
#' tanimoto chemical similarity first network neighbours
#' @param object a "compMS2" class object.
#' @param autoPossId logical if TRUE the function will automatically add the name
#'  of the top annotation based on mean maximum 1st neighbour chemical similarity
#'  above the minimum chemical similarity score (default = FALSE). Caution if TRUE
#'  this will overwrite any existing possible_identities in the "metID comments"
#'  table. This functionality is intended as an automatic annotation identification tool prior to thorough examination of the data in \code{\link{compMS2Explorer}}.
#'  The intention is that automatic annotations can be used in the metID.rtPred
#'  retention prediction function as part of a seamless first-pass workflow.
#' @param minSimScore numeric must be values between 0-1 minimum tanimoto chemical similarity score (default = 0.8). Any mean maximum 1st neighbour chemical 
#' similarity scores will be considered for automatic possible identity 
#' addition to the "metID comments"
#'  table, the annotation with the highest mean maximum 1st neighbour chemical similarity score will then be automatically added to the "metID comments" table
#'  in the \code{\link{compMS2Explorer}}.
#' @param possContam numeric how many times does a possible annotation have
#'  to appear in the automatically generated possible annotations for it to be
#'  considered a contaminant and therefore not added to the "metID comment" table (default = 3, i.e. if a database name appears more than 3 times in the 
#'  automatic annotation table it will be removed).
#' @param bitsChemFP numeric values between 1024-4096 number of most frequent
#' atom-pairs in the DrugBank database see the ChemmineR function \code{\link{desc2fp}} for more details (default = 1024).
#' @param minEdges numeric minimum number of edges (i.e. connected/adjacent nodes/spectra) 
#' to consider a node/spectrum for chemical similarity (default=2). 
#' This filtration is performed after removal of isobaric spectra.
#' For example nodes with only one edge/adjacent node are more likely to produce 
#' false-positive annotations. For more robust chemical similarity scoring 
#' consider increasing this number.
#' @param verbose logical if TRUE display progress bars.
#' @details this function can only be utilized after running \code{\link{metID.corrNetwork}} and/or \code{\link{metID.specSimNetwork}}. The purpose of this function is to provide first-pass automatic metabolite annotation. The tanimoto chemical similarity score is first calculated from a 1024-4096 bit chemical fingerprint for every best annotation SMILES code. For annotations of each composite spectrum the maximum chemical similarity score with any first neighbours (either by correlation and/or spectral similarity) are identified and the weighted arithmetic mean maximum chemical similarity score of 1st neighbours calculated. The mean is weighted based on the mean spectral similarity and/or
#' correlation coefficient value for an edge pair (i.e. if two spectra are connected by both spectral similarity and
#' correlation then a mean value of the two will be calculated and used as the weight).
#' This is to ensure that the more similar or highly correlated two composite spectra
#' are the higher the contribution to the maximum chemical similarity score. 
#' A new column "MMNNCSS" is added to the best annotation tables for any composite spectra with at least one composite spectrum network neighbour. Furthermore, the best Annotation table is
#' sorted according to this new likely annotation score, this give the user a rapid
#' means to establish a likely annotation based on chemical similarity with neighbouring node annotations.
#'  Optionally, the top annotations for a composite spectrum can be automatically 
#'  added to the "metID comments" table in the compMS2Explorer application. If the 
#'  argument \strong{autoPossId} is TRUE (default = FALSE) the function will automatically add the name
#'  of the top annotation based on mean maximum 1st neighbour chemical similarity
#'  above the minimum chemical similarity score (argument minSimScore, default = 0.8).
