
## Construct one-stage Group-Design-Matrix, fmri-package is needed

fmri.designG <- function (hrf,
                          subj = 1,
                          runs = 1,
                          group = NULL,
                          XG = NULL)
  if (is.null(dim(hrf)))
    dim(hrf) <- c(length(hrf), 1)
  stimuli <- dim(hrf)[2]
  scans <- dim(hrf)[1]

  id <- rep(1:subj, each = scans*runs)
  id <- factor(id)
  run <- rep(1:runs, times = subj, each = scans)
  run <- factor(run)
  scan <- rep(1:scans, times = subj*runs)
  session <- rep(1:(subj*runs), each = scans)
  session <- factor(session)

  if (!is.null(group)) {
    if (length(group) != subj) {
      stop("fmri.designG: Length of group vector (= ",length(group),
           ") does not match the number of subjects (= " ,subj, ").")
    } else {
      group.g <- rep(group, each = scans*runs)
  } else {
    group.g <- c(rep(1, scans*runs*subj))
  group.g <- factor(group.g)

  if (stimuli > 1) {
    list2 <- c(paste("hrf", 2:stimuli, sep=""))
    hrf.list <- c(hrf.list, list2)
  x <- fmri.design(hrf, order=2) # fmri-package used
  x.g <- rep(1, subj*runs) %x% x

  ## add population traits
  if (!is.null(XG)) {
    if (!is.data.frame(XG))
      stop("fmri.designG: The 2nd level design matrix XG is not a data frame.")
    if (dim(XG)[1] != subj) {
      stop("fmri.designG: First dimension of 2nd level design matrix XG (= ",dim(XG)[1],
           ") does not match the number of subjects (= " ,subj, ").")
    } else {
      P <- XG[rep(1:nrow(XG), each = scans*runs),]
      rownames(P) <- NULL
    # remove duplicate entries
    if (!is.null(P$group)) {
      group.g <- factor(P$group)
      P$group <- NULL
    x.group <- data.frame(id, run, scan, session, group.g, x.g, P)
  } else {
    x.group <- data.frame(id, run, scan, session, group.g, x.g)

  if (runs > 1)
    warning("If not all runs within each subject were completed, please delete this rows manually!")

# Input data:
# hrf = one or more expected BOLD response(s) for one session,
#       typically output from fmri.stimulus(.)
# subj = number of subjects in the study
# runs = number of repeated measures within subjects
# group = optional group vector, length == subj
# XG = optional data frame with known population parameters such as sex or ages
#      for all subjects, dim(XG)[1] == subj

## Output-Matrix (data.frame)
# subj: consecutive subject number, 1 to subj
# run:  consecutive run number within subj, 1 to run,
#       for experiments with repeated measures
# scan: consecutive scan number, 1 to T, for every single experiment
# session: consecutive experiment number, 1 to (subj*run)
# group: grouping variable, default: 1 group only
# hrf: expected BOLD-response
# drift0, drift1, drift2: polynomial drift terms, orthogonal to the stimuli
# last columns: expanded between subject factors / subject-specific covariates

