
Defines functions buildFunction getNormScoreSE cnorm.cv rangeCheck modelSummary derive regressionFunction checkConsistency printSubset bestModel

Documented in bestModel buildFunction checkConsistency cnorm.cv derive getNormScoreSE modelSummary printSubset rangeCheck regressionFunction

#' Best-fitting Regression Model Based on Powers and Interactions
#' Computes and selects the best-fitting regression model by evaluating a series of models with increasing predictors.
#' It aims to find a parsimonious model that effectively captures the variance in the data. This can be useful in
#' psychometric test construction to smooth out data and reduce noise while retaining key diagnostic information.
#' Model selection can be based on the number of terms or the explained variance (R^2). Setting high values for the
#' number of terms, R^2 cutoff, or `k` may lead to overfitting. Typical recommended starting points are `terms = 5`,
#' `R^2 = .99`, and `k = 4`.
#' Additional functions like \code{plotSubset(model)} and \code{cnorm.cv} can aid in model evaluation.
#' @param data Preprocessed dataset with 'raw' scores, powers, interactions, and usually an explanatory variable (like age).
#' @param raw Name of the raw score variable (default: 'raw').
#' @param terms Desired number of terms in the model.
#' @param R2 Adjusted R^2 stopping criterion for model building (default: 0.99).
#' @param k Power constant influencing model complexity (default: 4, max: 6).
#' @param t Age power parameter. If unset, defaults to `k`.
#' @param predictors List of predictors or regression formula for model selection. Overrides 'k' and can include additional variables.
#' @param force.in Variables forcibly included in the regression.
#' @param weights Optional case weights. If set to FALSE, default weights (if any) are ignored.
#' @param plot If TRUE (default), displays a percentile plot of the model.
#' @return The model meeting the R^2 criteria. Further exploration can be done using \code{plotSubset(model)} and \code{plotPercentiles(data, model)}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example with sample data
#' normData <- prepareData(elfe)
#' model <- bestModel(normData)
#' plotSubset(model)
#' plotPercentiles(normData, model)
#' # Specifying variables explicitly
#' preselectedModel <- bestModel(normData, predictors = c("L1", "L3", "L1A3", "A2", "A3"))
#' print(regressionFunction(preselectedModel))
#' # Modeling based on the CDC data
#' bmi.data <- prepareData(CDC, raw = "bmi", group = "group", age = "age")
#' bmi.model <- bestModel(bmi.data, raw = "bmi")
#' printSubset(bmi.model)
#' # Using a precomputed model formula for gender-specific models
#' bmi.model.boys <- bestModel(bmi.data[bmi.data$sex == 1, ], predictors = bmi.model$terms)
#' bmi.model.girls <- bestModel(bmi.data[bmi.data$sex == 2, ], predictors = bmi.model$terms)
#' # Using a custom list of predictors and incorporating the 'sex' variable
#' bmi.sex <- bestModel(bmi.data, raw = "bmi", predictors = c(
#'   "L1", "L3", "A3", "L1A1", "L1A2", "L1A3", "L2A1", "L2A2",
#'   "L2A3", "L3A1", "L3A2", "L3A3", "sex", force.in = c("sex"))
#' }
#' @seealso plotSubset, plotPercentiles, plotPercentileSeries, checkConsistency
#' @export
#' @family model
bestModel <- function(data,
                      raw = NULL,
                      R2 = NULL,
                      k = NULL,
                      t = NULL,
                      predictors = NULL,
                      terms = 0,
                      weights = NULL,
                      force.in = NULL,
                      plot = TRUE) {
  # retrieve attributes
  if (is.null(raw)) {
    raw <- attr(data, "raw")

  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (is.numeric(weights) && length(weights) == nrow(data)) {
      data$weights <- weights
      attr(data, "weights") <- "weights"
    } else{
      weights <- NULL

  if (is.null(k)) {
    k <- attr(data, "k")
  } else if (k > attr(data, "k")) {
        "k parameter exceeds the power degrees in the dataset. Setting to default of k = ",
        attr(data, "k")
    k <- attr(data, "k")

  if (is.null(t)) {
    if (is.null(attr(data, "t"))) {
      t <- 3
    } else if (!is.null(attr(data, "t"))) {
      t <- attr(data, "t")

  # check variable range
  if (!is.null(R2) && (R2 <= 0 || R2 >= 1)) {
    warning("R2 parameter out of bounds. Setting to default R2 = .99")
    R2 <- .99

  if (terms < 0) {
    warning("terms parameter out of bounds. The value has to be positive. Setting to 4.")
    terms <- 4

  if ((k < 1 || k > 6) & is.null(predictors)) {
      "k parameter out of bounds. Please specify a value between 1 and 6. Setting to default = 5."
    k <- 5

  if (!(raw %in% colnames(data)) &&
      (!inherits(predictors, "formula"))) {
        "ERROR: Raw value variable '",
        "' does not exist in data object."
      collapse = ""

  if ((!is.null(predictors)) &&
      (!inherits(predictors, "formula")) &&
      (!(predictors %in% colnames(data)))) {
    stop("ERROR: Missing variables from predictors variable. Please check variable list.")