#' @examples 
#' library(compMS2Miner)
#' compMS2Example <- metID(compMS2Example, 'chemSim', minSimScore=0.8, 
#'                         autoPossId=TRUE)
#' @export 
setGeneric("metID.chemSim", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("metID.chemSim"))

setMethod("metID.chemSim", signature = "compMS2", function(object, autoPossId=FALSE,
                                                           verbose=TRUE, ...){
  # error handling
    stop('package ChemmineR must be installed to use this function')
    stop('package ChemmineOB must be installed to use this function')
    stop('package fingerprint must be installed to use this function')
    stop('package igraph must be installed to use this function')
  if(class(object) != "compMS2"){
    stop('argument object must be a "compMS2" class object')
  if(length(DBanno(object)) == 0){
    stop('The function metID.dbAnnotate and metID.dbProb must be run before chemical similarity calculation')
  if(length(BestAnno(object)) == 0){
    stop('The function metID.dbProb must be run before chemical similarity calculation')  
  if(length(network(object)) == 0){
    stop('either the correlation network and/or spectral similarity network must be calculated before chemical similarity calculation')
  # index which bestAnnos have entries
  emptyIndx <- sapply(BestAnno(object), nrow) > 0
  if(all(emptyIndx == FALSE)){
    stop('none of composite spectra have any dbAnnotate matches')
  # match bestAnno names to vertices
  netGraphIndx <- names(network(object)) %in% c("corrNetworkGraph", "specSimGraph")
  vertNamesTmp <- unlist(lapply(network(object)[netGraphIndx], function(x) igraph::V(x)$name))
  vertNamesTmp <- unique(vertNamesTmp)
  netBestIndx <- match(names(BestAnno(object)), vertNamesTmp)
  # edge pairs from network
  edgePairs <- unlist(lapply(network(object)[netGraphIndx], function(x) attr(igraph::E(x), 'vnames')))
  # edge values i.e. corr coeff or spectral similarities for weighting
  edgeValues <- unlist(lapply(network(object)[netGraphIndx], function(x) abs(as.numeric(igraph::E(x)$value))))
  # duplicate edges 
  meanEdgeValues <- tapply(edgeValues, edgePairs, mean)
  edgePairs <- unique(edgePairs)
  # sort meanEdgeValues
  meanEdgeValues <- meanEdgeValues[match(edgePairs, names(meanEdgeValues))]
  vertIndxTmp <- netBestIndx[!is.na(netBestIndx) & emptyIndx]
  vertNamesSub <- vertNamesTmp[vertIndxTmp]
  # create vertex pairs list
  vertPairs <- lapply(vertNamesSub, function(x){
    # create regex to id correct edgepairs
    regExTmp <- paste0('^', x, '\\|', '|', '\\|', x, '$')
    edgePairsTmp <- edgePairs[grep(regExTmp, edgePairs)]
    edgePairValsTmp <- meanEdgeValues[grep(regExTmp, edgePairs)] 
    edgePairsTmp <- gsub(regExTmp, '', edgePairsTmp)
    dupIndx <- duplicated(edgePairsTmp) == FALSE
    edgePairValsTmp <- edgePairValsTmp[dupIndx]
    edgePairsTmp <- edgePairsTmp[dupIndx]
    indxTmp <- edgePairsTmp %in% vertNamesSub
    edgePairsTmp <- edgePairsTmp[indxTmp]
    edgePairValsTmp <- edgePairValsTmp[indxTmp]
    if(length(edgePairsTmp) > 0){
    edgePairsTmp <- c(x, edgePairsTmp)
    names(edgePairsTmp) <- c(0, edgePairValsTmp)
  # null index i.e. composite spectrum connected to a composite spectrum with no
  # best annotations
  # vertNamesSub <- vertNamesSub[sapply(vertPairs, is.null) == FALSE]
  vertPairs <- vertPairs[sapply(vertPairs, is.null) == FALSE]
  # if too close in mass then remove
  mzPrec <- sapply(metaData(object)[emptyIndx], function(x) x[grep('_MS1_mz', names(x))][[1]][1])
  vertPairs <- lapply(vertPairs, function(x){
  remVertsTmp <- NULL 
  # greater than ppm than the 1st
  # tmpIndx <- abs({{mzPrec[x[1]] - mzPrec[x[-1]]}/mzPrec[x[1]]} * 1E06) > Parameters(object)$precursorPpm
  tmpIndx <- abs(mzPrec[x[1]] - mzPrec[x[-1]]) > 1.5