## Estimation of the group map, nlme- and parallel-packages are needed

# Input data:
# bold  = Multi-Subject-Boldsignal-Array (Bold time series),
#         attention: order of cumulative data sets is importent!
#         (all runs/sessions of first subject, all runs of second subject, ...)
# z     = Group-Design-Matrix, typically output from fmri.designG(.)
# fixed = fixed effects, one-sided formula,
#         no intercept because intercept will be a linear combination of
#         the session factor-variable, modeling session-specific intercepts
#       e.g. fixed <- ~ 0 + hrf + session + drift1:session + drift2:session
#            (default in case of one group of subjects)
#       e.g. fixed <- ~ 0 + hrf:group + session + drift1:session + drift2:session
#            (default in case of two groups of subjects, estimates one SPM per group)
# random = random effects, one-sided formula with grouping factor(s)
#       e.g. random <- ~ 0 + hrf|subj
#            (default in case of one group without repeated measures)
#       e.g. random <- ~ 0 + hrf|subj/session
#            (default in case of one group with repeated measures)
#       e.g. random <- list(subj = nlme::pdDiag(~ 0 + hrf:group))
#            (default in case of two groups without repeated measures)
# ac    = AR1-coefficent(s), single value (global) or voxel specific array (local)
# mask  = head mask, if available
# vtype = homoscedastic ("eqaul") or heteroscedastic/subject-specific
#        ("individual") residuals
# cluster = number of CPU cores for parallel voxel calculating,
#         cluster = 1 used the simple unparallelized method (very slow);
#         if you do not know your CPUs, try: detectCores() from parallel-package
# wghts = isotropic voxel (MNI-space: wghts = c(1,1,1), default) or other vector

fmri.lmePar <- function (bold,
                         fixed = NULL,
                         random = NULL,
                         mask = NULL,
                         ac = 0.3,
                         vtype ="individual",
                         cluster = 2,
                         wghts = c(1,1,1)) {

  t1 <- Sys.time()
  cat("fmri.lme: entering function\n")

  ## set dimensions
  dim.spm <- dim(bold)[1:3]
  dx <- dim(bold)[1]
  dy <- dim(bold)[2]
  dz <- dim(bold)[3]
  dNt <- dim(bold)[4]
  total0 <- dx*dy*dz

  ## test dimensionality of objects and design matrix
  if (length(dim(bold)) != 4)
    stop("fmri.lme: Hmmmm, this does not seem to be a fMRI time series. I better stop executing! Sorry!\n")
  if (!is.data.frame(z))
    stop("fmri.lme: Something is wrong with the design matrix.")
  if (dim(bold)[4] != dim(z)[1])
    stop("fmri.lme: design matrix dimensionality does not match functional data.")
  if ((!length(ac)==1) && (!identical(dim(ac),dim.spm)))
    stop("fmri.lme: AR1-array dimensionality does not match functional data.")
  if ((min(ac) < 0) || (max(ac) > 1))
    stop("fmri.lme: AR1-coefficents out of range.")
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- array(TRUE, dim=dim.spm)
  if (!identical(dim(mask),dim.spm))
    stop("fmri.lme: mask dimensionality does not match functional data.")
  if (sum(mask)==0)
    stop("fmri.meta: your head mask is empty, nothing to do.")

  ## keep roi-attributes, bold object will be removed
  if (!is.null(attr(bold, "xind"))) {
    xind <- attr(bold, "xind")
  } else {
    xind <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attr(bold, "yind"))) {
    yind <- attr(bold, "yind")
  } else {
    yind <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attr(bold, "zind"))) {
    zind <- attr(bold, "zind")
  } else {
    zind <- NULL

  ## keep ac-type, ac object will be removed
  if (length(ac)==1) {
    white <- 3 # actype == "ac"     ... AC only
  } else {
    white <- 1 # actype == "smooth" ... calc AC, smooth AC, calc prewhitened model

  ## apply mask and merge ac-array with functional data
  dim(bold) <- c(total0,dNt)
  total <- sum(mask)

  ## insert: early termination criterion
  if ((cluster==1) && (total > 20000)) {
    stop("Time for this calculation takes longer than 1 hour. Please use parallelizing option.")

  bold2 <- array(0, dim=c(total, dNt+1))
  bold2[, 1] <- if(length(ac)==total0) ac[mask] else rep(ac[1],total)
  bold2[, -1] <- bold[mask,]
  rm(ac, bold)

  ## define some arrays capturing the estimated values
  dim <- c(dim.spm,dNt)
  cbeta <- array(0, dim = dim.spm)
  var <- array(1, dim = dim.spm)
  resid <- array(1, dim = c(dNt, total0))
  arfactor <- array(0, dim = dim.spm)
  df <- 100

  dim2 <- NULL
  cbeta2 <- NULL
  var2 <- NULL
  resid2 <- NULL
  df2 <- NULL

  gr <- nlevels(z$group) # get number of groups
  runs <- nlevels(z$run) # get number of repeated measures

