# msPurity R package for processing MS/MS data - Copyright (C)
# This file is part of msPurity.
# msPurity is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# msPurity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with msPurity. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Spectral matching [deprecated]
#' @description
#' Perform spectral matching to spectral libraries using dot product cosine on a LC-MS/MS dataset and link to XCMS features.
#' msPurity::spectral_matching is deprecated - please use msPurity::spectralMatching for future use
#' @param query_db_pth character; Path of the database of targets (queries) that will be searched against the library spectra. Generated
#' either from frag4feature or from create_database functions.
#' @param library_db_pth character \[optional\]; path to library spectral SQLite database.
#' Defaults to msPurityData package data.
#' @param ra_thres_q numeric; Relative abundance threshold for target (query) spectra
#' (Peaks below this RA threshold will be excluded)
#' @param ra_thres_l numeric; Relative abundance threshold for library spectra
#' @param cores numeric; Number of cores to use
#' @param pol character; Polarity \['positive' or 'negative'\]
#' @param ppm_tol_prod numeric; PPM tolerance to match to product
#' @param ppm_tol_prec numeric; PPM tolerance to match to precursor
#' @param score_thres numeric; Dot product cosine score threshold
#' @param ra_w numeric; Relative abundance weight for spectra
#' @param mz_w numeric; mz weight for spectra
#' @param match_alg character; Can either use dot product cosine (dpc) or match factor (mf) for spectral matching. Defaults to dpc
#' @param spectra_type_q character; Type of fragmentation spectra from query to match with "scans" = all individual scans,
#' "av_intra" = averaged spectra (intra), "av_inter" = averaged spectra (inter), "av_all" = averaged all
#' spectra ignoring inter-intra relationships
#' @param topn numeric \[optional\]; Only use top n matches
#' @param db_name character \[optional\]; Name of the result database
#' (e.g. can use CAMERA peaklist)
#' @param instrument_types vector \[optional\]; Vector of instrument types, defaults to all
#' @param library_sources vector \[optional\]; Vector of library sources. Default option is for massbank only but the 'lipidblast'
#' library is also available
#' @param scan_ids vector \[optional\]; Vector of unique scan ids calculated from msPurity "pid". These scans will on
#' used for the spectral matching. All scans will be used if set to NA
#' @param rt_range vector \[optional\]; Vector of rention time range to filter the library spectra (rtmin, rtmax). Default is to ignore
#' retention time range
#' @param rttol numeric \[optional\]; Tolerance in time range between the Library and Query database retention time (in seconds) NA to ignore
#' @param pa purityA object \[optional\]; If target_db_pth set to NA, a new database can be created using pa, xset and grp_peaklist
#' @param xset xcms object \[optional\]; If target_db_pth set to NA, a new database can be created using pa, xset and grp_peaklist
#' @param grp_peaklist dataframe \[optional\]; If target_db_pth set to NA, a new database can be created using pa, xset and grp_peaklist
#' @param out_dir character \[optional\]; If target_db_pth set to NA, Out directory for the SQLite result database
#' @param target_db_pth character \[deprecated\]; The query database path (use query_db_pth for future use)
#' @param ra_thres_t numeric \[deprecated\]; The relative abundance threshold for the query spectra (use ra_thres_q for future use)
#' @return list of database details and dataframe summarising the results for the xcms features
#' @examples
#' #msmsPths <- list.files(system.file("extdata", "lcms", "mzML",
#' # package="msPurityData"), full.names = TRUE,
#' # pattern = "MSMS")
#' #xset <- xcms::xcmsSet(msmsPths)
#' #xset <- xcms::group(xset)