  if(sum(tmpIndx) > minEdges){
  remVertsTmp <- c(x[1], x[-1][tmpIndx])
  vertPairs <- vertPairs[sapply(vertPairs, is.null) == FALSE]
  # extract smiles codes and replace rownames to compSpecName
  smilesDf <- do.call(rbind, BestAnno(object)[emptyIndx])
  nrowBestAnno <- sapply(BestAnno(object)[emptyIndx], nrow)
  smilesDf$specNamesTmp <- do.call(c, mapply(rep, names(BestAnno(object)[emptyIndx]),
  # check if any commented then only retain these
  # alreadyAnno <- grepl('metID\\.matchSpectralDB', Comments(object)$user_comments)
  # keepIndx <- rep(TRUE, nrow(smilesDf))
  # if(any(alreadyAnno)){
  # indxTmp <- smilesDf$specNamesTmp %in%  Comments(object)$compSpectrum[alreadyAnno]
  # indxTmp <- indxTmp & {{smilesDf$DBname %in% Comments(object)$possible_identity[alreadyAnno]} == FALSE}
  # keepIndx[indxTmp] <- FALSE
  # smilesDf <- smilesDf[keepIndx, , drop=FALSE]
  # }
  # remove substr types
  smilesDf[is.na(smilesDf)] <- ''
  smilesDf <- smilesDf[smilesDf$SubStr_type == '', , drop=FALSE]
  # subset
  smilesDf <- smilesDf[, colnames(smilesDf) %in% c('DBid', 'SMILES', 'DBname',
                                                   'SubStr_type', 'ESI_type', 'WebAddress',
                                                   'chemFP', 'specNamesTmp')]
    if(Parameters(object)$bitsChemFP != bitsChemFP){
      smilesDf$chemFP <- NULL
  # remove duplicates 
  smilesDfSub <- smilesDf[duplicated(smilesDf$DBid) == FALSE, , drop=FALSE]

  # add parameters
  Parameters(object)$autoPossId_chemSim <- autoPossId
  Parameters(object)$minSimScore <- minSimScore
  Parameters(object)$possContam <- possContam
  Parameters(object)$bitsChemFP <- bitsChemFP
if(('chemFP' %in% colnames(smilesDfSub)) == FALSE){
  # add new column
  smilesDfSub$chemFP <- ''
  Parameters(object)$bitsChemFP <- bitsChemFP
  # if possible and bitsChemFP equal to 1024 match as many ids as possible to internal
  # databases
  if(Parameters(object)$bitsChemFP == 1024){
    # add precalculated chemical fingerprints if available
    availDbs <- c('HMDB', 'LMSD', 'drugBank', 'T3DB', 'ReSpect')
    # attach 
    allDbIds <- do.call(c, lapply(availDbs, function(x) eval(parse(text=paste0('data(', x, ')')))))
    # extract dbids
    allDbIds <- do.call(c, lapply(availDbs, function(x) eval(parse(text=paste0(x, '$Unique_DB_ID')))))
    # extract chemical fingerprint
    names(allDbIds) <- do.call(c, lapply(availDbs, function(x){
      eval(parse(text=paste0(x, '$chemFP')))}))
    # add any matching database ids to smiles dataframe
    indxTmp <- match(smilesDfSub$DBid, allDbIds)
    smilesDfSub$chemFP[!is.na(indxTmp)] <- names(allDbIds)[indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]]
  # empty chemFP
  indxTmp <- smilesDfSub$chemFP == ''
  # convert first to SMILES set object and then SDF (ChemmineR/OB)
  message('Converting ', sum(indxTmp), ' SMILES codes -> SDF -> atom-pair descriptors -> ', bitsChemFP, 
          ' most common atom pairs (DrugBank.ca) chemical fingerprints this only needs to be performed once...please wait\n')
  SDFtmp <- tryCatch({
    suppressWarnings(ChemmineR::smiles2sdf(gsub('\\*', '', smilesDfSub$SMILES[indxTmp])))
  }, error=function(cond) {
  }, warning=function(cond){
  SDFtmp@ID <- as.character(smilesDfSub$DBid[indxTmp])
  # if necessary alert user to failed apset converts
  errorIndx <- ChemmineR::validSDF(SDFtmp)
  if(any(errorIndx == FALSE)){
  message('The following database entries could not be converted to atom-pair ',
          'descriptors:\n', paste0(smilesDfSub$DBid[indxTmp][errorIndx == FALSE], ' ', paste0('(', smilesDfSub$DBname[indxTmp][errorIndx == FALSE], ')'), sep='\n'),
          'Chemical similarity scores cannot be calculated.')