  # set up regression function
  if (is.null(predictors)) {
    useCOV <- !is.null(attr(data, "covariate"))
    useAge <- attr(data, "useAge")
    lmX <-
        raw = raw,
        k = k,
        t = t,
        age = useAge,
        covariates = useCOV
  } else {
    if (inherits(predictors, "formula")) {
      lmX <- predictors
    } else {
      lmX <-
        formula(paste(raw, paste(predictors, collapse = " + "), sep = " ~ "))

  big <- FALSE
  nvmax <- (t + 1) * (k + 1) - 1 + length(predictors)

  if (nvmax > 25) {
    big <- TRUE
    message("The computation might take some time ...")

  if (!is.null(force.in)) {
    c <- strsplit(format(paste0(lmX))[[3]], " \\+ ")
    index <- match(force.in, c[[1]])
  } else {
    index <- NULL

  # rename variable, otherwise it would be automatically used
  if (is.null(weights) && !is.null(data$weights)) {
    data$weights.old <- data$weights
    data$weights <- NULL

  # determine best subset
  if (is.null(weights))
    subsets <-
      data = data,
      nbest = 1,
      nvmax = nvmax,
      force.in = index,
      really.big = big
    subsets <-
      data = data,
      nbest = 1,
      nvmax = nvmax,
      force.in = index,
      really.big = big,
      weights = weights

  results <- base::summary(subsets)
  results$numberOfTerms <- as.numeric(rowSums(results$which) - 1)

  i <- 1
  rAdj <- results$adjr2[i]

  if (is.null(R2) && (terms == 0)) {
    if (results$adjr[[length(results$adjr2)]] > .99) {
      R2 <- .99
    } else if (nvmax > 4) {
      R2 <- results$adjr[[5]]
    } else {
      R2 <- results$adjr[[nvmax]]

  if (terms > 0 && terms <= length(results$adjr2)) {
    i <- terms
    report <- paste0("User specified solution: ", i, " terms")
  } else {
    # check upper and lower bounds and cycle through R2 list
    if (terms > 0) {
      message("\n\nCould not determine best model based of number of terms, using R2 instead.")
    if (R2 < results$adjr2[i]) {
      report <- paste0(
        "Specified R2 falls below the value of the most primitive model. Falling back to model 1."
    } else if (results$adjr2[length(results$adjr2)] < R2) {
      i <- length(results$adjr2)
      report <- (
          "Specified R2 exceeds the R2 of the model with the highest fit. Consider reducing the R2 or fixing the number of terms (e.g. 4 to 10). You can use the plotSubset function to find a good balance between number of terms and R2. Look out for an 'elbow' in the information function or use the cnorm.cv function to determine the optimal number of terms. Falling back to model ",
    } else {
      while (rAdj < R2) {
        i <- i + 1
        rAdj <- results$adjr2[i]
      report <- paste0("Final solution: ", i, " terms")
  report[2] <-
    paste0("R-Square Adj. = ", round(results$adjr2[i], digits = 6))

  variables <- colnames(results$outmat)[results$outmat[i,] == "*"]
  text <-
    paste0(raw, " ~ ", paste(variables, collapse = " + ")) # build regression formula

  report[3] <- paste0("Final regression model: ", text)

  if (is.null(attr(data, "weights")))
    bestformula <- lm(text, data)
    bestformula <- lm(text, data, weights = data$weights)

  if (!is.null(attr(data, "covariate"))) {
    if (length(grep("COV", names(bestformula$coefficients))) == 0)
        "No covariate term included in the regression result. The covariates turned out to be irrelevant under the current configuration. No model generated on the basis of the current dataset. Either rerun the bestModel function with different numbers of terms or R2, or do not specify a covariate when ranking the data."

  # compute rmse
  tab <-
    data.frame(raw = data[, raw], fitted = bestformula$fitted.values)
  tab <- tab[complete.cases(tab), ]
  rmse <- sqrt(sum((tab$raw - tab$fitted) ^ 2) / length(tab$raw))

  # Model information
  bestformula$ideal.model <- i
  bestformula$cutoff <- R2
  bestformula$subsets <- results

  # add information for horizontal and vertical extrapolation
  if (attr(data, "useAge")) {
    bestformula$useAge <- TRUE
  } else{
    bestformula$useAge <- FALSE

  # conventional norming
  if (is.null(data$A1)) {
    bestformula$minA1 <- 0
    bestformula$maxA1 <- 0

  # continuous norming
    bestformula$minA1 <- min(data$A1)
    bestformula$maxA1 <- max(data$A1)

  bestformula$minL1 <- min(data$L1)
  bestformula$maxL1 <- max(data$L1)
  bestformula$minRaw <- min(data[, raw])
  bestformula$maxRaw <- max(data[, raw])
  bestformula$raw <- raw
  bestformula$rmse <- rmse
  bestformula$scaleSD <- attributes(data)$scaleSD
  bestformula$scaleM <- attributes(data)$scaleM
  bestformula$descend <- attributes(data)$descend
  bestformula$group <- attributes(data)$group
  bestformula$age <- attributes(data)$age
  bestformula$k <- attributes(data)$k
  bestformula$A <- attributes(data)$A
  if (!is.null(attr(data, "covariate"))) {
    bestformula$covariate <- attributes(data)$covariate

  # Print output
  report[4] <-
    paste0("Regression function: ",
           regressionFunction(bestformula, digits = 10))
  report[5] <- paste0("Raw Score RMSE = ", round(rmse, digits = 5))
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    report[6] <-
        "Post stratification was applied. The weights range from ",
        round(min(weights), digits = 3),
        " to ",
        round(max(weights), digits = 3),
        " (m = ",
        round(mean(weights), digits = 3),
        ", sd = ",
        round(sd(weights), digits = 3),

  bestformula$report <- report
  cat(report, sep = "\n")

  if (anyNA(bestformula$coefficients)) {
      "The regression contains missing coefficients. No fitting model could be found. Please try a different number of terms."