#' #xset <- xcms::retcor(xset)
#' #xset <- xcms::group(xset)
#' #pa <- purityA(msmsPths)
#' #pa <- frag4feature(pa, xset)
#' #pa <- averageAllFragSpectra(pa)
#' #db_pth <- create_database(pa, xset)
#' #q_dbPth <- system.file("extdata", "tests", "db",
#' # "create_database_example.sqlite", package="msPurity")
#' #result <- spectral_matching(q_dbPth, spectra_type_q="av_all")
#' @export
spectral_matching <- function(query_db_pth, ra_thres_l=0, ra_thres_q=2, cores=1, pol='positive', ppm_tol_prod=10, ppm_tol_prec=5,
score_thres=0.6, topn=NA, db_name=NA, library_db_pth=NA,
instrument_types=NA, library_sources='massbank', scan_ids=NA,
pa=NA, xset=NA, grp_peaklist=NA, out_dir='.', ra_w=0.5, mz_w=2,
spectra_type_q="scans", ra_thres_t=NA, target_db_pth=NA, rt_range=c(NA, NA), rttol=NA,
message("Running msPurity spectral matching function for LC-MS(/MS) data")
if (!is.na(ra_thres_t)){
message("ra_thres_t argument has been deprecated and will be remove in future versions of msPurity,
use ra_thres_q for future use")
ra_thres_q <- ra_thres_t
if (!is.na(target_db_pth)){
message("Please note that target_db_pth argument has been deprecated and will be remove in future versions of msPurity,
use query_db_pth for future use")
query_db_pth <- target_db_pth
# Export the target data into sqlite database
if (is.na(query_db_pth)){
query_db_pth <- create_database(pa=pa, xset=xset, out_dir=out_dir, grp_peaklist=grp_peaklist, db_name=db_name)
if (is.na(library_db_pth)){
library_db_pth <- system.file("extdata", "library_spectra", "library_spectra.db", package="msPurityData")
# Perform the spectral matching
message("Performing spectral matching")
matched <- match_2_library(query_db_pth,
instrument_types = instrument_types,
library_sources = library_sources,
scan_ids = scan_ids,
ra_w = ra_w,
mz_w = mz_w,
spectra_type_q = spectra_type_q,
rt_range = rt_range,
rttol = rttol,
# Create a summary table for xcms grouped objects
if (matched){
message("Summarising LC features annotations")
xcms_summary_df <- get_xcms_sm_summary(query_db_pth, topn=topn, score_f=score_thres,spectra_type_q=spectra_type_q)
xcms_summary_df <- NA
return(list('result_db_pth' = query_db_pth, 'xcms_summary_df' = xcms_summary_df))
ra_calc <- function(x){
x$ra <- (x$i/max(x$i))*100
get_query_spectra_list_s_peak <- function(x, scan_info){
si = scan_info[scan_info$pid==unique(x$pid),]
list(x, si$precursorMZ, si$retentionTime)
get_query_spectra_list_c_peak_group <- function(x, c_peak_groups){
av_peaks = x[,c('mz','ra','type','w','grpid','grpid_fileid')]
cgi <- c_peak_groups[c_peak_groups$grpid==unique(x$grpid),]
list(av_peaks, cgi$mz, cgi$rt)
match_2_library <- function(query_db_pth, library_db_pth, instrument_types=NA, mslevel=NA, mslevel_match=TRUE,
ra_thres_q=2, ra_thres_l=0, cores=1, pol, ppm_tol_prod=100, ppm_tol_prec=50, topn=5,
library_sources=NA, scan_ids=NA, ra_w=0.5, mz_w=2,
spectra_type_q="scans", rt_range=NA, rttol=NA, match_alg='dpc'){
# Get target (query) spectra
# Get all of the target MS2 data
conQ <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), query_db_pth)
# Get scan peaks for target spectra
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
query_spectra <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ, 'SELECT * FROM s_peaks ' )
}else if (spectra_type_q=="av_intra"){
query_spectra <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ, 'SELECT * FROM av_peaks WHERE method="intra" AND pass_flag=1' )
}else if (spectra_type_q=="av_inter"){
query_spectra <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ, 'SELECT * FROM av_peaks WHERE method="inter" AND pass_flag=1' )
}else if (spectra_type_q=="av_all"){
query_spectra <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ, 'SELECT * FROM av_peaks WHERE method="all" AND pass_flag=1' )
if (!anyNA(scan_ids) && spectra_type_q=="scans"){
query_spectra <- query_spectra[query_spectra[,'pid'] %in% scan_ids,]
