<.<U96<U97+.+U100")
split_MTG_elements = function(MTG_line){
strsplit(x = MTG_line, "(?<=.)(?=[</+])",perl = TRUE)[[1]]
#' Expand MTG line
#' @description Expand the elements denoted by the syntactic sugar "<<", "<.<", "++" or "+.+"
#' @param x A split MTG line (e.g. c("/P1","/A1"))
#' @return A split MTG line with explicitly all nodes
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x = strsplit(x = "/A1+U85/U86<U87<.<U93<U94<.<U96<U97+.+U100",
#' "(?<=.)(?=[</+])",perl = TRUE)[[1]]
#' expand_node(x)
#' }
expand_node = function(x){
if(any(x %in% c("<.","+."))){
shared = TRUE
shared = FALSE
node_to_expand = which(x %in% c("<","<.","+","+."))
if(length(node_to_expand) > 0){
MTG_node_parsed = lapply(x, function(x) parse_MTG_node(x))
symbol = unlist(lapply(MTG_node_parsed, function(x) x$symbol))
index = unlist(lapply(MTG_node_parsed, function(x) x$index))
link = unlist(lapply(MTG_node_parsed, function(x) x$link))
if(any(is.na(index) | symbol == "")){
for(i in seq_along(x[node_to_expand])){
expanded_index =
(index[node_to_expand - 1][i]+1):
(index[node_to_expand + 1][i] - 1)
expanded_nodes = paste0(gsub("\\.","",link[node_to_expand[i]]),
symbol[node_to_expand[i] - 1],
x[node_to_expand[i]] = list(expanded_nodes)
shared = unlist(c(x[node_to_expand[i] - 1], x[node_to_expand[i] + 1]))
x = unlist(x)
shared_index = which(x %in% shared)
if(length(shared_index) > 0){
attr(x,"shared") = seq(shared_index[1],shared_index[2])
attr(x,"shared") = NULL
#' Parse MTG node attributes
#' @description Parse the attributes names, values and type
#' @param MTG_line An MTG line (e.g. "/P1/A1")
#' @param features The features data.frame
#' @param attr_column_start The index of the column of the first attribute
#' @param line The line of the mtg file
#' @return A list of attributes
#' @keywords internal
parse_MTG_node_attr = function(node_data,features,attr_column_start,line= NULL){
node_attr= vector(length = nrow(features))
node_data_attr = node_data[-c(1:(attr_column_start-1))]
if(length(node_data_attr) > nrow(features)){
stop("Found more columns for features in MTG than declared in the FEATURE section",
". Please check line ",line, " of the MTG:\n",paste(node_data, collapse = "\t"))
node_attr = as.list(node_data_attr)
# NB: -c(1,2) because the first one is the node topology, and the second one
# is used to separate the topology from the attributes
names(node_attr) = features[seq_along(node_data_attr),1]
node_attr[stringr::str_length(node_attr) == 0] = NA
node_type = features[seq_along(node_data_attr),2]
if(any(node_type == "INT")){
node_attr[node_type == "INT" & (node_attr == "" | node_attr == "NA")] =
tmp = tryCatch(as.integer(node_attr[node_type == "INT" & node_attr != ""]),
error=function(e) e, warning=function(w) w)
if(inherits(tmp,"warning") || inherits(tmp,"error")){
stop("Found issue in the MTG when converting into integer",
". Please check line ",line, " of the MTG:\n",paste(node_data, collapse = "\t"))
node_attr[node_type == "INT" & node_attr != ""] = tmp
if(any(node_type == "REAL")){
node_attr[node_type == "REAL" & (node_attr == "" | node_attr == "NA")] =
tmp = tryCatch(as.numeric(node_attr[node_type == "REAL" & node_attr != ""]),
error=function(e) e, warning=function(w) w)
if(inherits(tmp,"warning") || inherits(tmp,"error")){
stop("Found issue in the MTG when converting into real",
". Please check line ",line, " of the MTG:\n",paste(node_data, collapse = "\t"))
node_attr[node_type == "REAL" & node_attr != ""] = tmp
if(any(node_type == "ALPHA")){
special_attr = names(node_attr) %in% c("Width","Length")
special_attr = special_attr & node_type == "ALPHA"
node_attr[special_attr & (node_attr == "" | node_attr == "NA")] =
tmp = tryCatch(as.numeric(node_attr[special_attr & node_attr != ""]),
error=function(e) e, warning=function(w) w)
if(inherits(tmp,"warning") || inherits(tmp,"error")){
stop("Found issue in the MTG when converting into ALPHA",
". Please check line ",line, " of the MTG:\n",paste(node_data, collapse = "\t"))
node_attr[special_attr & node_attr != ""] = tmp
#' Parse MTG node
#' @description Parse MTG nodes (called from [parse_MTG_MTG()])
#' @param MTG_node An MTG node (e.g. "/Individual0")
#' @return A parsed node in the form of a list of three:
#' - the link
#' - the symbol
#' - and the index
#' @keywords internal
parse_MTG_node = function(MTG_node){
if(MTG_node %in% c("^","<.","+.")){
return(list(link = MTG_node, symbol = NA, index = NA))
link = stringr::str_sub(MTG_node,1,1)
symbol = gsub("[^[:alpha:]]","",MTG_node)
index = gsub("[^[:digit:]]","",MTG_node)
list(link = link, symbol = symbol, index = as.numeric(index))
#' Find MTG node column
#' @description Find the position of a node in the MTG (which column it belongs to)
#' @param MTG_node An MTG node (e.g. "/Individual0")
#' @return A parsed node in the form of a list of three:
#' - the link
#' - the name
#' - and the index
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # First column (last column is missing):
#' find_MTG_node_column(c("/P1","/A1",""))
#' # Node starts at column 2:
#' find_MTG_node_column(c("","/U1","<U2"))
find_MTG_node_column = function(MTG_node){
which(stringr::str_length(MTG_node) > 0)[1]
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