  if (terms > 15) {
      "\nThe model includes a high number of terms. Simpler models are usually more robust. Cross validation with 'cv(model$data)' or an inspection of information functions with 'plot.subset' might help to identify a balanced number of terms. Consider fixing this parameter to a smaller number."

  if (!is.null(data$A1)) {
      "\nUse 'printSubset(model)' to get detailed information on the different solutions, 'plotPercentiles(model) to display percentile plot, plotSubset(model)' to inspect model fit."
  } else{
      "\nConventional norming was applied. Use 'normTable(0, model)' or 'rawTable(0, model)' to retrieve norm scores. If you would like to achieve a closer fit, increase the terms parameter."

    plotPercentiles(data, bestformula)


#' Print Model Selection Information
#' Displays R^2 and other metrics for models with varying predictors, aiding in choosing the best-fitting model
#' after model fitting.
#' @param x Model output from 'bestModel' or a cnorm object.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @return Table with model information criteria.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using cnorm object from sample data
#' result <- cnorm(raw = elfe$raw, group = elfe$group)
#' printSubset(result)
#' @family model
printSubset <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "cnorm")) {
    x <- x$model

  # compute F and significance
  RSS1 <- c(NA, x$subsets$rss)
  RSS2 <- c(x$subsets$rss, NA)
  k1 <- seq(from = 1, to = length(x$subsets$rss) + 1)
  k2 <- seq(from = 2, to = length(x$subsets$rss) + 2)
  df1 <- k2 - k1
  df2 <- length(x$fitted.values) - k2
  F <- ((RSS1 - RSS2) / df1) / (RSS2 / df2)
  p <- 1 - pf(F, df1, df2)
  table <- data.frame(
    R2adj = x$subsets$adjr2,
    BIC = x$subsets$bic,
    CP = x$subsets$cp,
    RSS = x$subsets$rss,
    RMSE = sqrt(x$subsets$rss / length(x$fitted.values)),
    DeltaR2adj = head(c(x$subsets$adjr2, NA) - c(NA, x$subsets$adjr2), -1),
    F = head(F, -1),
    p = head(p, -1),
    nr = seq(1, length(x$subsets$adjr2), by = 1)

#' Check the consistency of the norm data model
#' While abilities increase and decline over age, within one age group, the
#' norm scores always have to show a linear increase or decrease with increasing raw
#' scores. Violations of this assumption are a strong indication for problems
#' in modeling the relationship between raw and norm scores. There are
#' several reasons, why this might occur:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Vertical extrapolation: Choosing extreme norm scores, e. g. values
#'   -3 <= x and x >= 3 In order to model these extreme values, a large sample
#'   dataset is necessary.
#'   \item Horizontal extrapolation: Taylor polynomials converge in a certain
#'   radius. Using the model values outside the original dataset may
#'   lead to inconsistent results.
#'   \item The data cannot be modeled with Taylor polynomials, or you need
#'   another power parameter (k) or R2 for the model.
#'  }
#'  In general, extrapolation (point 1 and 2) can carefully be done to a
#'  certain degree outside the original sample, but it should in general
#'  be handled with caution.
#' @param model The model from the bestModel function or a cnorm object
#' @param minAge Age to start with checking
#' @param maxAge Upper end of the age check
#' @param stepAge Stepping parameter for the age check, usually 1 or 0.1; lower
#' values indicate higher precision / closer checks
#' @param minNorm Lower end of the norm value range
#' @param maxNorm Upper end of the norm value range
#' @param minRaw clipping parameter for the lower bound of raw scores
#' @param maxRaw clipping parameter for the upper bound of raw scores
#' @param stepNorm Stepping parameter for the norm table check within age with lower
#' scores indicating a higher precision. The choice depends of the norm scale
#' used. With T scores a stepping parameter of 1 is suitable
#' @param warn If set to TRUE, already minor violations of the model assumptions
#' are displayed (default = FALSE)
#' @param silent turn off messages
#' @param covariate In case, a covariate has been used, please specify the degree of the covariate /
#' the specific value here.
#' @return Boolean, indicating model violations (TRUE) or no problems (FALSE)
#' @examples
#' result <- cnorm(raw = elfe$raw, group = elfe$group)
#' modelViolations <- checkConsistency(result,
#'   minAge = 2, maxAge = 5, stepAge = 0.1,
#'   minNorm = 25, maxNorm = 75, minRaw = 0, maxRaw = 28, stepNorm = 1
#' )
#' plotDerivative(result, minAge = 2, maxAge = 5, minNorm = 25, maxNorm = 75)
#' @export
#' @family model
checkConsistency <- function(model,
                             minAge = NULL,
                             maxAge = NULL,
                             minNorm = NULL,
                             maxNorm = NULL,
                             minRaw = NULL,
                             maxRaw = NULL,
                             stepAge = 1,
                             stepNorm = 1,
                             warn = FALSE,
                             silent = FALSE,
                             covariate = NULL) {
  if (inherits(model, "cnorm")) {
    model <- model$model

  if (!is.null(covariate) && is.null(model$covariate)) {
      "Covariate specified but no covariate available in the model. Setting covariate to NULL."
    covariate = NULL
  } else if (is.null(covariate) && !is.null(model$covariate)) {
    stop("Covariate specified in the model, but no function parameter available.")