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
query_spectra$grpid_fileid <- paste(NA, query_spectra$fileid, sep='_')
query_spectra$grpid_fileid <- paste(query_spectra$grpid, query_spectra$fileid, sep='_')
# Calculate relative abundance
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
query_spectra <- plyr::ddply(query_spectra, ~ pid, ra_calc)
}else if (spectra_type_q=="av_intra"){
query_spectra <- plyr::ddply(query_spectra, ~ grpid_fileid, ra_calc)
query_spectra <- plyr::ddply(query_spectra, ~ grpid, ra_calc)
# Relative abundance threshold
query_spectra <- query_spectra[query_spectra$ra>=ra_thres_q,]
# Flag for spectra type
query_spectra$type <- 1
# Get library spectra
# Get all of the library peaks based on parameters given
conL <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), library_db_pth)
# Match each target spectra to the library spectra
# Only keep matches with certain criteria certain criteria
if (anyNA(library_sources)){
library_meta_query <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM library_spectra_meta WHERE lower(polarity) = lower('%s')", pol)
l_source_str <- paste("'",paste(library_sources, collapse = "', '"), "'", sep='')
library_meta_query <- sprintf("SELECT m.*, s.name AS source_name FROM library_spectra_meta as m
LEFT JOIN library_spectra_source AS s ON s.id=m.library_spectra_source_id
WHERE lower(m.polarity) = lower('%s') AND s.name IN (%s)", pol, l_source_str)
if (!anyNA(instrument_types)){
# instrument_types <- c('CE-ESI-TOF', 'ESI-ITFT', 'ESI-ITTOF', 'ESI-QTOF', 'LC-ESI-IT',
ints_string <- paste("'",paste(instrument_types, collapse = "', '"), "'", sep='')
library_meta_query <- paste(library_meta_query, sprintf(" AND instrument_type IN (%s)", ints_string))
if (!anyNA(rt_range)){
library_meta_query <- paste(library_meta_query, sprintf(" AND retention_time > %f AND retention_time < %f", rt_range[1], rt_range[2]))
library_meta <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conL, library_meta_query)
if (nrow(library_meta)==0){
message('No library spectra matching criteria')
if (!is.na(mslevel)){
library_meta <- library_meta[library_meta$ms_level==mslevel,]
if (nrow(library_meta)==0){
message('No library spectra matching criteria')
library_meta_ids <- paste(library_meta$id, collapse=", ")
library_spectra <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conL, sprintf('SELECT * FROM library_spectra WHERE library_spectra_meta_id IN (%s)', library_meta_ids) )
library_spectra <- plyr::ddply(library_spectra, ~ library_spectra_meta_id, ra_calc)
library_spectra <- library_spectra[library_spectra$ra>ra_thres_l,] # mass bank default does not do this filter
library_spectra$type <- 2
# Weight spectra
# weighted intensity value
query_spectra$w <- (query_spectra$ra^ra_w)*(query_spectra$mz^mz_w)
library_spectra$w <- (library_spectra$ra^ra_w)*(library_spectra$mz^mz_w)
# Get target (query) spectra in format ready for matching
# Order by relative abundance for target spectra
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
query_spectra <- query_spectra[order(query_spectra[,'pid'], -query_spectra[,'ra']), ]
scan_info <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ,'SELECT * FROM s_peak_meta' )
# we loop through the target spectra as list
query_spectra_list <- plyr::dlply(query_spectra, ~ pid, get_query_spectra_list_s_peak,
# get the group peaks (but also make sure we have the full min and max peakwidth)
#c_peak_groups <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ,
# 'SELECT g.*, MIN(c.rtmin) as rtmin_full, MAX(c.rtmax) as rtmax_full FROM c_peak_groups as g
# LEFT JOIN c_peak_X_c_peak_group as cxg ON
# cxg.grpid=g.grpid
# LEFT JOIN c_peaks as c ON
# cxg.cid=c.cid
# WHERE cxg.bestpeak=1
# GROUP BY cxg.grpid;')
c_peak_groups <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ, 'SELECT * FROM c_peak_groups')
# we loop through the target spectra as list
if (spectra_type_q=='av_intra'){