  ## one group only
  if (gr==1) {

    ## configure model syntax
    if (is.null(fixed)) {
      fixed <- ~ 0 + hrf + session + drift1:session + drift2:session
    fe.model <- formula(paste(c("y",as.character(fixed)),collapse = " "))
    # session-specific intercepts strictly necessary, mostly high variable;
    # subject-specific intercepts not sufficient, even in case of repeated
    # measurements model missfit were found under this restiction (dames: LR-tests)

    if (is.null(random)) {
      if (runs == 1) {
        random <- ~ 0 + hrf|subj
        ar1 <- ~ 1|subj/session
      if (runs > 1) {
##        if (subj==1) {
        if (dNt==1) {
        ##  hope thats correct: dNt == number of subjects ???  J.
        random <- ~ 0 + hrf|session
          ar1 <- ~ 1|session
        } else {
        random <- ~ 0 + hrf|subj/session
        ar1 <- ~ 1|subj/session
##    } else if (subj==1) {
    } else if (dNt==1) {
##  hope thats correct: dNt == number of subjects ???  J.
      ar1 <- ~ 1|session
    } else {
      ar1 <- ~ 1|subj/session
    random.model <- paste(c("",as.character(random)),collapse = " ")

    # ... but subject-specific error terms still be valid, whereas
    # homoscedasticity assumption mostly not acceptable (dames: LR-tests)
    if (vtype=="individual") {
      weights <- nlme::varIdent(form =~ 1|subj)
    if (vtype=="equal") {
      weights <- NULL

    ## internal auxiliary function: estimation of the parameters in one voxel i
    funcA <- function(y, z, fe.model, random, ar1, weights, dot = FALSE) {
      z$y <- y[-1]
      if (dot) cat(".")
      lmm <-  nlme::lme(fixed = fe.model,
                  random = random,
                  correlation = nlme::corAR1(value=y[1], form = ar1, fixed=TRUE),
                  weights = weights,
                  method ="REML",
                  control = nlme::lmeControl(rel.tol=1e-6, returnObject = TRUE),
                  data = z)
      cbeta <- nlme::fixef(lmm)[1] # alternatively: fixef(lmm)["hrf"]
      var <- vcov(lmm)[1,1]  # alternatively: vcov(lmm)["hrf","hrf"]
      resid <- resid(lmm)
      arfactor <- y[1]
      df <- lmm$fixDF$X[1]   # alternatively: lmm$fixDF$X["hrf"]
      result <- c(cbeta,var,arfactor,df,resid)

    cat("fmri.lme: calculating MFX model\n")

    ## voxel-by-voxel analysis
    # A) without parallelizing
    if (cluster==1) {
      param <- apply(bold2, 1, funcA, z, fe.model, random, ar1, weights, dot = TRUE)

    # B) with parallelizing
    if (cluster > 1) {
      cl <- makeCluster(cluster)
      clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(nlme),"funcA"))
      param <- parApply(cl, bold2, 1, funcA, z, fe.model, random, ar1, weights)
      # param <- parRapply(cl, bold2, funcA, z, fe.model, random, ar1, weights)
      # gives back no array but a list, therefore getting:
      # Error in param[1, ] : incorrect number of dimensions

    cbeta[mask] <- param[1, ]
    var[mask] <- param[2, ]
    arfactor[mask] <- param[3, ]
    df <- param[4,1]
    resid[, mask] <- param[5:(dNt+4), ]
    cat("fmri.lme: finished\n")

    cat("fmri.lme: calculating spatial correlation\n")
    lags <- c(5, 5, 3)
    scorr <- aws::residualSpatialCorr(resid,mask,lags)
    # attention: NaNs in scorr
    # if analyzed brain region is too small (e.g. 1 or 2 Slices)