  if (is.null(minAge)) {
    minAge <- model$minA1

  if (is.null(maxAge)) {
    maxAge <- model$maxA1

  if (is.null(minNorm)) {
    minNorm <- model$minL1

  if (is.null(maxNorm)) {
    maxNorm <- model$maxL1

  if (is.null(minRaw)) {
    minRaw <- model$minRaw

  if (is.null(maxRaw)) {
    maxRaw <- model$maxRaw
  descend <- model$descend

  i <- minAge
  major <- 0
  results <- c()

  while (i <= maxAge) {
    norm <-
        minNorm = minNorm,
        maxNorm = maxNorm,
        minRaw = minRaw,
        maxRaw = maxRaw,
        step = stepNorm,
        covariate = covariate,
        monotonuous = FALSE
    correct <- TRUE
    if (descend)
      correct <- !is.unsorted(-norm$raw)
      correct <- !is.unsorted(norm$raw)

    if (!correct) {
      if (!silent) {
          "Violation of monotonicity at age ",
          round(i, digits = 1),
      results <-
          paste0("Violation of monotonicity at age ", round(i, digits = 1), "."))
      major <- major + 1

    i <- i + stepAge

  if (major == 0) {
    if (!silent) {
      message("\nNo violations of model consistency found.")
  } else {
    if (!silent) {
          "\nAt least ",
          " violations of monotonicity found within the specified range of age and norm score.",
          "Use 'plotNormCurves' to visually inspect the norm curve or 'plotDerivative' to ",
          "identify regions violating the consistency. ",
          "Rerun the modeling with adjusted parameters or restrict the valid value range accordingly. ",
          "Be careful with horizontal and vertical extrapolation."
      message(rangeCheck(model, minAge, maxAge, minNorm, maxNorm))

#' Regression function
#' The method builds the regression function for the regression model,
#' including the beta weights.
#' It can be used to predict the raw scores based on age and location.
#' @param model The regression model from the bestModel function or a cnorm object
#' @param raw The name of the raw value variable (default 'raw')
#' @param digits Number of digits for formatting the coefficients
#' @return The regression formula as a string
#' @examples
#' result <- cnorm(raw = elfe$raw, group = elfe$group)
#' regressionFunction(result)
#' @export
#' @family model
regressionFunction <- function(model, raw = NULL, digits = NULL) {
  if (inherits(model, "cnorm")) {
    raw <- "raw"
    model <- model$model
  } else{
    if (is.null(raw)) {
      raw <- model$raw

  i <- 2
  if (is.null(digits)) {
    formulA <- paste(raw, model$coefficients[[1]], sep = " ~ ")
    while (i <= length(model$coefficients)) {
      formulA <- paste0(formulA,
                        " + (",
      i <- i + 1
  } else {
    formulA <-
      paste(raw, format(model$coefficients[[1]], digits = digits), sep = " ~ ")
    while (i <= length(model$coefficients)) {
      formulA <- paste0(
        " + (",
        format(model$coefficients[[i]], digits = digits),
      i <- i + 1

#' Derivative of regression model
#' Calculates the derivative of the location / norm value from the regression model with the first
#' derivative as the default. This is useful for finding violations of model assumptions and problematic
#' distribution features as f. e. bottom and ceiling effects, non-progressive norm scores within an
#' age group or in general #' intersecting percentile curves.
#' @param model The regression model or a cnorm object
#' @param order The degree of the derivate, default: 1
#' @param covariate In case, a covariate has been used, please specify the degree of the covariate /
#' the specific value here.
#' @return The derived coefficients
#' @examples
#' normData <- prepareData(elfe)
#' m <- bestModel(normData)
#' derivedCoefficients <- derive(m)
#' @export
#' @family model
derive <- function(model,
                   order = 1,
                   covariate = NULL) {
  if (inherits(model, "cnorm")) {
    model <- model$model

  if (!is.null(covariate) && is.null(model$covariate)) {
      "Covariate specified but no covariate available in the model. Setting covariate to NULL."
    covariate = NULL
  } else if (is.null(covariate) && !is.null(model$covariate)) {
    stop("Covariate specified in the model, but no function parameter available.")

  coeff <- model$coefficients[grep("L", names(model$coefficients))]

  if (!is.null(covariate)) {
    coef <-
      simplifyCoefficients(coefficients = coeff, covariate = covariate)

  for (o in 1:order) {
    if (o > 1) {
      coeff <- coeff[grep("L", names(coeff))]
    i <- 1
    name <- names(coeff)
    # easy, straight forward derivation of betas and variable names
    while (i <= length(coeff)) {
      nam <- strsplit(name[[i]], "")

      if (nam[[1]][1] == "L") {
        coeff[[i]][1] <- coeff[[i]][1] * as.numeric(nam[[1]][2])
      nam[[1]][2] <- as.numeric(nam[[1]][2]) - 1

      newString <- ""

      if (nchar(name[[i]]) == 2) {
        if (nam[[1]][2] > 0) {
          newString <- paste0(nam[[1]][1], nam[[1]][2])
      } else {
        if (nam[[1]][2] > 0) {
          newString <-
            paste0(nam[[1]][1], nam[[1]][2], nam[[1]][3], nam[[1]][4])
        } else {
          newString <- paste0(nam[[1]][3], nam[[1]][4])
      name[[i]] <- newString

      i <- i + 1

    names(coeff) <- name

#' Prints the results and regression function of a cnorm model
#' @param object A regression model or cnorm object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return A report on the regression function, weights, R2 and RMSE
#' @export
#' @family model
modelSummary <- function(object, ...) {
  if (inherits(object, "cnorm")) {
    object <- object$model

  cat(object$report, sep = "\n")