query_spectra <- query_spectra[order(query_spectra[,'grpid_fileid'], -query_spectra[,'ra']), ]
query_spectra_list <- plyr::dlply(query_spectra, ~ grpid_fileid, get_query_spectra_list_c_peak_group,
query_spectra <- query_spectra[order(query_spectra[,'grpid'], -query_spectra[,'ra']), ]
query_spectra_list <- plyr::dlply(query_spectra, ~ grpid, get_query_spectra_list_c_peak_group,
# Perform spectral matching
# Convert library spectra to matrix for speed
library_spectra <- as.matrix(library_spectra[,c('mz','ra','type','w','library_spectra_meta_id')])
if (cores>1){
cl<-parallel::makeCluster(cores, type = "SOCK")
parallel = TRUE
parallel = FALSE
allmatches_l <- plyr::llply(query_spectra_list, .parallel = parallel, match_targets,
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
allmatches <- plyr::ldply(allmatches_l, .id = 'pid')
}else if (spectra_type_q=="av_intra"){
allmatches <- plyr::ldply(allmatches_l, .id = 'grpid_fileid')
grpid_fileid_df <- data.frame(stringr::str_split_fixed(allmatches$grpid_fileid, "_", 2))
colnames(grpid_fileid_df) <- c('grpid', 'fileid')
allmatches <- cbind(allmatches, grpid_fileid_df)
allmatches <- plyr::ldply(allmatches_l, .id = 'grpid')
# Submit to database
if (nrow(allmatches)>0){
if (!is.na(topn)){
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
allmatches <- plyr::ddply(allmatches, ~ pid, get_topn)
}else if (spectra_type_q=="av_intra"){
allmatches <- plyr::ddply(allmatches, ~ grpid_fileid, get_topn)
allmatches <- plyr::ddply(allmatches, ~ grpid, get_topn)
library_meta_f <- library_meta[library_meta$id %in% allmatches$lid, ]
colnames(library_meta_f)[which(colnames(library_meta_f)=='id')] = 'lid'
if(DBI::dbExistsTable(conL, 'metab_compound')){
# get all compound details as well
compound_details <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conL, sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT c.* FROM library_spectra_meta AS m
LEFT JOIN metab_compound AS
c on c.inchikey_id=m.inchikey_id
WHERE m.id IN (%s)', paste(unique(allmatches$lid), collapse=",")) )
compound_details <- data.frame(lapply(compound_details, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
custom_dbWriteTable(name_pk = 'inchikey_id', fks = NA,
df=compound_details, table_name = 'metab_compound', con = conQ, pk_type='TEXT')
fk_l = list('inchikey_id'=list('new_name'='inchikey_id', 'ref_name'='inchikey_id', 'ref_table'='library_spectra_meta'))
custom_dbWriteTable(name_pk = 'lid', fks = fk_l,
df=library_meta_f, table_name = 'library_spectra_meta', con = conQ)
allmatches$mid <- 1:nrow(allmatches)
fks_lid <- list('lid'=list('new_name'='lid', 'ref_name'='lid', 'ref_table'='library_spectra_meta'))
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
fks_q <- list('pid'=list('new_name'='pid', 'ref_name'='pid', 'ref_table'='s_peak_meta'))
fks_q <- list('grpid'=list('new_name'='grpid', 'ref_name'='grpid', 'ref_table'='c_peak_groups'))
custom_dbWriteTable(name_pk = 'mid', fks = append(fks_lid, fks_q),
df=allmatches, table_name = 'matches', con = conQ)
matched = TRUE
matched = FALSE
get_topn <- function(x){
get_xcms_sm_summary <- function(query_db_pth, topn=NA, score_f=0.3, frag_nm_f=1,spectra_type_q='scans'){
# Get all of the target fragmentation data
conQ <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), query_db_pth)
if (spectra_type_q=="scans"){
XLI <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ, 'SELECT * FROM c_peak_groups
LEFT JOIN c_peak_X_c_peak_group AS cXg ON cXg.grpid=c_peak_groups.grpid
LEFT JOIN c_peaks on c_peaks.cid=cXg.cid
LEFT JOIN c_peak_X_s_peak_meta AS cXs ON cXs.cid=c_peaks.cid
LEFT JOIN s_peak_meta ON cXs.pid=s_peak_meta.pid
LEFT JOIN matches ON matches.pid=s_peak_meta.pid
LEFT JOIN library_spectra_meta ON matches.lid=library_spectra_meta.lid
WHERE matches.score IS NOT NULL')
XLI <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conQ, 'SELECT * FROM c_peak_groups
LEFT JOIN matches ON matches.grpid=c_peak_groups.grpid