    # remove invalid sdf
    SDFtmp <- SDFtmp[errorIndx]
    # remove from smilesDfSub
    smilesDf <- smilesDf[-which(smilesDf$DBid %in% smilesDfSub$DBid[indxTmp][errorIndx == FALSE]), , drop=FALSE]
    smilesDfSub <- smilesDfSub[-which(indxTmp)[errorIndx == FALSE], , drop=FALSE]
    indxTmp <- smilesDfSub$chemFP == ''
  # create APset atom pair descriptors files
  #   tryCatch({
  apsetTmp <- suppressWarnings(ChemmineR::sdf2ap(SDFtmp))
  # create n bit finger prints of apset using ChemmineR 
  if(length(apsetTmp) > 0){
  fpsetTmp  <-  ChemmineR::desc2fp(apsetTmp,  descnames=Parameters(object)$bitsChemFP,
  smilesDfSub$chemFP[indxTmp] <- apply(fpsetTmp, 1, function(x) 
                                       paste0(which(x == 1), collapse=';'))
  # calculate tanimoto similarity
  # pmt <- proc.time()
  } else {
    message('None of the missing database entries could not be converted to atom-pair ',
            'Chemical similarity scores cannot be calculated.')
    errorIndx <- rep(FALSE, length(smilesDfSub$SMILES[indxTmp]))
    # remove from smilesDfSub
    smilesDf <- smilesDf[-which(smilesDf$DBid %in% smilesDfSub$DBid[indxTmp][errorIndx == FALSE]), , drop=FALSE]
    smilesDfSub <- smilesDfSub[-which(indxTmp)[errorIndx == FALSE], , drop=FALSE]
    indxTmp <- smilesDfSub$chemFP == '' 
fpsetTmp <-  do.call(rbind, lapply(smilesDfSub$chemFP, function(x){
                    indxTmp <- as.numeric(strsplit(x, ';')[[1]])
                    return(ifelse(1:Parameters(object)$bitsChemFP %in% indxTmp, 1, 0))}))
row.names(fpsetTmp) <- smilesDfSub$DBid
message('calculating tanimoto similarity scores ', prettyNum(nrow(smilesDfSub), big.mark = ','), 
        ' smiles...please wait.\n')
# split matrix in two equal chunks of 2000

# # from fingerprint package function .tanimoto.sim.mat 
# mat <- fpsetTmp %*% t(fpsetTmp)
# len <- length(fpsetTmp[, 1])
# s <- mat.or.vec(len, len)
# smilesTanimoto <- .C("m_tanimoto", as.double(mat), as.integer(len), as.double(s),
#                      PACKAGE = "fingerprint")
# smilesTanimoto <- matrix(smilesTanimoto[[3]], nrow=len, ncol=len, byrow=TRUE

# expand smiles Tanimoto to size of smilesDf
dbIdIndxTmp <- match(smilesDf$DBid, smilesDfSub$DBid)
# add chemical fingerprints to smilesDf
smilesDf$chemFP <- smilesDfSub$chemFP[dbIdIndxTmp] 