#' Check for horizontal and vertical extrapolation
#' Regression model only work in a specific range and extrapolation horizontally (outside
#' the original range) or vertically (extreme norm scores) might lead to inconsistent
#' results. The function generates a message, indicating extrapolation and the range of the original data.
#' @param object The regression model or a cnorm object
#' @param minAge The lower age bound
#' @param maxAge The upper age bound
#' @param minNorm The lower norm value bound
#' @param maxNorm The upper norm value bound
#' @param digits The precision for rounding the norm and age data
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @return the report
#' @export
#' @examples
#' normData <- prepareData(elfe)
#' m <- bestModel(normData)
#' rangeCheck(m)
#' @family model
rangeCheck <-
           minAge = NULL,
           maxAge = NULL,
           minNorm = NULL,
           maxNorm = NULL,
           digits = 3,
           ...) {
    if (inherits(object, "cnorm")) {
      object <- object$model

    summary <-
        "The original data for the regression model spanned from age ",
        round(object$minA1, digits),
        " to ",
        round(object$maxA1, digits),
        ", with a norm score range from ",
        round(object$minL1, digits),
        " to ",
        round(object$maxL1, digits),
        ". The raw scores range from ",
        " to ",
    if (object$descend) {
      summary <-
        paste0(summary, " The ranking was done in descending order.")
    reportOnly <-
      (is.null(minAge) ||
         is.null(maxAge) || is.null(minNorm) || is.null(maxNorm))
    if (!reportOnly &&
        (minAge < object$minA1 ||
         maxAge > object$maxA1) &&
        (minNorm < object$minL1 || maxNorm > object$maxL1)) {
      summary <-
          "Horizontal and vertical extrapolation detected. Be careful using age groups and extreme norm scores outside the original sample.",
          sep = "\n"
    } else if (!reportOnly &&
               (minAge < object$minA1 || maxAge > object$maxA1)) {
      summary <-
          "Horizontal extrapolation detected. Be careful using age groups outside the original sample.",
          sep = "\n"
    } else if (!reportOnly &&
               (minNorm < object$minL1 || maxNorm > object$maxL1)) {
      summary <-
          "Vertical extrapolation detected. Be careful using extreme norm scores exceeding the scores of the original sample.",
          sep = "\n"


#' Cross-validation for Term Selection in cNORM
#' Assists in determining the optimal number of terms for the regression model using repeated Monte Carlo
#' cross-validation. It leverages an 80-20 split between training and validation data, with stratification by norm group
#' or random sample in case of using sliding window ranking.
#' Successive models, with an increasing number of terms, are evaluated, and the RMSE for raw scores plotted. This
#' encompasses the training, validation, and entire dataset. If `norms` is set to TRUE (default), the function will also
#' calculate the mean norm score reliability and crossfit measures. Note that due to the computational requirements
#' of norm score calculations, execution can be slow, especially with numerous repetitions or terms.
#' When `cv` is set to "full" (default), both test and validation datasets are ranked separately, providing comprehensive
#' cross-validation. For a more streamlined validation process focused only on modeling, a pre-ranked dataset can be used.
#' The output comprises RMSE for raw score models, norm score R^2, delta R^2, crossfit, and the norm score SE according
#' to Oosterhuis, van der Ark, & Sijtsma (2016).
#' For assessing overfitting:
#' \deqn{CROSSFIT = R(Training; Model)^2 / R(Validation; Model)^2}
#' A CROSSFIT > 1 suggests overfitting, < 1 suggests potential underfitting, and values around 1 are optimal,
#' given a low raw score RMSE and high norm score validation R^2.
#' Suggestions for ideal model selection:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Visual inspection of percentiles with `plotPercentiles` or `plotPercentileSeries`.
#'   \item Pair visual inspection with repeated cross-validation (e.g., 10 repetitions).
#'   \item Aim for low raw score RMSE and high norm score R^2, avoiding terms with significant overfit (e.g., crossfit > 1.1).
#' }
#' @param data Data frame of norm sample or a cnorm object. Should have ranking, powers, and interaction of L and A.
#' @param formula Formula from an existing regression model; min/max functions ignored. If using a cnorm object, this is automatically fetched.
#' @param repetitions Number of repetitions for cross-validation.
#' @param norms If TRUE, computes norm score crossfit and R^2. Note: Computationally intensive.
#' @param min Start with a minimum number of terms (default = 1).
#' @param max Maximum terms in model, up to (k + 1) * (t + 1) - 1.
#' @param cv "full" (default) splits data into training/validation, then ranks. Otherwise, expects a pre-ranked dataset.
#' @param pCutoff Checks stratification for unbalanced data. Performs a t-test per group. Default set to 0.2 to minimize beta error.
#' @param width If provided, ranking done via `rankBySlidingWindow`. Otherwise, by group.
#' @param raw Name of the raw score variable.
#' @param age Name of the age variable.
#' @param group Name of the grouping variable.
#' @param weights Name of the weighting parameter.
#' @return Table with results per term number: RMSE for raw scores, R^2 for norm scores, and crossfit measure.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example: Plot cross-validation RMSE by number of terms (up to 9) with three repetitions.
#' result <- cnorm(raw = elfe$raw, group = elfe$group)
#' cnorm.cv(result$data, min = 2, max = 9, repetitions = 3)
#' # Using a cnorm object examines the predefined formula.
#' cnorm.cv(result, repetitions = 1)
#' # For cross-validation without a cnorm model, rank data first and compute powers:
#' data <- rankByGroup(data = elfe, raw = "raw", group = "group")
#' data <- computePowers(data)
#' cnorm.cv(data)
#' # Specify formulas deliberately:
#' data <- rankByGroup(data = elfe, raw = "raw", group = "group")
#' data <- computePowers(data)
#' cnorm.cv(data, formula = formula(raw ~ L3 + L1A1 + L3A3 + L4 + L5))
#' }
#' @references Oosterhuis, H. E. M., van der Ark, L. A., & Sijtsma, K. (2016). Sample Size Requirements for Traditional
#' and Regression-Based Norms. Assessment, 23(2), 191–202. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191115580638
#' @family model
cnorm.cv <-
           formula = NULL,
           repetitions = 5,
           norms = TRUE,
           min = 1,
           max = 12,
           cv = "full",
           pCutoff = NULL,
           width = NA,
           raw = NULL,
           group = NULL,
           age = NULL,
           weights = NULL) {
    if (inherits(data, "cnorm")) {
      formula <- data$model$terms
      data <- data$data