LEFT JOIN library_spectra_meta ON matches.lid=library_spectra_meta.lid
WHERE matches.score IS NOT NULL')
XLI <- XLI[XLI$score>=score_f & XLI$match>=frag_nm_f,]
XLI <- XLI[order(XLI$grpid, -XLI$score),]
# Only use topn of hits per scan
if (!is.na(topn)){
if (spectra_type_q){
XLI <- plyr::ddply(XLI, ~ pid, check_topn, topn=topn)
XLI <- plyr::ddply(XLI, ~ grpid, check_topn, topn=topn)
# Summaries the annotation hits
xcms_mtch <- plyr::ddply(XLI, ~ grpid, get_ann_summary, spectra_type_q=spectra_type_q)
DBI::dbWriteTable(conQ, name='xcms_match', value=xcms_mtch, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)
check_topn <- function(x, topn){
median_match_results <- function(y){
c('best_median_score'=median(y$score), 'best_median_perc_mtch'=median(y$perc_mtch), 'best_median_match'=median(y$match))
get_ann_summary <- function(x, spectra_type_q){
# get the 'best' match based on the best scored compounds with
# the same name
med_results <- plyr::ddply(x, ~ name, median_match_results)
med_results <- med_results[order(med_results$best_median_score, decreasing = TRUE),]
colnames(med_results)[1] <- 'best_name'
best_match <- med_results[1,]
unique_names <- med_results$name
# Get all the matches
allnames <- paste(unlist(x$name),collapse=", ")
if (spectra_type_q=='scans'){
allpids <- paste(unlist(x$pid),collapse=", ")
snm <- length(unique(unlist(allpids)))
allpids <- NA
snm <- NA
alllids <- paste(unlist(x$lid),collapse=", ")
allscores <- paste(unlist(round(x$score,3)),collapse=", ")
out_v <- c(unlist(best_match), 'all_names'=allnames, 'all_pids'=allpids,
'all_lids'=alllids, 'all_scores'=allscores, 'numb_unique_scans'=snm, 'spectra_type'= spectra_type_q)
match_targets <- function(target_peaks_list, library_spectra, ppm_tol_prod=100, ra_diff=10, library_precs, library_rt, ppm_tol_prec=50, rttol=NA, match_alg){
# Get target peaks and precursor of target
target_peaks <- target_peaks_list[[1]]
target_prec <- target_peaks_list[[2]]
target_rt <- target_peaks_list[[3]]
tcnm = c('mz','ra','type','w')
# Convert target peaks to matrix for speed
if(is.vector(target_peaks) | nrow(target_peaks)==1){
target_peaks <- target_peaks[tcnm]
target_peaks <- matrix(as.numeric(target_peaks), nrow=1, ncol=4)
colnames(target_peaks) <- tcnm
target_peaks <- as.matrix(target_peaks[,tcnm])
# get unique ids of library_spectra precursor 'meta' info
library_meta_ids <- unique(library_spectra[,'library_spectra_meta_id'])
# Get ppm difference between precursor from library and target
out_prec <- outer(target_prec, library_precs, '-')*1e6
colprec <- library_precs[col(out_prec)] # so we can divide by column if library
ppmdiff_prec <- as.vector(abs(out_prec/colprec))
# Filter the library spectra that does not meet the precursor tolerance check
library_spectra_red <- library_spectra[library_spectra[,'library_spectra_meta_id'] %in% library_meta_ids[ppmdiff_prec<=ppm_tol_prec],]
# get difference from rention time
rt_diff <- abs(target_rt-library_rt)
# Filter the library spectra that does not meet the precursor tolerance check
library_spectra_red <- library_spectra_red[library_spectra_red[,'library_spectra_meta_id'] %in% library_meta_ids[rt_diff<=rttol],]
# Exit if no peaks left (if vector it means it is just 1 row)
lnms <- names(library_spectra_red)
library_spectra_red <- matrix(library_spectra_red, nrow=1, ncol=length(library_spectra_red))
colnames(library_spectra_red) <- lnms
}else if (nrow(library_spectra_red)==0){
# calculate ppm error of all peaks (I am presuming this is faster than doing it library spectra at a time...)
out_peaks_mz <- outer(target_peaks[,'mz'], library_spectra_red[,'mz'], '-')*1e6
colmz <- library_spectra_red[,'mz'][col(out_peaks_mz)] # so we can calculate column wide
ppmdiff_all <- abs(out_peaks_mz/colmz)
# Calculate the percentage error of RA to library
out_peaks_ra <- outer(target_peaks[,'ra'], library_spectra_red[,'ra'], '-')