# smilesTanimoto <- smilesTanimoto[indxTmp, indxTmp]
# fpsetTmp <- fpsetTmp[indxTmp, ]
# specNamesTmp <- gsub('^CC_|\\.[^\\.]*$', '', row.names(smilesDf))
# colnames(smilesTanimoto) <- gsub('^CC_|\\.[^\\.]*$', '', row.names(smilesDf))
# row.names(smilesTanimoto) <- colnames(smilesTanimoto)
# calculate the mean chemical similarity of first neighbours parallel if necessary
# if(Parameters(object)$nCores > 0){
#     if(!require(foreach)){
#       stop('the foreach package must be installed to run a parallel process.\n')
#     }
#       pmt <- proc.time()
#       nCores <- Parameters(object)$nCores
#       actualCores <- parallel::detectCores()
#       nCores <- ifelse(nCores >= actualCores, actualCores, nCores)
#       message(paste0("Starting SNOW cluster with ", nCores, " local sockets..."))
#       flush.console()
#       cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores)
#       doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl)
#       specNamesTmp <- smilesDf$specNamesTmp
#       # foreach and dopar from foreach package
#       chemSim1stNeigh <- foreach(x=vertPairs, .packages=c('fingerprint')) %dopar% {# from fingerprint package function .tanimoto.sim.mat 
#           indxTmp <- match(specNamesTmp, x)
#           dbIdIndxTmpSub <- dbIdIndxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]
#           fpsetTmpSub <- fpsetTmp[unique(dbIdIndxTmpSub), , drop=FALSE]
#           # mat <- fpsetTmpSub %*% t(fpsetTmpSub)
#           mat <- tcrossprod(fpsetTmpSub)
#           len <- length(fpsetTmpSub[, 1])
#           s <- mat.or.vec(len, len)
#           smilesTanimoto <- .C("m_tanimoto", as.double(mat), as.integer(len), 
#                                as.double(s), PACKAGE = "fingerprint")
#           smilesTanimoto <- matrix(smilesTanimoto[[3]], nrow=len, ncol=len, 
#                                    byrow=TRUE)
#           namesTmp <-  specNamesTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]
#           expandIndxVert <- as.numeric(as.factor(dbIdIndxTmpSub))
#           expandIndxNeigh <- expandIndxVert[namesTmp %in% x[2:length(x)]]
#           expandIndxVert <- expandIndxVert[namesTmp %in% x[1]]
#           smilesTanimoto <- smilesTanimoto[expandIndxNeigh, expandIndxVert, drop=F]
#           row.names(smilesTanimoto) <- namesTmp[namesTmp %in% x[2:length(x)]]
#           colnames(smilesTanimoto) <- namesTmp[namesTmp %in% x[1]]
#           # vector weights
#           weightsV <- as.numeric(names(x))[unique(match(row.names(smilesTanimoto), x))] 
#           # smilesTanimoto <- smilesTanimoto[row.names(smilesTanimoto) %in% x[2:length(x)], colnames(smilesTanimoto) %in% x[1], drop=FALSE]
#           smilesTanimoto[is.na(smilesTanimoto)] <- 0
#           meanChemSimTmp <- apply(smilesTanimoto, 2, function(y) weighted.mean(tapply(y, row.names(smilesTanimoto), max), w = weightsV))
#       }
#       # stop SNOW cluster
#       parallel::stopCluster(cl)
#       proc.time() - pmt
#       chemSim1stNeigh <- do.call(c, chemSim1stNeigh)
#       } else {
      # for loop
      chemSim1stNeigh <- vector('list', length(vertPairs))
      if(verbose == TRUE){ pb <- txtProgressBar(max=length(vertPairs), style=3)}  
      pmt <- proc.time()
      for(x in 1:length(vertPairs)){
        if(verbose == TRUE){setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)}
        vpTmp <- vertPairs[[x]]