    if (is.null(pCutoff)) {
      if (nrow(data) < 10000)
        pCutoff = .2
        pCutoff = .1

    #if (!attr(data, "useAge")) {
    #  stop("Age variable set to FALSE in dataset. No cross validation possible.")

    ## TODO
    if (!is.null(attr(data, "covariate"))) {
      stop("This function is currently not ready for including covariates.")

    d <- data

    if (is.null(raw)) {
      raw <- attr(d, "raw")

    if (is.null(raw)) {
        "Please provide a raw score variable name. It is neither available as a parameter nor a an attribute from data object."

    if(!is.null(raw) & is.null(data[, raw])){
          "The specified raw score variable ", raw, " is not present in the dataset."

    if (is.null(group)) {
      group <- attr(d, "group")

    if (is.null(age)) {
      age <- attr(d, "age")

    if (is.na(width) & !is.null(attr(d, "width"))) {
      width <- attr(d, "width")

    if (is.null(group) || (is.null(age) & is.na(width))) {
        "Please provide either a grouping variable or age and width. They are neither available as parameters nor as attributes from data object."

    if (is.null(weights)) {
      weights <- attr(d, "weights")

    if(!is.null(weights) & is.null(data[, weights])){
        "Name of the weighting variable provided, but not found in the dataset. Continuing without weighting ...\n"

      weights <- NULL
    }else if(!is.null(weights) & !is.null(data[, weights])){
        "Applying weighting ...\n"

    scaleM <- attr(d, "scaleMean")
    if (is.na(scaleM) || cv == "full") {
      scaleM <- 50
    scaleSD <- attr(d, "scaleSD")
    if (is.na(scaleSD) || cv == "full") {
      scaleSD <- 10

    k <- attr(d, "k")
    if (is.null(k)) {
      k <- 5

    t <- attr(d, "t")
    if (is.null(t)) {
      t <- 3

    n.models <- (t * k) ^ 2 - 1
    if (is.na(max) || max > n.models || max < 1) {
      max <- n.models

    lmX <- NA
    # set up regression formulas (from bestModel function)
    if (is.null(formula)) {
      lmX <-
          raw = raw,
          k = k,
          t = t,
          age = TRUE,
          covariates = FALSE
    } else {
      lmX <- formula
      min <- length(formula)
      max <- length(formula)

    # set up vectors to store RMSE for training, test and complete dataset models
    val.errors <- rep(0, max)
    train.errors <- rep(0, max)
    complete.errors <- rep(0, max)

    # set up vectors to store norm score R2 and CROSSFIT
    r2.train <- rep(0, max)
    r2.test <- rep(0, max)
    delta <- rep(NA, max)
    crossfit <- rep(0, max)
    norm.rmse <- rep(0, max)
    norm.se <- rep(0, max)
    norm.rmse.min <- rep(0, max)
    Terms <- c()

    rankGroup <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(age) && !is.na(width)) {
      cat("Age and width parameters available, thus switching to rankBySlidingWindow() ...\n")
      rankGroup <- FALSE

    # draw test and training data several times ('repetitions' parameter), model data and store MSE
    for (a in 1:repetitions) {
      # check for imbalances in data and repeat if stratification was unsatisfactory - usually never occurs
      p.value <- .01
      n <- 1 # to avoid a deadlock, define stop criterion

      train <- NA
      test <- NA

      while (p.value < pCutoff) {
        if (n > 100) {
          stop("Could not establish balanced data sets. Try to decrease pCutoff parameter.")
        n <- n + 1

        if (rankGroup) {
          # shuffle data and split into groups (for stratification)
          d <- d[sample(nrow(d)), ]
          d <- d[order(d[, group]), ]
          sp <- split(d, list(d[, group]))
          sp <- lapply(sp, function(x)
            x[sample(nrow(x)), ])

          # draw 8 tenth of data from each group for training and testing
          train <- lapply(sp, function(x)
            x[c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, 4)), ])
          test <- lapply(sp, function(x)
            x[c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 4)), ])

          # test for significant differences to avoid extremely unbalanced data
          p <- rep(1, length(train))
          for (z in 1:length(train)) {
            p[z] <- t.test(train[[z]][, raw], test[[z]][, raw])$p.value
          p.value <- min(p)
          if (p.value < pCutoff) {