colra <- library_spectra_red[,'ra'][col(out_peaks_ra)] # so we can calculate column wide
idiff_all <- abs(outer(target_peaks[,'ra'], library_spectra_red[,'ra'], '-')/colra)*100
# Get index for difference matrices
gidx <- c(0,cumsum(table(library_spectra_red[,'library_spectra_meta_id'])))
lnm <- length(unique(library_spectra_red[,'library_spectra_meta_id']))
l = list()
library_meta_info_ids <- unique(library_spectra_red[,'library_spectra_meta_id'])
for(j in 1:lnm){
uid <- library_meta_info_ids[j]
mtch<- matchi(ppmdiff = ppmdiff_all[,(gidx[j]+1):gidx[j+1]],
idiff = idiff_all[,(gidx[j]+1):gidx[j+1]],
library_peaks = library_spectra_red[library_spectra_red[,'library_spectra_meta_id']==uid,],
target_peaks = target_peaks,
l[[j]] <- c(mtch, uid)
d <-plyr::ldply(l)
colnames(d) <- c('score','perc_mtch','match','lid')
d <- d[d[,'score']>0 & !is.na(d[,'score']),]
matchi <-function(library_peaks, target_peaks, ppmdiff, idiff, ppm_tol_prod=50, ra_diff=10, match_alg){
if (!any(ppmdiff<ppm_tol_prod)){
if(is.vector(target_peaks) || nrow(target_peaks)==1){
ppmdiff <- matrix(ppmdiff, nrow=1)
idiff <- matrix(idiff, nrow=1)
ppmdiff <- matrix(ppmdiff)
idiff <- matrix(idiff)
library_peaks <- library_peaks[c('mz','ra','type','w')]
library_peaks <- matrix(library_peaks, nrow=1, ncol=4)
colnames(library_peaks) <- c('mz','ra','type','w')
library_peaks <- library_peaks[,c('mz','ra','type','w')]
# need to ensure target_peaks, ppmdiff and idiff are all in mtarix format
# Following the pMatch-hammer method for peak matching but with slight variation that we also check the percentage difference for
# the relative intensity as well
# https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3928522/
# we keep a vector detailing which library peaks we have already matched
lp_remain <- seq(1, ncol(idiff))
# Loop through the differences for the target to library
allpeaks <- list()
mcount = NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(idiff)){
ppmD <- ppmdiff[i,]
iD <- idiff[i,]
allpeaks[[i]] <- rbind(target_peaks[i,],c(0, 0, 2,0))
mcount <- append(mcount, 'miss')
bm <- min(ppmD, na.rm = TRUE)
if (bm>ppm_tol_prod){
allpeaks[[i]] <- rbind(target_peaks[i,],c(0, 0, 2,0))
mcount <- append(mcount, 'miss')
# First check to see if there is a matching intensity value within ra_diff (default 10%)
intenc <- iD[ppmD<ppm_tol_prod & iD<ra_diff & !is.na(ppmD) & !is.na(ra_diff)]
if (!identical(unname(intenc), numeric(0))){
matchi <- match(min(intenc, na.rm = TRUE), iD)
matchi <- match(min(ppmD[ppmD<ppm_tol_prod], na.rm=TRUE), ppmD)
allpeaks[[i]] <- rbind(target_peaks[i,],library_peaks[matchi,])
mcount <- append(mcount, 'match')
lp_remain[matchi] <- NA
idiff[,matchi] <- NA
ppmdiff[,matchi] <- NA
c = length(allpeaks)+1
for (i in lp_remain){
allpeaks[[c]] <- rbind(c(0, 0, 1,0), library_peaks[i,])
mcount <- append(mcount, 'miss')
c = c+1
allpeaksm <- do.call(rbind, allpeaks)
wtm <- allpeaksm[allpeaksm[,'type']==1,]
if (is.vector(wtm)){
wt <- as.numeric(wtm['w'])
wt <- as.numeric(wtm[,'w'])
wlm <- allpeaksm[allpeaksm[,'type']==2,]
if (is.vector(wlm)){
wl <- as.numeric(wlm['w'])
wl <- as.numeric(wlm[,'w'])
if (match_alg=='dpc'){
sim_out <- CosSim(wt, wl)
}else if (match_alg=='mf'){
sim_out <- match_factor(wt, wl)
percentage_match <- sum(mcount=='match')/length(mcount)
# group1d <- function(v, thr){
# v <- sort(v)
# a <- ''
# cl <- 1
# c <- 1
# for(i in 1:(length(v)-1)){
# a[i] <- (1e6*(v[i+1]-v[i]))/v[i]
# if(as.numeric(a[i])<thr){
# cl[i+1] <- c
# }else{
# c <- c+1
# cl[i+1] <- c
# }
# }
# return(cl)
# }
# alignPeaks <- function(v, type, thr){
# v <- sort(v)
# a <- ''
# p <- ''
# c <- 1
# for(i in 1:(length(v)-1)){
# if (!ty[i]==ty[i+1]){
# a[i] <- (1e6*(v[i+1]-v[i]))/v[i]
# if (a[i]>thr){
# p[i] = p
# p[i+1] = p
# }else{
# }
# print(paste(ty[i], ty[i+1], a[i]))
# }else{
# print(i)
# }
# }
# return(cl)
# }
CosSim <- function(A,B) {
return( sum(A*B)/sqrt(sum(A^2)*sum(B^2)) )
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