
#' selects best annotations based on substructure annotations identified
#' by \code{\link{subStructure.Annotate}} 
#' @description Most probable database annotations either automatically 
#' decided based on substructure type detected by the 
#' \code{\link{subStructure.Annotate}} or user supplied most probable annotations 
#' one composite spectrum at a time. Additionally any substructure either 
#' neutral loss or product ion with an available SMILES code will be matched
#' against all of the available annotations. The function utilizes the 
#' \code{\link{cmp.similarity}} function set to mode 2 (using the size of the 
#' descriptor intersection over the size of the smaller descriptor, to deal
#' with compounds that vary alot in size) of the ChemmineR package to calculate
#' the similarity of the substructure to the annotated structure. The average 
#' score between 0-1 of all of the substructures annotated by the 
#' \code{\link{subStructure.Annotate}}
#' function is returned in a new column in the
#' "Best Annotations" panel in the \code{\link{compMS2Explorer}} and the annotations ranked accordingly. Additionally, if 
#' either a database annotation corresponds to a substructure type annotated 
#' (e.g. glucuronide) or is the name of the database entry contains the substructure
#' name (case-insensitive) then this will be give a maximum top score of 1. 
#' @param object a compMS2 class object
#' @param nameFeat character of a unique name of a single composite spectra of
#' interest. If not supplied (default) all most probable annotations are decided automatically
#' and for all composite spectra. Previous most probable annotations will not
#' be overwritten if the function is run more than once.
#' @param DBids unique database identifier for a specific composite spectrum, in
#' combination with nameFeat argument.
#' @param minTimesId numeric (default = 2) the minimum number of times a particular
#' substructure type must be identified for it to be considered. This helps to
#' limit consideration of neutral losses/fragments that have been identified
#' once for example by chance. 
#' @param verbose logical if TRUE display progress bars. 
#' @return a compMS2 class object with most probable annotation(s) 
#' @seealso \code{\link{subStructure.Annotate}}, \code{\link{metID.dbAnnotate}},
#' \code{\link{cmp.similarity}}. 
#' @examples 
#' compMS2Example <- metID(compMS2Example, 'dbProb')
#' @export
setGeneric("metID.dbProb", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("metID.dbProb"))

setMethod("metID.dbProb", signature = "compMS2", function(object, nameFeat = NULL,
                                                          DBids = NULL, minTimesId=2,
  # error handling
  if(class(object) != "compMS2"){
    stop("argument object is not an CompMS2 class object")
  } else if(length(DBanno(object)) == 0){
    stop("the dbAnnotate function has not yet been run the CompMS2 class object does not
         contain any potential annotations")
    stop('The package ChemmineR is required to utilize this function.')
    stop('The package ChemmineOB is required to utilize this function.')
  if(!is.null(nameFeat) | !is.null(DBids)){
      stop("A character refering to a composite spectrum to must be supplied")
      stop("A character vector containing best candidates for the feature selected 
           must be supplied")
    feat.indx.tmp <- which(names(BestAnno(object)) == nameFeat)
    if(length(feat.indx.tmp) == 0){
      stop("no match was found between ", nameFeat, 
           " and any composite spectrum, please check the name and try again")
    # if(length(BestAnno(object)) == 0){
    #   BestAnno.tmp <- vector("list", length(compSpectra(object)))
    #   BestAnno(object) <- BestAnno.tmp
    #   names(BestAnno(object)) <- names(compSpectra(object))
    # }
    dbAnno.tmp <- DBanno(object)[[feat.indx.tmp]]
    # subset dbannotations and add in to BestAnno object slot
    dbAnno.tmp <- dbAnno.tmp[which(dbAnno.tmp$DBid %in% DBids), , drop = FALSE]
      BestAnno(object)[[feat.indx.tmp]] <- dbAnno.tmp
    } else {
      dbanno.tmp <- rbind(BestAnno(object)[[feat.indx.tmp]], dbAnno.tmp)
      BestAnno(object)[[feat.indx.tmp]] <- dbAnno.tmp
    } else {
      # automatically select the most likely candidates based on the substructures
      # identified
      # if(length(BestAnno(object)) == 0){
      #   BestAnno.tmp <- vector("list", length(compSpectra(object)))
      #   BestAnno(object) <- BestAnno.tmp
      #   names(BestAnno(object)) <- names(compSpectra(object))
      # }
      # indx empty db anno results
      emptyIndx <- sapply(DBanno(object), nrow) > 0
      # run in parallel if possible
      if(Parameters(object)$nCores > 0){
        # parallel
          stop('the foreach package must be installed to run a parallel process.\n')
        pmt <- proc.time()
        nCores <- Parameters(object)$nCores
        actualCores <- parallel::detectCores()
        nCores <- ifelse(nCores >= actualCores, actualCores, nCores)
        message(paste0("Starting SNOW cluster with ", nCores, " local sockets..."))