          # combine lists to data frames
          train <- do.call(rbind, train)
          test <- do.call(rbind, test)

          if (cv == "full") {
            train <-
                raw = raw,
                group = group,
                age = age,
                width = width,
                weights = weights,
                silent = TRUE
            test <-
                raw = raw,
                group = group,
                age = age,
                width = width,
                weights = weights,
                silent = TRUE
        } else{
          d <- d[sample(nrow(d)), ]
          number <- nrow(d) / 10 * 8
          train <- d[1:number,]
          test <- d[(number + 1):nrow(d),]

          p.value <- t.test(train[, age], test[, age])$p.value
          if (p.value < pCutoff) {

          train <-
              age = age,
              raw = raw,
              weights = weights,
              width = width,
              silent = TRUE
          test <-
              age = age,
              raw = raw,
              weights = weights,
              width = width,
              silent = TRUE

          train <-
              age = age,
              k = k,
              t = t,
              silent = TRUE

      # compute leaps model
      subsets <- regsubsets(lmX, data = train, nbest = 1, nvmax = max, really.big = n.models > 25)

      if (norms && is.null(formula)) {
        cat(paste0("Cycle ", a, "\n"))

      # retrieve models coefficients for each number of terms
      for (i in min:max) {
        variables <- names(coef(subsets, id = i))
        variables <-
          variables[2:length(variables)] # remove '(Intercept)' variable
        reg <-
          paste0(raw, " ~ ", paste(variables, collapse = " + ")) # build regression formula

        # run linear regression for specific model
        model <- lm(reg, train)
        model$k <- k
        model$minRaw <- min(train[, raw])
        model$maxRaw <- max(train[, raw])
        model$scaleM <- scaleM
        model$scaleSD <- scaleSD
        Terms <- c(Terms, attr(model$terms, "term.labels"))

        # predict values in test data
        test.fitted <- predict.lm(model, test)

        # store MSE for test and train data
        train.errors[i] <-
          train.errors[i] + mean((model$fitted.values - train[, raw]) ^ 2, na.rm = T)
        val.errors[i] <-
          val.errors[i] + mean((test.fitted - test[, raw]) ^ 2, na.rm = T)

        # compute R2 for test and training
        if (norms) {
          train$T <-
            predictNorm(train[, raw],
                        train[, age],
                        silent = TRUE)
          test$T <-
            predictNorm(test[, raw],
                        test[, age],
                        silent = TRUE)

          r2.train[i] <-
            r2.train[i] + (cor(train$normValue, train$T, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") ^
          r2.test[i] <-
            r2.test[i] + (cor(test$normValue, test$T, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") ^
          norm.rmse[i] <-
            norm.rmse[i] + sqrt(mean((test$T - test$normValue) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))
          norm.se[i] <-
            norm.se[i] + sum(sqrt((test$T - test$normValue) ^ 2), na.rm = TRUE) / (length(!is.na(test$T)) -

    # now for the complete data the same logic
    norm.rmse.min[1] <- NA
    complete <- regsubsets(lmX, data = d, nbest = 1, nvmax = n.models, really.big = n.models > 25)

    for (i in 1:max) {
      variables <- names(coef(complete, id = i))
      variables <- variables[2:length(variables)]
      reg <- paste0(raw, " ~ ", paste(variables, collapse = " + "))
      model <- lm(reg, d)

      # mse for the complete data based on number of terms
      complete.errors[i] <-
        sqrt(mean((model$fitted.values - d[, raw]) ^ 2, na.rm = T))

      # build the average over repetitions and the root
      train.errors[i] <- sqrt(train.errors[i] / repetitions)
      val.errors[i] <- sqrt(val.errors[i] / repetitions)

      if (norms) {
        r2.train[i] <- r2.train[i] / repetitions
        r2.test[i] <- r2.test[i] / repetitions
        norm.rmse[i] <- norm.rmse[i] / repetitions
        norm.se[i] <- norm.se[i] / repetitions

        if (i > min) {
          delta[i] <- r2.test[i] - r2.test[i - 1]
          if (norm.rmse[i] > 0) {
            norm.rmse.min[i] <- norm.rmse[i] - norm.rmse[i - 1]
          } else{
            norm.rmse.min[i] <- NA

      if (i < min) {
        r2.train[i] <- NA
        r2.test[i] <- NA
        val.errors[i] <- NA
        train.errors[i] <- NA
        complete.errors[i] <- NA
        norm.rmse[i] <- NA

      if (i <= min) {
        norm.rmse.min[i] <- NA

    if (norms) {
      par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) # set the plotting area into a 1*2 array
    } else {
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    tab <-
        RMSE.raw.train = train.errors,
        RMSE.raw.test = val.errors,
        RMSE.raw.complete = complete.errors,
        R2.norm.train = r2.train,
        R2.norm.test = r2.test,
        Delta.R2.test = delta,
        Crossfit = r2.train / r2.test,
        RMSE.norm.test = norm.rmse,
        SE.norm.test = norm.se

    if (is.null(formula)) {
      # plot RMSE
        pch = 19,
        type = "b",
        col = "blue",
        main = "Raw Score RMSE",
        ylab = "Root MSE",
        xlab = "Number of terms",
        ylim = c(
          min(train.errors, na.rm = TRUE),
          max(val.errors, na.rm = TRUE)
        pch = 19,
        type = "b",
        col = "black"
             pch = 19,
             type = "b",
             col = "red")
        legend = c("Training", "Validation", "Complete"),
        col = c("red", "blue", "black"),
        pch = 19

      if (norms) {
        # plot R2
          pch = 19,
          type = "b",
          col = "red",
          main = "Norm Score R2",
          ylab = "R Square",
          xlab = "Number of terms",
          ylim = c(min(r2.test, na.rm = TRUE), 1)
               pch = 19,
               type = "b",
               col = "blue")
          legend = c("Training", "Validation"),
          col = c("red", "blue"),
          pch = 19