        indxTmp <- match(smilesDf$specNamesTmp, vpTmp)
        # match order of smiles specNames and vertix pairs
        sortIndxTmp <- which(!is.na(indxTmp))
        sortIndxTmp <- sortIndxTmp[order(indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)])]
        # subset vpTmp
        vpIndx <- sort(unique(indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]))
        vpTmp <- vpTmp[vpIndx]
        if(length(vpTmp) > 1){
        firstV <- which(names(vpTmp) == '0')
        vpTmp <- c(vpTmp[firstV], vpTmp[-firstV])
        # dbIdIndxTmpSub <- dbIdIndxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]
        # fpsetTmpSub <- fpsetTmp[unique(dbIdIndxTmpSub), , drop=FALSE]
        dbIdsTmp <- smilesDf$DBid[sortIndxTmp]
        names(dbIdsTmp) <- smilesDf$specNamesTmp[sortIndxTmp]
        fpsetTmpSub <- fpsetTmp[as.character(unique(dbIdsTmp)), , drop=FALSE]
        mat <- tcrossprod(fpsetTmpSub)
        len <- length(fpsetTmpSub[, 1])
        s <- mat.or.vec(len, len)
        smilesTanimoto <- .C("m_tanimoto", as.double(mat), as.integer(len), 
                             as.double(s), PACKAGE = "fingerprint")
        smilesTanimoto <- matrix(smilesTanimoto[[3]], nrow=len, ncol=len, 
        colnames(smilesTanimoto) <- unique(dbIdsTmp)
        row.names(smilesTanimoto) <- unique(dbIdsTmp)
        # DBNameTmp <- smilesDf$DBid[!is.na(indxTmp)]
        # expandIndxVert <- as.numeric(as.factor(dbIdIndxTmpSub))
        expandIndxNeigh <- dbIdsTmp[names(dbIdsTmp) %in% vpTmp[2:length(vpTmp)]]
        expandIndxVert <- dbIdsTmp[names(dbIdsTmp) %in% vpTmp[1]]
        smilesTanimoto <- smilesTanimoto[as.character(expandIndxNeigh), as.character(expandIndxVert), drop=FALSE]
        # vector weights
        weightsV <- as.numeric(names(vpTmp))[-1] 
        # smilesTanimoto <- smilesTanimoto[row.names(smilesTanimoto) %in% vpTmp[2:length(vpTmp)], colnames(smilesTanimoto) %in% vpTmp[1], drop=FALSE]
        smilesTanimoto[is.na(smilesTanimoto)] <- 0
        chemSimTmp <- apply(smilesTanimoto, 2, function(y) weighted.mean(tapply(y, names(expandIndxNeigh), max), w = weightsV))
        if(length(chemSimTmp) > 0){
        names(chemSimTmp) <- paste0(names(expandIndxVert), ';', names(chemSimTmp))
        chemSim1stNeigh[[x]] <- chemSimTmp
      proc.time() - pmt
      chemSim1stNeigh <- do.call(c, chemSim1stNeigh)  
      # chemSim1stNeigh <- do.call(c, lapply(vertPairs, function(x){
      #   # from fingerprint package function .tanimoto.sim.mat 
      #   indxTmp <- match( smilesDf$specNamesTmp), x)
      #   fpsetTmpSub <- fpsetTmp[!is.na(indxTmp), , drop=FALSE]
      #   mat <- fpsetTmpSub %*% t(fpsetTmpSub)
      #   len <- length(fpsetTmpSub[, 1])
      #   s <- mat.or.vec(len, len)
      #   smilesTanimoto <- .C("m_tanimoto", as.double(mat), as.integer(len), as.double(s),
      #                        PACKAGE = "fingerprint")
      #   smilesTanimoto <- matrix(smilesTanimoto[[3]], nrow=len, ncol=len, byrow=TRUE)
      #   row.names(smilesTanimoto) <- smilesDf$specNamesTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)])
      #   colnames(smilesTanimoto) <- row.names(smilesTanimoto)
      #   smilesTanimoto <- smilesTanimoto[row.names(smilesTanimoto) %in% x[2:length(x)], colnames(smilesTanimoto) %in% x[1], drop=FALSE]
      #   meanChemSimTmp <- apply(smilesTanimoto, 2, function(y) mean(tapply(y, row.names(smilesTanimoto), max)))