    ## "compress" the residuals
    qscale <- range(resid)
    scale <- max(abs(qscale))/32767
    resid <- writeBin(as.integer(resid/scale), raw(), 2)

    ## determine local smoothness
    if (sum(!is.finite(scorr))) {
      warning("fmri.lme: infinite spatial correlations were found.
              The analyzed region maybe too small. No bandwidths determinable.")
      bw <- NULL
      rxyz <- NULL
    } else {
      bw <- optim(c(2, 2, 2), corrrisk, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                  lower = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), upper = c(6, 6, 6),
                  lag = lags, data = scorr)$par
      bw[bw <= 0.25] <- 0
      dim(bw) <- c(1, 3)
      rxyz <- c(resel(1, bw[1]), resel(1, bw[2]), resel(1, bw[3]))
      dim(rxyz) <- c(1, 3)
    scale2 <- NULL
    corr2 <- NULL
    bw2 <- NULL
    rxyz2 <- NULL
    dim2 <- NULL
    cat("fmri.lme: finished\n")

  ## two independent groups
  if (gr==2) {
    cbeta2 <- cbeta
    var2 <- var
    gr.label <- levels(z$group)
    dNt1 <- length(z$group[z$group==gr.label[1]])
    dNt2 <- length(z$group[z$group==gr.label[2]])
    resid <- array(1, dim = c(dNt1, total0))
    resid2 <- array(1, dim = c(dNt2, total0))
    df2 <- df

    ## configure model syntax
    if (is.null(fixed)) {
      fixed <- ~ 0 + hrf:group + session + drift1:session + drift2:session
    fe.model <- formula(paste(c("y",as.character(fixed)),collapse = " "))

    if (is.null(random)) {
      if (runs == 1) {
        random <- list(subj = nlme::pdDiag(~ 0 + hrf:group)) # independent groups
      } else if (runs > 1) {
        stop("fmri.lme: Sorry, repeated measures for two groups are not predefined.")
    random.model <- list(formula=paste(c(attr(random$subj, "formula"), " | subj"),
                                       collapse = ""), classes=class(random$subj))

    if (vtype=="individual") {
      weights <- nlme::varIdent(form =~ 1|subj)
    if (vtype=="equal") {
      weights <- NULL

    # nlme:lme intern labeling
    cbeta.label <- c(paste(c("hrf:group",gr.label[1]), collapse = ""),
                     paste(c("hrf:group",gr.label[2]), collapse = ""))

    ## internal auxiliary function: estimation of the parameters in one voxel i
    funcB <- function(y, z, fe.model, random, weights, cbeta.label, dot = FALSE)
      z$y <- y[-1]
      if (dot) cat(".")
      lmm <-  nlme::lme(fixed = fe.model,
                  random = random,
                  correlation = nlme::corAR1(value=y[1], form = ~ 1|subj/session, fixed=TRUE),
                  weights = weights,
                  method ="REML",
                  control = nlme::lmeControl(rel.tol=1e-6, returnObject = TRUE),
                  data = z)

      cbeta1 <- nlme::fixef(lmm)[cbeta.label[1]]
      cbeta2 <- nlme::fixef(lmm)[cbeta.label[2]]
      var1 <- vcov(lmm)[cbeta.label[1],cbeta.label[1]]
      var2 <- vcov(lmm)[cbeta.label[2],cbeta.label[2]]
      resid1 <- resid(lmm)[z$group==levels(z$group)[1]]
      resid2 <- resid(lmm)[z$group==levels(z$group)[2]]
      arfactor <- y[1]
      df1 <- lmm$fixDF$X[cbeta.label[1]]
      df2 <- lmm$fixDF$X[cbeta.label[2]]
      result <- c(cbeta1,cbeta2,var1,var2,df1,df2,arfactor,resid1,resid2)

    cat("fmri.lme: calculating MFX model\n")