        # plot CROSSFIT
          pch = 19,
          type = "b",
          col = "black",
          main = "Norm Score CROSSFIT",
          ylab = "Crossfit",
          xlab = "Number of terms",
          ylim = c(min(c(
            tab$Crossfit, .88
          ), na.rm = TRUE), max(c(
            tab$Crossfit, 1.12
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        abline(h = 1, col = 3, lty = 2)
        abline(h = .9, col = 2, lty = 3)
          adj = c(1, 1),
          col = 2,
          cex = .75
        abline(h = 1.1, col = 2, lty = 3)
          adj = c(1, 0),
          col = 2,
          cex = .75

        # plot delta r2 test
          pch = 19,
          type = "b",
          col = "black",
          main = "Norm Score Delta R2 in Validation",
          ylab = "Delta R2",
          xlab = "Number of terms",
          ylim = c(
            min(tab$Delta.R2.test, na.rm = TRUE),
            max(tab$Delta.R2.test, na.rm = TRUE)
        abline(h = 0, col = 3, lty = 2)
      } else{
        tab$R2.norm.train <- NULL
        tab$R2.norm.test <- NULL
        tab$Delta.R2.test <- NULL
        tab$Crossfit <- NULL
        tab$RMSE.norm.test <- NULL

      cat("Occurance of selected terms, sorted by frequency:\n")
      print(sort(table(Terms), decreasing = T))

      cat("The simulation yielded the following optimal settings:\n")
      if (norms) {
        cat(paste0("\nNumber of terms with best crossfit: ", which.min((
          1 - tab$Crossfit
        ) ^ 2)))
        "\nNumber of terms with best raw validation RMSE: ",
      if (norms) {
        best.norm <- which.max(r2.test)
        FirstNegative <- which(tab$Delta.R2.test <= 0)[1]

          "\nNumber of terms with best norm validation R2: ",

          "First negative norm score R2 delta in validation: ",

            "\nChoosing a model with ",
            " terms might be a good choice. For this, use the parameter 'terms = ",
            "' in the bestModel-function.\n"
          "\nPlease investigate the plots and the summary table, as the results might vary within a narrow range."
          "\nEspacially pay attention to RMSE.raw.test, r2.test, crossfit near 1 and where delta R2 stops to progress."

      return(tab[min:max, ])
    } else{

          "Repeated cross validation with prespecified formula and ",
          " repetitions yielded the following results:\n"
      tab$Delta.R2.test <- NULL
      return(tab[complete.cases(tab), ])


#' Calculates the standard error (SE) or root mean square error (RMSE) of the norm scores
#' In case of large datasets, both results should be almost identical
#' @param model a cnorm object
#' @param type either '1' for the standard error senso Oosterhuis et al. (2016) or '2' for
#'             the RMSE (default)
#' @return The standard error (SE) of the norm scores sensu Oosterhuis et al. (2016) or the RMSE
#' @export
#' @references Oosterhuis, H. E. M., van der Ark, L. A., & Sijtsma, K. (2016). Sample Size Requirements for Traditional and Regression-Based Norms. Assessment, 23(2), 191–202. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191115580638
getNormScoreSE <- function(model, type = 2) {
  if (!inherits(model, "cnorm")) {
    stop("Please provide cnorm object as the model parameter")

  if (type != 1 || type != 2) {
    type <- 2

  data <- model$data
  model <- model$model
  minNorm <- model$minL1
  maxNorm <- model$maxL1
  d <- data
  raw <- data[[model$raw]]
  age <- data[[model$age]]
  if (!is.null(model$covariate))
    covariate <- data[[attr(data, "covariate")]]
    covariate <- NULL

  d$fitted <-
      minNorm = minNorm,
      maxNorm = maxNorm,
      covariate = covariate

  diff <- d$fitted - data$normValue
  diff <- diff[!is.na(diff)]

  if (type == 1)
    return(sqrt(sum(diff ^ 2) / (length(diff) - 2)))
    return(sqrt(mean(diff ^ 2)))

#' Build regression function for bestModel
#' @param raw name of the raw score variable
#' @param k the power degree for location
#' @param t the power degree for age
#' @param age use age
#' @param covariates use covariates
#' @return reression function
buildFunction <- function(raw, k, t, age, covariates) {
  f <- paste0(raw, " ~ ")

  if (age) {
    f <- paste0(f, paste0(paste0("L", 1:k), collapse = " + "), " + ")
    f <-
      paste0(f, paste0(paste0("A", 1:t), collapse = " + "), " + ")

    for (i in 1:k) {
      for (j in 1:t) {
        f <- paste0(f, paste0("L", i), paste0("A", j), " + ")

    if (covariates) {
      return(formula(paste0(f, "COV + L1COV + A1COV + L1A1COV")))
    } else {
      return(formula(substr(f, 1, nchar(f) - 3)))
  } else {
    f <- paste0(f, paste0(paste0("L", 1:k), collapse = " + "), " + ")

    if (covariates) {
      return(formula(paste0(f, "COV + L1COV")))
    } else {
      return(formula(substr(f, 1, nchar(f) - 3)))
WLenhard/cNORM documentation built on April 28, 2024, 4:24 a.m.