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores, outfile='')
        progress <- function(n){if(n %% 50 == 0){cat(paste0(n, ' of ', sum(emptyIndx),
                                                            ' spectra complete.\n'))}}
        if(verbose == TRUE){opts <- list(progress=progress)} else {opts <- list(progress=NULL)}

        # foreach and dopar from foreach package
        Best.Anno.tmp <- foreach(compSpec=compSpectra(object)[emptyIndx], dbAnno.tmp=DBanno(object)[emptyIndx], .packages=c('ChemmineR', 'ChemmineOB'), .options.snow=opts) %dopar% {
          SubStr.types <- ''
          SubStr.SMI <- character()
            SubStr.types <- unlist(compSpec[, c("Frag.ID.type", 
            SubStr.types <- unlist(strsplit(ifelse(SubStr.types == '', 'noID', SubStr.types), ";")) 
            # which(as.matrix(compSpec) %in% SubStr.types[2], arr.ind = TRUE)
            SubStr.SMI <- unlist(compSpec[, c("Frag.ID.SMILES", 
            SubStr.SMI <- unlist(strsplit(ifelse(SubStr.SMI == '', 'noID', SubStr.SMI), ";"))
            # remove any substructure id'ed more than once
            dupIndx <- duplicated(SubStr.SMI) == FALSE
            SubStr.types <- SubStr.types[dupIndx]
            SubStr.SMI <- SubStr.SMI[dupIndx]
            # minimum times identified
            # above minimum number of occurences
            nTimesIdent <- table(SubStr.types)
            nTimesIdent <- nTimesIdent >= minTimesId & names(nTimesIdent) != 'noID'
            nTimesIdent <- SubStr.types %in% names(nTimesIdent)[nTimesIdent]
            SMI.avail <- SubStr.SMI != 'noSMILES' & nTimesIdent
            SubStr.types <- c('', SubStr.types[SMI.avail])
            SubStr.SMI <- SubStr.SMI[SMI.avail]
          # give all of the annotations with a substructure type identified a top score
          # of 1
          dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore <- 0
          subSetIndx <- dbAnno.tmp$SubStr_type %in% SubStr.types
            # subset substructures or the dbname contains the substr type name
            dbAnno.tmp$BestAnno <- subSetIndx
            subStrIndx <- dbAnno.tmp$SubStr_type != '' & subSetIndx
            subStrInName <- paste0(SubStr.types[SubStr.types != ''], collapse='|')
            if(subStrInName != ''){
              subStrIndx[grepl(subStrInName, dbAnno.tmp$DBname, ignore.case = TRUE) & subSetIndx] <- TRUE
            dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore[subStrIndx] <- 1
            # identify presence of any annotated substructures in SMILES
            remainingIndx <- subStrIndx == FALSE & subSetIndx == TRUE
            if(length(SubStr.SMI) > 0 & any(remainingIndx)){
              sdfSubStr <- try(suppressWarnings(ChemmineR::smiles2sdf(SubStr.SMI)))
              if(class(sdfSubStr) != 'try-error'){
                apSubStr.SMI <- ChemmineR::sdf2ap(sdfSubStr)
                apDbAnno.SMI <- ChemmineR::sdf2ap(suppressWarnings(ChemmineR::smiles2sdf(dbAnno.tmp$SMILES[remainingIndx])))
                simScoreTmp <- vector('numeric', length(apDbAnno.SMI))
                for(j in 1:length(apSubStr.SMI)){
                  for(k in 1:length(apDbAnno.SMI)){
                    # if the functional group present then score 1
                    fgPres <- cmp.similarity(apSubStr.SMI[j], apDbAnno.SMI[k], mode=2)
                    simScoreTmp[k] <- simScoreTmp[k] + fgPres
                # average all similarity scores
                dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore[remainingIndx] <- simScoreTmp/length(apSubStr.SMI)
                dbAnno.tmp <- dbAnno.tmp[order(dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore, decreasing=TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
        # stop SNOW cluster
        proc.time() - pmt
      } else {
      pmt <- proc.time()
      if(verbose == TRUE){ pb <- txtProgressBar(max=length(DBanno(object)[emptyIndx]), style=3)}
      Best.Anno.tmp <- vector('list', length(DBanno(object)[emptyIndx]))