    ## voxel-by-voxel analysis
    # A) without parallelizing
    if (cluster==1) {
      param <- apply(bold2, 1, funcB, z, fe.model, random, weights,
                     cbeta.label, dot = TRUE)

    # B) with parallelizing
    if (cluster > 1) {
      cl <- makeCluster(cluster)
      clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(nlme),"funcB"))
      param <- parApply(cl, bold2, 1, funcB, z, fe.model, random, weights,

    cbeta[mask] <- param[1, ]
    cbeta2[mask] <- param[2, ]
    var[mask] <- param[3, ]
    var2[mask] <- param[4, ]
    df <- param[5,1]
    df2 <- param[6,1]
    arfactor[mask] <- param[7, ]
    resid[, mask] <- param[8:(dNt1+7), ]
    resid2[, mask] <- param[(8+dNt1):(dNt2+dNt1+7), ]
    dim <- c(dim.spm,dNt1)
    dim2 <- c(dim.spm,dNt2)

    attr(cbeta, "coeff") <- cbeta.label[1]
    attr(var, "var") <- cbeta.label[1]
    attr(dim, "group label") <- gr.label[1]
    attr(cbeta2, "coeff") <- cbeta.label[2]
    attr(var2, "var") <- cbeta.label[2]
    attr(dim2, "group label") <- gr.label[2]
    cat("fmri.lme: finished\n")

    cat("fmri.lme: calculating spatial correlation\n")
    lags <- c(5, 5, 3)
    scorr <- aws::residualSpatialCorr(resid,mask,lags)
    scorr2 <- aws::residualSpatialCorr(resid2,mask,lags)

    # attention: NaNs in scorr
    # if analyzed brain region is too small (e.g. 1 or 2 Slices)

    ## "compress" the residuals
    qscale <- range(resid)
    scale <- max(abs(qscale))/32767
    resid <- writeBin(as.integer(resid/scale), raw(), 2)
    attr(resid, "resid") <- paste(c("res:group",gr.label[1]), collapse = "")

    qscale2 <- range(resid2)
    scale2 <- max(abs(qscale2))/32767
    resid2 <- writeBin(as.integer(resid2/scale2), raw(), 2)
    attr(resid2, "resid") <- paste(c("res:group",gr.label[2]), collapse = "")

    ## determine local smoothness
    if (sum(!is.finite(scorr))) {
      warning("fmri.lme:  infinite spatial correlations were found.
            The analyzed region maybe too small. No bandwidths determinable.")
      bw <- NULL
      rxyz <- NULL
    } else {
      bw <- optim(c(2, 2, 2), corrrisk, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                  lower = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), upper = c(6, 6, 6),
                  lag = lags, data = scorr)$par
      bw[bw <= 0.25] <- 0
      dim(bw) <- c(1, 3)
      rxyz <- c(resel(1, bw[1]), resel(1, bw[2]), resel(1, bw[3]))
      dim(rxyz) <- c(1, 3)

    if (sum(!is.finite(scorr2))) {
      bw2 <- NULL
      rxyz2 <- NULL
    } else {
      bw2 <- optim(c(2, 2, 2), corrrisk, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                   lower = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), upper = c(6, 6, 6),
                   lag = lags, data = scorr2)$par
      bw2[bw2 <= 0.25] <- 0
      dim(bw2) <- c(1, 3)
      rxyz2 <- c(resel(1, bw2[1]), resel(1, bw2[2]), resel(1, bw2[3]))
      dim(rxyz2) <- c(1, 3)
    attr(scale, "resid") <- paste(c("res:group",gr.label[1]), collapse = "")
    attr(scorr, "spatial correlations:group") <- gr.label[1]
    attr(bw, "bandwidths:group") <- gr.label[1]
    attr(rxyz, "smoothness in resel space:group") <- gr.label[1]
    attr(scale2, "resid") <- paste(c("res:group",gr.label[2]), collapse = "")
    attr(scorr2, "spatial correlations:group") <- gr.label[2]
    attr(bw2, "bandwidths:group") <- gr.label[2]
    attr(rxyz2, "smoothness in resel space:group") <- gr.label[2]
    cat("fmri.lme: finished\n")