      # }))
# }
# add chem sim score back to best annotations
indxTmp <- match(paste0(smilesDf$specNamesTmp, ';', smilesDf$DBid), names(chemSim1stNeigh))
smilesDf$MMNNCSS <- 0
# smilesDf <- smilesDf[indxTmp, , drop=FALSE]
smilesDf$MMNNCSS[!is.na(indxTmp)] <- chemSim1stNeigh[indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]]
# split to list
bestAnnoTmp <- split(smilesDf, f=smilesDf$specNamesTmp)

DBanno(object)[names(bestAnnoTmp)] <- lapply(names(bestAnnoTmp), function(x){
  bestAnnoDfTmp <- DBanno(object)[[x]]
  bestAnnoDfTmp$MMNNCSS <- 0
  bestAnnoDfTmp$chemFP <- ''
  indxTmp <- match(bestAnnoDfTmp$DBid, bestAnnoTmp[[x]]$DBid)
  # remove spec names
  bestAnnoTmp[[x]]$specNamesTmp <- NULL
  bestAnnoDfTmp$MMNNCSS[!is.na(indxTmp)] <- bestAnnoTmp[[x]]$MMNNCSS[indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]]
  bestAnnoDfTmp$chemFP[!is.na(indxTmp)] <- bestAnnoTmp[[x]]$chemFP[indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]]
  # sort by chem sim
  bestAnnoDfTmp <- bestAnnoDfTmp[order(bestAnnoDfTmp$MMNNCSS, decreasing = TRUE), , drop=FALSE]

# add empty columns to bestAnno where necessary
noChemFPindx <- sapply(DBanno(object)[emptyIndx], function(x) 'chemFP' %in% colnames(x)) == FALSE

  tmpSpecNames <- names(DBanno(object)[emptyIndx][noChemFPindx])
  DBanno(object)[tmpSpecNames] <- lapply(tmpSpecNames, function(x){
    bestAnnoDfTmp <- DBanno(object)[[x]]
    bestAnnoDfTmp$MMNNCSS <- 0
    bestAnnoDfTmp$chemFP <- ''

if(autoPossId ==  TRUE){
  # message('CAUTION: do you wish to automatically add the most probable database annotations to the comments table (column possible_identity)?\n type (Y/N) and press [enter] to continue (N.B. matchSpectralDB matches will not be overwritten):')
  # flush.console()
  # overWritePossId <- readline()
  # if(overWritePossId == 'Y'){
    smilesDf <- smilesDf[smilesDf$MMNNCSS >= minSimScore, , drop=FALSE]
    if(nrow(smilesDf) > 0){
    # met Id comments table
    metIDcomments <- Comments(object)
    smilesDf <- smilesDf[order(smilesDf$MMNNCSS, decreasing = TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
    # remove duplicate composite spectra
    smilesDf <- smilesDf[duplicated(smilesDf$specNamesTmp) == FALSE, , drop=FALSE]
    # id possible contaminants
    possContaminants <- table(smilesDf$DBname)
    if(any(possContaminants > possContam)){
    indxTmp <- possContaminants > possContam
    message('The following automatic possible annotations have been identified as possible contaminants (i.e. occuring more than ', possContam, ' times see possContam argument) and will be named "possible_contaminant" in the Comments table and flagged "metID.chemSim":\n', paste0(1:sum(indxTmp), '. ', names(possContaminants)[indxTmp], ' (occurs n=', possContaminants[indxTmp], ' times)\n'))
    contamIndx <- (smilesDf$DBname %in% names(possContaminants[indxTmp]))
    contamSpec <- smilesDf$specNamesTmp[contamIndx]
    # add to comments
    indxTmp <- metIDcomments$compSpectrum %in% contamSpec
    metIDcomments$user_comments[indxTmp] <- 'metID.chemSim'
    metIDcomments$possible_identity[indxTmp] <- 'possible_contaminant'
    smilesDf <- smilesDf[contamIndx == FALSE, , drop=FALSE]
    message(nrow(smilesDf), ' composite spectra out of ', nrow(metIDcomments), ' total (', round((nrow(smilesDf)/nrow(metIDcomments)) * 100, 2), '%) have been annotated based on a mean maximum 1st neighbour chemical similarity score (>= ', round(minSimScore, 2), '). First neighbours of the ',  