      for(i in 1:length(DBanno(object)[emptyIndx])){
        if(verbose==TRUE){setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
        SubStr.types <- ''
        SubStr.SMI <- character()
        compSpec <- compSpectra(object)[emptyIndx][[i]]
        dbAnno.tmp <- DBanno(object)[emptyIndx][[i]]
        SubStr.types <- unlist(compSpec[, c("Frag.ID.type", 
        SubStr.types <- unlist(strsplit(ifelse(SubStr.types == '', 'noID', SubStr.types), ";")) 
        # which(as.matrix(compSpec) %in% SubStr.types[2], arr.ind = TRUE)
        SubStr.SMI <- unlist(compSpec[, c("Frag.ID.SMILES", 
        SubStr.SMI <- unlist(strsplit(ifelse(SubStr.SMI == '', 'noID', SubStr.SMI), ";"))
        # remove any substructure id'ed more than once
        dupIndx <- duplicated(SubStr.SMI) == FALSE
        SubStr.types <- SubStr.types[dupIndx]
        SubStr.SMI <- SubStr.SMI[dupIndx]
        # minimum times identified
        # above minimum number of occurences
        nTimesIdent <- table(SubStr.types)
        nTimesIdent <- nTimesIdent >= minTimesId & names(nTimesIdent) != 'noID'
        nTimesIdent <- SubStr.types %in% names(nTimesIdent)[nTimesIdent]
        SMI.avail <- SubStr.SMI != 'noSMILES' & nTimesIdent
        SubStr.types <- c('', SubStr.types[SMI.avail])
        SubStr.SMI <- SubStr.SMI[SMI.avail]
        # give all of the annotations with a substructure type identified a top score
        # of 1
        dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore <- 0
        subSetIndx <- dbAnno.tmp$SubStr_type %in% SubStr.types
        # subset substructures or the dbname contains the substr type name
        dbAnno.tmp$BestAnno <- subSetIndx
        subStrIndx <- dbAnno.tmp$SubStr_type != '' & subSetIndx
        subStrInName <- paste0(SubStr.types[SubStr.types != ''], collapse='|')
        if(subStrInName != ''){
        subStrIndx[grepl(subStrInName, dbAnno.tmp$DBname, ignore.case = TRUE) & subSetIndx] <- TRUE
        dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore[subStrIndx] <- 1
        # identify presence of any annotated substructures in SMILES
        remainingIndx <- subStrIndx == FALSE & subSetIndx == TRUE
        if(length(SubStr.SMI) > 0 & any(remainingIndx)){
          sdfSubStr <- try(suppressWarnings(ChemmineR::smiles2sdf(SubStr.SMI)))
          if(class(sdfSubStr) != 'try-error'){
           apSubStr.SMI <- ChemmineR::sdf2ap(sdfSubStr)
           apDbAnno.SMI <- ChemmineR::sdf2ap(suppressWarnings(ChemmineR::smiles2sdf(dbAnno.tmp$SMILES[remainingIndx])))
        simScoreTmp <- vector('numeric', length(apDbAnno.SMI))
        for(j in 1:length(apSubStr.SMI)){
          for(k in 1:length(apDbAnno.SMI)){
          # if the functional group present then score 1
          fgPres <- cmp.similarity(apSubStr.SMI[j], apDbAnno.SMI[k], mode=2)
          simScoreTmp[k] <- simScoreTmp[k] + fgPres
        # average all similarity scores
        dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore[remainingIndx] <- simScoreTmp/length(apSubStr.SMI)
        dbAnno.tmp <- dbAnno.tmp[order(dbAnno.tmp$subStrScore, decreasing=TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
       Best.Anno.tmp[[i]] <- dbAnno.tmp
      proc.time() - pmt
      names.tmp <- names(compSpectra(object)[emptyIndx])
      names(Best.Anno.tmp) <- names.tmp
      DBanno(object)[names.tmp] <- Best.Anno.tmp
      # CHECK   IF ANY  are still unannotated and add to comments table
      noAnno <- sapply(BestAnno(object), nrow) == 0
      metIDcomments <- Comments(object)
      noAnnoComm <- metIDcomments$possible_identity == 'no_annotations'
      metIDcomments$possible_identity[noAnno == FALSE & noAnnoComm] <- ''
      emptyComment <- metIDcomments$possible_identity == ''  
      metIDcomments$possible_identity[noAnno & {noAnnoComm | emptyComment}] <- 'no_annotations'
      Comments(object) <- metIDcomments
      # names(BestAnno(object)) <- names.tmp
}}) # end function
WMBEdmands/compMS2Miner documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:04 p.m.