  } else if (gr > 2) {
    stop("fmri.lme: Sorry, more than two groups are not planned in this version.")

  cat("fmri.lme: exiting function\n")
  result <- list(cbeta = cbeta,
                 var = var,
                 cbeta2 = cbeta2,
                 var2 = var2,
                 mask = mask,
                 res = resid,
                 resscale = scale,
                 res2 = resid2,
                 resscale2 = scale2,
                 arfactor = arfactor,
                 rxyz = rxyz,
                 scorr = scorr,
                 rxyz2 = rxyz2,
                 scorr2 = scorr2,
                 bw = bw,
                 bw2 = bw2,
                 weights = wghts,
                 dim = dim,
                 dim2 = dim2,
                 df = df,
                 df2 = df2)
  if (!is.null(xind)) {
    result$roixa <- min(xind)
    result$roixe <- max(xind)
  if (!is.null(yind)) {
    result$roiya <- min(yind)
    result$roiye <- max(yind)
  if (!is.null(zind)) {
    result$roiza <- min(zind)
    result$roize <- max(zind)
  ## save further group study objects
  result$subjects <- max(as.numeric(z$subj))
  result$subj.runs <- max(as.numeric(z$run))
  result$sessions <- max(as.numeric(z$session))
  result$groups <- gr
  result$fixedModel <- paste(c("",as.character(fixed)),collapse = " ")
  result$randomModel <- random.model
  result$VarModel <- vtype
  result$cluster <- cluster
  #result$vwghts <- 1 # unused argument since fmri v1.6-x

  class(result) <- c("fmridata", "fmrispm")
  attr(result, "design") <- z
  attr(result, "approach") <- "one-stage process"
  attr(result, "white") <- white
  attr(result, "residuals") <- !is.null(scale)

  t2 <- Sys.time()
  cat("time elapsed",difftime(t2,t1,units="mins"),"mins\n")

## Estimation of the group map in a two-stage procedure,
## assumption: parameter estimates for each subject are independent
# metafor- and parallel-packages are needed

# Input data:
# Cbold = Multi-Subject-Array of estimated BOLD-contrasts (gamma's),
#     dimensions 1 to 3 define the 3D voxel space,
#     dimension 4 counts the k pre-analyzed subjects
#     e.g., Cbold <- array(0, dim = c(dx,dy,dz,k))
#           Cbold[,,,1] <- spm.sub01$cbeta
#           Cbold[,,,2] <- spm.sub02$cbeta
# Vbold = Multi-Subject-Array of the estimated variances for the BOLD-contrasts,
#     array dimensions equal to Cbold
# XG = optional argument to include one or more moderators in the model,
#     moderators are specified by a data frame with k rows and
#     as many columns as there are moderator variables.
#     The intercept is added to the model matrix by default.
# model = optional argument to specifying a model with moderator variables,
#         use a one-sided formula of the form:
#         model = ~ mod1 + mod2 + mod3,
#         adding -1 will remove the intercept term.
# method = character string specifying whether a fixed- (method="FE") or
#          a random/mixed-effects model (method="REML", default)
#          should be fitted
# weighted = logical indicating whether weighted (weighted=TRUE, default) or
#            unweighted (FALSE) least squares should be used to fit the model.
# knha  = logical specifying whether the method by Knapp and Hartung (2003)
#         should be used for adjusting standard errors (default=FALSE)
# mask  = head mask, if available
# cluster = number of CPU cores for parallel voxel calculating,
#         cluster = 1 used the simple unparallelized method (very slow);
#         if you do not know your CPUs, try: detectCores() from parallel-package
# wghts = vector of length three, for isotropic voxel like being in MNI-space:
#         wghts = c(1,1,1) by default. you can enter other ratios.