            paste0(ifelse(names(network(object))[netGraphIndx] == 'specSimGraph', 'spectral similarity', 'correlation'), collapse = ' and '), ' network(s) were utilized.\n\n')
    message('These annotations will now be added to the "metID comments" table in compMS2Explorer.\n')
    # add possible annotations to metIDcomments
    alreadyAnno <- Comments(object)$compSpectrum[grepl('metID\\.matchSpectralDB', Comments(object)$user_comments)]
    if(length(alreadyAnno) > 0){
    smilesDf <- smilesDf[{smilesDf$specNamesTmp %in% alreadyAnno} == FALSE, , drop=FALSE]
    indxTmp <- match(metIDcomments$compSpectrum, smilesDf$specNamesTmp)
    metIDcomments$possible_identity[!is.na(indxTmp)] <- smilesDf$DBname[indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]]
    metIDcomments$ESI_type[!is.na(indxTmp)] <- smilesDf$ESI_type[indxTmp[!is.na(indxTmp)]]
    metIDcomments$user_comments[!is.na(indxTmp)] <- 'metID.chemSim'
    Comments(object) <- metIDcomments
    } else {
    warning('no mean maximum 1st neighbour chemical similarity scores were above the minimum similarity score of ', round(minSimScore, 2), ' consider reducing this parameter.\n')  
  } # end autoPossId
# proc.time() - pmt
 # message('calculating pca model...please wait.\n')
 # flush.console()
 # calculating PCA model
 # pcaModel <- pcaMethods::pca(smilesTanimoto, ...)
 # # return scores
 # pcaScoresTmp <- pcaModel@scores
 # smilesDfSub$SubStr_type <- NULL
 # pcaScoresTmp <- cbind(smilesDfSub, pcaScoresTmp) 
 # colnames(smilesTanimoto) <- smilesDfSub$DBid
 # row.names(smilesTanimoto) <- smilesDfSub$DBid
 # # replace upper tri with zero
 # smilesTanimoto[upper.tri(smilesTanimoto, diag=TRUE] <- 0
 # aboveSimScore <- which(smilesTanimoto >= minSimScore, arr.ind = TRUE)
 # # unique db ids above sim score
 # aboveSimDbIds <- cbind(smilesDfSub$DBid[aboveSimScore[, 1]], 
 #                        smilesDfSub$DBid[aboveSimScore[, 2]])
 # specIdsDbIds <- tapply(gsub('\\.[^\\.]*$', '', row.names(smilesDf)), smilesDf$DBid,
 #                        function(x) paste0(x, collapse=';'))
 # message(length(unique(c(smilesDfSub$DBid[aboveSimScore[, 1]], 
 #                             smilesDfSub$DBid[aboveSimScore[, 2]]))), ' database entries out of ', nrow(smilesDfSub), ' total have a chemical similarity score >= ', minSimScore, ' (Tanimoto)\n')
 # flush.console()
 # netTmp <- igraph::graph(as.vector(t(aboveSimDbIds[, c(1, 2)])))
 # igraph::E(netTmp)$tanimotoScore <- smilesTanimoto[aboveSimScore]
 # # add edge colours to igraph object based on fragment or neutral loss
 # nNodes <- length(igraph::V(netTmp))
 # layoutTmp <- igraph::layout_(netTmp, with_fr()) 
 # indxTmp <- match(igraph::V(netTmp)$name, smilesDfSub$DBid)
 # layoutTmp <- cbind(layoutTmp, smilesDfSub[indxTmp, ])
 # indxTmp <- match(layoutTmp$DBid, names(specIdsDbIds))
 # layoutTmp$compSpec <- specIdsDbIds[indxTmp]
 # message(nNodes,
 #         " nodes with ", length(igraph::E(netTmp)),
 #         " edges identified at a chemical similarity score (tanimoto) >= ", 
 #         minSimScore, '\n')
 # flush.console()
 # network(object)$chemSimGraph <- netTmp 
 # network(object)$chemSimLayout <- layoutTmp
}) # end function
WMBEdmands/compMS2Miner documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:04 p.m.