fmri.metaPar <- function (Cbold,
                          XG = NULL,
                          model = NULL,
                          method = "REML",
                          weighted = TRUE,
                          knha = FALSE,
                          mask = NULL,
                          cluster = 2,
                          wghts = c(1,1,1)) {

  t1 <- Sys.time()
  cat("fmri.meta: entering function\n")

  ## test dimensionality of objects
  if (length(dim(Cbold)) != 4)
    stop("fmri.meta: The first argument does not seem to be a 4D-Array.\n")
  if (length(dim(Vbold)) != 4)
    stop("fmri.meta: The second argument does not seem to be a 4D-Array.\n")
  if (!identical(dim(Cbold), dim(Vbold)))
    stop("fmri.meta: dimensionality of the two arrays are not the same.\n")
  if ((!is.null(XG)) && (!is.data.frame(XG)))
    stop("fmri.meta: The design matrix XG is not a data frame.")
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask <- array(TRUE, dim = dim(Cbold)[1:3])
  if (!identical(dim(mask), dim(Cbold)[1:3]))
    stop("fmri.meta: mask dimensionality does not match the data.\n")
  if (sum(mask)==0)
    stop("fmri.meta: your head mask is empty, nothing to do.\n")

  ## set dimensions
  dim.spm <- dim(Cbold)[1:3]
  dx <- dim(Cbold)[1]
  dy <- dim(Cbold)[2]
  dz <- dim(Cbold)[3]
  dk <- dim(Cbold)[4]
  total0 <- dx*dy*dz

  ## keep roi-attributes, Cbold object will be removed
  if (!is.null(attr(Cbold, "xind"))) {
    xind <- attr(Cbold, "xind")
  } else {
    xind <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attr(Cbold, "yind"))) {
    yind <- attr(Cbold, "yind")
  } else {
    yind <- NULL
  if (!is.null(attr(Cbold, "zind"))) {
    zind <- attr(Cbold, "zind")
  } else {
    zind <- NULL

  ## apply mask and merge arrays containing the level 1 outcomes
  dim(Cbold) <- c(total0,dk)
  dim(Vbold) <- c(total0,dk)
  total <- sum(mask)

  CV <- array(0, dim=c(total, 2*dk))
  CV[, 1:dk] <- Cbold[mask,]
  CV[, (dk+1):(2*dk)] <- Vbold[mask,]
  rm(Cbold, Vbold)

  ## define some arrays capturing the estimated values
  cbeta <- array(0, dim = dim.spm)
  var <- array(1, dim = dim.spm)
  tau2 <- array(0, dim = dim.spm)
  resid <- array(1, dim = c(dk, total0))

  ## configure model syntax
  if (is.null(XG)) {
    mods <- NULL
  } else if (is.null(model)) {
    mods <- NULL
  } else {
    mods = model

  ## internal auxiliary function: estimation of the parameters in one voxel i
  funcD <- function(y, mods, XG, method, weighted, knha, dk, dot = FALSE) {
    c <- y[1:dk]
    v <- y[(dk+1):(2*dk)]
    if (dot) cat(".")
    fit <- metafor::rma.uni(c,
                   mods = mods,
                   data = XG,
                   method = method,
                   weighted = weighted,
                   knha = knha,
                   control = list(stepadj=0.5, threshold=0.001, maxiter = 1000))
    cbeta <- fit$b[1]
    var <- fit$vb[1,1]
    beta <- fit$b
    se <- fit$se
    resid <- c - cbeta
    tau2 <- fit$tau2
    df <- fit$k - fit$p # df=(n-p), p incl. intercept
    result <- c(cbeta, var, tau2, df, resid, beta, se)

  cat("fmri.meta: calculating MEMA model\n")

  ## voxel-by-voxel analysis
  # A) without parallelizing
  if (cluster==1) {
    param <- apply(CV, 1, funcD, mods, XG, method, weighted, knha,
                   dk, dot = FALSE)

  # B) with parallelizing
  if (cluster > 1) {
    cl <- makeCluster(cluster)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(metafor),"funcD"))
    param <- parApply(cl, CV, 1, funcD, mods, XG, method, weighted,
                      knha, dk)

  cbeta[mask] <- param[1, ]
  var[mask] <- param[2, ]
  tau2[mask] <- param[3,]
  df <- param[4,1]
  resid[, mask] <- param[5:(dk+4), ]

  p <- dk - df # number of estimated coefficients
  beta <- array(0, dim = c(total0, p))
  beta[mask,] <- t(param[(dk+5):(dk+4+p), ])
  dim(beta) <- c(dim.spm, p)
  se <- array(1, dim = c(total0, p))
  se[mask,] <- t(param[(dk+5+p):(dk+4+2*p), ])
  dim(se) <- c(dim.spm, p)

  cat("fmri.meta: finished\n")

  cat("fmri.meta: calculating spatial correlation\n")
  lags <- c(5, 5, 3)
  scorr <- aws::residualSpatialCorr(resid,mask,lags)
  # attention: NaNs in scorr
  # if analyzed brain region is too small (e.g. 1 or 2 Slices)

  ## "compress" the residuals
  qscale <- range(resid)
  scale <- max(abs(qscale))/32767
  resid <- writeBin(as.integer(resid/scale), raw(), 2)

  ## determine local smoothness
  if (sum(!is.finite(scorr))) {
    warning("fmri.meta:  infinite spatial correlations were found.
              The analyzed region maybe too small. No bandwidths determinable.")
    bw <- NULL
    rxyz <- NULL
  } else {
    bw <- optim(c(2, 2, 2), corrrisk, method = "L-BFGS-B",
                lower = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), upper = c(6, 6, 6),
                lag = lags, data = scorr)$par
    bw[bw <= 0.25] <- 0
    dim(bw) <- c(1, 3)
    rxyz <- c(resel(1, bw[1]), resel(1, bw[2]), resel(1, bw[3]))
    dim(rxyz) <- c(1, 3)
  cat("fmri.meta: finished\n")

  cat("fmri.meta: exiting function\n")
  result <- list(beta = beta,
                 se = se,
                 cbeta = cbeta,
                 var = var,
                 mask = mask,
                 res = resid,
                 resscale = scale,
                 tau2 = tau2,
                 rxyz = rxyz,
                 scorr = scorr,
                 bw = bw,
                 weights = wghts,
                 dim = c(dim.spm,dk),
                 df = df)
  if (!is.null(xind)) {
    result$roixa <- min(xind)
    result$roixe <- max(xind)
  if (!is.null(yind)) {
    result$roiya <- min(yind)
    result$roiye <- max(yind)
  if (!is.null(zind)) {
    result$roiza <- min(zind)
    result$roize <- max(zind)
  ## save further group study objects
  result$sessions <- dk
  result$coef <- p
  result$method <- method
  result$weighted <- weighted
  result$knha <- knha
  if (is.null(model)) {
    result$model <- as.character("~ 1")
  } else {
    result$model <- paste(c("",as.character(model)),collapse = " ")
  result$cluster <- cluster
  #result$vwghts <- 1 # unused argument since fmri v1.6-x

  class(result) <- c("fmridata", "fmrispm")
  intrcpt <- rep(1, dk)
  attr(result, "design") <- data.frame(cbind(intrcpt, XG))
  attr(result$cbeta, "note") <- "intercept or first coefficient"
  attr(result, "estimator") <- "two-stage process"
  attr(result, "white") <- 3
  attr(result, "residuals") <- !is.null(scale)

  t2 <- Sys.time()
  cat("time elapsed",difftime(t2,t1,units="mins"),"mins\n")
WIAS-BERLIN/fmri documentation built on July 25, 2024, 5:54 a.m.